73ironath 10 months
When you have come to the point wherein you say: "I have arrived" in your desires, the first "I have arrived" you need achieve is differentiating the voice of the FATHER and that of Satan.
This arrive before the FATHER leads to other "I have arrived" in life.
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73ironath 10 months
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73ironath 10 months
If each of us is called one by one and asked this question, majority of us will say no. But what we shall reason in this write up, we shall come to know where we stand.
Truly, the Lord has provided us the earthly things to use. But when we come to the point wherein we value the earthly things more than the things of the Lord, it has become a god we worship.
Too many things, even trending ones our eyes behold. Even with our last coins we are ready to spend it on them and the needs in the home we suspend or pay little attention simply because we want to height with our fashionable friends.
While we have longer throats on them, these questions we should consider.
* Do I take time to measure them with the Lord's standards and commandments?
* Our bodies is dual-spirit and flesh. Have I ever buy things that will make my spirit beautiful and to be sensitive to the spirit voice; maintain and nourish him/her just as I provide for my flesh?
* The android that I have what do I mostly concentrate on?
* Do I gather excessive properties which some have been abandoned for more than four years?
* Do I ponder the covenants I made with Christ?
* Do I strive to keep the Lord's laws, commune with FATHER before leaving my home?
* Do I study and ponder my assignment, and practice what I teach?
* Do I mount pressure in my relationship to get what I want when the rights and ordained has not been done?
* Do I watch and discipline my children/wards in the way they should go?
* Do I encourage exams malpractices dishonesty, oppression of hireling, covetousness..?
* Am I following the dressing codes of fashions and bodies, worldly languages that are contrary to angels tongues?
If we are growing in these things, it means we are earthly conscious. This depreciate our spiritual capacity, lessens the influences of the still small voice, weakens our strength to open pages of Christ and the attending of the Sabbath becomes casual with no mindset of "what would the Lord need me know today?"
We may be having all the food, clothing and shelter while in this state, but it is not safe because our spirits has been malnourished.
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73ironath 10 months
If each of us is called one by one and asked this question, majority of us will say no. But what we shall reason in this write up, we shall come to know where we stand.
Truly, the Lord has provided us the earthly things to use. But when we come to the point wherein we value the earthly things more than the things of the Lord, it has become a god we worship.
Too many things, even trending ones our eyes behold. Even with our last coins we are ready to spend it on them and the needs in the home we suspend or pay little attention simply because we want to height with our fashionable friends.
While we have longer throats on them, these questions we should consider.
* Do I take time to measure them with the Lord's standards and commandments?
* Our bodies is dual-spirit and flesh. Have I ever buy things that will make my spirit beautiful and to be sensitive to the spirit voice; maintain and nourish him/her just as I provide for my flesh?
* The android that I have what do I mostly concentrate on?
* Do I gather excessive properties which some have been abandoned for more than four years?
* Do I ponder the covenants I made with Christ?
* Do I strive to keep the Lord's laws, commune with FATHER before leaving my home?
* Do I study and ponder my assignment, and practice what I teach?
* Do I mount pressure in my relationship to get what I want when the rights and ordained has not been done?
* Do I watch and discipline my children/wards in the way they should go?
* Do I encourage exams malpractices dishonesty, oppression of hireling, covetousness..?
* Am I following the dressing codes of fashions and bodies, worldly languages that are contrary to angels tongues?
If we are growing in these things, it means we are earthly conscious. This depreciate our spiritual capacity, lessens the influences of the still small voice, weakens our strength to open pages of Christ and the attending of the Sabbath becomes casual with no mindset of "what would the Lord need me know today?"
We may be having all the food, clothing and shelter while in this state, but it is not safe because our spirits has been malnourished.
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73ironath 10 months
In the tears of sorrows which we may now be passing through we can convert it to tears of joy. This becomes possible when we channel our thoughts to counting our blessings received. Small and big
So many souls, after they have fought battles to enter the straight and narrow path, even The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints, they do share strong tears of joy as their hearts is filled with gratitude.
Sometimes, while bearing their testimonies with tears accompanied, they are short of words to say. Only tears of joy is the testimonies which confirm to our souls that the Church is true.
I can recall vividly when my mother attended the temple with us.
And it came to pass, when she entered the Telestial room, with her temple clothing on her two hands, she somehow stood a little bit and looked around and was led to a seat to sit.
While she was entering in, rested in my mind was: oh my mother will be ENDOWED today..... Joy and gratitude gathered around my soul and tears dropped like rain as I sat in the front roll of the seats. That same day my mother was sealed to my father who is already in the next room of life. Likewise, my sister Stella and I were SEALED to them.
Tears of joy do falls from our eyes when we have received the long expected blessings. This increases when what we may not have dreamed of is added.
In the receiving of Priesthood blessings, calling, patriarchal blessing, some do drop tears of joy as it confirm what has been made known to them. They do confirm: "yes, FATHER is involved in this... and that He loves them so much.
As you NOW may be experiencing tears of sorrows, due to the burdens that encircled you, may the comforter help you to see the love of the FATHER and the blessings which He has given you that you may share tears of joy.
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73ironath 10 months
Many of us are of the opinion or have been taught by men that when one have submitted ones life to Christ that is the end of all his troubles. If these teachings are planted in your mind, then, it would be appropriate to erase it and plant "in the world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Let me emphasize clearly. None of us, righteous or unrighteous will ever escape troubles while here. They're thorns we must walk on to progress spiritually and temporarily. That is, when one trouble embraces us and we call on FATHER and it is resolved, another will be placed before us again. And so it continues until we leave this mortal bodies.
Come to think of it, is it not the troubles that makes us to pray, fast to know the Saviour and the healing power of the atonement and the great workings of the spirit?
When Jehovah was gradually moving to the climax of the troubles allotted him, he said:
"Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour." John 12:27
I would need us know his troubles started even when he born. Mathew 2:12-16
As I strive to do the will of my Saviour, rescue souls, I sometimes discern troubles coming. This makes my spirit becomes restive which sometimes makes my stomach buttons up and moved to do the needful. At the end, sometimes the names of the troubles and purpose are made known. I do come to realize that they are ladders I must climb to know what he passed through and to stand as a witness while I dwell in mortality.
If we carefully check our lives, it is in these troubles we experience clear visions, the voice of our FATHER and his nearness to us, "time-honored testimonies" that can not be erased which we share "I know the Saviour lives."
Because Jehovah understood his mission and must face the troubles allotted him, he said:
Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
My prayers is that may FATHER glorify our troubles as we strive to do our best in the troubles we must find ourselves.
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73ironath 10 months
In all efforts to reach our promised land here and after, there are some who are slow in movement, entangled by forces of darkness, pull down by sicknesses, swallowed with pride, by the tongues of men not to take actions for truth found, not contented with ones purse.. These happenings makes one not to reach the promised land dreamed of.
As the saints left the land of oppressions and trekked 1,000 miles (1.600km) to the place of rest, salt lake city to worship the Lord and perform all the necessary ordinances for salvation and exaltation, president Brigham Young came to realize that there are some HAND-CARTS left behind.
With this news held, president Young stood up before the saints and declared:
"Many of our brethren and sisters are on the plains with hand-carts, and they must be brought back here."
Many of the hand-carts in our gathering, their seats are empty. The causes are not fully known. Nevertheless, but if that same spirit that sparks president Young to stand and declared: "many of our brethren and sisters are on the plains... they must be brought back" is in us, we will sought for ways, coupled with prayers/fasting to meet the hand-carts behind.
With the full content of the spirit resting in us, and the reflection of the light in us will make them to open the content of their concerns. Hence freedom becomes their portion and their seats is occupied again.
We may not fully gain all (their agency counts), but our efforts is counted.
However, you who is behind, PLEASE COME BACK! He loves you and need your reconciliation. Isaiah 1:18.
By way of invitation, I call on all those who have not made full covenants and the partaking of the required ordinances administered by Priesthood power and authority, found in the Lord's Church, even The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints to come forth. For it is not the plan of FATHER for you to be left behind.
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73ironath 10 months
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73ironath 10 months
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73ironath 10 months
Since our spirits mobile our physical bodies in every actions we take, it would be required of us to feed him/her with the best balance diet as found in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ (LDS gospel library). Download from play store
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73ironath 10 months
Since our spirits mobile our physical bodies in every actions we take, it would be required of us to feed him/her with the best balance diet as found in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ (LDS gospel library). Download from play store
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73ironath 10 months
In today's world, many powers and authorities are operational. For us to have knowledge of the genuine, it would be of great importance to enlighten us through this epistle.
This earth we live today is organized from materials (Abraham 3:24) which we have no knowledge of. And when we came to this earth we know not how it happened.
The very power that manifested these events is the Priesthood power under the leadership of our Elder Brother, Jehovah who is known as Jesus Christ in the new testament.
Of this Paul proclaimed to the Colossians:
"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creatures
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:" Colossians 1:15-16.
Truly, we are here to be tested. Nevertheless, we are to live after the manner of happiness.
In the sorting for happiness, protections, positions and organizing our lives, we sought for the fast lane to get it instantly. This does results as our common enemies whispers into our ears beautiful opinion and behold, we forsake the laws, covenants and true guides - gift of the Holy Ghost, living scriptures and penned scriptures, patriarchal blessing.
It is this power our FATHER used to wed Adam and Eve. This same authority and power Christ gave to Peter and said:
"I give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.. whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Mathew 16:19.
Same Peter, James and John; Elijah, Moses, in this dispensation in 1829 came forth and confer their rights, powers and authorities on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.
This Priesthood power and authority can only be found in "The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints."
For its manifestations of power and blessings, these "D&C 121:34-38" are to be considered.
Going out of the covenant ship when one have obtained it for selfish interest, it is bye bye.
To conclude is a question. What is your choice?
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73ironath 10 months
In today's world, many powers and authorities are operational. For us to have knowledge of the genuine, it would be of great importance to enlighten us through this epistle.
This earth we live today is organized from materials (Abraham 3:24) which we have no knowledge of. And when we came to this earth we know not how it happened.
The very power that manifested these events is the Priesthood power under the leadership of our Elder Brother, Jehovah who is known as Jesus Christ in the new testament.
Of this Paul proclaimed to the Colossians:
"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creatures
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:" Colossians 1:15-16.
Truly, we are here to be tested. Nevertheless, we are to live after the manner of happiness.
In the sorting for happiness, protections, positions and organizing our lives, we sought for the fast lane to get it instantly. This does results as our common enemies whispers into our ears beautiful opinion and behold, we forsake the laws, covenants and true guides - gift of the Holy Ghost, living scriptures and penned scriptures, patriarchal blessing.
It is this power our FATHER used to wed Adam and Eve. This same authority and power Christ gave to Peter and said:
"I give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.. whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Mathew 16:19.
Same Peter, James and John; Elijah, Moses, in this dispensation in 1829 came forth and confer their rights, powers and authorities on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.
This Priesthood power and authority can only be found in "The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints."
For its manifestations of power and blessings, these "D&C 121:34-38" are to be considered.
Going out of the covenant ship when one have obtained it for selfish interest, it is bye bye.
To conclude is a question. What is your choice?
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73ironath 10 months
It is very certain and common that sometimes when we meet ugly situations, even which the FATHER can testify that it is not good, we tend to blow the roof by strangling our voices and muscles or applying pondering the issues first and knocking on the door gently which is pleasing to FATHER to meet our desires.
Experiences have taught me that He is aware and some of these uglies He has planted for our spiritual growth and temporal gifts and to learn of Him.
In our minds, we usually print "FATHER, why is thou delaying the work which thou need me do for thee; expedients in my home; the oppressions -spiritually, verbally, physically financially...?"
In some of these uglies which He permitted, there are beautiful treasures therein. We can only see them when we use our spiritual eyes to go through them. At the end we may say "FATHER, I am grateful for allowing me to pass through these training.
In my quiet reasoning, talking and discussion with FATHER and even applying the gift which He has given me to bless my life; in my heart and mind I do wrestle with Him but I have come to learn that some expedients have time to come out and I can not FORCE Him. This sometimes results His voice "allow my will to be done in your life."
The teachings of men and the much emphasis on monies; not willing to learn from men's experiences, the Lord's materials and living materials does make men to want to burst the ceiling for FATHER to drop the needs instantly. When not coming forth, other channels outside Christ is sought for. It is DANGEROUS! Even if you gets it.
When we have truly repented, we should actions his laws and covenants. Even if it requires death. After all we all must relocate to the next room of life.
What He gives in the due time is PERFECT.
May we apply for the spirit to have patience until the release.
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73ironath 10 months
It is very certain and common that sometimes when we meet ugly situations, even which the FATHER can testify that it is not good, we tend to blow the roof by strangling our voices and muscles or applying pondering the issues first and knocking on the door gently which is pleasing to FATHER to meet our desires.
Experiences have taught me that He is aware and some of these uglies He has planted for our spiritual growth and temporal gifts and to learn of Him.
In our minds, we usually print "FATHER, why is thou delaying the work which thou need me do for thee; expedients in my home; the oppressions -spiritually, verbally, physically financially...?"
In some of these uglies which He permitted, there are beautiful treasures therein. We can only see them when we use our spiritual eyes to go through them. At the end we may say "FATHER, I am grateful for allowing me to pass through these training.
In my quiet reasoning, talking and discussion with FATHER and even applying the gift which He has given me to bless my life; in my heart and mind I do wrestle with Him but I have come to learn that some expedients have time to come out and I can not FORCE Him. This sometimes results His voice "allow my will to be done in your life."
The teachings of men and the much emphasis on monies; not willing to learn from men's experiences, the Lord's materials and living materials does make men to want to burst the ceiling for FATHER to drop the needs instantly. When not coming forth, other channels outside Christ is sought for. It is DANGEROUS! Even if you gets it.
When we have truly repented, we should actions his laws and covenants. Even if it requires death. After all we all must relocate to the next room of life.
What He gives in the due time is PERFECT.
May we apply for the spirit to have patience until the release.
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73ironath 10 months
Where there be practicalities of the principles, doctrines, ordinances and covenants as found in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, one will come to the point that he or she knows nothing about oneself. For the spirit will become the liahona, and point to one, even move one not knowing before hand what to do until one fulfill an assignment or reaches ones destination. 1 Nephi 4:6; Hebrews 11:8.
These gathered silent miracles, only obtained when one do not murmur, but go through the events that transpired, in the some disappointment or favour will make one to come to the knowledge of "know -how" how the heavens operates with the earth.
It is this "time -honoured testimonies" acquired made Elder Rasband to say:
"I now invite you to take your know-how, coupled with your time-honored testimonies and go on mission."
Commonly, he refers to couple and full time mission. It is BEYOND that.
Finding ourselves in the straight and narrow path -The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. to be in the highest and best kingdom, our assignment or callings are missions. In fact, everyone that have tasted the honeys of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, drop by drop is expected to climb to the level of "time-houred testimonies." to testify and teach men worldwide. Even from childhood without fear or favour.
When we begin to ask the FATHER: "what do thou need me do in thy Son's Church,?" It is a sign that one loves the Lord and want to "Go on a mission."
The readiness to go on a mission will make one to bring the timetable of the Lord and ones family, careers.. together and tell the FATHER to arrange plans in order.
As far as I am concerned, from my experiences, FATHER'S plans are PERFECT!
With the missions we have in our hearts, we should knit it with the missions elder Rasband and his quorums members are pointing us to.
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73ironath 11 months
The permit, sponsor & carving of square pegs to fit in into a round holes to build organization, home & Nation creat confidence for men to continue on such. Such stops the flows of unity, peace happiness and progress. The heavens hates it.
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