71degreesoflove · 9 years
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I have spent my whole life scared, frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen, 50-years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at three in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. What I came to realize is that fear, that’s the worst of it. That’s the real enemy. So, get up, get out in the real world and you kick that bastard as hard you can right in the teeth.
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
Uno ci mette anni a togliersi qualcuno dalla testa, poi basta una canzone, una fotografia sbiadita, un vecchio messaggio per capire che è sempre stato lì.
Ilmareditroppo | Joy Musaj (via
Quanto è vero.
(via sonoperennementeincasinata)
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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Helena Bonham Carter in 1989 in Cannes
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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[…] why should we do anything more than once? should i just smoke this one cigarette? maybe we should only have sex once, if it’s the same thing. should we just watch one sunset? or live just one day? because it’s new every time. each time is a different experience.
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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Best. Bromance. Ever.
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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Walter White by Ben Hayward / Society6
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
Do it because they said you couldn't
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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Non ho nemmeno una foto con te che non mi è mai fregato niente delle foto. Eppure adesso ne vorrei una per ricordarmi che la felicità non è una truffa. (Lo stato sociale)
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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‘E se hai tutta questa voglia di scappare e neanche un posto come dici tu, dammi un bacio che fuori è la rivoluzione che non passerà in tv. 🌸’
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
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Basta poco per essere felici / qualsiasi cazzo di cosa voglia dire
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
I'm sorry for everybody who follows me bc I'm posting madly today Oh wait nobody follows me Oh wait I wouldn't care anyway
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71degreesoflove · 9 years
Current sexual orientation: Chris Evans on a motorbike
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