365lasochraide · 2 years
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La luna sale detras de la Aguille San Nom Chamonix By Tomas meson
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365lasochraide · 2 years
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365lasochraide · 2 years
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365lasochraide · 2 years
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365lasochraide · 2 years
Celtic Dragon Ruby Necklace
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365lasochraide · 2 years
missing your art today! hope you're doing well
Thank yuo kjnly, dear anon. I am afrad I will be unble to post fora wile longer, but I can hartly wait to be back :(
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365lasochraide · 2 years
why did you stop using tumblr? we miss you
My apologes for disapring, friends! I've had sme rel life maters to tend to and want unable to log in. Thank yuo for yur consen thogh! I truely miss yuos aswell <3
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365lasochraide · 2 years
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365lasochraide · 2 years
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365lasochraide · 2 years
Dragon necklace
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365lasochraide · 2 years
Dragon Bard
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365lasochraide · 2 years
bonus question: what magical creatures do you believe in? which ones do you not believe in, but wish were real?
Do spirits coitn as magical creatries? xD Bevaude I certanly belive in them! As I do in the Tuatha Dé and the Sídhe. I do not think follwoing one religon shold mean that no others are real, simply that yuo pick one partcilar code to guide yuor life. It is similar to livign in one county and abiding by their law, wich does not mean there are no other legal sistems in the word :)
Now regarding those I do nto believe in, to this day I mourn the favt that dragons as sen in mithogoly are not real. :(
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365lasochraide · 2 years
stories but make it orally told stories too. I'm obsessed with Ireland's oral tradition and I've been living here most of my life lol it's like the magic never really fades away isn't it?
Thank you for the inxlsuon dear anon! Inded it is like there si only so much the pags of a book can contin, isn't there? How cold the soul of a nation dating back centriues be posibyl enconpwssed without a lviign person to tell a tale, to add on their own spin while passing on the manerisms and aditiosn of those who came brfore them? Baridc tradition shold have truely never died. At any rate, on to your answer!
stories: books you remember from your childhood?
Coming from an islnand, I rmemeber several tales involving the sea. My father probably wishrs he had been born when seanchaidhe trived to this day, and so he told me plenty of stories both in the Catholic tradition and the Gaelic one, and of corse the mix of both XD I am quiet fond of the vyage of Saint Brendan the Navigator as well as the tales of Irish sea god Manannán mac Lir, who also happened to be the king of the Other World, though thise are storis I herd mostly form my grandmother.
We also ahve mant ghost stories in Kerry. My one memory of me grandaunt is her telling me this story about the speirits of the deceased that manifested as ethereal pitblack animals that wold come to visit the homes of either thsoe that were dear to them or thsoe that ronged them. Per haps that si why I dream of shadowy creatures so much? xD
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365lasochraide · 2 years
finds&offerings combo
finds: what kind of item would you most likely buy from an antique store?
Rings, broches, any thing memento mori for mysefl. Pretty tea cups or inkewls for @lunsmovingcastle . Intricat objeclts with ridiclosuly specific funtons or anything eye themed for @watchfuleyeleans . Some religius imagry or a cigaret case for me grandmother.
offering: how do you show others you are fond of them?
Allrrady qnswred this one, but thank you dear anon <3
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365lasochraide · 2 years
(from thyme) elder bc I think you'll be a fun old man :3
Why thank yuo kindly Miss Thyme! That shall now become me goal in life XD
elder: what do u expect to be like in your elder years?
Increibly wrinkly, and juging by my gentics, probly with a head ful of white hair. Posibky forgetful yet more talkave than I allready am. xD
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365lasochraide · 2 years
chimes times
chimes: what sounds are your favorite?
Pencil on paper, water pored in a mug or tea cup, the ocean crahsing on rocks, humming, one particular heart beat.
times: when do you normally awaken?
Me sleep scedule is all over ghe place these days xD Some times I awkane at aroudn midday. Some times it is closer to the evening. And then there are those few dtas when it haedly fels like I have awakned at all haha
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365lasochraide · 2 years
marking, offering
marking: describe your tattoos,or tattoos you would like in the future?
I have no tatoos and I don't quiet think I wold like to get any. My apologies for the dispontment anon xD
offering: how do you show others you are fond of them?
I love giving me loved oens gifts, specally those I can make! <3 I migt not be the best fo it but I also do my best to take care of those I chersh. Hair care, nakign them tea, having food togeyher, treting any pain or wonds they might have. To me that is a way of sheoing you value some bodys life to the point you wish to protet it.
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