Draw angel dust's butt looking like his fluffy chest
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Draw angel dust's butt looking like his fluffy chest
I read this in the morning and had to read it twice to make sure i read it right lol
I’m hoping tumblr doesn’t flag it.
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Yes, that was on my math notebook.
Yes, this was during class.
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I sent him another ask.
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See? He have a nice booty.
Sorry for this shit post XDD
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I got a request for Angel Dust but with a fluffy butt a while ago, started drawing, then found out the requester was asking everyone for the same thing.
I didn’t want to scrap the drawing and had no other idea of what to draw during work breaks so I finished it. Used one of Vivzie’s speedpaint drawings as reference for the body markings.
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And this is the part where Doc lets go of Alastor–
Dr.Eugalp/Dr.James Crowley by Me
Hazbin Hotel Character(Alastor) by @vivziepop 
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Angel’s cos I'm drunk
Who haz the best booty?
Angel Dust?
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Or Katie Killjoy?
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Sorry,I was bored–
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Yeah. SO?
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@72826-on-tumbler explain is this a fetish or something
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Draw Hawkodile doing a sexy butt pose
Send me a Unikitty! character and I’ll draw them!
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Hello? askhawkodile, I cant find the ask button in your blog.
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"These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has prehaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizens. We, ever your servants..." Chris D'Avicola, leader of the Vendetta, gave a speech on live television. "...Will continue to defend you liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you. Your ministry remains strong." Just then, I heard the phone ring. I picked it up, and it was Neil. "Mae, someone betrayed us." Later, we are in the basement of the safehouse. We gather around as two people wearing bags on their heads are held captive. "Flesh and blood first." He takes off both the bags of the people's faces to reveal none other than Germ Warton. Germ? "Neil, what are you doing? Untie me. Let me go. Let me go." Neil looked at him. "You were supposed to protect me. You were supposed to help me." "Goddamnit, I'm trying to help you. You know you can always trust me, Neil." He didn't believe him. "I know what you've been up to. You were trying to lock me up in the loony bin, traitor." "Please, I was just concerned. You, We can talk about this. It's not too late. Look at what you're doing. This is not a healthy path. Neil kicked him in the gut. "I've been chosen, Germ! People are counting on me to lead! To light up this cesspool and usher in a new beginning! Germ shed a little tear. He was being bested by him. "N-Neil, listen to me. All I want is to see you succeed. No matter what happens, you are my brother and I love you. I-I love you." I have to stop him... I stared at Germ as he began to spit blood. "Do you remember when you taught me about pinky-power? Yes. It was our own private world. And when we were locked together didn't matter what we did. All would be forgiven if you just told the truth." No, he deserves death... Soon, Neil began to hold his pinky-finger. " That's right." He gets his knife from the pocket. 'We never lied to each other." He cuts Germ's finger, but it, and spat it on his face. Germ fell on the floor trying to stop the bleeding. Neil then grabs a katana from the drawer and stabs him in the brain. "Get him out of my sight." Two guards pick up his body and throw it into the disposal. He then turns to a black woman. "What the fuck is going on? "Beverly Hope. I had such plans for you and you pissed it all away." She looked furious. "Why? What are you talking about? What did I do? Samuels deserved a lot better than a cheap bullet to the head." "Bea told me everything." Wait, what did Bea tell him? Beverly looked down. "Pack of lies. Bitch is full of shit." Bea then punched her in the face "He chose you, Beverly! He trusted you! He made you his equal! Why did you betray us?!" "YOU! ALL! BETRAYED! ME! One day you promise me equal partnership, the next you have me in a gulag baking fucking cookies! Your promises mean shit! You're fake. All of you. You don't stand for a goddamn thing." Bea punches her again. "We're standing up for millions of people who are finally being heard! Everything we do is in service to the greater purpose! It's bigger than anything in our lives and you are fucking it up!" "Nothing is bigger than your ego. You don't know what the fuck you're doing from one minute to the next. You're incompetent, you bastards. Just another group of attention whores. And if you're insecure enough to believe her, well, then, just kill me now. Put me out of my misery. Because the biggest mistake I ever made was believing in you. TURD." Neil looks at her in disappointment. "You were my favorite. But death is too good for you. I want you to suffer. Take her to the isolation chamber." "Rot in hell, you son of a bitch." Neil then brings his attention to us. "Loyalty must be absolute. Without it, we have nothing. Now we can move forward." After a meeting Bea and I went outside to the balcony. I tapped her shoulder. "What did you tell him?" Bea then sat down on a chair and said, "I explained to him that Samuels was unsatisfied with women, and that he needed a man. The two had sex, and Samuels continued to insist to Winter that he's wasn't gay, "it's much more complex than that." Then shit went down as Beverly threw the gruel in his lap and unbuckled his belt. Sams tried to rape her. She took his gun, and held it on him. She said she will not declare himself 'a turd', as Valerie Solanas would have had him say. Then, like a pin drop, BANG, shot him through the head." I felt startled. "You thought that was fucked up, you should've seen the things he had in the hallway. He was a supremacist." I began to look down. "Bea, I know in my heart, you are my sister and a friend, but I am afraid of your insanity." Bea asked why, and I said. "I had a dream about you. There were demons coming from your body, and they ripped you apart. It meant your schizophrenia." Bea's eyes were widened. "Oh, Mae. I know this is happening, but I can control them. Don't worry." She's right. She knows I'm there to protect her. I will do my best, even if it means dying or facing prison-time. "Holy god!" Neil turned to one of the guards. "What?" "The Vendetta has declared war on us, divine one. They want us to meet at the stadium!" This is where the war begins.
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We relocated to San Francisco, where the culture was really happening. Once we were settled, Neil and I decided to make love. Then the ultimate plan appeared, fully formed in his beautiful mind. "I don't want you to go." Neil replied, "Yeah, but wars need martyrs. And they need to be loud. We need to make them face their greatest fear their pussy envy and we need to do it in the only language that these half-apes understand, and that's violence. Remember what I told you? About where to start?" I told him, "Couple-busting?" He replied, "Correct, Mae." Overheard the other room, I can hear Bea lecturing her trainees. "It's not just men who are the problem. It's women who think that by spreading their legs for a man, they gain value. They're lost. So we have to kill them both to send a message. They laugh and cheer for a minute. I asked Neil, "What do you want us to do when you're gone?" "Get the fabric to make the scum-colored cloaks like I told you, and get the gun," He told me, putting on his clothes. "Then wait for my signal and go to work." "What's the signal?" "You'll know." He closed the door and went outside. I put my clothes back on and went to work on the Journal. As I was typing and typing, my mind never stopped. It just kept going, just to help me get through this night. I was convinced the patriarchy was out to crush me, and I set out to create a definitive record of every offense for all the world to see. But then, after I finished the article, before I could give it to Bea, I heard a familiar voice. "Oh, Mae. You've really let yourself go." I turned around and saw Gregg, just sitting there on the couch, covered in blood. I thought I killed him... He should be dead... "You've gained so much weight." I thought I was going crazy. "What the hell are you doing here? You fucked with the keys on my typewriter, didn't you? That's just like you, Daddy, always trying to impede the progress of the perfect mind." He sneered at me with that fucking smile. "I'm here to set you free. How can I be angry with you for operating within your means? You just didn't know any better, so I forgive you." Shut up shut up shut up... I slap him across the face. "I've had men trying to shut me up since I was a little girl. What is it about me that scares you so much? Why wouldn't you let me be an artist or scientist? Why is it only you who can create "great art," as you call it? The game is rigged, you know. And the people making the decisions, the critics, they're all like you." My eyes began to water up. "You bastard, so terrified of what I might do, you keep me stupid, you keep me complacent. You hold all the power." I then start to shed tears. He was silent for a moment. "Even now, no one sees me as a writer, no one see me for my own thoughts. When they hear the name Margaret Borowski, they think Greggory Lee." I was then whimpering, scared that he might get the best of me. He walked up to a picture of Me And Neil. "You've taken my art. You've taken my life. You've taken my motherfucking legacy." He stared at me as if he knew I was the enemy. "Who are you kidding? Shooting me will be the only thing you'll be remembered for. I am your legacy." He rips up the picture. I slam my fist in the table. "SHUT UP! You've taken away every single shot at happiness and freedom! All the emotional abuse that I've been put through, and I'm tired of it! I never should have met you in the first place! I WISH YOU NEVER CAME INTO MY LIFE!" Then he was silent. He then began to feel sad and full of guilt. "You're right. I failed you. I failed as a boyfriend and as a man. I should've never tried to rape you." "What the fuck? The last thing you say is that the rape made me this way?" My hand becomes a fist. "No, Gregg. It was you! You!" I grab the butcher knife. "YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!" I throw it at him and he shatters into pieces as he screams. The knife then hits the wall. I fall to the floor, sobbing with tear stained eyes. Bea opened the door and saw me. "Mae? Are you alright? What happened?" I only uttered, "G-Gregg... I killed h-him... I w-want him to stay dead..." I then started crying as Bea hugs me for comfort. I had been beaten down one too many times. Too many... The next day, me and Bea went to the police station, and she gives the commissioner a piece of paper with a list of people's names we killed. "Hmmm, these are gang killings." She told him, "SCWM killings, but yes." "You're telling me you are one of the gang members?" She answered, "That's correct." "You got any proof?" She tried to deceive him. "I was not present for the actual murders." The commissioner asked, "Well, where were you?" "I was masterminding the whole thing from the Matteawan Institute for the Criminally Insane." Bea looked like she was doing it right. "Uh-huh. I'm gonna ask you to leave now, miss." She puts her hands on the table. "You are a fool to underestimate the rage of a woman!" "I've been married 20 years that's the last thing I underestimate." Bea then began to talk smack to him. "I'm not your wife. You can't just ignore me. Your kind will be obliterated, killed off like dogs, and SCWM will rule the Earth. And you'll see. You'll all see." Two policemen came to grab her. "No! Get your hands off me! No! No!" It was like she had pulled off the heist of the century, and no one cared. "I am the Zodiac!" No one believed her. A few minutes later, we got out of the station. "Who the fuck are these people thinking?! I'm speechless. I don't understand. Somebody, some piece of shit isn't taking credit for our work by sending explicit details of the murders to the paper? It's bullshit. Some illiterate with a dick that's using our hard work to gain attention for himself! "Well, it's good, isn't it? They won't be looking for us." Bea then replied, "It's ours, Mae. We thought of it. We're doing it. People should fear us, not some anonymous man who has trouble spelling simple words. "Then let's take credit. Let people know these are SCWM murders." Bea then stopped me. "No. We have an agenda. We do not release who we are until a thousand people are dead, okay? We will reverse the power structure and regain our rightful place at the apex. We will cut off the dead, weight of the patriarch and drug use, crime loss, and revolution will sweep the country." I'm get worried about her. "Bea, you're not making sense." "Makes sense to me, and I'm the boss. It's my manifesto. Maybe this is some elaborate trap set by the police. I know exactly what it is. The goddamn leeches, the government! They want everything. Their egos won't let them accept anything less. They need to be the agents of creation and chaos, and they will not stop until the whole world is in their grubby little hands!" It felt like I was losing her. The schizophrenia had taken hold. She wasn't making any sense. I couldn't get through to her. It broke my heart to see her like that. I'm not gonna lose her. I never will...
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdGuD-LRHek)
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"Some people go to jail and find God." Neil tells everyone about her time in jail. Was it because of a crime she didn't commit? "One person in my block even mastered the flute. But when I was in the joint, I had an altogether more personal epiphany, one that I think will surprise many of the people here tonight. And that is that I, Beatrice Santello, was dead fuckin' wrong about shit like this. I made a mistake. I opened the door just enough so that a few swingin' dicks could come in. I thought for sure there had to be one or two inoffensive men willing to help with our cause, but you know what I learned when I was in the clink? There are no exceptions." Maurice was showing a little bit of sweat. "Why don't you stand up, Maurice. Come on, chop-chop." He stood up slowly. "Do it, turd!" He was now standing. "Is there anything you've been wanting to get off your chest?" "Uh, I'm a turd. Uh, an abject lowlife piece of garbage who's not fit to-" Bea interrupts him. "No. I mean, yes, you are a turd. But he's looking for a new confession." She shows him a small book. "Wh-What's that? A new play? Your next manifesto?" He looked like he was trying to avoid the punishment. "Oh, come on, I'm supposed to believe that you never seen this, asshole? That it wasn't wedged under your bed as recently as last night with a healthy collection of beefcake magazines? Same code, same handwriting that was splashed across the Chronicle, the Examiner, the Vallejo Times! We know you wrote the letters, turd." He stuttered in fear. "It's not mine. I'm-I'm not the Zodiac." "Fess up, Maurice. Just like a man to take credit for the work of a woman." Bea, please, I-I'm nothing. I'm a turd. I'm just a turd." Bruce began to speak. "You did this to yourself, Maurice. You've got no one else to blame but yourself." Bea then stabs him in the arm. He screamed in pain and agony as the blood began to drip from the knife. "Nice watch, Bruce! Your willingness to let your fellow self, Maurice, meet my blade while you just stood by silently, because that says more about your sex than a million words. I've seen your chicken scratch, Bruce. No cipher can hide piss-poor penmanship!" "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to. I'm weak. I'm a weakling. But I'm still a man!" I whack him with the bat. I tell her, "What should we do with him?" Neil turned to me and said, "Put him in the cage." We carry him to a box that can fit him. It was shaped like a coffin. "NO! NOT THERE!" He begins to beg for mercy. We place him inside and seal the box shut. Be a then pushes it to the cremating furnace. He screamed and screamed as the flames began to melt him. Bea began to smile as we all watched him burn. A few hours later, Neil starts another meeting. "We have to think bigger. 'Cause the man in the moon, oh, he's fake, my friends. And when we're done, no one will be able to deny that SCWM was the dawn of the revolution." Bea began to speak. "Well, I've made a hit list. Some real disgusting motherfuckers. Like this asshole, Hugh Hefner, who's clearly threatened by our power, so he subjugates and attacks our self-worth and our evolutionarily superior thoughts! Billy Graham, useless fucking oppressor of women. Raped a kid once in Vietnam. Bobby Riggs, directs furry porn to make money." Seeing her like this after dealing with Bruce made her a little...off. "Steve McQueen. Oh, Steve fuckin' McQueen, he's the worst of all. He took Ali MacGraw from us, squandered her God-given talent, and now she's a housewife in goddamn Malibu." Neil looked confused. "You sure there isn't another reason you want us to do that, Bea?" "Well, their problems are affecting me because I didn't cause them, but they don't need a visual. Not to mention he was fucking a dumb-as-shit baby girl." Maurice then said, "Why are we even trying to win some stupid gang conflict? Who cares if we win or not?" Bea then slaps him across the face. "Because people don't follow experts anymore, asshole, they follow titles. And when we get our shit together, and cause enough panic and fear, the sheep are gonna turn to their leaders to save them. It doesn't matter if the devil himself rises up from hell and starts killing people around here as long as no one sees him do it. The world isn't 'tell me,' it's 'show me.'" I tell him, "Bea's right. People aren't scared because they haven't seen the goddamn clowns. We are pulling off the cinematic Clockwork Orange shit, and it's like we're putting on a show for ourselves." "We have to strike back. And this time, we won't miss." Our crew drives to a nearby gas station where a Vendetta vehicle is parked. The driver's name was Hariku Soranzia, a mere college dropout until he found clarity in himself. We grabbed him, put a bag over his head, and threw him in the van. He begins to wake up. "Jesus." he sees Bea holding a Rockwell electric saw. "What do you want from me?" "Answers. What happened to Meadow?" Hariku stuttered, "I wanted Ally to save her. So I let her do it I didn't know she was gonna blow her own brains out." Be a looked fiercely at him in the eye. "You should have known. You were her husband, and you let her be manipulated." "Oh, now you want to talk about protecting our wives?!" Neil then said, "My wife drove me crazy. I didn't get her killed! Her death had more meaning than any moment in her pathetic life. And you know that. And this is all YOU! I'm the genius! I'm the author of SCWM! "What about Men Lead, Women Bleed? - You came up with that." Hariku was confused. "What? No, I didn't." "Even if you just said it to impress your new SS-wannabe boyfriends, it's disgusting." Bea moves the saw closer to his head. "I never said it!" Bea told him, "Now would be the time to deny it. Not that we would ever believe you. You of all people know what it's like to be marginalized, pushed out. You're a gay man." She hands me the saw. "Put him out of his misery." I used the saw and cut open his skull. We pulled his brains out, put a tape in his head, and slammed his skull shut. We put him back in the car we kidnapped him in, and drove off. As I got home, I read a piece of an article from Valarie Solanas. "The human soul is completely egocentric, trapped inside of one's self, capable of empathizing with others, of love or friendship, affection or tenderness." This is something to me, watching the blinds glow, or the smiling faces on tv. The SCWM Journal was the first time I had clearly laid out the radical thesis that hate was the real problem in society. Has a woman ever started a war? Are the polluting, Earth-murdering CEOs of Standard Oil or Dow Chemicals like me? Would pigs wait in dark hallways at night to rape sheep as they come home from work? Do Christians molest their daughters for belief? Does the government pervert art into commerce like some people we all know? All of those questions had only one single answer: A yes, no, or a maybe. But there is one question that had suddenly appeared in my head: Who is none the wiser? But before I could answer it, I heard the phone ring. It was Neil. "Hey there. Hope I'm not calling at a worse time, but, we need to relocate. Turns out the cops found out about our hideout. So where would you like to go?" "I think I know a place..."
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