s0ulpuppy · 2 years
what they do says nothing about you, the infidelity does not deem you 'not good enough' or imply something is missing in you.
it is the ego of the person which causes them to be ungrateful for who they have, and that is not your fault.
they wonder why we prowl, why we lurk. but i wonder why they deceive, why they lie, why they cheat, i wonder why they harm. you lie in your bedroom floor in a puddle of tears, and to think you are not the only one who they've made feel this way.
but we stay, and we fight. because as women we are forced to fight. we are forced to fight for; our bodies, our rights, our relationships, our dignity, our purity, and ultimately our beauty.
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
All that bitter anger,
That strange twisted sadness,
That mothers pass onto their daughters,
It is heavy.
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
i miss you, my baby.
“Somehow, my soul knew your soul before we ever had the chance to meet”
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
“I don’t want to despise you. As matter of fact I don’t want to think about you. I won’t compare to you. How could I? You’re still a child in my eyes.”
— Agnes
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
ungrateful you wanted to talk things out, but i resisted   i didn’t need an explanation, but you insisted   you used the thirty seconds   i gave you to explain to ask for more   making me realize   even though i love you i can’t be with you anymore you are never satisfied with what you have   time or a 5’4” girl   looking at you like you’re her entire world it’s not on me for not being enough of a feast to fill you up   it is on you for having a feast and still being hungry for more Nina Is Trying, Mali Marks 
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
Ironically, when we start to get better, we also often get sad because we start to realise how much we've missed out on, how badly certain people failed us, what the younger version of us actually deserved. Healing involves healthy grieving. There's no way around it.
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
“I am both worse and better than you thought.”
— Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
hate has gotten me nowhere; waiting for you to apologize has left me everywhere. you will never understand and that's alright.
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s0ulpuppy · 2 years
as you could probably tell, i haven't been active lately.
i've taken a lot of time away from my poetry to focus on getting better, writing was a way to cope with my feelings but seemed to keep me in a dark place.
i've been extremely sick for a very long time and going back through my posts here that has became clear to me. i never thought i'd mentally be able to say "it gets better" and have it not be a lie. there's no cure for what we go through inside or the illnesses we face, but there is no true coping mechanism better than acceptance. i promise you will grow and heal if you stick around long to let it happen.
i'm still going to be posting old things and scribbled thoughts to further prove how deeply lodged inside my hell id truly gotten. yes, the same hell that i climbed out of with zero help.
you have to find yourself inside the chaos, and accept that chaos for what it is.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
is it so wrong to wish things would’ve turned out differently?
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
I hear screams, feel your breath on my skin. You are with me. You were never gone.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
I hold on to us, hoping you’ll change.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
we could never fix this.
and i couldn’t lie to you by saying we could.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
you’re not coming back, the feeling inside me that wished you would has settled down.
that little girl begging for her father to play the role has been silenced.
your past self I’ve held hostage inside my brain, has finally been freed.
that adolescent who cursed him for leaving, has figured it out.
the forgotten girl has let him go, she has freed him.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
i can never be myself.  my words are twisted around. hospitals when i speak up. shoved back inside when i come out. my fault, my fault, my fault.  my fault, my fault, my fault.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
i looked at him, blank mind, and deaf ears.
knowing that the words he was putting together, the phrases that came tumbling out of his mouth couldn’t possibly make anything better.
he could never fix this, he could try.
but he could never fix himself.
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s0ulpuppy · 3 years
i came to find comfort in our chaos
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