414147 · 9 years
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September 8, 2015 Uh. I forgot what happened but. We watched tv????ate washed dishes. The end. So cute.
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414147 · 9 years
Last Day of 2014
I know I didn't handle a lot of this maturely and I was impulsive but man I really branched out this year and dang it was so emotional and such a ride and fuck wow I regret nothing. Here's to another year. Here's to the beginning of a next. Ah. I cleaned my room. And the house. And oovoo peroro ian ANGELINA. Talked to og squad and the greats. Bye 2014! ILL DO BETTER
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 favorites part 10, 20 minutes left. December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 9 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 9 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 8 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 6 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 5 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 4 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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2014 Favorites Part 3 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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Favorites of 2014 Part 2 December 31, 2014
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414147 · 9 years
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Favorite Photos of 2014 December 31, 2014 ...the ones found on my iPod lmao
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414147 · 9 years
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Highlight(s): bathroom christmas sibling selfies which took five billion tries. Finally saw the bae. And derp Christmas photos 😂
Christmas Day 2014
Alright I was awake pretty early but didn’t get up. And then when I had to get up asked mom if I could have breakfast and she was like no not until you finish cooking. So no breakfast until I finished. Finished and then sped ate breakfast because went to church right after oh. But before doing much went to dads room and watched No Good Deed while eatin parts of the chocolate he got. That plot twist tho. Idris Elba 👏. Honestly I don’t know what I did after that. Probably showered. Showered for a long time. Blow dried hair. Didn't know how to fix hair so yeoloed. Wrapped gifts and waited for a long time to go to cousins house. Finally got there and then ate and me and din exchange gifts. Other than opening the gift which was a struggle she ruined the surprise by saying open the candle next LOL I thought it was a mug. Took family pictures as usual and then just chilled. Went home and mom said I couldn't go out tomorrow if it was all guys. But I was like nahhhh it's not she still said no so I kinda just died and went to sleep.
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414147 · 9 years
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Highlight(s): food max jokes with gabby and Joseph, scrubs got hair cuts went to great mall, got christmas clothes, got red robin and also selfie of Jerico ayyy December 24, 2014 Geez seems like so much happened and it did. Woke up at 5am. Went to church with Fam and gabby lol then went to smart and final and I guess we couldn't really find what we were looking for and I was basically just going through the aisles being weird while listening to music. And then food max. Found a thing lol. I'll get that and then the one at emall. and then jollibee. Took forever for me and gabbys food, took our containers home because they are nice lol. and then haircut we were just like make it look nice and make it shorter. So that was alright. "We're worth $14 dollars now" and then we went back home to drop off all the food and so that the boys could shower. Then went to great mall where I was getting connected to random stores and random persons wifi. So talked to yall whenever I got connection. And then red robin bottom less lemonade but only got to second refill hella weak. It started raining and lotsa wind whipping through the trees. Finished eating then went to auntie Mindas house to pick up a ham. And then finally went home. Uhm was pretty tired so probably ended up lying in bed talking to you guys again. Traded pictures with Jerico wow looking great as always KMS you people and your good looks and photogenic skills and you look nice in black just saying. Definitely one of my favorite pictures. Not sure what else I did. But. I think that's it.
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414147 · 9 years
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Highlight: sushi but not really probably just unwinding with Ian on the drive home after the kinda awkwardness at the restaurant December 22, 2014 Woke up at 7 and no one was really awake Uhm stayed in bed until 11 then had breakfast and had to wash dishes and shower because going out with tauniel ian and Jeremy and then 1 something we went to tauniels house and john gabe and Jay and yvonne came out. Everyone came besides yvonne uh went to kenzo's ate me and ian dipped early and just kinda expressed our views on stuff. Gonna miss ian 😭😭😭 got home at 4 so sat outside house using wifi but no one to hit up so went inside and lied down for almost 1hr30 then oh yah salvador balintona crew ft because I wanted to see them getting hair cuts. Anthony is qqqqq like a baby. Michaels hair is too short in the front. Went to church went home planning things is hard when not really allowed to hang with certain people cough 😂 today was quiet.
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414147 · 10 years
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Going to add pictures on really good days probably. #copyingjerico December 18, 2014 Wow. Today was left me even more confused. Felt like I was living my last day as a free person. But here we go. Psychology final. I thought I did ok. I did not do okay according to the results. Economics was supposedly easy but I found it somewhat difficult. After I finished the final just worked on the physio children's book with merryll while kim played movie things. Was listening to new fave song TYBG. Uh. Break. Common room, working on book. Sixth period. Walked with Jerico was not late. 2 hours in art what even. Worked on the thing but kinda confused on whose getting what, that is until later. But did thesis it was Eh but she was like be confident and blah honestly who doesn't tell me that imig. After sixth hung out with Jerico and math cool kids in Yee's and lazed around in the common room because college please. Math cool kids cannot escape me now. It's too late. Gonna die from hugs and me being weird and lacking personal space. Jerico being a lame didn't let me give him a piggy back ride I coulda done it. Uhh walked to parking lot and then called celine because needed directions in life. Did some walking and then got in car. Started the car and that was it no way I'm backing out. and had celine tell us which way to go lol. Idk celine ended up hanging up on me rude bc busy and didn't wanna be in charge of dead lives. After that just drove around and mentioned grand century so went to grand century for the first time. Didn't know it was that big ish. Tfw you almost get left behind no no not cool like hella sad face wow. Also so much coughing insert many sad faces. BUT found the thing so really glad about that I feel like I'll end up getting a lot for the fun of it but who knows. Gonna need someone to take me HUZZZAH. Lots of facial expressions I think I need to learn how to calm down...jk. Probably need to get a paper bag and wear it on my head forever because what is photogenic not fair guys. Tfw princess carried. Tfw favorite person. I got thirsty haaaa both senses so went to Bobo's and got a taro milk tea. Sat there for a while ended up getting extreme derp picture taken because what is life. I'm going to go back and eat all the desserts just watch. Killed another hour by parking at the park then parking in the emall parking lot. Fruits and random facts and fog. Went home napped I think. And then spanish project and then church. They finally started singing the filipino songs ayyyy. I can't sing the last one well because it's too fast and I'm like what. But tried. Got sushi afterwards with the fam. Talked about failing math ish and mom was like things don't always go the way you planned even if you try your best. Probably going cc then transfer. Went home. Imessaged you people. Then talked on the phone with Celine bc BBS. Today was fun. Go life.
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414147 · 10 years
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Mimie showed me the negatives from the beginning of the school year. Apparently getting developed and shown to some people bc class project or smth oh geez. the first one and half are gg 👏👏👏
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