365xpressions · 10 years
mashup monday - "The Bobs"
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright - Bob Dylan; No Woman, No Cry - Bob Marley
I found out about this song sometime last year, and just decided today to try it out.. I spent about 25 minutes trying to figure out how to play the plucking pattern, but I realized I'd run out of my allotted 'creative time' for the morning- so I had to just go for it.   Something felt right about mixing this song with marley during the instrumental sections (especially since I dont have a harmonica lol), so I just did it.  I also realized that I've been misinterpreting the meaning of the lyric "no woman, no cry" for my entire life, so... yea I choose not to feel stupid for that..  Perhaps one day I'll do a proper cover of this- I was feeling a couple different genre directions for those lyrics, and I'll try to explore any other options... another day!
the thought of putting something online that isn't 'polished' is still uncomfortable for me- so that's a perfect sign for the requirements of "365expressions" lol.. rectification to come
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365xpressions · 10 years
(2nd attempt posting this after a phone fail.. Writing this again feels like the 'sloppy seconds' of life but I'll go for it) DAY ... I'm not sure what day this is actually, I've missed like five in a row.. Smh I came across this very old track from a very old version of FL studio that has long been retired.. Discovering it however was like unearthing an archaeological find that reveals specific details about a civilization.. Each version of the program represents different phases of my life and my musical journey and development. This phase was definitely a specific one: synths, odd timings, experimentation and stretching limits- with a tiny bit more musical knowledge and instrumentation backing everything up. I think I wanted to share this not because it is complete but because it represents this very concept- a snapshot of who I was at the time. Honestly I love the potential of this track – tech polka? Perhaps I'll write a song and start a movement.. The title of the beat is "angwitz love"... I have nO idea what that means lol.. Which is also very "me" because of the random nature of titling
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365xpressions · 10 years
DAY 2 -- random voice memo
alright this was supposed to be yesterday.. I guess daily is gonna be tough but we're still truckin over here.. i'll plan on making up 2 in a day if I miss one
the next random submission is a voice memo- and sticking true to my 'anything goes' rule for getting things out of my system, especially because of how raw and flawed this recording is.  I tend to lean towards only sharing things that are fully finished and polished somewhat, but that also tends to ensure nothing is ever shared- so there's that. 
 I guess I plan on randomly posting voice memos from further in the past but this one happens to be very recent.  But it does capture the essence of my usual routine for voice memos: say something silly at the beginning (even though it is definitely just me there), fumble through a song that I've been practicing for 10 minutes prior, and never come back to it.. yea those are pretty much the steps.
I heard this lianne song again the other day and just had the urge to do some of it on the piano- mind you, piano is my 'least skilled' instrument and most recently acquired, but still sometimes those urges come strong (I could have easily picked up the guitar and tried it, but that's not how it came out that day). so.. self disclaimer for piano skill - but is that part of the beauty of this? ahh the thin subjective line between beauty and garbage... lol.. hmm i need to watch 'wasteland' again..
so yea this is the one and only take, and i know none of the words.. but hopefully it'll cause me to put up whatever I feel at the time. perhaps it'll develop into a proper cover later on.. i felt some chord changes being birthed towards the end..
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365xpressions · 10 years
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Day 1
Random selection here, as anticipated.  not quite sure why I love this so much.  It's just a combination of things that I gravitate towards..  the genuine smile along with the dried snot on his face exudes that childlike mischievousness that can be simultaneously life-draining and life-fulfilling.. it's really interesting how kids can achieve both
i think i just love the light in the other pictures.. and that fact that he's completely owning that porch
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365xpressions · 10 years
what is this? 365 expressions?
well, I'm not completely sure actually.
I just know a couple facts:  life is short.  I have so many different things within me that I probably should share before I die.  Not that I plan on dying anytime soon, but still a valid fact.  Leaving these thoughts and creative juices pent up inside simply cannot be healthy, so I'm looking to change that
This tumblr is to be the place where I can freely vent whatever- emphasis on whatever.  I didn't want to have any limitations. no single category. no single genre. no filter. not even a quality expectation. Just something I feel like getting out.  I made a pact with myself that I would make a habit of expressing these various 'anythings' every day of the year- at least once a day. so that will be my goal.
this would be a lot more comfortable if I could preserve my anonymity (I'm sure glad I can type that word because I can't say it! lol), but I imagine it's only a matter of time before I must embrace that vulnerability.  We'll see how long it lasts. 
I hope to encourage others to join me in this quest of daily expression, but for now I'll just get it rollin~
I'm not even sure who will see this, but that's actually not the point at present
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