30daysofaffirmations · 16 hours
Have you signed up for the 30 Days of Affirmations newsletter? Each week, you get the affirmation for that week, plus occasional thoughts on health and wellness from me, Nik. And, a chance to get your own personalized affirmations! Sign up today at https://30daysofaffirmations.com/sign-up-for-the-newsletter/
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This is the short version of the Connection affirmations. The long version can be found on the website, https://30daysofaffirmations.com/2024-may-2-connection/
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Humans have a need to connect. With each other, with our community, with ourselves. Each of those connections may look very different from one another, but all are necessary for our mental and emotional health. And our conection with ourselves may be the most important one of all.
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Have you signed up for the 30 Days of Affirmations newsletter? Each week, you get the affirmation for that week, plus occasional thoughts on health and wellness from me, Nik. And, a chance to get your own personalized affirmations! Sign up today at https://30daysofaffirmations.com/sign-up-for-the-newsletter/
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This is the short version of the Solitude affirmations. The long version can be heard on the 30 Days of Affirmations website, https://30daysofaffirmations.com/2024-april-25-solitude/
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Solitude is not about being lonely, or being isolated. It’s a conscious choice to spend time alone, away from the distractions of the world. It’s a time to tune out all the outside noise, and look within, allowing ourselves to be fully present with ourselves. In solitude, we can listen to our inner voice, reflect on our own thoughts and emotions, and gain clarity within ourselves.
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Have you signed up for the 30 Days of Affirmations newsletter? Each week, you get the affirmation for that week, plus occasional thoughts on health and wellness from me, Nik. And, a chance to get your own personalized affirmations! Sign up today at https://30daysofaffirmations.com/sign-up-for-the-newsletter/
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This is the short version of the Balance affirmations. The long version can be found on the 30 Days of Affirmations website, at https://30daysofaffirmations.com/2024-april-18-balance/
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Work-life balance is a total misconception. There’s no such thing as “work-life balance". There never has been. Work doesn’t happen instead of life, work is life, or at least one part of it. You do need balance in your life, true, but it’s not an either-or situation.
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Have you signed up for the 30 Days of Affirmations newsletter? Each week, you get the affirmation for that week, plus occasional thoughts on health and wellness from me, Nik. And, a chance to get your own personalized affirmations! Sign up today at https://30daysofaffirmations.com/sign-up-for-the-newsletter/
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This is the short version of the Reflection affirmations, The long version can be heard on the website, https://30daysofaffirmations.com/2024-april-11-reflection/.
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Humans are always in motion. Sure, we take time here and there to relax with friends, to rest, to sleep. But for the most part, every thought we have, every action we make, is to get somewhere, in our minds, in our careers, in our world. We rarely take time to reflect.
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Have you signed up for the 30 Days of Affirmations newsletter? Each week, you get the affirmation for that week, plus occasional thoughts on health and wellness from me, Nik. And, a chance to get your own personalized affirmations! Sign up today at https://30daysofaffirmations.com/sign-up-for-the-newsletter/
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This is the short version of the Serenity affirmations. The long version can be found on the website, https://30daysofaffirmations.com/2024-april-4-serenity/.
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Serenity is a state of inner calm. It transcends whatever circumstances we are in. It’s an emotional and spiritual equilibrium that comes from within. It's the quiet confidence that resides within us, influencing our reactions to the world around us. Cultivate inner calm and navigate life's currents with grace.
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Failure sucks. There’s no other way to say it. It sucks because…well, you failed! You didn’t succeed in what you planned to do. You didn’t measure up. You didn’t keep your promise. It’s an awful feeling.
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30daysofaffirmations · 2 months
This is the short version of the Failure affirmations. The long version can be found on the 30 Days of Affirmations website, https://30daysofaffirmations.com/2024-february-29-failure/.
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