4lrdavis · 8 years
Do You Like Dragons or Flying Horses?
Do You Like Dragons or Flying Horses?
Dragons by miheo of flickr
Dragons breathe fire, have four claw feet, fly with nearly transparent wings, and have great long heavy tails.
Flying horses have feathered wings, hairy tails and hooves.
Pegasus by M W Fleur-de-louis of Flickr
There are many other flying beasts. Can you name some?
A griffin has the front– head, wings and claws –of an eagle and the back–hind quarters and tail–…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Sunday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29, Nov 23
The Good Shepherd https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2751/5721370328_7967a1fc12_b_d.jpg Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL
Meditation Sunday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29 continued the defining of what made up the family of God. The Psalmist sang praises to God because he was a good shepherd of his flock. The prophet Ezekiel described the attributes of being a shepherd that would take care of his sheep and…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL
The Good Shepherd
Christ the Good Shepherd; Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL
Saturday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29 was about family. Who constituted the family of God? His people in the Old Testament Psalm 100, besides lifting up praise to God, acknowledged that God was creator. People were the created—the sheep of his pasture; his people that God would take care of, faithfully and…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Friday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29, Nov 21
Prepare Ye the Way of the LORD
This window is a detail from the church of St Etheldreda, Ely Place in London. Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL
Friday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29 remained one of the most musically experienced of all the Scriptures studied. Handel wrote The Messiah and concentrated on Isaiah 40, which prophesied the coming of Jesus. The transformative time of the era, when…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Thursday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29, Nov 20
Sing Songs of Praise to God https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5108/5626260385_c99be7c247_z_d.jpg In this charming detail from a medieval window of Fairford parish church which depicts Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, a small group of singers is shown singing this hymn from the above the city gate! Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL
Meditation Thursday, Ordinary 34, Proper 29 began the wrap up of the church…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Monday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27, Nov 10
Monday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27, Nov 10
Joshua and the Treaty
http://www.wikigallery.org/paintings/198501-199000/198820/painting1.jpg Joshua and the treaty William Brassey Hole Wikigallery CCL
Monday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27 lessons brought us to the end of Joshua’s life. He had insisted in yesterday’s lesson that the Children of Israel make their stand on whether they would follow God or not. He pressed them to make…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Sunday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27, Nov 9
Sunday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27, Nov 9
Joshua and the Children of Israel
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/Karolingischer_Buchmaler_um_840_001.jpg/640px-Karolingischer_Buchmaler_um_840_001.jpg Joshua and the Children of Israel Karolingischer Buchmaler, c.840 Wikipedia, CCL
Sunday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27 lessons jump from Joshua’s pointed demand of the Children of Israel to put away the ancient…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Saturday, Ordinary 36, Proper 27 Nov 8
Saturday, Ordinary 36, Proper 27 Nov 8
Ruins of the City of Refuge, Tel Kedesh
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/51/TelKedesh.jpg/800px-TelKedesh.jpg Tel Kedesh, Israel a City of Refuge, Wikipedia, CCL
Saturday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27 was a step into the world of danger. Every day, somewhere, a headline reads someone was killed. Back in the settlements of the Twelve Tribes, the Lord determined that a…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Friday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27, Nov 7
Friday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27, Nov 7
Joshua Built an Altar of Uncut Stones
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2d/Tell_Megiddo_-_4.2006_-36.JPG/640px-Tell_Megiddo_-_4.2006_-36.JPG Meggido uncut stone altar, Israel, Wikipedia, CCL
Friday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27 split its focus between the honoring of the Lord by building altars made with uncut stones which would be stones carved by God (as opposed…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Thursday Ordinary 31 Proper 26 Nov 6
Thursday Ordinary 31 Proper 26 Nov 6
The Final Fall of Manna
Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti) Wikigallery 1624 public domain CCL
Thursday, Ordinary 32, Proper 27 brought the Exodus story to a close, as the Children of Israel settled in the plains surrounding Jericho. They had been working with manna for over 40 years, but they planted crops and ate…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Wednesday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 Nov 5
Wednesday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 Nov 5
Joshua’s Victory Over the Amorites
http://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/nicolas-poussin/victory-of-joshua-over-amorites-1626.jpg!Blog.jpg Joshua’s Victory Over the Amorites by Nicolas Poussin wikiart gallery 1624 public domain CCL
Wednesday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 told the remarkable story of the day the sun stood still. Joshua led the Children of Israel. The Amorites presented a…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Tuesday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 4
Tuesday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 4
The Fall of Jericho
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Tissot_The_Taking_of_Jericho.jpg The Taking of Jericho by James Tissot Wikipedia public domain CCL
Tuesday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 told the story of intervention by God. The Old Testament lesson showed Joshua leading the Hebrews to take Jericho. The children’s song, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” hums in…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Monday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 3
Monday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 3
Crossing Jordan
http://www.keyway.ca/jpg/jordan4.jpg The Ark Crossing the Jordan Juan Montero de Rojas, 1619 public domain CCL
Monday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26’s theme was about mementoes. The Psalmist cited all the ways that God would bless and the list of people and things that demonstrated the blessing of God.
The Old Testament lesson in Joshua, though lengthy, celebrated the…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Sunday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 2
Sunday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 2
Joshua Leads the Israelites Across the Jordan River
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2841/12031836886_4a7740bd5b_z_d.jpgCrossing the Jordan River, Ely Cathedral Section of a stained glass window in Ely Cathedral, depicting the people of Israel crossing the Jordan into the promised land: While all Israel were crossing over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Saturday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 1
Saturday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 1
Rahab and the Emissaries of Joshua
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Rahab_and_the_Emissaries_of_Joshua.jpg/640px-Rahab_and_the_Emissaries_of_Joshua.jpg Rahab and the Emissaries of Joshua (17th-century painting) Wikipedia, CCL
Saturday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 pondered the “finding one’s way” from the Psalmist’s review of the Exodus, where ‘some wandered in…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Friday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Oct 31
Friday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Oct 31
The Harlot Rahab and Two Spies
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/Tissot_The_Harlot_of_Jericho_and_the_Two_Spies.jpg The Harlot Rahab and Two Spies, James Tissot, Wikipedia CCL
Friday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 showed discernment for truth and falsehoods. The Old Testament lesson in Joshua reveled in the exciting story of spies being sent into Jericho, encountering…
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4lrdavis · 10 years
Thursday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Oct 30
Thursday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Oct 30
Idolatry Among Believers
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5522/9391920748_4b9d659a25_z_d.jpg Idolatry in Israel, Detail from a medieval stained glass window in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. photo by Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL
Thursday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 asked the question, “Who’s the boss?” In the Old Testament lesson in Joshua, God delegated the leadership role…
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