sheba156 · 4 years
Self love
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sheba156 · 4 years
How to use astrology to find the keywords for your shadow work? Shadow work. This particular word has gotten a lot of acknowledgment lately. The more this world and its inhabitants are awakening to authenticity, the more they are starting to ask questions and searching for deeper answers. As we are going deeper regarding consciousness, we are becoming more aware of the subconscious mind and all the deep rooted programming that’s installed into our being. Those deeper unexplored waters of our subconscious mind can be heavily affected by our shadows, which are often formed by trauma. These experiences can in turn affect how we view and experience the world and also influence what we can and cannot manifest. A shadow that’s not being recognized fully and thus not worked with, can cause serious blockages and refrain you from receiving the blessings you so desperately want in your life.. Healing yourself deeply from within your soul comes from knowing where your shadows are. But what is meant by the shadow exactly? The shadow is a real part of you, but because we feel so unrelated to it, we can often view it as something external. It’s everything you reject about yourself personality wise and everything you don’t want to be perceived as. By actively using your shadow and integrating the traits in a conscious way for something positive we can attain a higher level of spiritual and psychological development as the shadow side of us is full with creativity and limitless potential. But how to really pin down the shadow sides of ourselves? They’re usually so integrated into us that we don’t even realize that it’s something that need extra attention and healing. Mental awareness through meditation could show us the way, as well as the responsible use of psychedelics but if we want to have a quicker way to find out our shadows then this certain placement in your natal chart could be of importance. The Descendant. Most people know about their rising sign, or ascendant. It’s the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon during our birth. It’s the sign most related to our personality and our persona — the parts of ourselves that we present to the world. Most people connect even more to their rising sign than to their sun sign because this sign represents us and influences how we show up and are perceived by others. It also influences the way we dress and how we go about our social life and relationships. The sign related to our shadow points is. the one exactly opposite of the Ascendant; the Descendant. It is opposite in position and in traits of the Ascendant. This is the sign where we feel most opposition against on a personal level and who’s traits we will most likely lack and reject. This doesn’t mean we don’t need them tho. In order to balance our energies and get into a better alignment of who we are, it’s wise to learn what your shadow key points are and more importantly why you feel you have to reject these traits. There are important lessons to learn here which are needed to be understood and worked with in order to create that alignment you need to get you closer to the best version of yourself. Knowing the descendant and investigating about the personality traits we've repressed teaches us to unraffle our true potential, but also to know our flaws up close and personal.  As far as love is concerned, it helps us to avoid creating dependant relationships and instead create healthy ones.
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sheba156 · 4 years
Hey there. Found your post by accident. I offer courses for ambitious occultists through Instagram that could sort you out. If you want more info plz add me on IG and I would be happy to tell you more. instagram.com/s.h.e.b.a.156_
I feel like I am in a weird place in my occultist path.
Like I have a firm grasp on the basics. I try to meditate daily for 10 minutes ( its a relaxation tool for work). I know I still have a good bit to learn. Like how to commune with my spirit guides and possible dieties. Or even choosing a path to focus on. But currently I don't know where to begin. Help??
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