3mlevelup · 18 days
Late update because I had a lot of things going on 😶
Workout [6/7]
Cook [5/7]
Coding [2/7]
Finances [7/7]
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Made lunch one of these days and realised, when I smelled the air in the kitchen, that I've just learnt how to make this dish that, as a kid, I used to think was an ultra special delicacy
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3mlevelup · 27 days
Okay, week three.
Workout [6/7]
Cook [6/7]
Code [3/7]
Finance tracking [5/7]
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Didn't have a lot of coding based work and didn't have the time to take up something myself. Hopefully, that will change soon.
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3mlevelup · 1 month
Workout [6/7]
Cook [4/7]
Code [3/7]
Finances [3/7] .. it's kinda annoying to track the amount I'm spending at times.. and on other days, I forget.
Had a stressful week though, so I'm happy with how I've done.
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Me and my notion set up against.. me, ig (^ week2 scene)
I have been playing table tennis at work, during my breaks.. and I guess getting better. (^ random image up there)
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3mlevelup · 1 month
Week 1. Went kinda decent, I suppose.
Workout [5/7].. well, it's mostly me moving around and lots of brisk walking.
Cook [2/7] gotta work on this 😶
Coding [7/7].. baby steps for a baby coder
Finance tracking [7/7].. got an app to help with this ✨
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Saw a pretty cool looking sky, so 📸
And then there's my Notion setup to track things.
Hopefully, there's some progress next week. Also kinda want to add more categories to track. Maybe I'll do that too.
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3mlevelup · 2 months
The rules, ig.
This is basically me trying to get my life together over the next three months, which includes:
Getting more consistent with fitness
Improving my coding skills (not only because I enjoy it, but also because it's important for my career
Cook more often, cook better
Keeping track of finances
Weekly posts highlighting my progress (because I'm overwhelmed at the thought of daily updates)
Random posts in case something ✨fancy✨ happens and I can't wait till the weekly update date
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