I fully support this you guys don't even know
2P America’s headcanon voice anyone?
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can i has a ship?? (its okei if u cant) okie, so, im like 5'2", brown hair with bangs (usually pigtails) and green eyes. i seem like sweet and innocent when u first meet me (but im secretly a kink master huehuehue) and i can be reaaallyy energetic. im really girly and into dresses an such, but i mean im not afraid to launch myself onto u and attack u if u wanna fite 😂 and its pretty easy for me to fall for guys bc even a lil bit of flirting kills me ahh~ (thaT WAS A LOT SOWWYY!! 😅)
(Oi, my first pairing! *cracks knuckles* alright, let's do this)I pair you with….Matt! Your energetic persona was off-putting to him at first, he will not deny it, but your sweet side seem to suck him in like the sway of a river; wanting to know exactly what can cause you to be such a way in a bleak world.Not to mention you are undeniably adorable, always seeming to be cladded in a dress and bouncing about, standing up for yourself despite your short status.Oh, but you bet he will use that to his advantage. You may be able to hold your ground, but he is not above flaunting his taller stature by picking you up and slinging you over his shoulders; carrying you upon him despite how you wiggle and whine. Or when he is feeling particular teasing, he would rest his elbow upon your head casually, as if you were his armrest. He would return your flirting with an almost passive reaction, staring at you lazily from under his sunglasses; his lips pulled upwards in a half smile. But provoke him enough with sultry-like words, his pale cheeks would turn a light hue of pink as his mouth twitched; before wrapping you in his arms and taking you to the bedroom. Often, you will emerge wearing his plaid pajama top and a dopey little smile upon your kiss-swollen lips, catching him cooking pancakes at the stove with only his boxers on.You two will live in balanced harmony, rounding each other out with your differentiated personalities.
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Yo I was just wondering which character you'd RP with?
Yo! If you meant, What characters I use to role-play, then it’s usually the likes of Canada, 1p and 2p and nyo, same with America, England, Russia, Prussia, and Australia. (It doesn’t have to strictly stick with 2ps) it’s not because I value them the most, but mostly because I know them a better. If you meant what I prefer YOU using, then it doesn’t really matter to me as long as it’s the opposite sex of mine I.E. a straight ship, so OCs, nyos, or hell, even the reader is allowed. This is only because I’ve been rping yuri and yaoi so long that I actually want to know how it is to write those kind of ships again. I’m sorry if you were looking forward to that!Hope this all makes sense to everyone and if interested, just send me a message and/or ask!
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Off Topic but sort of Important Post
I know I should be finishing the asks (and also a bunch of other stories as well!) but like?? I kind of want to take up rping again? If anyone is interesting in rping with this loser, just send me an message and/or ask with the prompt you want to do and the characters you want to use and we go from there. Side note: since I am emo trash, I want to look for something DARK. like, if you want to do fluffy slice of things then its fine but I really want dark messed up things, such as yandere prompts or dystopia prompts etc. With Nyos is a plus. If you're interested, just hit me up! And now back to your regular scheduled program!
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Dinner time at the 2p!F.A.C.E Home
Allen: *walks in to the family dinner* Hey, sorry I'm late! I was...er, doing things....
Matt: *bursts into the room looking disheveled and pissed off* hE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS
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Mafia! 2p! Italy finding out that his S/O is pregnant? (No nsfw implications, please)
(Guess who manage to dig herself out of hell long enough to start writing again for this blog?
Sorry it’s short and everything, but it is my first attempt back on the bike!)
The word seem to vibrate inside the deepest part of his mind, seeming to nip at his spinal cord and causing his knees to feel weak. His tongue sat heavily in his jaw.
He could only stare blankly at his significant other, his countenance muted to all emotions. It was causing (S/O) to become twitchy with agitation, wishing they could grab the italian man before them and shake him hysterically, snarl for him to do something. Say something.
Out of every possibility she can think of while gazing slack-jawed down at the pregnancy test several weeks before….she never really thought of this. She expected some screaming directed at her, asking her why she dared to be so foolish (Despite knowing he was largely to blame giving how…ravenous he could be after putting a hit in) or for him to chortle arrogantly and ask her why is she waiting so long to get rid of it. Perhaps even get his bodyguards to throw her out onto the streets.
But not this…this silence. That utter look of nothingness.
She was sort of wishing he went with the other options now, if she was honest.
“Well?” she asked, more snappy than she was planning for it to come out. But truly, she was tired. She spent half the fucking morning puking her brains out, and the other racing around the busy italian town in a way to put off telling her boyfriend of the news. Her head was spinning, her mouth stung with stomach acid, and her feet throbbed.
He blinked at her once, startled out of the reverie that seem to have consume the arrogant mafia leader for several minutes. His lips (often pulled into a knowing smirk) twisted into a purse of concentration.
“So…what you are telling me is….you are pregnant….” he spoke slowly, each word a slow drawl that send a shiver down her spine. Damn her pregnant hormones.
“yes….yes I am…” she nodded wearily, “I took three pregnancy tests just to be sure, and even visited the doctor’s earlier to confirm it. I’m three months along now…” she seem to pause for a moment as she turned to look sharply up at him, “and you better not ask me if it is yours”
Unexpectedly, he gave a small snort at this, the cocky expression he often wore bleeding back into his lips as he replied, “of course it’s mine, do you really think I wouldn’t find out you had a lover already without having the boys personally castrate him before you two slept together?” he clucked his tongue at her as if he was her professor before going on, “honestly, it’s as if you keep forgetting how much power I hold…”
“I don’t think that’s possible by this point…” she murmured, glancing around the spacious and beautifully decorated penthouse apartment that they resided in together, complete with a working elevator and an indoor jacuzzi that they spend their weekends in. Apparently, it belonged to a sleazy politician that Luciano gang use to work with up until he started to skip out on payments to help pay his new wife shopping spree.
It didn’t end well for him, given how they found him in a belly of a shark several miles off the coast of Italy. They moved in merely a week later.
She gave a small yelp as he pulled her towards him, her face mashed against his chest and becoming heated by his bodice; his arm resting tightly around her hips.
“What are you doing?” she couldn’t help but question in a muffled tone as he pulled out his phone from his pocket, his thumb already dancing across the keyboards.
Ignoring her, he brought it to his ear and waited a moment as the other person picked up before launching into his commanding tone, “Luigi? Tell Tony that I need two muscle heads over as soon as possible…yeah, yeah I want them to guard (S/O) as closely as possible for the next five months…she’s pregnant and I don’t want any of the other fucking sharks to use her and my baby against me or I will absolutely bury them and anyone who let her get hurt…So I want her closely guarded, I want someone to drive her everywhere, and I want someone to run out and get whatever she’s craving…Oh! And the best doctors money can get, I want my baby to be the healthiest and happiest baby that ever existed, capisci?”
Turning away from the cell for a moment, he placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead as he murmured against her skin, “Don’t worry Mio Amore, we’ll get through this together…I won’t let any of those bastards try to destroy our family…” pulling away slightly so he can peer down at your flushed expression, he gave a condescending smirk as he went on, “besides, I always wanted a heir to take over the empire…we can turn it into a family business…”
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kermit really is that bitch…… he went from crying in showers and talking to negative inner monologues to running freely in a dandelion field,,…i’m tryna be on this level
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I use to have dreams Now I have memes
2p!Russia, probably
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I fully support this headcanon
Imagine 2p!England strapping child 2p!America in the ANTI-MASTURBATION CROSS
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2p! Canada: *gazing around the forest he takes care of as a mountie* aren’t these trees beautiful? They are the oldest living things in this park… 2p! England: *runs right into him by accident* Oopsie! 2p! Canada: …I was wrong….
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Hope everyone had a spoopy holiday!
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Do you do male s/o?? * sweats nervously*
Why yes Love, course I do male s/o as well!
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....... ...... .......
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Dead blogs
Why are there so many god damn dead 2P hetalia blogs? “Oh look at this nice blog. Everything is so well written and cool, imma send in a request. Oh would you look at that, the last post was posted in 1984. Haha that’s so great. *Single tear*”
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I drink to forget, but I always remember
2p! Germany every time he goes out to drink , probably
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2p!England: *repeatedly slamming a phone into the desk in a fit of pastel colored rage*
2p!France: Oliver! OLIVER!
2p!England: wHAT?!
2p!France: It's a inanimate fucking object....
2p!America: .... *whispers* fucking savage...
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For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! ♡♡♡
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Ayyy hon what's up w some 2P France daddy kink? Maybe please? /OwO)/
(This kink will be the death of me I swear lmaoSorry so short. I suck at kinky things now)A melodic whimper slipped from your quivering lips softly as you felt the tips of calloused fingers brush against your clothed clit yet again, setting you to squirm impatiently in his lap and purposefully rubbing your arse against his groin. Jacque merely chuckled at this desperate ploy of seduction, only continuing to cup and squeeze you through your rapidly dampening panties. "Quite impatient are we, non?" he chortled, his breath reeking of cancer sticks and liquor kisses and absorbing into your flesh, practically bathing you in it. Your lust only rose tenfold at this heedy scent, causing you to buck your crotch mercilessly into his wandering grip. Your breath was now a stutter as you dug your fingers in his forearms greedily, wanting him to ravish you and devour you whole. Your skirt was bunched around your waist, and your ivory blouse ripped open to reveal your rapidly rising and falling bra cladded chest. "Do you want Daddy to fuck you, Mon Cher?" He whispered lowly, his fingers now dug deep into you and pressing into the soft flesh of your vulva,the other hand unzipping his trousers and reaching into the gaping hole, "Do you want Daddy to shove his cock into that pretty little pussy of yours? Fuck you until you don't even know your own name? That is what you want, Non? ""Y-yes...." you croaked, worrying at your bottom lip as your cheeks flushed with bashfulness; Still unaccustomed to how crude your lover could be. But oh, you would do anything. Even fly to the moon and back if he requested it, just so he can relinquish the burning need trapped inside you that only he can manage to put out."Yes what, Mon cher?" He hummed, giving the crook of your neck a sharp nip with his teeth as he twisted his fingers inside you, causing another raspy gasp to quiver from your throat. He managed to slide his cock out from the confines of his trousers, the hardened member pressing into your backside almost uncomfortably. He was rubbing the blunt tip almost teasingly up your slit once he pushed your undergarment out of the way, precum dripping from the tip and wetting your curls, causing you to loll your head back against his shoulder and moan deeply."Y-yes Daddy yes..." you beseeched, turning your gaze so you can lock your warmed eyes with his, "I want you to fuck me hard Daddy, I want you to fuck me until I can't feel my legs the next morning...I want you so badly....please Daddy...." you pressed yourself against his cock as you spoke, shuddering as you felt his tip pulsing against your cunt. Pressing feverish kisses along the pulse of your throat, He lifted you only slightly, aligned himself with your opening, and slammed you down onto him with a moaning swear slipping from his lips. Grasping at your full hips now, He soon began to thrust deeply into you as you arch against him, your whimpers and moans melting with his and the slapping of skin together echoing in the still air. "That's right....fuck Daddy..." Jacque gasped against your skin as he groped at your exposed breasts greedily, your opening already beginning to clench around him and him still not reaching his peak, "My little dirty girl...."
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