7waystreet · 2 months
toxic | min yoongi
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synopsis — it's the night before your wedding but your ex bf yoongi reels you in for a taste of what you've been missing
genre — fluff; smut
warnings — 18+, TW! cheating, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex
word count — 2.3k+
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It's the evening before what any other person in the world would most probably feel beyond excited for, not even being able to properly voice the happiness which consumes their breath. Having found that one special person completing the unsaid void in their hearts, almost everyone goes into it with the mindset of only wanting it to happen once in this lifetime. Your wedding.
But you find yourself slipping out of the family festivities early under the pretense of wanting to get a good night's rest being the bride, silently hiding back in the heavy shadows before the much anticipated ceremony tomorrow. Looking for an escape from the overwhelming burden weighing all the way down to your gut, you secretly change into a baggy set of sweats and pull your hood up, eventually cowering in the corner of the sports bar at your hotel lobby, all alone. You feel pathetic sipping on your drink late into the night hours, the urge to yell at yourself for being ungrateful for the wonderful things you've been blessed to have in your life only getting stronger as the alcohol begins spiking your bloodstream, your thoughts concluding on the fact that you're just utterly insane for somehow still not being content with your fiancé's love.
But you now find yourself wondering... is love just about being content? Or is love about experiencing every single one of those all consuming and wild emotions that drive you to the depths of craziness, but also give you that exhilarating rollercoaster ride of pleasure and thrill, than otherwise?
Your head sways sideways in painful defeat, a drunken chuckle escaping your lips as your mind drifts off to your past. Of course you'd tried the latter with nearly no success, the memories of that long term toxic relationship soon flashing before your eyes like a movie, an aching numbness sucking the life out of your body.
Despite everything that's happened, you still can't stop thinking about Yoongi.
How could you possibly forget him when he was your first? Your first kiss, which he'd ever so gently pressed into your trembling lips after he'd walked you home late at night from that house party. Your first boyfriend, the way his cheeks had turned cherry red when he'd mustered up the courage to ask you out still fresh in your mind despite it being years and years ago. He was even the person you'd lost your virginity to, the night he'd snuck in through your window to sneak into your sheets sorely rippling through your brain like a wave threatening to drown you. He was your first love, and your first heartbreak too.
"Would you like another drink, miss?" the bartender's voice drifting from somewhere up ahead rips you out of your drowse, your head nodding in acknowledgment, still hanging low under your hood, to further your wishes to deprive yourself from any sensations.
"You know, you really shouldn't be drinking so much at this hour."
Like a snake lying patiently in wait until he chooses to slither back in, Yoongi smoothly takes the seat right next to you on the high top chairs at the bar, the comment he's just made in his deep voice jolting your body into a wake state as if you'd been shocked to life with a defibrillator. You obviously don't have the courage to turn and look at his face, purely out of the fear that you'll get lost into those cunning eyes again, but you can still tell it's him from the attractive scent of his pinewood musk cologne mercilessly seeping into your senses, dangerously sucking you back into the reminiscence of falling asleep to that same smell while being snug in his arms.
"How did you even find me here?"
"I can spot my own sweatshirt easily, even from a mile away."
Your face streaks hotter as your eyes quietly drift down to really observe the black FG hoodie you'd inattentively thrown on earlier, not even thinking twice about how it'd actually belonged to Yoongi when you'd stolen it from him back in the day when you two were still dating, a right of passage for any girlfriend in the case, of course.
"Still mad I never gave it back to you?"
"Nah, it looks way better on you than it ever did on me" you can hear a slight sigh in his upbeat voice, his tone of speech quite easy to decipher, and you'd understood perfectly well Yoongi had indeed grinned to himself while speaking those words.
A smile curls up on the already loosening muscles of your face, your swerving mind fully malfunctioning and finally ordering your head to turn in his direction, just in time to catch Yoongi flash his endearing gummy smile, a heart warming sight you hadn't been graced with for ages. A heart wrenching sight you've no doubt missed.
"What do you want Yoongi?"
"Nothing. I'm just here to check up on you and make sure you're ok before, you know, the big day."
A hint of spitefulness no doubt lingers in his fake act of sounding perfectly unaffected by it all, even the true master of disguise failing miserably to hide his strained feelings about the reality you're both trapped in at that given moment.
"Hah. How sincere of you... Where the hell were you when I really needed you?"
His entire demeanor tenses up to a rock when your unexpected words pierce him like shards of glass, his thinned lips pressing on each other while his saddened eyes peer into your glistening ones, his mind clearly thinking his thoughts through in a flash for a few brief moments before saying something he'd later end up regretting.
"We've talked about this. You really wanna go there again?"
With a whip of frustration, you veer your gaze away from him in a swipe, your elbows digging into the bar top at once, your bare face now buried rigidly in your palms. Your eyes remain tightly shut, stars beginning to sparkle in your dusky vision from your eyeballs being intensely pressured into your hands, your breathing certainly shaky as you try hard not to blow your head off in the anger that's surging through your chest.
"Hey look at me" Yoongi's hand softly twists up around your wrist and tugs at you, the feeling of his palm touching your skin like a sharp burn.
"And do what?! Stop trying to be nice now... it's too late! You fucked everything up!"
It's true. Yoongi's scorching love always came at a conditional price, not any of that unconditional shit you see everywhere in the movies and dramas. You'd done everything you could to support him in his difficult venture of establishing himself as a music producer in this tough industry, selflessly spending countless hours with him in the studio for moral support, sacrificing your own health and pushing your own dreams aside to fully be there for him.
But what did he even do for you? Slap a bandaid over your hurt by buying you the most expensive and exquisite gifts with the flowing cash in his bank account, without ever prioritizing you when you really needed him to be there. All you had asked was for him to really invest some time to strengthen your relationship, but the constant neglect because of his rising career became the last nail in the coffin, finally breaking off your trust in him for never being a dependable partner.
"You know I was trying to make money. For our future together. To make sure we were financially stable and secure."
"How happy is that money making you now with having to see me get married to him?"
"And how much happier are you with him than you were with me?"
The icy cold silence that follows forces you both to freeze up, exasperated eyes locked into one another as you silently sit there with a breathless shake, shocked by the sudden direct questions you'd thrown onto each other. But you both seemingly know the answers to those no matter how wretchedly wrong they seem, perfectly understanding each other without even a need for words.
Yoongi's hand gradually moves up from your wrist, quietly loosening up your clenched fist and sliding his palm along yours, his pretty fingers intertwining with yours before he lightly squeezes your hand.
"Come with me."
It's like a fatal poison, his raspy voice, the sweetness of it brutally addicting, and you're sure it's only going to consume you in the end. Your brain keeps saying no but you're still unable to escape him, your feet now following along his as if they have a mind of their own.
You're not quite sure if you're using your hood to hide your shame or just your face as you enter the elevator with Yoongi, hand in hand, not daring to look up or making eye contact with anyone in case someone from your family spots you, Yoongi's feet eventually guiding you over to his hotel room. Your heart feels like it's going to give out when he closes the door after you've both entered the four walls of security, guaranteeing your privacy, your stomach setting on fire, when he gently pushes your back against the door.
Yoongi's hands skim over your curves, his grip finally firming around your waist right as your mind goes blank, his face slowly pushing in closer until you can feel his breath on your nose, your quivering lips instantly pressing back into his when he impatiently kisses you. Even after all of these years of not being intimate with him, you both seem to find your rhythm as if your bodies were hardwired into it, his chest rubbing into yours as the kissing heats up in no time. Yoongi gently sucks on your tongue, still remembering just how much of a turn on it is for you, unexpectedly taking a pause and moving back from your lips with a big smooching sound.
"Are you still on birth control?"
Your nod of reassurance calms down the visible anxiousness stirring on his face, one of his arms dipping straight underneath your thighs while the other supports your back, being held up in his arms making your heart skip a beat, all while he walks you over to the white linen sheets on the fluffy hotel bed. Yoongi ceremoniously throws you on top of the mattress, a gasp leaving your mouth as your body bounces from the motion, your tense gaze taking in the sight of him standing there untying your shoes for you, his eyes firmly fixed on your face as he does it, not wanting to miss capturing even a second of emotion he's making you feel. He swiftly throws your shoes away behind him, the pair loudly smacking the wall in the hotel room before he slowly leans forward and begins undressing you from your sweats, tossing everything away messily onto the floor, eventually leaving you naked and shivering in bed right in front of him.
And just like that, he's already on his knees for you, his head tucked in between your legs despite his eyes rooted on you, his mouth swishing in a quick motion to drip out his spit onto your folds right before his tongue slowly glides it around to get to wet. He way he flicks on your clit with the tip makes your toes curl up in excitement, the familiar sound of him moaning at the sight of your pleasure prickling up your back in painful goosebumps. He doesn't hesitate to jam his tongue in your hole and place open mouthed kisses on your clit, the motion upping your heart palpitations at once, forcing you to run out of breath and tense up in your place.
"Fuck. I missed the taste of your pussy."
There's absolutely no thoughts running in your mind now except for what your eyes are visually processing, Yoongi edging you on to only pull his mouth away to make you wait just a little bit longer, his legs rising back up to his feet before he starts taking his clothes off one by one, giving you enough time to ogle at every inch of his naked figure in front of you, the vision of his slim stunning body forming a deep knot in your chest.
He's already spun you around and made you get on all fours, now cutting you off from observing the way he looks, only allowing your senses to experience how his body makes you feel being pressed up against your back. His thick cock angles towards your heat, and the way he teases you by rubbing it along your folds for him to meet with your dripping wetness drives you fucking insane. Without any warning, he tightly enters your heat with a slam while you both close your eyes in unison, diving deep into the nostalgic comfort which had imprinted straight onto your souls.
You knew Yoongi loved hitting it from the back because he always liked seeing your ass jiggle from the action, and he gets to live his dream one last time before you become someone else's, the palm of his hand spanking your buttcheeks for the full effect, leaving a red hand print as if to mark you as his in wild desire. Your face scrunches up and teeth bite into the pillow as he spanks hard another time, his cock ramming in and out of you with full speed, just how you like it though. Rough sex with him got you off like no other, the way he mastered the understanding of the fine line between real pain and pleasure a turn on in itself, and he knows just how much you admire that, his nails now digging into your ass and pulling you even closer to thrust even further in to hit your g-spot.
You can't help but clench around his length in no time, a growl escaping his mouth when he feels your walls tightening up around him, the moans that follow furthering both of your pleasure as the friction finally pushes the two of you over the edge. His cum mixed with yours slips out of your heat as he pulls his cock out, flopping down on the bed next to you in a breathless state, your own body still experiencing the waves of your orgasm as if it didn't want to ever stop feeling it.
"Don't marry him, (y/n). Let's try to make this work. I'll do better."
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195 notes · View notes
7waystreet · 2 months
aftereffects | #01
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synopsis — a stepbro as a roommate, a nuisance as a neighbor, and a celebrity as a colleague. could (y/n)'s life get any more complicated?
genre — angst, drama, poly, love, smut, slow burn
disclaimer — 18+ strong language & sexual content
wordcount — 6k+
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chapter index:
01 | coming soon
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"Fucking hell... PARK JIMIN!"
It's literally unbelievable how it's the third time your ass has fallen flat through the toilet bowl just this week, your face twisting up in utter disgust as you push your knees together, one hand on the rim of the bathtub and the other awkwardly on the edge of the sink, shakily lifting your body weight up out of the mess, feeling exceedingly stupid as you do it in your own damn bathroom. Even a basic thing like peeing had become a struggle ever since the devil had wormed his way into your life posing as your new roommate. Your irritation keeps rising the more the water keeps trickling down your butt and dampening your panties that are hanging on for dear life around your thighs, but your head finally blows off its meter when you notice your towel's missing from its usual hook by the shower curtain.
It's an agonizing pet peeve not having your things in order, a roar of frustration growling through your pursed lips, which by the way, is now a daily occurrence because of the unwanted company you were blackmailed into putting up with, your hands ripping out a wad of toilet paper a bit too aggressively to pat yourself dry. Drawing your bottoms back on, you almost swing the door off its hinges before charging straight into Jimin's room at the end of the corridor, your house slippers belligerently flip flopping onto the tiles, successfully sounding off your vexation in full force.
"Wake up, you fuck! How many times do I have to tell you to put the toilet seat down after taking a piss in the middle of the night?" you yell out in eternal suffering, snatching a pillow that's rolled off of his bed and chucking it smack dab at his face with all the strength you can muster during these waking hours.
A scrunch of confusion crinkles up his smooth forehead, Jimin's heavy eyes slowly squinting open and hardly adjusting to the sunshine peeking through the shades by the window, an annoyed grunt instantly snorting out his nose when his vision focuses on you after a few blinks, his face immediately flipping over and burying into the pillow beneath his neck.
"Go. Away." his raspy voice muffles through, his arms now aimlessly pulling the wrinkly white sheets up over his black boxers and bare naked back, only stopping once he's fully covered himself all the way above his head, of course a tragic attempt to hide from your daunting figure fuming by his side.
"What the fuck did you do with my towel? I need to get ready for work. This isn't funny."
Without even caring to respond to your firing question with words, Jimin's index finger simply crawls out from underneath the covers, vaguely pointing in the direction of his PC setup by the back corner of his bedroom. With a deep sigh, you stomp over to his messy desk and notice your towel rumpled up on the floor next to a few empty beer bottles, and upon picking up the cloth, you realize he'd used it to soak up whatever alcohol he'd spilled over by the vomit inducing stench wafting off of it.
"I— HATE— YOU—!"
"Close the damn door on your way out."
It was just about a year ago when your mother had crashed at your doorstep, unannounced, after one of her solo escapades she enjoyed disappearing on for stretches at a time, excitedly declaring to you and your older brother Seokjin how she was a newly married woman, nonchalantly flaunting the flashy diamond wedding ring around her finger even before entering your apartment. As if any of that was completely normal.
You were usually aware of the boyfriends she strung along after the divorce with your father many years ago, but you'd never even once heard of whoever this Mr. Park was, the anxious glances exchanged between you and an equally bewildered Seokjin at the unexpected news from your mother still freshly imprinted in your memory like it was yesterday. Just another day dealing with the routine craziness that was your parental dynamic. If it weren't for Seokjin being your rock and the voice of reason you desperately needed while navigating your shared strained relationship with your mother, you surely would've been driven into insanity yourself with the years of stress and disconcertment you'd silently experienced, while also getting accustomed to the woes of adulthood.
But Mr. Park wasn't the only new addition to the annual household picture portraits during the holidays... he came with the unbearable baggage that was his son, Jimin. You'd understood right off the bat how much you were polar opposites of one another; you being the stereotypical Type A with your raging necessity for organization, perfectionism, and the constant self critique, impatience and aggresion that classically consumed your everyday being... while Jimin might as well have been the poster child for the Type B kind, with his proclivity towards living that laid back, unplanned, and lazy life, flunking out of college as a result and not having a stable job for years despite being around your age, shamelessly wasting away his time being a mooch to his father.
The man just couldn't wait to get his hands off of his son, Jimin being a big burden still living at home as a grown adult all these years, and also cutting into Mr. Park's private time with his latest wife, which was unfortunately your mother. The torturous woman who'd birthed you had ended up taking his side and basically forced you into saying yes to allow Jimin to move into your extra bedroom this summer, all while she'd cornered you into having this discussion right in front of Mr. Park, invoking a fake deplorable sympathy in her voice like it was your bloody job to take care of the boy instead of his pathetic father.
And just as if your morning couldn't have gotten any worse after Jimin's unaccounted for obscenity in his room with your towel, you end up missing your bus from taking a late shower, now requiring to ravage through your closet for a while before unearthing a spare rag you could bring yourself to use, and then have to painfully endure an earful from your boss when you walk in past your reporting time at the office, everything happening only by 8:45 on this glorious day.
"(y/n), you must know by now how we're the most highly reputable law firm in Seoul, and this type of unprofessional attitude won't be tolerated here. I'm letting it go this time because of your hard working nature, but you will be forcing my hand if I don't see any improvements in the future. You got that?" Namjoon sternly delivers, coldly uncrossing his long legs and straightening his tie before breaking his fierce eye contact with you and getting busy reading some papers on his polished mahogany desk, as if he hadn't just verbally spanked you for something that wasn't entirely your fault.
"I'm sorry. Things have just been a bit rough at home, but I promise I'll make a positive impact on the firm going forward" you swallow your spit to avoid the croak forming up in your throat, your mouth drying out more rapidly than being able to formulate any sentences.
"Good. Now, we have a new client coming in at 13.00. Can you ensure all of the paper work is ready and on my desk soon so I can prepare for the meeting? Oh, and I want you to join me as backup. Lee called out sick again."
Faking an overtly encouraging smile, you reassure Namjoon you'll take care of everything and join the meeting on time, exhaling out a shallow breath of relief right when you turn around and hurriedly exit his office, your legs swiftly navigating to your desk on auto-pilot while you greet a few colleagues with a forced hello on your way over. Not even 5 mins go by and a familiar head pops up above your desk wall, his wide gummy grin and judgy kitten eyes a solid indication you're about to be hearing some nonsense you don't care to take in.
"Got bitched at by Kim Namjoon? How's the sitch with that sexy stepbro of yours?"
Min Yoongi has an unbeatable knack to be a real bastard sometimes, although you can quietly admit to yourself he's the closest thing to a friend you've got at the law firm, his nosy personality taking a keen interest in you since the day you'd joined the company about 6 months ago. Despite securely collecting every piece of scintillating gossip he can extract from you and your coworkers, he'd never been intentionally malicious towards you, albeit he can be a real pain in the ass with his incessant nagging at times.
"Shut up, Yoongi. I'm not in the mood" you huff out in annoyance, rolling your eyes at him and going back to the pile of files on your desk to locate the one for the client arriving in a few hours.
The bowling of the wheels on his chair guarantees you're not going to be able to get started for the next 30 mins or so, Yoongi smoothly sliding over to your seat around the corner in a flash. And the way he consolingly waves his hands with a "Vent" is just the feeble trigger that's needed to burst open the floodgate of emotions that'd been brimming up inside you since the beginning of your bitter day.
"—And, Jimin can't even put the fucking toilet seat down! And, he uses all my shit without asking! And, you know what's so fucking infuriating? He makes BANK streaming stupid video games all night on Twitch while I haul ass at this firm as a mere paralegal! And, can Namjoon ever pull that humongous stick out of his giant ass? AND—"
"You know what you need, sweetie? To get dicked down. ASAP. All this pent up energy... it's not good for you" Yoongi shakes his head dramatically as if he's experiencing a personal defeat himself, but he's got a point, your mind slipping fast into your thoughts, grappling to recollect the last time you'd even gone on a date, forget getting some 1 on 1 action. "How about trying your luck with that Hoseok? He's the only man I've ever heard you sing praises for."
"Nah, he's my best friend since childhood. Besides, he came out as gay a while back, so him and me... yeah, that's never gonna happen."
You're still in your own mind, frankly struggling quite badly to come up with a list of men who give you any sort of attention or light of day, now that you really think about it. There's Hoseok, who's practically the closest person to you, and you love him to pieces, but that's an impossible avenue to tread on. Then there's your older brother Seokjin, who reverently dotes on you, and your step-brother Jimin, who literally shouldn't even be counted here, but the idea of having either of them in any sexual way is just beyond gross and gag worthy. And finally, there's that pompous man who you'd been cursed to have as your next door neighbor, the unremitting little prick always popping up at your doorstep at the most inconvenient of times.
Well, what a depressing fucking life.
"Oooo you think you can set me up with Hoseok?!" Yoongi's eccentric exclaims jerk you back into your dreadful reality, his hands clapping together in his usual flare and brows raising up at you in hopeful anticipation.
"Fuck no. I adore him too much for that. I'm not letting him get corrupted by your devious little mind" you can't help but giggle now, the thought of Hoseok and Yoongi ever ending up together a sick joke, their opposing personalities a match surely made in hell.
"Whatever, cunt. Good luck finding a man who's willing to put up with that stinker of an attitude you've got" Yoongi naughtily smiles, finally leaving you alone as he rolls his chair back over to his cubicle across from you.
After punctually dropping off the client file on Namjoon's desk and grabbing a quick bite to eat, you decide to enter the meeting room ahead of schedule, an attempt to look prepared in your boss's eyes, trying your best to correct your mistake from earlier in the day and clearing your bruised conscience. However, you're prompt to notice someone's even beaten you to it, already arriving in the conference room before everyone else, and it irks you how you're unable to tell exactly who this better assembled man is because of the way he's facing the window panes, calmly taking in the stellar skyline view of Seoul from the high rise tower you're in.
The dull sound of you pushing open the glass door makes the tall man spin around his heels in surprise, your eyes immediately locking in with his mesmerizing almond shaped ones. He's dressed in a crisp black tailor-made suit, fitting every inch of his slim figure to absolute perfection, an ensemble of silver rings prettily enhancing his dainty fingers, the matching silver cufflinks sparkling on his sleeves completing his stylish look, as if he were posing for the cover of a magazine shoot. His wavy honey blonde hair beautifully compliments his tanned skin, the soft wispy bangs resting on his forehead so glittery, they could easily belong in a men's hair product commercial.
It's right then when it hits you like a sore punch in the gut that you have seen them in an advertisement... in fact, you'd seen the same exact man in that primetime k-drama Hoseok had up playing in the background on his TV when you'd met up with him a few days ago.
"Kim Taehyung. I'll take an iced americano. Hold the sugar."
Your dangerously inflating bubble of attraction towards the handsome man ruptures in a split, the way he'd clearly taken you for a simpleton secretary after ogling you up and down with his fluttering lashes an instant reason to spoil your mood even further, a newfound dislike for the seemingly arrogant actor causing you to sassily bumble out the next few sentences without much thought to it.
"I'm not some kind of office maid, thank you very much. I'm sure you're used to those buzzing around at your own home, but if you need your iced americano that badly, cafeteria's on the 42nd floor."
An instantaneous regret singes your veins like wildfire, the thought of a prominent figure like Kim Taehyung now walking out of the law firm because of your unnecessary insolence muddling your mind, a rising fear halting your breath in a zap knowing you'll soon need to start searching for a new job after being gruelingly fired by Namjoon within the next hour. Do you have to be so on edge all the fucking time? Why is it so difficult to think before opening that trap of a mouth?
But to your sheer dumb amazement, or luck, you're not quite sure, Taehyung casually chuckles and replies with a short "I'm sorry" just as Namjoon swings through the glass door behind you, shifting the mood away from this dense encounter as he begins brightly reciting his rehearsed introductory speech while shaking Taehyung's hand.
"Ah (y/n), I see you're already acquainted with the smart young actor! Welcome to our firm, Mr. Kim! We are so happy to have you here. Would you like any refreshments? I'm sure (y/n) can grab us some—"
"No. That won't be necessary. Shall we get started then?" Taehyung curtly cuts off Namjoon's demeaning attempt to volunteer you for a coffee run despite it not being on your job description whatsoever, the actor cooly settling himself down in his seat and staring straight into your eyes right after, his head softly nodding down at your own chair with a tilt as if encouraging you to comfortably get settled too, without any worries or repercussions.
Wow... do some men actually know how to apologize and be decent? You'd certainly had your fair share of reoccurring poor experiences with Namjoon and Jimin on the daily, but it shocked you against your own will observing some humility in Kim Taehyung's act of all people, especially since you'd assumed him for the typical celebrity brat at firsthand interaction, your teeth unconsciously chewing your lower lip remembering just how quickly you'd lunged at his throat after he'd assumed something of you that was initially inaccurate too. The man clearly wanted a coffee but had passed up on the opportunity even when your boss had so rudely subjected you to it, a sudden interest in Taehyung strongly spiking up your gut with a mysterious mix of exhilaration.
"Let's get straight to the point. I'm here because I need the best team representing me in this defamatory case. The woman's claiming I'm the father of her child and threatening to sue me for child support" Taehyung stays firmly on task and lays out the basis of his visit, right after you and Namjoon get seated, your boss confidently speaking up to the man across from him upon glancing down at the client file.
"She's contending she has possession of your clothing and proof of visiting your penthouse apartment. Her team might be presenting security camera surveillance if that's the case. As your attorney, I have to ask you— Is there any truth to you impregnating her?"
Well, shit. You knew these types of cases are pretty common in the celebrity realm, but despite your astounding ability to usually be well prepared, you hadn't thought of briefing yourself on the details of the case before dropping off the documents on Namjoon's desk, having skipped that important bit of detail because of the frenzy you were flustered with since this morning. Your attentiveness to the case now keeps heightening by the second, especially with how you're impressed by Taehyung's professional mannerisms, which you can relate to, and you also secretly don't want to witness him creating a master plan to ruin some innocent girl and her child's life by getting out of providing financial support, which he so clearly has an abundance of.
Taehyung loudly clicks his tongue in exasperation, his poised head sadly hanging low now, his gaze gloomily shifting to the carpeted floor and staying there, wavering for a while. His face eventually moves up to slowly meet yours, much to your gulping surprise, his strained eyes deeply diving into yours and reflecting a sense of perceivable honesty, and also an unsaid flicker of frustration sparking up within them.
"No, it's a lie. I'm not sure how she managed to get the elevator card for clearance to my floor, but she knocked on my door and appeared distressed, claiming she was experiencing chest pain in her pregnant state. I could see her baby bump through her shirt, and I just kind of freaked. I supported her all the way inside my apartment in panic, and was about to call an ambulance, but she insisted on needing to sit and catch her breath, so I gave her a bottle of water and a hoodie because of how she was shivering. It slowly became clear she was just a crazy fan who'd stalked me for a while when she began asking me weird questions... like if I remembered her from a fan signing event, another time at my TV show's set, and also at some cafe. I threatened to call the police, which made her leave, Thank God, and then I informed security to block her access from the entire building."
"And now she's spinning the story and presenting it as you being involved with her and having her access to your residence restricted after a fight, which ensued from her explaining her pregnancy to you. The security cameras will confirm you were the one comforting her at the door, and also how she walked out with your hoodie on too" Namjoon carefully puts the pieces together, his finger lightly placed on his lips while in thought, his eyes back on the file in front of him.
"You see the issue here?" Taehyung exhales out a long sigh in a much more alert posture, probably from the anxiety that's creeping up and tightening his chest, his lips pressed together in worry and fingers crossed in an entanglement, with palms rooted directly to the table.
What a conniving little bitch, you privately muse to yourself in a tinge of a temper flare, scanning Taehyung's behavior now with a growing curiosity and evolved admiration. The man had been nothing but a gentleman, willing to lend a helping hand to a woman who appeared to be in discomfort, only for it to backfire so imperfectly on him. As much as it sucks to truthfully admit it, you most likely wouldn't have opened the door to a complete stranger, let alone invite them in, briefly imagining yourself being put in the same position as him if you'd been a famous icon. Yeah, you do feel like he should've been more vigilant, especially knowing only his known associates have access to his secluded apartment, but he still hadn't backed out of being of assistance when suddenly put in a tough situation like that.
"Not to worry, Mr. Kim. We can dig the guards and find out exactly how an elevator access card was stolen. And the woman's refusing a paternity test for now, but we can work an angle and submit her to do so to ultimately prove your innocence. I assure you, you'll walk out of this mess without taking any hit to your career. (y/n) can also help structure your public image better by getting in contact with our trusted news channel sources" Namjoon composedly clarifies, a kick of motivation laced in his voice to pacify the actor's palpable panic.
"I can also subpoena footage from all of the events where she bumped into you to boost our claim of her repeatedly making attempts to follow you around and creating a trap" you chime in with a thoughtful suggestion furthering the reassurance, your soothing tone of voice breaking Taehyung's face out into a pleasant boxy grin, a visually stunning sight to your sore eyes, a kind smile unconsciously spreading across your cheeks in return.
"Thank you— Both of you. Please let me know if you need anything else from my end. I just want this nightmare to be over soon" Taehyung appears much more relaxed this time around, his body language easing up by tenfolds while he leans back in his chair as a first, his broad shoulders finally slouching down to a rest.
"We'll be in touch" Namjoon unyieldingly rallies on, getting to his feet and intrepidly shaking Taehyung's hand once again before exiting the meeting room at once, leaving both you and the man standing there is a moment of quietude. Your mind's racing at lightening speed now, wondering whether or not you should continue a conversation with Taehyung, but you force your brain to carefully redirect itself into slowing down for this specific dialogue, coherently constructing your words before speaking them out, very much unlike the last time.
"Thanks for looking out for me with Namjoon earlier, I appreciate it. You won't believe the amount of times I've been unfairly obligated to slave away here despite being a certified paralegal."
"Well, I respected the way you stood up to me when I mistook you for an 'office maid'" Taehyung cheekily laughs, playing along to the comment you'd brashly made to him earlier, air quoting the words with his slender fingers in a light hearted manner, now bringing a smile back to your face. "No one makes it far in life if they fail to make a case for themselves when its principally needed. Learned it the hard way in the acting industry. Keep your head up. You got this."
A wave of warmth envelops your entire body hearing Taehyung's sweet words, a breath of ease lightening up your heart to a feather with the much desired encouragement your mind covertly craved being stuck in the horrible loop of misery that is your everyday life. It felt validating coming from a seemingly well-to-do yet considerate man, who'd stumbled into your life like a whirlwind without any warning or a heads up, young enough to impress you with the wisdom and values you equally strived towards fulfilling yourself. Swiftly giving Taehyung a nod of approval with the smile still beaming on your face, you silently turn around to push through the glass door, his husky voice, however, stopping you right back in your place, a tug of excitement pulling at the strings in your heart with a sudden jump.
"Oh, I forgot to mention... I'll get in touch with my manager to check my past schedules and narrow down the dates on which that woman supposedly came across me, so it's easier for you to locate any CCTV footage to place her at the scenes. Do you want to exchange phone numbers? I can send the info over to you as soon as I can" Taehyung's already pulling his cellphone out of his pant pocket, his eyes down on the screen as he scrolls his thumb on it and gently walks a few paces in your direction, but you're so thankful for that because he fails to notice the slight tremble in your lips as a result.
"Yeah, of course. I'll also reach out to you with a copy of any PR articles we plan on getting published, so you can vet them for approval beforehand" you try your absolute best to sound as professional as possible while you're both busy typing out your contact details in each others phones, the fact that you'd acquired a famed man like Kim Taehyung's personal number so offhandedly a thrilling jolt to your already shaken up mind, a severely unbelievable feat in your regular pleb ass routine.
"Talk to you soon then, (y/n)" Taehyung charmingly flashes his perfect pearly whites at you, casually strolling out of the conference room in a regal swagger, a puff of air quickly blowing out your lips while your lungs deflate to a dry, this invigorating turn of events unquestionably lighting up your previously dimmed out day.
That cloud 9 high is short lived though, and you should've stupidly known that, the feeling of being back to participating full-time in the troubles of your existence only getting stronger when you reach home after a tiring work day, your already exhausted eyes wholly defeated at the sight of Jimin sluggishly sprawled out on the couch with bare feet hanging about in the air. He's mindlessly surfing the channels on the TV across from him, taking a break in between to munch on a bag of chips, which is moving up and down with every breath as it lays on his heaving chest, a trail of crumbs milling onto your otherwise pristine floor after he rubs his fingers together and grabs the remote back up with the same oily hand.
"I ordered kimchi jjigae. In the fridge. Top shelf" Jimin distractedly mutters along, uncharacteristically acknowledging your presence and the fact that you'd walked into the foyer, his comment certainly aimed at you despite his eyes still remaining glued onto the TV.
"Thanks... that's... unexpected of you" you barely have the energy to properly formulate your own thoughts, although you do have the clarity to come to terms with how you're feeling gratitude towards Jimin for the first time ever since you'd met him. You should've waited though, and not have been too quick with your judgement, the realization striking down like lightening when you clamber to heat up a pack of instant rice in the microwave and longingly open the kimchi jjigae container on the kitchen counter, the few spoonfuls of leftover stew wistfully staring right back at you, not even enough to feed a small child.
Depression is a big word, but you feel like you're teetering alarmingly close around the edges of that black hole at this point, maybe just a half step away from being brutally sucked into that inescapable void one of these days. You decide it's best to kill off the basic expectation of thoughtfulness you'd secretly hoped for from Jimin, hungrily gulping down the bits of food while dispiritedly standing alone in the dark kitchen instead, not even bothering to waste a breath on initiating another pointless fight with your inconsiderate as fuck roommate.
After throwing out the trash and scrubbing clean whatever dishes Jimin had pilled on during the idleness of his day, you finally ready yourself to wash away your dejection in the comfort of a long hot shower, gradually making the halfway journey to your bathroom, but the doorbell incessantly ringing ding ding ding ceases the much anticipated plan, your aching feet heedlessly turning around knowing all too well Jimin wasn't going to move his ass from the sofa.
"You got any beer? Expecting some company tonight, if ya know what I mean."
Oh yes, of course it's Jeon Jungkook standing at your doorstep yet again with his animated face pressed up into yours with a mere inch's gap, his toned tattooed arm impassively stretching upwards onto the door frame and fluffy cheek playfully resting against it with that "pretty please" doe eyed look he so conveniently imposes upon you at his will, your mouth apathetically remaining shut as your paralyzed mind fails to come up with an excuse that'll drive him as far away from you as possible.
"Yeah, bro. In the fridge. Help yourself."
It's aggravatingly evident Jimin's made his mission to point everyone to the damned fridge tonight, although to Jungkook's exploding pleasure being awarded a crate of beer as a gift, and to your sheer chagrin being spared only a few morsels of stew and rice. Jungkook's head instantly swoops sideways in surprise past your cheek to peer inside your apartment for the source of the generous voice, his pouty lips forming a small O and his eyes mischievously brightening up at the sight of Jimin still lolling about the couch.
"My (y/n)'s managed to get a boyfie? I like him already."
"Step-brother. Jeon, don't start..."
"KINKY. I didn't take you for much of a freak, but you've outdone yourself" Jungkook affectionately rubs your shoulder like he's proud of you or something for supposedly fucking your stepbro, his giggly grin traveling all the way up to his big eyes, the appealing creases forming at the corners of them greeting you delightedly as he bounces inside past your stunned figure, sauntering straight towards Jimin to introduce himself and express a gesture of gratefulness. "Jeon Jungkook. Thanks for the beer, man. Got a girl coming over soon and running short on time to make it to the store."
Jimin's mouth cracks up a smirk as he gets up from the couch with a newfound stream of energy, his palm dabbing up Jungkook's like two old friends catching up with one another after a while. "Ayeee go get some" he encourages the lewdness with a hearty chuckle, leading Jungkook straight into the kitchen as you close the front door and drag your house slippers along with you into the living room, bested once more by your own luck.
"Still fucking that cashier whore from the corner shop?" you stingingly comment in response to the unsought-for scene, loud enough for your voice to travel to the boys, who are now chatting it up on their way over to you.
"Oh, you're just jealous because you don't get any" Jungkook snidely remarks back, a sneaky grin plastering over his boyish features as he repositions the beer crate on his forearm with a bump, his biceps attractively flexing along his casual black tank. "Nah, I've upgraded to the manager whore from that store at the mall."
Jungkook's unfluctuating ability to always remain so bubbly against anything thrown at him is definitely something you're privately so jealous of, and you've come across to the conclusion many times in the past that you'd actually enjoy his company a lot if he didn't constantly remind you of just how dull you are in comparison. It's not his fault for being cheerfully chirpy though, but you almost feel quite embarrassed talking to him at times, the way he seems so unaffected by your lifelessly flatlined spirit and still chooses to interact with you wholeheartedly, while you're in your faltering mind most of the times self critiquing and finding superfluous reasons to push him away for his exuberance, all a teeny bit too pathetic, even for you.
"So what's you two's story?" Jimin briskly interrupts your thoughts with a pop of a question, an intriguing expression dawning on his face while he slumps back onto the couch with a thud, his curiosity ridden eyes jumping between you and Jungkook like a ping pong ball, as if he's deposing you to come clean with the hidden facts at once.
"What do you mean? Nothing's going on here—"
"He's just my neighbor—"
"—Who might as well come live here for the amount of times he swings by to steal something from me for free!"
"Is that an offer?"
"Oh, please—"
"I see..." Jimin bursts out a restrained giggle, an annoying smirk curling up around his mouth at the sight of you and Jungkook going back and forth in rapid banter, as if this is better entertainment than what he was failing to search while clicking through the TV channels earlier. "...Y'all should just fuck."
"Well, you know where I live" Jungkook invitingly nudges his shoulder into yours with a quick little wink, a tempting smile lingering on his thin lips as he does it, and you don't even know why, but you feel a painful pang of heat ripple through your chest at this brazen of an interaction happening for the first time between you two, despite having known him for a good couple of years. And simply with that, Jungkook nods at Jimin before turning away from you in his rhythm, casually whistling a melody on his way out of your apartment, the door eventually slamming shut and leaving you and Jimin in pure silence, which you can practically taste on your tongue.
"You really are an idiot, (y/n). The guy obviously likes you. What's your problem?"
Oh, you've had it.
"FUCK you, Jimin. You don't even know him. He jokes like this all the time. And you don't know shit about me. Since when did you magically become an intellectual, Mr. Dropout? All you do is take everyone and everything for granted, and make my life as miserable as can be. Stick to your side of the apartment and leave me the fuck alone" you immediately retort out in an explosion of pent up anger, a lecture about relationships from Jimin of all people not on your agenda to subject yourself to after the crap he'd already given you all day.
However, it does maddeningly bother you how you can't seem to get Jimin's comments out of your mind all throughout your shower, which no longer feels like that safe haven of rejuvenation you'd longed for before Jungkook's unforeseen arrival, your worn out mind weakly flashing back through all of the little episodes you were involved in with your highly interesting of a neighbor, struggling to pinpoint whether all of the jabs he'd made at you were indeed any signs of attraction, or could simply be marked up to his sociable personality. You'd never once actually believed Jungkook could even potentially like you. I mean who would? The thundering cloud of doom essentially booming at all times above your looming head.
And it only gets worse when you lay alone in your bed pinned by the routine overwhelming exhaustion, all while the noise of Jungkook's creaking bed keeps hitting the wall from the other side in faint thuds, a dire realization he's out there having fun with some random girl, as opposed to you, who's stuck in your lonesome cave created as a result of your own actions, now merely left by yourself to experience the aftereffects of it. You close your heavy eyes shut, exhaling out a dense breath of air, your usual blanket of nervousness eventually drowsing you to sleep, the last thing you consciously feel being the dread of having to repeat this all over again tomorrow.
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191 notes · View notes
7waystreet · 2 months
would it be alright if i told you that i remember you from wattpad back in around 2021? 🙈
omg hiii that's so sweet!! ♡ i did start writing during the pandemic out of boredom and had an IG for one shots first lmao then moved to wattpad, but i prefer Tumblr now. thanks for sticking by all this time~
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7waystreet · 2 months
The dirty confession was so good, I really like the Jin part the most and I'm going to read the series again and again, waiting for more of your stories
thanks sm ♡ glad you liked them :') seokjin's part was special to me as well since it was the first one i wrote! and i'm starting a new vminkook series this wknd so be on the lookout~
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | jeon jungkook
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 7 — jungkook
Dear diary,
I have a confession to make. I fucked Namjoon hyung's sister, Hobi hyung's ex gf, and Yoongi hyung's gf all together in our dorm while the boys were out. I'm the golden maknae after all, bitches.
Now let me write out the events of my sexcapade one by one on these pages like I dumped my cum in each of their holes.
It was late into the night when I took off my headphones after hours of playing Overwatch by myself in my bedroom, my hand mindlessly scratching my balls while I walked over to the kitchen for a quick snack. It's then when I heard a few girls whispering in the dimly lit living room of our dorm, my ears perking up at once when I recognized Namjoon hyung's sister's voice. I remember hyung saying she was going to visit so it wasn't really a big deal seeing her in the boys' apartment, but I held in my breath when I noticed Hobi hyung's ex gf and Yoongi hyung's gf both on the couch too, all of the girls talking shit about the hyung line together.
"Thanks so much for inviting us girls so we can all confront the boys tonight!"
Fuck. I knew they were up to no good, but I had the advantage of hiding and listening to their plan without their knowledge while I blended behind a curtain in the hallway. The tea was SPILLED.
I found out Namjoon hyung's sister and Jin hyung were fucking and actually ended up catching feelings for each other, but they were too terrified to come out and tell Namjoon hyung about it. No shit... hooking up with a member's sister is fucked up, but we all know Jin hyung has no morals. She wanted to confess the truth to her brother tonight... Goodluck dealing with his wrath, I thought in silence.
I also found out the two other girls were cheating and hooking up with each other's bfs... What in the fucking world? And the fact that they were cuddling on the couch and saying sorry to one another?! I'll never understand the female species. This is why I stay away from chicks and stick to my video games. I don't even know how I got lucky bagging my gf, who's much more sane compared to these lot.
That's when I decided to call V hyung and update him on this gossip for some light bit of entertainment. I opened our location sharing app on my phone just to check if he was also at home just locked up in his bedroom, and that's when my heart fell out of my chest... Why was his location at my gf's apartment this late into the night? I decided to inspect and give him a call, but he never picked up.
Sorry Jungkookie. Out with friends. Will call you tmrw.
This stupid fucking bastard had the audacity to text me that big of a lie when I have his location? At least Jimin hyung answered my call even when the poor guy was half asleep. An anger unlike I've known ruptured my insides, a mixture of plunging sadness poising my mind when my gf replied back to my sweet goodnight text with "Cuddling a big bear to bed right now wishing it was you."
This bitch was definitely fucking V hyung behind my back. That's it, I lost my cool.
Overwhelmed with emotions, I stomped into the living room and revealed myself to the noonas, my upset state of mind compelling me into lashing out at them, who realistically didn't deserve to endure my sudden outburst at all. It wasn't really them who I was upset at, it was just girls who cheat in general. But never did I think the night would end up the way it did based off of that aching awkward silence followed my grand entrance.
"Kook... Please don't tell the boys anything you heard. Please. You can't. They've to hear it from us otherwise it'll ruin the entire friend group. It could ruin Bangtan" Namjoon hyung's sister pleaded with puppy eyes.
Hah. Manipulation at it's finest. You're the one who's gonna screw up and then put it all on me? You think I'm a dumbass not able to see the way you're trying to coax me? Baby, please don't embarrass yourself.
"What do I get in return for keeping quiet?" I was willing to play their dirty little tricks, not giving them any satisfaction whatsoever.
"How about we... come to an agreement between the four of us?"
I didn't understand what she meant by her words until she got up and slowly walked towards me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders before suddenly pulling me in for a kiss on the lips. My mind immediately yelled S T O P but my dick felt a tingle when her tits pushed into mine, the taste of her cherry chapstick and the scent of her floral perfume numbing out my brain for the brief couple of seconds we kept kissing.
"If you girls love fucking people who you shouldn't be fucking, then show me a good time. I'll only keep quiet this way" my pulsing cock spoke for itself without my permission...
The smirk on the girls' faces mimicked the one devising on mine when I dropped on the couch and manspread, waiting for the big show to get started. The thrill of it was like no other I've experienced, even topping the high I feel everytime I get a new tattoo. The hyungs were all out at the club tonight and could walk into the living room any given moment, but I didn't give a fuck. I'm lowkey the wildest — no cap.
All three noonas got naked within the blink of an eye, the vibes immaculate with the dim mood lighting, the way they helped me out of my sweats one by one giving me goosebumps while an unbearable heat began running through my blood. It was like I was in a porno getting pleasured by a bunch of chicks, Hobi hyung's ex gf and Yoongi hyung's gf both opting to suck my dick in turns on their knees while Namjoon hyung's sister stayed up on the couch and made out with me. Shit, no wonder the members were fucking these three girls in turns, their mouths like pros gagging on my cock and coughing up spit, getting me even more aroused as they panted and jerked me off with their hands to breathe in some air in between.
The two girls kept playing with my dick, their spits mixing and slobbering all over my boner as they deep throated it in turns, a set of lips lightly sucking on my balls at times to get me moaning from the pleasure. Namjoon hyung's sister and I shared more of a bond since we've been family friends for a while, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on her when I first moved to Seoul and met her, but here I was now with my tongue down her throat, the way she slid down and sucked on my neck prickling a shiver to run down my spine.
I couldn't take it any longer and busted a nut for the first time that night, my money cum shot spurting all over the girls' pretty faces. They shyly giggled as they looked me in the eyes, my chest panting from reaching my high, although my lip curling in a smile when I said "Eat it off of each other." The two baddies did as I told them without hesitation, their tongues licking off my cum from one another's faces, eventually leading them into making out and moaning while naked right in front of me. Holy fuck, I felt myself getting hard again. Both me and noona just watched the two girls getting down with each other for a long time, the way they squeezed each other's tits and kissed one another a total turn on, noona then slowly whispering in my ear "Please fuck me, Jungkook."
As I got on top of her on the couch, I couldn't help but think Jin hyung fucks her hard just like this too, but what kind of a maknae would I be if I didn't take anything and everything of Jin hyung's? I live to make him suffer. In fact, it's my birth right.
My attention was mostly on Namjoon hyung's sister as I stuck my cock roughly inside of her without notice, stretching out her walls with my girth, watching her eyes shut close as she adjusted to my length, but the loud moaning of one of the girls eating the other one out on the carpet right next to us was peaking my arousal at a finest. Watching two chicks hook up like that while my cock was pounding such a sweet pussy was an experience I'll never forget. My chest felt a burn that rose up to my throat when I heard the front door's handle rattle, but it was a false alarm as some drunk neighbors were coming home from a bar and stumbled to the wrong apartment... Hah. That didn't stop me from ruining noona's pussy though. I just kept slamming her throughout the incident, half hoping the hyungs walked in during this fuck fest. Fear is not a word in my dictionary.
The screams of all three of the bitches made the walls shake to say the least, my grunts barely audible as I lifted noona's legs up to angle myself even deeper into her pussy, smashing into her g-spot while she clenched tighter and tighter, making it such a gripping fit that I was ready to cum another time. Her face was turning pale as she contracted her muscles and held her breath in, her moans freezing up when she came around my cock allowing me to slid in an out better as she let go, my orgasm following shortly and my cum creaming her up and dripping onto the couch in a slop when I pulled out.
I happened to look down and caught Yoongi hyung's gf cumming into Hobi hyung's ex gf's mouth from a mind blowing eating out job, the wild chick appearing quite talented with her tongue. It was her who needed a reward for the hard work now, so I got on the floor and pinned her down while the other girl was catching her breath post orgasm.
I just stuck my fingers into her wet pussy which was just throbbing and waiting to be filled, pumping in and out with varying speeds and angles to get her whimpering in no time, not breaking our smoldering eye contact whatsoever. It took just a couple of minutes to get her cumming, the way she was already so aroused from tasting pussy a turn on for me too as I gave her what she needed, which was a hot fingering session that'd change her life.
That's when the hyung line walked in on all four of us butt ass naked on the floor in the dorm living room, their feet freezing up in their steps and faces turning ghost pale at the crazy sight.
"Oh, right hyungs... We're all fucking each other's girls if y'all hadn't caught on already. Bangtan for life, am I right?" 
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a/n ♡
i imagined jungkook being a key player to tie up all loose ends in this series, the way he disapproves of the hyungs dirty behavior but ends up doing the same exact thing an ode to his bratty maknae side and how he's "allowed" to get away with things being the youngest
— using gen z words: "no cap", "baddie", "tea spilt" reflects his age as he throws in more slang than others
— his fearlessness: jungkook is as brave as it gets in bts, none of the other members being on this level despite their dirty confessions
— feelings towards members: even in his diary he's quarreling with seokjin like irl (calling him out for "no morals", saying he lives to make jin suffer). meanwhile, he seems to view namjoon as an authoritative figure like irl, and his closeness with tae and jimin shows when he decides to call them to gossip about the drama
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | kim taehyung
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 6 — taehyung
Hi diary,
I have a confession to make. Not only did I indulge in that mind blowing threesome with Jimin and his chick, but I also secretly fucked Jungkook's gf (y/n) in the butt.
It's not just lust when it comes to (y/n)... she's been my best friend for years and I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember, much before the time she began dating Jungkook. I'd never confessed my feelings to her out of the fear of losing her, and looking back, I'm thankful I never did bcuz she ended up falling for Jungkookie anyways. It took me months to finally accept I'd never have her, my heart breaking every single time I saw them together happily in love, until I forced myself to get over it.
Her happiness means the world to me.
But everything changed when (y/n) approached me with a dark cloud looming above her head during our group roller skating meetup last weekend, appearing very much unlike her usual fun self... everything changed forever.
Hobi hyung and I struggle the most while roller skating, the fear of death flashing right before my eyes when I tumbled and got ready to fall smack onto the floor. But I suddenly felt two soft arms curl around my waist and hold me up straight from slipping, her fresh sweet scent seeping into my senses confirming my best friend (y/n) had indeed saved my ass. A heat flared through my chest knowing she was so close to me and enveloping my back in her warmth, my broken heart desperately pleading she'd never let go... but just like that, she inched out of the embrace and helped turn me around, a smile perking up my lips when my eyes met her beautiful ones.
But that happiness quickly faded away after I noticed the somber look on her dulled out face.
"What's wrong?" I asked her with a deepening concern, my fear of being on skates instantly disappearing as all of my attention went straight to her, trying to understand the reason behind her sadness.
"It's Kook."
My heart dropped hearing the depressing tone in her voice bcuz I knew how much he meant to her, her joyless demeanor indicating something was seriously wrong. I asked her what'd happened but it made me feel guilty as her eyes started to flood with tears. So I suggested if she just wanted to hangout after roller skating and talk about it, to which she agreed with a nod, then slowly drifting away towards Jungkookie while he was too busy playing with others.
"I think Kook's cheating on me. He just seems so distracted lately and he barely wants to have sex... I can't help but think he's with someone else. Sorry Tae. I know this is all TMI, but I couldn't share this stuff with anyone else but you."
As much as my sore heart wanted her to shut the fuck up about her sex life with Jeon Jungkook, I knew I had to put aside my hurt feelings and be there for my best friend. I assured her the young one was probably just stressed out bcuz of the upcoming concert prep as he always wants to give his 110% for ARMY, and that's probably why he seemed distant. There was no real proof that could confirm he was cheating on her, and I didn't want to feed her anxiety any more than what the poor girl was already experiencing. I wanted her to feel better.
My tummy madly flipped around when she suddenly flung her body onto mine, making me sink back into the couch's cushion with her weight on top of me, her small face buried in my chest while I could hear her silent sobs and shudders of worry. Nothing else mattered in that moment, my arms engulfing her in a big bear hug at once and holding her tight, her makeup staining my hoodie in the prettiest way possible.
I assured (y/n) that nobody could hurt her as long as I was standing by her side, which would be for the rest of our lives. My gut wrenched when she pulled away and looked up at me with glistening eyes, sniffling her snot heavy before a smile cracked through her gorgeous lips, my own mouth reflecting a grin when she sighed out in ease after a long time of crying.
"Why do you even put up with all my bullshit?" she awkwardly chuckled, cutely wiping her tears away with the back of her palm, but she froze in place when I blurted out "That's what you do for the girl you love."
The next couple of mins are burned into my memory forever for the way they made me feel a roller coaster of emotions... mostly an overwhelming amount of regret though. (y/n) gazed into my eyes while both her hands were still on my chest, her swollen face then leaning up to mine and pressing our lips together in a soft, sizzling kiss. The way our breaths naturally synced and fastened up made us both pause with our eyes closed shut to comprehend what'd just happened, our noses slightly touching as we remained inches away from each others faces. We'd just willingly shared our first kiss together.
I wasn't sure how we'd ended up doing this now after years of being the closest of friends... everything almost feeling like a dream, but to my pleasure it wasn't. (y/n) was mine in that moment, and I was willing to do anything to make her feel happy. I did respectfully ask to check if this is really what she wanted and she confirmed she did... if (y/n) felt peace in my arms, then I was gonna give her just that.
The best part was none of this shit felt weird, not even when we'd both made our way into the safety of my bedroom, probably bcuz (y/n) and I've slept in the same bed plenty of times before, just never in a sexual way like tonight. We'd already gotten into a hot makeout within seconds, our lips struggling to stay detached while I lightly sucked on her tongue, our hands slowly exploring one another's bodies to get used to touching each other in this unashamed way. It's crazy how many emotions I'd repressed all these years, passionate emotions I felt for her that were bursting out of me when my body got on top of hers and saw her crumble underneath my touch.
Her lips quivered when my palm wrapped around her neck and added a slight pressure, her face lighting up with excitement by seeing this hidden dominant side of me in such a way, my lips grazing her shivering ones as I leaned down and asked her "Is there something you wanted to try in bed... something he didn't do that I could help you with?"
My blood set on fire when she choked out "Anal" the more I added pressure on her throat with my palm, my lips immediately crashing into hers after hearing that word, my whole being now kissing her with a raging thrill, her moans mingling with mine while we began to really get into the mood.
The key to making any girl comfortable for anal is foreplay, and although (y/n) suggested drinking alcohol to loosen ourselves up, I refused the offer as I wanted to be in my senses and live in the present without being under any kind of influence. We naturally eased into a rhythm in no time though, our bodies wildly grinding against one another to up our desires even more, my throbbing cock rubbing onto her clit through our clothes enough to make her want to tear my clothes off right then and there.
I'll never forget the shocked looked on (y/n)'s face when she looked down at my big boner pop out after she'd pulled off my sweatpants, her throat visibly taking in a big gulp at the thought of my dick entering her tight lil ass. But the worry on her face faded away the second my mouth touched her clit, the way I was going down on her melting her into sweet pudding, although her pussy tasted way better than that. (y/n)'s moans and yelps were getting me off, my eyes focused up on her face while my tongue circled her clit and sucked on it with the perfect titillating pressure, my mouth then teasing her folds and slurping up her juices already flooding out while I rubbed her clit with my thumb to keep arousing her and loosening her muscles.
It was the most intimate night of my life, the trust we both feel in each other as best friends allowing us to let go and perform such a sensitive act without worry. Just seeing her arch her back and get on all fours for me made me harden up even more, the sexy view of her fine ass right in front of me making my stomach drop while I poured a ton of lube on my cock and rubbed a little on her hole, her knees instantly shuddering at my touch. Leaning down towards her face, I kissed (y/n) and told her to communicate with me if anything hurt or felt uncomfortable and she eagerly kissed me back and smiled to finally give me the go.
Holy shit was it magical... the level of tightness in her ass something I'd never experienced before, the tip of my cock gradually inching in while I observed her moves, (y/n) whimpering and clutching the sheets in fists to get through the initial pain. I wanted to do everything possible to ease her into it so I guided my girl through the entirety of the sex, encouraging her to simultaneously touch herself the way she liked it while I stretched her butt out. My dick was fully nestled inside her hole by now, (y/n)'s fingers rubbing her clit in circles to the dirty talk I was now feeding her, praising her for how hot she was making me feel, how she was going to make me cum so hard, and how I wanted to keep fucking her all night long until she couldn't stand up or walk.
All of my fantasies were playing out one by one as I talked nasty to her and told (y/n) just how bad I wanted to ruin her, her chest shuddering while she kept touching herself and I picked up the pace of fucking her anally, my cock on cloud 9 feeling the friction of her ass against my bare skin, the need to cum approaching soon while (y/n)'s screams indicated she was nearing her end too.
My huge load of cum dripped right out of her asshole like a cream donut after I came straight into her with a breathless sigh, (y/n)'s legs clenching and her chest collapsing after she'd cum herself from the heightened combination of things. The sight was too beautiful to take in. Her legs gave out and she fell flat on the bed, her face in the mattress and body shaking as she tried to gain her severed breath, my body laying down next to her and rubbing her back to soothe her as I tried to calm down from my high myself.
(y/n) finally turned around and smiled at me, the both of us acknowledging the fact that nothing would change between us despite sharing this unforgettable experience together. Everything felt perfect.
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a/n ♡
i imagined a "friends to lovers" plot for tae as it'd suit him the best over the others, knowing he's a social butterfly with many friends irl. altho this storyline has similarities to hoseok's, the motive behind the sex in both plots is diff; tae's not wishing revenge or lust like hobi. tae simply loves (y/n) but it blinds his judgement of betraying jungkook. tae is known to acting on whim irl and just doing what his heart freely desires, so the unplanned act with (y/n) doesn't come as a shocker.
— social butterfly: tae's able to establish a rapport with jimin's gf just like he is with jungkook's gf without having his own gf. he naturally possesses the quality to bond with various people, which is shown by the way he's able to hookup with both girls without any awkwardness
— eccentric persona: anal isn't the most common sexual act but it doesn't scare him when (y/n) suggests it. he's accepting of trying new things especially with his best friend, a reflection of tae's "free spirit" personality and lifestyle irl
— care giver: instead of drinking alcohol as a short cut to loosening up, he makes (y/n) feel comfortable by going down on her, easing her into things bcuz acts of service is a big part of his love language irl
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59 notes · View notes
7waystreet · 2 months
I'm here because of dirty confessions, I only read Jin and Yoongi but goddamn it's so freaking good, can't wait for more
thank youuu ♡ namjoon, hoseok and jimin's dirty confessions are out now too! hope you like them~
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | park jimin
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 5 — jimin
My dear diary ❀
I have a confession to make. I've always had a deep rooted fantasy about watching my gf (y/n) pleasuring both me and Taehyung together... you know, just like an extra step to solidify our '95 liner soulmate status. And I'm so fucking thrilled to report to you that it finally happened.
Taehyungie doesn't even have to say any words for me to already know how he's feeling... he's a part of me, after all. My intuition that he had the hots for my lovely (y/n) proved to be right when I finally confronted him about it while we were all piss drunk at the karaoke bar last week. I caught him staring at my baby's ass and biting his lips so I light heartedly whispered in his ear if he wanted a piece of that delicious booty, only for him to sloppily slur back "Hell yeah Jiminah, I'd tear her pussy right up like you do every day, you lucky fuck."
Little did he know how hard my cock instantly got listening to his dirty wishes aligning with mine.
Now that I knew Taehyungie was excitedly on board, it felt like a big mission to also convince (y/n) to join in on the fun. Her and I have been together for so long, and I'm grateful to have found someone who makes me feel this comfortable and happy. You already know I've written pages and pages of how much she means to me... which is exactly why I didn't even feel nervous proposing my deepest desire to her. But I was certainly taken aback by the way she reacted to it when I'd asked her.
"What do you think of Tae? Would you be down for a threesome with you, me and him?" I'd proposed while we laid cuddled up in each other's arms on our soft, comfy bed together.
The words "I'm down" popped out of her pretty lips quicker than her fine ass had made me cum the first time we had fucked... quicker than a fucking second, that is.
At first I was confused by her enthusiasm... I didn't understand whether she'd been secretly lusting for Taehyung and was just desperately waiting for this opportunity to spring up. But then again, even if she did, I know for a fact she never cheated on me and went for him behind my back. Sure, he's the most handsome and fuckable man I've ever met, but she loves me too much and I love her and trust her fully. Besides, I was the one desiring this too, so who am I to blame her for wanting the same?
I felt like a damn manager trying to set up a hangout between us three for this heated session to go down, but despite the effort, I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. I'll never forget that night.
I'd succeeded in getting all three of us settled on the couch in my apartment while we played a movie in the dark and sipped on some wine to ease ourselves in. Of course we all knew what we'd gathered there for, which was a steamy fuck fest, and it was a bit awkward at first, but my brave (y/n) made the first move by placing her pretty palms on each of our thighs as she sat in between the boys. My spine felt a tingle watching her run her hand up and down my shorts, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she saw my milky thigh twitch underneath her touch, all while his other palm smoothed out the wrinkles in Tae's gray sweatpants as she rubbed his thigh in an arousing way.
Her gaze remained on me even though both her hands moved up towards our dicks, her ability to simultaneously massage our hard ons making me fall in love with her all over again. I could hear Tae starting to taking deeper breaths and with one glance at him, I saw his eyes closed and head rolled back into the cushion as he took the feeling of my gf stroking his cock in the darkness, just like she was sexily doing it to me. My loyal (y/n) leaned into me for a kiss but I shook my head... "Go to him" I told her with a smirk and she smiled right back with a nod, giving me a peck before turning her back to me.
God, she's even perfect from the back.
She sat in between us with knees folded up now, leaning into Tae and slowly placing a kiss on his neck, which got him shuddering, his eyes opening up in a flash to observe (y/n) was solely giving him her attention. His first instinct was to shoot me a concerned look, as if he was asking for my permission, but I gave him a go with a nod and he instantly pulled her closer for a deep kiss. Seeing them swapping spits in a steamy makeout started to get me even harder, and my hands just naturally gravitated towards (y/n)'s perfect ass, which was facing me. I squeezed her ass cheeks through her tiny shorts and she whimpered from my touch, slowly crawling back and bending in her knees to angle her ass up in my face more, all while she leaned down and helped Tae take his pants off for a suck.
I just watched for a while... watched the content look on Tae's face as (y/n) took his throbbing cock into her beautiful mouth, his head flopping back into the pillow again as his eyes trailed down at her choking on his length. "Just like that baby" he kept whispering while holding her hair back in a fist, my own arm reaching over to run my fingers through Tae's black curly hair as he sat there throat fucking my gf. I didn't even care about how he kept calling her baby... how could I get mad about my baby calling my baby, baby?
My needs were growing by the second though and now I just had to pull down (y/n)'s shorts for a taste of her pussy, my thick lips attaching to her folds as I laid on the couch and angled myself underneath her, her back arched up until it almost broke. My tongue on her clit and her moaning in reaction got Tae aroused even more, the faster my mouth played around with her sweet pussy the more my best friend's chest kept rising and falling in heaves.
I couldn't take hearing both Tae and (y/n) moaning so loudly so I gave her clit a good suck and flick with my tongue before getting up on my knees and removing my shorts, my boner slapping up just ready to be stuffed inside my gf's tight little pussy. And the room was now filled with all three of our moans when I slid my length in (y/n)'s pussy from the back, the view of her ass jiggling against my stomach while I slammed my cock into her cunt and spanked her ass cheeks immaculate, all while Tae fucked her throat, a sight I'll never forget.
(y/n) was increasingly getting wet, my cock slipping in and out of her while I grunted from the way her walls gripped me, but I was distracted when Tae whined out "I want to taste her pussy". And I happily let him. We easily switched things up, the harmony between our motions almost suspiciously smooth, as if we were all meant to make this happen... hopefully more than this one time.
Tae disappeared in between (y/n)'s thighs when she laid on her back on the couch, her face turned to the side to allow my cock to slide into her mouth as I stood by the couch near her face. God, it felt so great watching Tae eat her out while digging his nails into her thighs, her legs flailing about and throat pulsating from the muffled out shrieks, my cock hitting the back of her mouth and fully nestled inside like a glove. My fantasy was indeed finally my reality, and I came straight down (y/n)'s throat after I reached that intense high which I'd dreamed about for so long. My bub swallowed my load of cum all at once like the good little girl she is, and Tae looked up to take a note of this after hearing my satisfied sigh. It was his turn to enter her all over again.
Tae fucked (y/n) straight to the heavens to say the least, living his own fantasy himself while I leaned down and sucked on (y/n)'s perky tits to up her sensitivity. I know my baby needs that extra kick to reach her orgasm and I was going to help her achieve that like I always do, right as Taehyungie gave her the pounding of her life. I'd already seen his cock since we've showered together in our dorm bathroom before, but never have I ever seen it so rock hard and erect, the veins running down his length making my eyes pop out. I stared at him entering in and out of my girlfriend's pussy while my lips sucked on (y/n)'s puffed out nipples.
She suddenly pulled the hair on the back of my head and made me come up to her lips, her deep desire to kiss me making me feel wanted and needed. It was a boost to my ego knowing Tae was dicking her down but she still wished for my lips to be sealed with hers and that's exactly what we did... my tongue mingling with her squishy one as she desperately panted for a breath, my fingers still pinching her nipples while we continued to make out with a crazy burning passion. Tae's thrusting pace got faster and (y/n) finally let go, her entire body tensing up and freezing as she orgasmed, my lips placing a soft kiss on her lips as she let out a shaky sigh, her chest then collapsing down and her back sinking into the couch.
Tae let out a groan and finally came into my gf as I coaxed sweet words into her ears, a smile curling up her lips even though her eyes were closed since she likes the praises I give her. I told her I love her and she said it back within a flash of a second, her grin widening up after she opened her eyes and locked them with mine.
The best part was cleaning up and going back straight into watching the movie together, all three of us cooled down and comfortable right back on the couch we'd just fucked on. Taehyungah ended up sleeping with his head on (y/n)'s lap while she tucked her face in my chest, my eyes drooping shut with a deep content feeling as I watched the two people I care about the most rest close to me with a new found appreciation and respect for each other.
I fucking love my life.
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a/n ♡
i imagined jimin wanting to experiment with his best friend and his gf, his appreciation for both showing throughout his confession. the way he loves them is different; he's more possessive about (y/n) but not in a toxic way since he's willing to share her. and he's in pure awe of tae but doesn't neglect his gf or makes her feel less wanted despite this
— he treats his diary like a friend: says "my dear diary", "report to you", "you know i've written pages and pages" as if he's having a convo with his journal
— his romantic side: he always says "my (y/n)" and calls her lots of endearing words like lovely, brave, pretty, stunning, etc.
— his needy side: when (y/n) expresses she wants intimacy with him, his ego is boosted bcuz he loves to feel wanted. jimin acts this way around the members all the time, being needy for their attention
— his will to put his desires aside to watch the enjoyment on tae and (y/n)'s faces: jimin's a giver and he always puts his members first so it's no shock he's willing to let (y/n) go to tae first before he dives in
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | jung hoseok
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 4 — hoseok
Dear diary (^.^)
I have a confession to make. I fucked Yoongi hyung's new gf (y/n) so good, she squirted a fountain out her pussy while he was sleeping in a tent right next to us~~~ (˘◡˘)
I never thought it would all start out with (y/n) catching a glimpse of my dick when I struggled to take a piss in the dark during our hyung line camping trip. Well, I should say rap line camping trip bcuz Namjoonie kicked Jin hyung out last min for fucking his little sister.
Shit. I was already terrified of being in the woods all by myself, but I got totally scared out my wits when I heard (y/n) sniffling alone like a ghost next to the tree I peed under, my hands scrambling to zip up my pants after I saw her openly staring down at my tip with reddening cheeks. Little did she know the same massive cock would make a stream gush out her pussy later too.
The thought of raising her leg up and pounding her roughly against the tree in the late hours of the night did cross my mind as I approached her sobbing figure, but I had to force those sinful thoughts out of my head while I gently rubbed her shoulder and asked her if she was okay. The overwhelming desire to slip my fingers into her panties and slowly rub her clit to soothe her even more started to make my hands shiver... but what she said out her pretty lips next suddenly made an irrational anger flare up in my gut.
"I don't think Yoongi finds me attractive. He... he never seems to want to get intimate with me."
Shit, if (y/n) was my girlfriend, I would fuck her fine ass all day and all night long until she saw real stars herself... certainly more satisfying than seeing the ones shining in the night sky above us in that very moment. Shit, the amount of stamina I've developed from dancing for years even scares me sometimes... the way I could be thrusting into her for hours... but what the hell was I supposed to tell her? That Yoongi hyung probably doesn't have time for her bcuz he cheats and stays busy fucking the thirsty hoes that line up for him outside his studio everyday? I couldn't break her innocent little heart like that... but I could comfort her with a hug, right? ('・_・')
What started off with my arm tenderly curling around her shoulder led to her getting closer and nuzzling her head into my chest, the way her quiet sighs of breath warmed the skin on my neck making me want to tear her clothes off and enter all of her holes one by one. I eased my way in though, the head pats I was giving her slowly shifting to a relaxing head massage with my fingers running through her soft hair, and she didn't even flinch when I pressed a fluffy peck on her forehead to calm down her tears. If only she could do something in return to calm down my raging boner that was now shamelessly poking into her belly while she hugged me tighter than ever...
All I could think of when (y/n) looked up at me with glistening eyes was the night I'd caught my ex bitch and Yoongi hyung fucking like mad dogs in my own living room... my eyes had shimmered with tears the same exact way after witnessing hyung betraying me so badly (ㅠ﹏ㅠ). My heart had broken into a million tiny pieces and I'd then gone deep diving into any pussy I could find just to heal my hurt, but it quickly got boring and I was worried I might get an STD from the number of cunts I pounded through by the end of my hot streak.
(y/n) was a different case though, and maybe I'm no better than Yoongi hyung, but nothing else mattered when she pleadingly asked me if I thought she was attractive, the only way I could answer being with a kiss on her lips. She seemed a bit taken aback by my move, although she still remained comfortably snuggled in my embrace, her shiny lips slightly quivering when she mumbled those three beautiful words every guy wants to hear. "I'm a virgin."
What better high could even exist than avenging my mistreatment by claiming (y/n)'s tight virgin pussy all for myself before Yoongi hyung could even get there?
It was a piece of cake bringing her into my tent, the way I kept assuring her with my sweet words that I'd be gentle with her making her relax right into my sleeping bag and warm blankets. There's no denying I'm a master at this game of silent seduction, and watching her melt and unfold underneath my touch was the affirmation I needed to pleasure her further into a squirting orgasm, that too the very first time she was having sex.
Shit, I'm getting hard writing this down and remembering that wonderful night... how I'd started off by kissing her neck while we laid down together wrapped in the sheets, my palms simultaneously running along her sides to really get a feel of her perfect curves. She began to tremble the more my hands got lower, but I soothingly coaxed her by assuring her I'd stop if she ever felt uncomfortable, and I of course would've bcuz I'd never force myself onto anyone. She loosened up soon enough though, her cute hands naturally finding their way onto my body to touch my back, a sharp gasp parting her lips when she finally groped my rock solid boner through my pants.
It was adorable how she shyly admitted not knowing exactly what to do next, my hand then guiding hers to slide inside my boxers so she could feel the warmth of my throbbing length. She bit her lip when the tips of her fingers felt my foreskin, her palm slowly wrapping around my girth and moving up and down in a stroking motion to understand my proportions. "I'm scared" she whispered and I felt my ego swell up with pride, the want to experience her untouched walls swallowing me up driving me crazier by the second.
Taking all of our clothes off got us both in the mood even more, and I reminded her not to be loud before I began touching her myself, the soft whimpers leaving her mouth like a melody to my ears when I kept grazing my fingers on her folds. I rubbed and teased her clit so good that she got soaking in no time, her mental strength impressing me as she continued massaging my cock despite her legs flailing when I started fingering her hole to stretch her out. I had to keep kissing her to muffle out her intensifying moans, my tongue slipping into her mouth and tugging with hers as our breaths began to get cut off from the rising heat within our bodies.
The best part was hearing Yoongi hyung snoring from the tent right next to us while I got on top of (y/n), the look of anticipation mixed in with excitement on her gorgeous face still freshly engraved in my mind. She sucked in her breath and closed her eyes when I gradually pushed the tip of my pulsing cock against her folds, easily inching my way into her dripping pussy within a few seconds. Holy shit... I might've lost count of how many girls I've fucked over the years, but I can surely confirm nothing beats (y/n)'s cunt. The pleasure was immeasurable to say the least, the tense feel of her clenching around my length as I nestled deep inside her core something I want to experience more than once in this life. And I'm guaranteed going to get it again seeing just how good I made her feel just within a few short minutes... she'll come back for more.
(y/n) locked into my eyes while I fucked her hard in the g-spot, which was the hottest thing ever, her brows tensing up in a furrow and the veins on her neck popping out when she dug her head back into the sleeping bag from the devastating arousal. I could feel the pressure building up inside her since she constricted her muscles to prepare for the approaching orgasm, a scare flooding my system as my palm dashed to push against her mouth a few seconds after she had screamed out loud from her release.
My cock slithered out of her just in time to watch her squirt like a good little girl, the clear stream of liquid bursting out of her pussy like a fountain, which soaked into the blankets and created a big wet stain. She was so overwhelmed that she appeared as if she was going to pass out from the embarrassment of it all, but I kept kissing and coaxing her to let her know everything was okay and it was beyond sexy if anything. I had to distract her from frenzying on by sticking my dick into her once again, which hushed her up right away, the desperate need to cum myself while pushing (y/n) into a second orgasm now the focus of my very attention, which was both successfully achieved soon enough.
Let's just say the sleeping bag and sheets got so wet from our own cum that I could no longer sleep in them, both me and (y/n) entering Yoongi hyung's tent after doing the unholy deed and sleeping on either side of him to end the night was a bang.
Hyung, if you're reading this, the revenge of getting back at you was no doubt sweet... but pounding (y/n)'s virgin pussy was much sweeter (^_-).
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a/n ♡
i imagined the exact opposite storyline for hoseok, where an innocent (y/n) is seduced by his warmth and sweetness vs. yoongi's experience in his confession. hoseok is absolutely aware of all of his strengths and perfectly uses them to fuck (y/n) and get his revenge
— him writing cutie emojis to mimic his own expressions
— him being a scaredy cat (afraid of the woods, thinking y/n is a ghost, his own stamina scaring him, y/n's screams inducing a scare)
— him writing "shit" often like he says out loud irl
— his irl ability to stay on task and have immense self control which the members often praise him for (eases y/n into things and is able to guide her forward slowly despite his deep desire to fuck her)
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98 notes · View notes
7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | kim namjoon
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 3 — namjoon
Dear diary,
I have a confession to make. I fucked Seokjin hyung's milf mom, (y/n). This is what that bitch ass gets for messing with my little sister.
It would certainly be a lie if I said I have never imagined snapping (y/n) in half while pounding her for all of eternity in every possible position... although the thought of wrecking the same holy pussy that birthed the most handsome man I know surely seemed insane at first. But after witnessing Seokjin hyung corrupting my precious little bean in front of my own eyes, the uncontrollable rage within me drove me into having the wildest unplanned birthday sex of my life, one that will no doubt be going in the books (reminder: do NOT lose diary).
Turning 29 and getting my dick milked by the hottest milf I have ever laid eyes on was sweeter than any cake or present I could have gotten today. Well, except for ARMY's love. ❤
Ah... there (y/n) was, warmly welcoming me with open arms into the exquisite Gwangsan Kim family home earlier this evening, my lust filled eyes only focused on her figure fitting dress that perfectly plumped her curves up while she inched forward into my embrace. When I hug most people, my chest feels larger than theirs, and sometimes I even get very self conscience about this (reminder: love yourself), but her soft melons overpowered mine and pressed me in the most teasing way possible. Shit. How could my mind not drift into that crazy sinful place with how much my cock began throbbing that very moment?
It only became worse when I had to control a powerful urge to kiss (y/n) on the mouth after she handed me a humongous container of my favorite kalguksu, which she had personally cooked and packed for me with love, my stutter idiotically apparent as I tried thanking her with kind words of affirmation instead. I should have known she fancied me from the way she blushed bright red and hid her face with her palms after hearing my praises, but no matter how desperately you want to destroy your best friend's mom's pussy, you do not in your wildest dreams expect her to reciprocate those feelings back, especially when she is a naturally caring person too (reminder: it is ok to be wrong).
(y/n) has always been pure and mothering towards me, quite opposite to my secret erotic passion towards her, but it did not feel awkward catching up with her alone at the residence at all, something we have casually done many times in the past when I used to stop by and pay her a visit after hanging out with my own parents in the same neighborhood. I was totally wronged of my belief that she is an innocent little dove though when the two of us shortly sat down on the cozy couch and started indulging in a fun little chat, her legs soon lifting up and comfortably stretching out in front of me as she eased into a relaxing position.
It is her house, I thought. The lady can sit however she wants. But I could not avoid the agonizing knot twisting in the pit of my stomach when my eyes fell down onto her smooth milky legs and traveled up to the slight gap in between her thighs, my gut completely bottoming out when her tiny foot suddenly started rubbing against my crotch. Snapping my eyes up at (y/n), I was in utter shock seeing her stop talking and bite her lips as she fully extended her leg and began playing with my boner, massaging it with her foot while words failed to leave my mouth. The only thing I could now focus on was the throbbing cock poking up my jeans.
"My baby boy deserves to be spoiled good on his big day. Let mommy take care of you."
I will never be able to forget her whispers, a wave of guilt washing over me seeing the way those luscious pink lips pouted before she started crawling towards me and got seated on my bulge. But I loved how small she looked in front of me, her knees and hips having to stretch out wide to be able to straddle the thickness of my thighs, my arms automatically encompassing her waist and pulling her onto my chest before my lips met hers with restlessness. She smooched right off to quickly inform me we have to hurry, her husband practically reaching home from his business trip in about an hour, the thrill of the situation making us jump back into a fiery make out session, which lead to an adventure like nothing I have sensed before.
The best hour of my life it was... and now I know it is possible to cum three times in the span of just 60 minutes. Her sex toy collection was extensive beyond my knowledge, things I have not even seen or heard of before, all of which she had gathered like trophies over the years. My favorite was the silicone vibrating cock ring she rolled down on my shaft and tugged around my base to stimulate my testicles while she sucked me off like the professional she is... Damn it, being with an older woman has been the best experience of my life. She seemed to have outgrown her gag reflex from sucking dick for years, a bonus for me as her ability to make me cum in just a couple of minutes while I repeatedly stuck my length deep into her throat made me almost fall in love with her.
And that was just the first orgasm. 
It was frustrating how she would not let me touch her body and made me lay down on the mattress with arms up instead, teasing me with a fleshlight next as she slid the toy onto my soaked cock already slippery from the arousing blowjob she had given me. She kept pumping my dick with it while mumbling the dirtiest of secrets in my ears... how she wanted me to make her explode in an ocean of wetness by reaching deep inside her pussy, how she wanted me to suck on her nipples like I was a good little boy hungry for a satiating meal, all while she pressed soft kisses on my lips to up my uncontrollable lust for her. I busted a nut for a second time straight into the fleshlight, my seed seeping out of the toy as she squished it with her palm to make my cum ooze out onto her bare thighs. 
"My cunt feels much better than that pathetic toy, huh baby boy?" she seethed between gritted teeth while she got on top of me, my dick almost in pain as it refused to soften up despite cumming twice already. But how could it when the sight of her naked body sinking down on my cock titillated every inch of my burning skin, the way she looked so damn satisfied after I filled her tight little pussy up with my cock raging me to let out a shameful grunt. I could see the fear in her eyes growing as she began rocking her hips to ride me, the fear of me ripping her open with my length thrusting into her hard, but knowing the savage she was for fucking me while her husband was away, I was willing to bet my money that she was finding pleasure in the pain.
A sudden panic flooded me as I was reminded of Mr. Kim by my own stupid thoughts, my head abruptly whipping towards the clock on the wall to check how much time we had left until his arrival, but (y/n) put her teeny index finger on my cheek and pushed my face back to look straight up at her, then leaning down and moaning into my lips while she picked up the pace of riding me. My first time getting seduced so good... so good. She yelped when I jammed my hips up and hit her g-spot, her nails digging into my shoulders while we both struggled to breath in air from the heat of the moment. 
But the high from hearing her scream her guts out while I fucked her on the same bed her husband slams her on until our cum mixed together and spilled onto the sheets was unforgettable to say the least. And greeting Seokjin hyung's dad on my way out while (y/n) ran to throw the bedsheets in the laundry machine was just the cherry on top of my sensational birthday cake.
The next family dinner with the boys and our parents is about to be quite interesting... Seokjin hyung, I hope you know I enjoyed every single second of fucking your milf mommy.
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a/n ♡
i imagined a normally dom appearing namjoon actually excited to being a sub to indulge in a risky adventure with someone he's secretly fawned over for a while. an older aged woman doesn't concern him since he doesn't like to judge and is open minded.
— his love for seokjin showing when he calls him "the most handsome man I know" despite his irritation towards him
— him using fancy descriptor words and his speech appearing composed like his lyrics, writing out full words even in his diary ("it is" instead of it's, "have not" instead of haven't, "did not" instead of didn't etc.) 
— since namjoon is known to being forgetful, i imagined him making encouraging reminder notes to himself as he also has the natural ability to provide words of comfort to others (so he prob practices the same with himself too)
— him mentioning ARMY even in his diary ♡
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7waystreet · 2 months
I wish it would be jungkook the end of the story huhuhuhuh
hehe ik readers are pulled in all sorts of directions wanting (y/n) to end up with one guy or the other, it's gonna be difficult navigating this series as i sometimes get swayed while writing it too T.T altho i do have an idea how i want things to end up being for (y/n)
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7waystreet · 2 months
OMG i’m so excited for next chap of legacies!!!! i’ve been waiting for this 😩 there’s just so many things i can’t wait to read about 😭 like what will happen between jk x oc now that he’s basically facing his feelings?? jimin x oc?? THAT SNIPPET YOU PUBLISHED??? but the one dynamic i’m looking forward the most is tae x oc 😭 I KNOW we all should despise him and i might be in the wrong for this but i can’t help but think that despite everything he really somehow got attached to y/n…. yes he fucked up and he should be held accountable for that so yeah i guess that’s going to be one hell of a slowburn 😭 all things aside i want him SULKING over oc and have this like “oh shit i didn’t realize i was in so deep” kind of realization hit him hARD in the face 😋
ahh thank you ♡ it's complicated fs. (y/n) has a very different relationship going on with each guy after the latest ch.8 ─ a caring one with pjm, a kindling one with jjk and a rebuilding one with kth. it's important to note only pjm and her share mutual feelings atp. jjk clearly likes her more and she still can't fully trust kth even if she's on the road to forgiving him.
so many events coming up ─ jjk's birthday party, the dance comp with pjm, the support group with kth. a sure shot way (y/n)'s emotions are abt to get stirred up >.<
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7waystreet · 2 months
against all better judgment i’m basically head over heels for legacies taehyung 😭😭 I’M SORRY Y/N I FAILED YOU.. 😭😭😭
you and me both T.T it's hard not to fall for tae along the way despite how heartless he's been to (y/n). he's deeply damaged and i hope readers can understand how his behavior stems from the way he's so lost in grief and in desperate need for help
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7waystreet · 2 months
Hi 👉👈
I was just wondering if you were continuing your Legacies fic. It's really really good. And I love a strong bullheaded female protagonist. I can't wait to see what happens next 🤗
thank youuu and yes i'm continuing to write the series till it's end (which i doubt will be anytime soon hehe) ♡ hope you liked the latest ch.8 update!
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7waystreet · 2 months
Are u there??? I hope you are healthy amd fine pllsss take care misss u❤️
thanks for checking in while i was gone love ♡ my health is fully better, i ended up getting a new job i love, and i moved to a big city ^.^ living on my own has been challenging but i get free time now to focus on my writing, v happy abt that! sorry i'm going thru my asks so late, but hope you've been happy and healthy too~
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | min yoongi
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 2 — yoongi
Dear diary,
I have a confession to make. I secretly fucked Hoseok's hot girlfriend, (y/n), last weekend.
One look at a woman and I know exactly what she's craving deep down inside... and the way (y/n) always appears so sexually unsatisfied and frustrated around Hobah seriously irritates me. Baby, if you want mind blowing dick, then daddy will give it to you hard. They don't call me the pussy whisperer for nothing.
The cuddly coochy coo shit in any relationship quickly gets boring, and that's exactly what I found (y/n) thinking when I caught her constantly giving me that seductive look at the bar that night. The flirty lip bites as she stealthily observes me, the foxy eyes and batty lashes whilst talking to me, not to mention those low cut shirts showing off her perky tits which she only wears when I'm hanging out with Hobi...
So, you're openly gonna thirst for my cock like that and expect me not to follow through with your dirty wishes?
Well, it's a blur how we'd all ended up getting tipsy together on that glorious evening; me, Namjoonah, Hobah, and (y/n). The couple was annoyingly touchy feely that evening, but I knew Hoseok's not ballsy enough to sneak her into the men's restroom and fuck her senseless in the stalls like I would've. He's only giving her cute lil kisses on the cheek and lightly groping her when she'd obviously wanted more...
Man, I could literally see the sexual frustration build up on her gorgeous face with how Hoseok's throbbing dick was poking into her perfectly round ass as she sat on his lap, but he was keeping things PG in public like the purest gentleman he is. I love my boy, but if you can't satisfy a wild chick like that, then you're gonna lose her.
Meanwhile, Namjoon's yapping in my ear about how he thinks Seokjin hyung's fucking his little sister, but my undivided attention remains on (y/n) who's luringly me in with those thirsty eyes and licking her juicy lips from across the table, all while Hobi keeps whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Shit, my cock'd trembled just from that one tempting look she threw at me, but I try to brush off the newfound warmth swelling up my balls by redirecting my attention to Namjoonah's complaints.
Why's everyone in this friend group wanting to fuck people they shouldn't really be fucking? First the suspicion on Seokjin hyung and Namjoon's sister doing the unholy deed, and now Hobi's girlfriend practically begging to bounce on my dick. Y'all need Jesus, I swear.
These kids love to call me a grandpa and all, and maybe I am one from the way I'm taking care of their drunk asses by the end of the hangout, but what you children don't know is that this grandpa's got a fat cock that was about to get madly sucked and fucked that very night. Hah. Namjoon chooses to walk back to his house so I put Hobi and (y/n) in the backseat before driving straight to their apartment, but I'm quickly getting irritated by the sound of their obnoxious moans while they're making out in the car, so I start blasting my own damn music. Agust D represent.
My eyes can't help but curiously peak into the rear view mirror after I suddenly hear (y/n) yelp out loud though. Ah... Hobi's rolled her short dress up enough to give me a good angle of her tight lil pussy, which is now on full display, his sloppy fingers aggressively pumping in and out of her drenched heat while he keeps sucking on her neck and marking her with some bright red hickies.
Great, I think. He's finally giving his sweetie exactly what she needs, and it's evident she's just cummed by the content look on her pretty features that I keep glancing at through the reflection, my face stupidly blushing pink when she catches me staring at her right after her eyes open back up. Hobah's clueless as can be though, too busy licking off her arousal from his fingers before his head sinks down onto her shoulder and eyes close shut with a smile beaming up his lips. Cute. But (y/n) now excitedly realizes that I've got a front row seat to a view of her soaking pussy as she observes my gaze trail down to her glistening folds, and what she does next makes me want to fuck her hard right then and there.
Her sensual eyes are fixated on mine while her fingers slowly inch downwards, the tips of them rubbing her clit and spreading her wetness everywhere but in teasingly slow circles while Hobi looks like he's dozed off on her shoulder by now. She's begun playing with herself while I entirely indulge in this rousing sight, my horny brain struggling so badly to keep my eyes on the road as they keep finding their way back to her dripping pussy that she's racily fingering yet again, like her sexual appetite still hasn't been fed properly, also clearly in an attempt to seduce me, which I god damn am by this point. I'm just so ready to pound her cunt into oblivion.
The fact that we've reached their apartment building bums me out though as (y/n)'s got to stop her enticing shenanigans, now that Hobah's woken up by the halting motion of the car too. He appears dizzy from all that liquor he's uncharacteristically consumed, so of course (y/n) pleads me in her honey voice to help support my friend up to their floor, and I'm obviously going to do it because I'm not an asshole... or at least that's what I'm telling myself in the moment while I try not to think about my raw cock thrusting deep into his girlfriend's frothing pussy.
Hoseok drunkenly keeps kissing me on the cheek thinking I'm (y/n) and I just let him do it, not wanting to waste any more energy into stopping him since I'm also painfully carrying his entire body weight up the stairs. I drop him into their bed in no time, heaving out a big sigh before removing his shoes and tucking him neatly into the sheets, then turning around and clicking the room's door shut. But my heart now skips a full beat when I see (y/n) standing there totally naked in the living room, slithering forward towards my body and firmly holding my hand to guide me towards the couch, whispering "We both want this so let's just get right into it". And shit, my feet mindlessly follow her just like that without any question.
I actually also have to confess... I fucked (y/n) not once, but twice that night. First in the throat and then in her slamming pussy.
I'm still surprised how Hobi didn't wake up from the deafening sounds of (y/n) choking and gagging on my bulging boner as I fucked her throat hoarse just outside of their bedroom, her ass up in the air while she bent over my thighs on the couch and coughed out streams of glimmering spit on my already slippery cock to get it even more wet. The way she animalistically jerked her head up and down on my dick, which had became so damn rigid and veiny from how fast she was sucking me off... Ugh, that was so sexy and I've never been satisfied like that ever. God, I'd do just anything to feel her wind pipe tightening up around my length before I shoot my load of cum straight onto that squishy pink tongue of hers.
Fuck, I also have to admit that I've been masturbating every single day since to the mental visual of (y/n) riding my cock reverse cowgirl style like she'd done so beautifully that night, her butt cheeks shamelessly slapping against my thighs while her ear splitting moans got me off even more than I'd expected. I just laid on the couch like a king on my throne while she did all of the work and her boyfriend slept peacefully just a few feet away (So sorry Hobi). I can't even properly describe in words the high I experienced when I felt her slick walls clenching narrower as she hopped on my cock and used me to reach her orgasm, her cries of joy so loud while I kept thrusting her g-spot that I had to stuff her own lace panties into her mouth to stop her man from waking up and killing me.
Hobah... I hope you're not reading this, but if you are, please forgive me. Let's maybe double team on her to clear the air since (y/n)'s a cheating slut anyways.
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a/n ♡
i imagined yoongi being a bad boy, but not intentionally or forcefully, almost like his mysterious vibe just naturally seduces (y/n). and since he's close to hobi irl, it prob makes the most sense that hobi's gf is the one he hooks up with.
— the self praise: affirming he knows how to read women, calling his dick mind blowing, listening to his own music. he's known to flaunt about his accomplishments in his songs so naturally that would transcend into his personal writing too
— the straightforward and blunt remarks: the members have said he keeps things real while talking with them in a "no bullshit" attitude
— dry humor: mentioning being called a grandpa but his clean comeback to that, namjoon "yapping in his ear" but his accurate analysis of the friend group's messed up sexual dynamic. the language he uses is sarcastic and fitting to his darker side
— being in touch with his feelings: his zodiac sign is pisces and they're hailed at being in tune with their emotions. he describes his irritability, thrill, nervousness, excitement, guilt, etc. all in detail
— him affectionally using nicknames for the boys like "hobah" and "namjoonie"
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | kim seokjin
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 1 — seokjin
Dear diary,
I have a confession to make. I can't stop thinking about how badly I want to fuck Namjoon's little sister, (y/n).
I know we're much apart in age, and she is my best friend's sibling after all, which is why everything I'm deeply craving feels so damn wrong at times. But I can't seem to escape the sexual fantasies my horny mind cooks up every single night while I lay restless in bed all alone, nonstop thoughts about my dick pleasuring her until her pussy's dripping wet just for me driving me absolutely fucking insane.
She's still young and in college studying to become a nurse, and now I find myself searching up porn with those curated doctor and patient scenarios, imagining (y/n) giving me a satisfying blowjob in her sexy lil nurse outfit while I lay there shivering on the cold hospital stretcher, looking down at her gagging on my fat cock like the dirty lil slut she is.
It's gotten to the point where I even dream about toying with (y/n)'s tight lil pussy all day long, waking up in hot sweats needing to have to jerk off my load because my hard on refuses to go away otherwise. It fucking hurts the way I get blue balls around her, my boner just won't stop from popping up for hours at a stretch, sometimes even in public places or during schedules when I think of tearing her cunt up while she moans my name and begs for me to fuck her even harder. Aish~ I'm so beyond sexually frustrated.
The other day when I was visiting Namjoon's house, (y/n) was strutting around in her tiniest booty shorts not giving a shit about what anyone thinks about her thick ass hanging out. God, I could almost taste her sweet wet pussy with how she was sitting on the couch, legs casually spread apart like I didn't just wanna be right in between her thighs licking her clit up until she cums all over my mouth in whimpers. If I ever got that sweet taste of her, I'd never want it to leave my lips. It doesn't help how she never wears a bra inside the house either, my eyes always falling down to her perky breasts that poke out of her thin, see through t-shirts, just begging to be bitten and teased with my tongue flicking on her pretty pointy nipples.
I had to put a damn pillow on my lap to hide my raging boner when all I wished was to see her get down on her knees and suck my throbbing cock off with her plump lips around it. How good would her throat feel constricting around my dick as I fuck her mouth, watching her lovingly choke on me until I couldn't take it any more... my sticky cum then drizzling out on her tongue before she swallows it all up with that enticing look she's always got plastered on her stunning face. Fuck, I'm getting so hard just writing this down. I need help.
I actually also have to confess that I did see her naked once (sorry Namjoonah). I was walking out of the restroom in Namjoon's house when my eyes just happened to peek inside the half open door to her bedroom, and there she simply was, completely butt ass naked. I was so stunned that I stood there frozen in shock with my breath snatched away, just admiring her beautiful curves while my cheeks started to get hot, my ears bright red when she finally caught me longingly staring at her ass through the mirror. And guess what she does? She turns around to face me with a cute smile and calls me inside the room with a wave of her hand... and shit, I did go in and close the door like she told me to.
(y/n) began picking out different dresses from her closet and started holding them up to her naked body one by one, asking me if the outfit looks good on her or not. The fucking lil tease. How do I focus on the dress when her perfect round tits sit high on her chest, not to mention the sight of her exposed pussy like that right in front of my itching fingers. All I wanted to do was pump my fingers into her and get her soaking wet, right before I bend her over and thrust my cock deep inside her, stretching her out so good until she cums buckets for me. 
I managed to end up picking out a dress for her and she made me watch as she put it on, then asking me to pull up the zipper in the back, which I of course do. And she has the nerve to push her ass into my pulsing cock to feel how big I am while I remain behind her, simultaneously whispering "You should fuck me sometime" right into my ear as she turns around to give me that piercing eye look. 
Baby, I will until you won't be able to physically walk.
I also need to admit that I did steal a pair of her panties and pocket them while she wasn't looking that time, but I'm truthfully ashamed to write down the things I do with them alone late into the nights so I won't be able to confess to it for now. I'm just so fucking desperate for her pussy and it sucks how she doesn't even know how great I can pleasure her, but she clearly wants a taste of my cock so I'm gonna ask her to come over soon, and I bet she won't deny the offer.
Yah Namjoonah, if you're ever reading this, I hope you know just how sorry I am... but I'm definitely gonna fuck your sister's brains out tonight.
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a/n ♡
i imagined seokjin crushing on a younger (y/n) as he's the oldest in bangtan, especially namjoon's sister since their families are close irl and he probably ends up seeing her the most in seoul. 
— the mentioning of searching porn: he's known to being quite active on the internet and constantly being in front of the computer 
— the sexual fantasies he describes having in detail and stealing (y/n)'s panties: he himself has admitted to being kinky and the members have also said he's a pervert in the past
— him calling namjoon "namjoonah" and using words like "yah" "aish~" 
— his speech sounding put together and formal since he's a great host and knows how to formulate words properly, appearing classy even if he's being dirty
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