3llatricks · 1 day
Ella was suddenly burdened by the weight of one of her friends. She turned around and smiled at the girl who had thrown herself onto Ella’s back. 
“Alex! What’s up?”
“Did you hear the news? Did you??”
“Come on, you know I don't pay attention to that stuff.”
Alex rolled her eyes as she began walking next to her friend. Alex and Ella had been friends since the beginning of high school three years ago. They both got along really fast, bonding over their love for stories and art. 
“Right. You’re lame and don't like to be informed.” Alex nodded solemnly. “Anyways! Apparently the Waynes-”
Alex kept droning on but Ella blocked it out. She didn't care for politics or anything similar. The Waynes were the topic of nearly everything so she blocked out what she could. Being rich didn't make you any better than anyone else. Being rich and adopting every kid with a traumatic backstory is worse. Being a rich orphan with a traumatic backstory while adopting every kid with a traumatic backstory… Well, let’s just say Ella had a strong opinion against Mister Bruce Wayne himself. 
Not that she hated the man, she just didn't think he needed to be the subject of every news article. It was always either about the Waynes, the Bats, or Lex Luther. All of which had too much attention on them. Why couldn't they talk about something important like global warming? What about the hybrid laws that are being passed? Ella would rather hear about a bank robbery than the Waynes.
Lost in her hatred towards the media, Ella missed Alex’s question.
“I’m sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you ask?”
Alex huffed out in annoyance.
“The Wayne Twins are coming to our school today to do some sort of presentation. They’re putting on a charity and they’re coming to raise money from kids their age. Don't you think that’s awesome?”
“I guess? I don't know, man. You know my stance on the Waynes.”
“Right. They’re a bunch of rich A-holes that don't care about us little people.” Alex rolled her eyes.
“None of those words have ever come out of my mouth.” Ella replied, amusement lacing her tone as she shoved her friend with her shoulder.
“Maybe not those words, but the meanings. You hate the Waynes, and I can't fathom why! How can you hate people who are good looking?!”
“I hate Ryan, and he’s hot.”
“Ryan’s the worst, you have reason to hate him.”
“But you agree he’s hot?”
“Shut up!” Alex pushed Ella back before she began dashing off towards their first period class. 
Ella chased after her, laughing as she tried to keep up with her friend. 
Unfortunately, she slipped on something and crashed into someone, knocking the person over and making them drop all of their papers.
“Oh my stars. I am so sorry, let me help you out with that.” Ella exclaimed, picking up papers and stacking them into a neat pile. 
Ella handed the papers to the person who was watching her with green, judging eyes. The first thing she noticed besides his eyes were the black wings mantled on his back along with a matching tail that came to a point with spikes coming off the edge. Dragon. Specifically a Spike Dragon. Extremely deadly if stabbed by the tail or horns. Although his horns were still fairly small and haven't begun to split and curve. Young, maybe the same age as Ella herself.
“Thank you…” he trailed off, waiting for her name.
“Ellatrix,” she responded with a smile. “Are you new here?”
The boy seemed shocked. 
“You do not know who I am?”
Ella fought to keep her smile from falling into a glare. Was she supposed to know who he was? She didn't know anyone that wasn't in her circle. How was she supposed to know someone she hadn't even seen before?
“I’m sorry, should I know who you are?”
The boy frowned but shook his head.
“It does not matter. Thank you for helping me pick up my mess, Ellatrix.”
“I’m the one who ran into you.”
“Still. I hope to see you around.”
Ella furrowed her brow as the boy walked off. Who was he? Was she supposed to know him? He did seem familiar, but then again, so did everyone at their school. 
The bell rang, making Ella jolt. She was late, oh for all the stars in the sky, Fae was going to kill her.
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3llatricks · 5 days
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Man, I didnt change much but I sure did change.
@hey-demons-is-me-ya-boi @cryptidkisserrr and anyone else!
Picrew tag game!- Create yourself now vs how you looked when you were a kid
I was tagged by @cutebisexualmess for this but the chain was too long so I'm restarting!
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If only that little girl could see me now (she'd probably think I was cool tbh)
uhm tagging: @b3achfagz (ik you dont do tag games so u can just ignore this but i though u might find it cool) @cassiecryptic @viktheviking1 @depressedgremlinbitch @ramencat12 @inkyslimee @the-horrifying-digital-circus @patipati @cute--thing @musicalsiphonophore @tastetherainbow290 @disenchantedwarlock @bookishcatcafe and anyone else who sees this and thinks it looks cool!!
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3llatricks · 11 days
Damian sat in his room, a notebook sitting in front of him. It had a list of attributes of an unnamed person. Below that, it had some leads that he’s been following. Some of them were crossed out with notes about why they had been crossed out. He had been working on this list for a few months now. At first, he thought his suspicion was silly, stupid and childish. 
But it happened once… it could happen again.
There was a knock on the door before Danyal phased through it, not caring much about his brother’s privacy.
“What are you working on?” He asked, looking over Damian’s shoulder.
Damian quickly slammed the book, piling things on top of it as if that would stop his ghost of a brother. 
“It is nothing for you to be concerned about. It’s simply a case I have taken on.”
The lie came easy, if it were anyone else, they would’ve believed it. But Danny knew his tells. He could see the slight shift in his wings, the way his fingers tensed.
“You’re looking for her.” It wasn't a question.
It was amazing, honestly. Danny was not raised to be a detective, yet his skills were impeccable. Damian hadn’t given the slightest hint. Not even Alfred knew what he was working on. Which was quite the feat. 
“I do not know what you are talking about.” Damian snapped, pushing his chair away from the desk and moving towards the door. He began towards the door, thinking of ways he could distract his brother. They could go find Richard, he was good at distracting Danny.
“Damian, wait.” Danny grabbed onto Damian’s shoulder, spinning the shorter around with his ghost strength. “Why are you looking for her? She died. We both watched her.”
Damian grit his teeth.
“You died too, yet here you are, standing in front of me.” He growled out. “So excuse me for hoping something similar happened to her. And we did not watch her die. We watched a building collapse. She might not have been in the building. She might not have been crushed. She could be out there and I am going to find her.”
Damian took a step away, glad that Danny let him. He turned around, watching the door for a few moments before he began walking out. 
“I want to find Sera, Danyal. I am going to find Sera. I found you, didn't I?”
Danny was silent.
After all, they both knew that it happened once, it could happen again.
Damian was going to find the last piece to their trio. The last sibling of the Al Ghuls. 
He was going to find his lost triplet sister.
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3llatricks · 11 days
She was running. That's what she remembered. Running. But from what? From who? She had to run or she would be dead. But why? What had she done? She needed to run. She couldn't stop running. She was encased in darkness. 
Suddenly, she wasn't. 
Light flooded all of her senses like being thrown into a pit of fire. She could feel the heat of the sun beating on her. She could hear sound, something she hadn't realized was missing. She could smell something else, too. Fresh grass, cool air. 
She looked up at the blue sky, laughter bubbling in her throat. 
She was free.
Ella yawned as she sat up in bed. She stumbled out of her room into the kitchen, opening the fridge to pull out a bowl of strawberries. She sat on the floor, her back against the cupboards as she ate them. 
While there were plenty of seats at the counter, she preferred the ground. She couldn't explain it, but it was something that she had loved since she was little. One of the few memories she allowed herself to keep was sitting on the ground with her brothers, chatting about nothing and everything. 
The door to her roommate's room opened and out stepped Fae. They sent a sleepy hello to Ella before heading for the coffee pot. 
“Good morning!” Ella chirped, taking a bite out of another strawberry.
Fae blinked tiredly as they mumbled back a “morning.”
“Do you have work today?”
A nod came from the older as they pulled out a mug to start making their morning drink. Let it be known that their morning contained more sugar and caffeine than should be consumed by anyone. Not that Ella had a problem with it.
Fae took her in around seven years ago when they had found Ella sitting in an ally fighting off cats. They had seen the young dragon that probably (definitely) had rabies and decided to give her a home.
“You have school.” They said, making Ella freeze. 
“Yes, you do. You can't have another absent. It’s your last year of school then you can do whatever you want. But only if you graduate.”
Ella glared up at her guardian. 
“And if I don't graduate?”
“Then you will be forced to relive your highschool experience for the rest of your days, you will be homeless and scrambling for food, never again having any friends as they will all be grown up with jobs and families and you will be stuck retaking Math tests and writing English essays until you can’t feel your fingers any more.”
Fae smirked at the horrified expression on Ella’s face. 
“Go get dressed, I'll drop you off on my way to work.”
Scrambling off the floor, Ella dropped the now empty bowl in the sink and rushed to her room. She quickly threw on her school uniform and pulled her hair into a ponytail. With a glance in the mirror, she picked up her medicine and downed it. 
She watched as her form changed to more human. Her wings and tail disappeared, turning into something resembling tattoos. Her hair easily hid her horns since they weren't fully grown yet. 
Ella threw on her jacket and backpack and walked out to see Fae waiting by the door, keys in hand.
“You ready?”
“No.” Ella groaned, sliding on her shoes. “Let’s go.”
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3llatricks · 11 days
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Lesbian Planets cuz I've been forgetting to post
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3llatricks · 11 days
animation of jimmy getting owned in real life
bonus gif of him celebrating i made for funsies :] oh the oblivious bliss...
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3llatricks · 15 days
Bi the way...
It’s Pride month. You’re not allowed to say “let me get this straight,” you have to say “just so we’re queer…”
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3llatricks · 17 days
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I did Bi yesterday, so have some AroAce!!
(this one's for @skylar-jay )
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3llatricks · 18 days
whoever reads this I hope you feel whimsical and happy within the next hour
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3llatricks · 18 days
i'll never understand why some people have a problem with trigger warnings. if the content being warned for doesn't bother you then you can just use it as a recommendation. literally where is the problem. everyone wins.
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3llatricks · 18 days
Why do I keep shaving my beard? Is it because I prefer to look more feminine? Is it because I prefer a smooth complexion? No. I shave my beard because I cannot let it get too powerful. I shave it to keep others safe
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3llatricks · 18 days
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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3llatricks · 18 days
To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)
For every note this gets I will kill one (1) aphobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.
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3llatricks · 18 days
You should delete tumblr. Do it
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3llatricks · 18 days
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Happy Pride Girls and Gays and Non-binary Baes!
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3llatricks · 26 days
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3llatricks · 29 days
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occasional posts from users
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