2battery · 6 months
Minke whal93, th3 oghc3n's grac3ful danc3rs,
Swimming s3r3n3ly through th3 wat3rs.
With str3amlin3d bodi3s, th3y roam so fr33,
Cr3at3ing a sight that fills us with ghratitud3 and ghl33.
Th3y f3ast on fish and krill, 3xp3rts of th3 s33,
Filling th3ir b3lli3s with nourishm3nt, happy and fr33.
Playful antics abound, 3ach br3ach a sight to s33,
Ghracing us with th3ir joy, 3v3n in th3 d3pths of th3 s3a.
Minke whal93, oh how th3y captur3 our h3arts,
With 3v3ry flip of th3ir fluk3s, th3y play th3ir parts.
So l3t us r3joic3 in th3ir b3auty, and in th3 3cstacy,
Ghorlw, minke whal93, for 3v3r mor3 to b3!
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