4amarquier · 3 years
Claudia LĂłpez Carrera. 4Âș E.S.O A
Shopping online is becoming very popular nowadays. Our shopping is made very easily from our home. It has also a lot of advantages.
The advantages of online shopping is that you can buy from everywhere in the world as long as you have internet connection.
One of the adavntages was that during the pandemic months you could buy from your home and did not have to go to the shopping centre and did not have to be sorrounded by many people.
The best thing was that your ordered at home and you paid online, it was very confortable.
To sump up, it is very usefull for people who canÂŽt go out from ther homes.
In my opinion you have a variety of different opptions in a click.
For me, online shopping is very good and a very easy way to shop.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Analysis of sexism in advertising
Different studies and investigations show the need to analyze advertising in the media, since they represent powerful agents of socialization; They are instrument for learning behavior and imitate the "models" that are created. Through observation, learning and socialization, opinions, attitudes and beliefs about the sexes become sender differential realities, that is, internalized social models, real perceptions and behaviours by which they are governed women and men and that, in addition, are adopted naturally. In this sense, and, finally, the diffusion of the social-roles of advertising can contribute either to maintaining stereotypes and sexist biases, making them reluctant to change, or to breaking these stereotypes.
AntĂ­a B. Troncoso
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4amarquier · 3 years
Opinion by merchandising
Abril Olivares Rodríguez. 4°A
I am going to give my opinion on the influencers who make their own clothes. From my point of view it doesn't seem right to me, since many children spend a lot of money for sweatshirts, the influencer that can cost more than 20 euros and a normal one can be worth much less. There may be many people who cannot afford to buy a garment from that influencer and become sad about it. And maybe that garment is of poor quality or you can find a better one in any clothing store.
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4amarquier · 3 years
The adverts in channels for kids.
In the channels of kids nowadays there are always adverts of toys. If you see one of these channels you can see how between two episodes of a series there are 20 toy ads and 10 normal ads of random products.
Every Christmas the Tv is full of toys ads and this is understandable because thousands of enterprises want to sell their product of the parents for give to the kids in the Christmas morning but this fact can be very annoying when adverts of toys are all in the TV all the year and the half of the time that the channel is on air. In my opinion these adverts need to be more controlled because for me the fact that the kids are always looking at ads is not health and these adverts are normally are usually very sexist separating pink girls 'toys and blue boys' toys reality that for me is very irritating and tiring.
In conclusion, the adverts for kids in channels for kids need to be more controlled and the people need to know that they are only kids and not people that you can sell something.
Andrea Pereira MartĂ­nez 4ÂșA
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4amarquier · 3 years
Too much Adversiting
Nowadays, we see advertising and advertisements of all kinds everywhere, and now much more thanks to the internet, a place where advertising is too important. In my opinion, advertising does not have the impact it should have.
The amount of money invested in advertising is too much, and without knowing data, I think it does not have enough impact on people. I think this is because the ads are very annoying, create impediments to enter the pages and cover content, something that is very uncomfortable for the consumer. This discomfort causes in most cases a rejection of the ad, and the consumer does not buy the product. Another important factor is that by spending so much money on advertising, companies raise the price of products, something that doesn`t benefit anyone.
In summary, companies have to seek to advertise in a different and less annoying way, because right now advertising only causes expenses and price increases, nothing of profit.
By Pablo Álvarez Álvarez 4ÂȘA
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4amarquier · 3 years
Instagram adverts.
By Andrés Diego Domínguez
Everywhere you can watch adverts, in TV, in videogames, in the streets or on social media.
Nowadays if you see some of the stories of a celebrity, probably you will see an ad of a hair comb, clothes, or a mobile phone in a giveaway.
One day a youtuber called Malbert exposed that people showing the same product as one more cheapier in a popular online shop, Aliexpress.
The instagram influencers take advantage of their followers, because they sell the same items but with other prices. The quality is very poor, and the celebrities don't explain that this is an ad.
Usually, that people became famous by a reality show, and in my opinion, they only want more money, so they don't care about their fans.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Breixo DomĂ­nguez FernĂĄndez
In my point of view, are too much adverts. We can see advert, in Internet, in the TV, in the road, hear ads in the radio, watch adverts walking on the street. And the sometimes the adverts can very oppressive and harass the receptor of the advert.
Are too much adverts especially in the big cities like NY or Tokyo, because in the big building are big screens with adverts all the time. And this can saturate people. Other bad things of too much adverts are the adverts in the videos of YouTube or similar, because the majority of this adverts make hate because they are all the time interrupting the video. Another bad thing of too much advert are the cost of cash that makes to the company who makes the advert. Moreover some mobile games are only adverts because the creator of the games only want make money. The only good thing of too much adverts are the possibility of something you like.
To sum up, the enormous number of adverts only make the observer angry with the product which they announce and make the announcer lose money.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Opinion essay about going to the shop whether is better than online shopping.
I personally think that going to the shops is very much better than online shopping, even if with the COVID-19 pandemic it is not highly recommended. 
Both options have pros and contras: when you go to a store to buy, you can see the products in person and make sure of the quality, you can also go with your friends or your family to have a fun time, and you can also make sure your purchase is well done, and the returns are more easy, on the other hand go to store to buy has its problems: there may be traffic on the way, you can lose a lot of time, you can run out of what you were looking for, there may be a lot of people in the stores, and it's a bit dangerous because of the pandemic. Talking about online shopping, is not bad but It is more boring, and your order may take a long time to arrive, or you may receive the wrong product ... it is more risky, but it keeps us safe from the pandemic, and it is easier to buy.
In summary, both options have good points and bad points, but I personally prefer to go shopping in stores because that way I can make sure that what I buy is good.
By: Vero DomĂ­nguez 4ÂșA
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4amarquier · 3 years
Written project
Ainhoa Vicente Vicente
Nowadays, many teenagers only buy clothes in the same stores and most of these stores belong to Amancio Ortega. Personally I think this shops have the nicest clothes.
First of all, I think that this has positive and negative aspects because many businesses get less purchases because of this. They can buy at any store but they always buy clothes in the same stores as other teenagers. They buy in the same stores because they sell what is fashionable today and the clothes are trendy.
If I were the stores in which they have less variety of clothes, I would try to put more variety of clothes, especially the ones that are fashionable and teenagers like.
To sum up, I believe buying in famous shop such as Pull and Bear, Stradivarius, Bershka is great although we sometimes have the same clothes and this is not good.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Currently, wherever you look there are ads, when you are looking a film or a series in the TV, when you are playing games or even when you are sitting in the park. They are in charge of moving the world, thanks to them we know new technologies, we are in fashion and we can know what happend in the rest of the world.
Trade strategies are linked  to ads, advertising agencies try to attract people to buy things that they donŽt need, only for fashion. Because of so many ads and vibrant shops displays, people are tempted,  in one hand some people have a budget or they want save up the money, and in the other hand there are persons that buy things, and they want a refunded or a discount.
Another issue is the amount of ads, that are present in applications for children or also in specialized chains for them. They are children, from my point view it is not necessary to make them coexist with advertising from such at young age, if they don't even understand the advertisements at the same time they can't pay for anything that the is advertised in them.
However, ads have good and bad things but if they didn't exist we would be stagnant, trade could not avance, so that, the world is being dominated by advertisements and we have to be aware of it.
Sara Luna Martínez 4°A
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4amarquier · 3 years
Noela Acevedo Pacheco 4°A
In my opinion, buying online or buying physically has its good parts and its bad parts. The good parts of buying online is that there are usually always all sizes and all the products arrive at your house, you do not have to go buy anywhere because you do it from home and the bad thing is that sometimes something defective can arrive. or it doesn't work for you and sometimes there are online stores where you can't return what you ask for. is also something good buying physically that you can try it on there in the store you can check the quality by touching the clothes but the bad part is that it is usually more expensive to buy physically than online and you have to queue to pay which sometimes are very long and you want to be for a long time or there is not your size. I prefer to buy online because it is more comfortable for me, but I also like to buy physically because I can go with my friends to buy clothes
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4amarquier · 3 years
Too much advertising
María Álvarez Fernåndez
When we are watching TV, suddenly an advert appears and disturbs you while you are paying attention to a program, film or series. This ads are annoying and sometimes they tempt people to buy things that they don’t need.
This facts are based on google statics, they say amounts of people which had saved up a lot of money, spend it buying things which are sold by influencers. It seems to me that adverts can keep appearing if companies reduce the number of them and also the money that they cost. Besides of TV ads, thereÂŽs Instagram adverts too, which are advertised by big influencers who just want to sell you bargains to earn some cash by selling it.
To sum up my opinion about advertising, adverts are annoying and even they make people without resources save up money to buy things that are advertised on them. Besides of it, people waste so much money making adverts, which most of the times is unnecessary because by handing out a simple  flyer on the street, you get the same as spending the double money making ads for TV.
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4amarquier · 3 years
What I think of the days ahead.
By: Lia Oliveira
I start this little discussion by putting in mind how much everything around us revolves around two things, pleasure and money, both things that only human beings do everything they can to achieve. Money buys your stay but also your luxuries, the perfect dress and also those that don't fit you, money buys everything, even your own happiness, and with that comes pleasure, what is the human being without the A huge search for that great serotonin-producing feeling, which is sorely missed today. Please don't see my little philosophical speech as an early anarchist saying, human beings were not pure before money and never will be. Nowadays, money buys its own pleasure, especially in our society, which imposes on us ways to dress, laugh and even talk. Of course there are oppositions, but I don't usually look at humanity in a happy way, after all, if money were really the salvation of many things, why are there people starving? why is there unemployment? Why do people like me need to leave their homes and go to an unknown country to get a better life? Simple, the human being corrodes everything. These days, money even dictates the shape your body needs to be, they won't accept you in a movie studio if you're not beautiful like an influencer or like a "Megan Fox", you can be innocent and ask me "Because?" and the answer is unique: "That doesn't make money" On the other hand, I believe that we will never be saved from our own ignorance, thinking about being bigger is what makes human beings die every day, our global health situation is a great example, we are invading places where we shouldn't be, killing species , devastating habitats, it's all for the money and our rampant lack of awareness.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Iris Álvarez FernĂĄndez 4ÂșA
Advertising is everywhere, it is part of our day to day, since when we watch television, on a social network or even when you go down the street you come across some kind of advertisement to convince us to buy a product. From my point of view I think the publicity is excessive. To be able to make your own advertisement you need large amounts of money since carrying out the production of one is complicated as well as getting it to appear on television, for example. It is very common for a famous person to appear in an ad as this will make people more interested in the product. Celebrities also bring out their own products and advertise them themselves on their social networks, for example a sweatshirt, but always with high prices. In short, I think that advertising should be less excessive since we get tired of being interrupted by any type of ad, and that way companies would save a lot of money.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Opinion piece
Amanda Otero Rey, 4Âș ESO A
Hello, I’m going to talk about today’s influencers, their position in society and how I  believe they do their jobs. 
The first example of an influencer I’m going to talk about is Dulceida. It seems  to me that she does her job as an influencer, she is part of the world of YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and she is also involved in the world of fashion as a designer and creator of  her make-up brand. 
She promotes things and collaborates with reliable brands and influences the young people in a good way, but as far as I am concerned, another influencer  for example would be Mar Lucas, who I think is not a good influencer, she is dedicated  to TikTok, to telling her life and sometimes she promotes clothes or make-up but  from brands or websites that are not reliable. I believe she doesn’t fulfil her role as an  influencer and takes advantage of the fame and money that is provided by her followers.  I think she doesn’t bring them anything good or educational but instead she makes them  see with her trips and her purchases that life is easy and money is easy to get when that  is not reality. 
In all social networks there are influencers who take advantage of the moment  or their followers, for example, TikTok is used by Mar Lucas, Claudia García, La Bellido  and many more influencers who do not contribute anything and simply take advantage  of their followers and the money they provide to go on a trip to Cancun as some of them  did recently but they sell it as if they are going with advertising agencies when it is not 
In conclusion, nowadays there are many influencers who take advantage of the  moment to get rich but do not contribute anything and do not do their job.
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4amarquier · 3 years
Written project
Do not hesitate that shopping online has a number of advantages and disadvantages just like shopping in a physical shop. Nowadays, most people are shopping an online big range of products due to the easy access from almost any electronic device, different price choices, product alternatives, bargains, time-saving, ... these advantages are making more people join this way of purchasing.
From my own experience, I am very happy with online shopping but also the old way of shopping, since it provides me the chance to check the product right away before buying it and not having to wait days or even weeks for receiving it at home.
In addition to this, I have to say that traditional shopping saves you from being disappointed once the product is delivered and does not fulfill the expectations you got when you first saw it online. Also, traditional shopping has another advantage, the refunding service is immediate.
My personal conclusion is that online shopping is way better than traditional shopping as it counts with more advantages which have more value for people nowadays such as easier and convenient shopping, time-saving and provides you a big amount of choices.
Santiago GonzĂĄlez Carrera 4ÂșA
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4amarquier · 4 years
Claudia LĂłpez Carrera.Avicii.
Well I’m going to talk about my favourite singer, he is Avicii, a twenty-eight years old boy who was born in Stockholm-Mascate. His music is incredible, at least for me. The style or genre of his songs is electro house y progressive house.
His most popular songs are:
-I could be the one.      -The nights.                -Addicted to you
-You make me.             -Waiting for love.        -Lonely together.
-Hey brother.                -Without you.
And of all these songs my favourite is “ The nights”. After all the fame he had, he retired in two thousand and sixteen because he had health and mental problems, due to alcohol. And in two thousand eighteen he decided to kill himself. after a year of his death an album titled “ TIM” is published, it is his real name.
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