83serk · 3 years
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He "Truly" likes it😗
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83serk · 3 years
I have fallen so far
Deeper than the sea
Still waiting for that one hand,
To pull me back onto my feet.
I have fallen so far
Deep into my dreams
Just to wake up 
To a living nightmare
To which none can compete.
I have fallen so far
I've given up hope
To fly high in the sky 
With clouds that smile 
Just to appeal to someone's eyes.
I have fallen so far
To where no one could tell
That i'm dying inside
I wear this mask that protects others
From seeing me suffer before their unseeing eyes.
I have fallen so far
Nowhere else to go
It is pitch black with no path
Just a hole of things that were wished
For nothing that was caused.
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83serk · 3 years
I like writing story's mainly horror.
Go check out the latest one I just wrote! And criticize me...im trying to find flaws so tell me so I can make better stories in the future plz and thank you. Have a nice day😁👍
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83serk · 3 years
A Fun Camping Story, I guess.
“Were going camping!” Father yelled excitedly. “Whatever, I’m only going if i get to take Tammy with.” My sister said. Chelsea can be annoying sometimes, but since she is so relatable to Mean Girls I’m fine with being around her because it makes me laugh. “If Chelsea gets to bring Tammy, I want to bring Jason.” I said to dad. “That fat nerd, no way!” Chelsea said angrily. “Leave him alone Chelsea, its only fair.” Mom said in a calming voice. Chelsea looked at me and stuck her tongue out. Jason is kind of fat and a nerd but he is the only kid that would be my friend. Chelsea is 16, and i’m 14, which makes us two years apart, and even dad and mom think m more mature than her. I can’t help but feel that they love her more than me though, unless shes blackmailing them to buy her whatever she wants. “We are leaving in two hours so call your friend now, before you forget.” Mom said. I walked up stairs to my room. I packed a couple t-shirts, a pocket knife, a jacket, shorts, socks, a small hatchet, some rope to practice my knots,underwear, a garbage bag, a shovel and a pair of hiking boots. I picked up my phone and called Jason. “Hey Mike! Whats up?” Jason said. I could here everything going on in the background. “Do you have any plans this week?” I asked. “ Ya, I’m going to my grandmas in like an hour to spend the rest of the week.Why?. Jason questioned. “No reason, well i have to go, bye.” I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. I walked downstairs with my blue suitcase and put it next to the front door. I saw Tammy’s mom’s car pull up the drive way. The car was a white sedan. Tammy walked out of the car, and walked back to the trunk. She set all her pink baggage down and slammed the trunk. As her mom pulled out of the driveway she walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I stared out the window and watched her sit there and wait. Tammy was the same age as Chelsea, she had blonde hair, silver like eyes, she was wearing supper short khakis and a pink crop top cut t-shirt. Chelsea came down the stairs “Pervert, your getting your drool all over the window!” Chelsea said in disgust. Chelsea opened the door for Tammy. “OMG you look amazing, what is that a new skirt?” Tammy said. “Ya, I bought it at Kohl's.” Chelsea answered. I walked away as they blabbered on up the stairs. Bummed out that my only friend couldn’t make it, I through myself on the couch and watched the white swirly wave like  ceiling move. About thirty minutes have passed, my phone starts to ring. I take my phone out of my pocket and read that it was Jason calling, i pressed the green answer button. “Hey Mike, so my grandma had something come up and she wont be able to pick me up yet,do you still want to hangout?” Jason asked. “Sure, oh and i didn’t tell what i was doing but I’m going camping for the week...do you want to come with?” I asked. “That sounds way better, so sure let me just tell my grandma and I will be on my way, I already have my bags packed so i will be there in a couple of minutes.” Jason answered. “Alright see you then. bye.” I hung up the phone. I jumped off the couch and ran to the door in excitement. Waiting like a dog at the door, I see Jason run across the street to the front door. I opened the door before he even got a chance to take a breath, he jumped back scared but realized it was me. “Jeez, Mike you scared me.” Jason said while still catching his breath, he took out his inhaler and breathed in. “Sorry about that, i just got excited.” I replied apologetically.  As Jason walked inside i shut the door behind him. He set his bags next to mine and walked over and sat on the couch. As I was going to go sit next to him dad and mom came into the living room “Are you guys ready? because we are leaving now.” Dad said enthusiastically. “Yes, Mr Anderson!” Jason replied happily. dad looked at me. “And how about you?” “Yes, dad, everything is packed.” I talked in a lazy like voice. “Alrighty then, go get your sister Mike, we will put your stuff in the car.” I got up with a grown and walked up the stairs. I opened my sisters room and saw Chelsea and Tammy frenching each other. “Ewww gross, so your  a lesbian now?” I asked “No Mike, we are just practicing just in case there is some other hot male campers there.” Chelsea and Tammy both looked at each other and giggled. “Well were leaving now.” I walked downstairs and out the door and to the car. The only reason why we could bring so many people is because of our mini-van it has a navy green color to it. Jason had already claimed his seat in the very back with all our bags, mom went into the back to lift up the middle seat, where i will sit, then Tammy would have no choice but to sit on the right or left side of me. Then the worst most possible outcome happened, dad and mom sat in the back blocking all points of escape. I had forgot Chelsea had just gotten her permit. Chelsea and Tammy finally came out of the front door, they handed dad their bags and he through them in the back by Jason. Oh great, now I’m stuck by dad and mom, and Jason can go through our bags, hopefully he doesn’t. We drove the for the next 4 hours until we finally got there, we had to stop so many times because everyone had different bathroom schedules. At one of the stops i managed to switch spots with dad. Once we finally got to the parking lot, we took all of our bags out, then we had to literally hike to our cabin because its so far away. Thankfully, it was kind of remote there. There were no showers, and our cabin only had a toilet and a sink. Once we got in we found our rooms, me and Jason had to sleep in the living room because there were only two room cabins open. Dad should have booked a place early so we could have had a bigger cabin, but i didn’t mind it. “We’re gonna go out and explore the place for a little bit, we will be back later.” Chelsea said. “Bring your brother and his friend to.” Mom said. “No, why?” Chelsea said. “Because i said so, now go and leave me and your father alone for a couple of hours, bye love you guys.”Mom said cheerfully. Chelsea made a moan of disgust “Whatever, lets go.” She demanded. Me and Jason got up and followed them out the door. As we got closer to the main camping site where a giant lodge was and a park next to it where other kids were playing, me and Jason decided to go to the park, “ We are gonna go to the park, see you in a little bit.” I said to Chelsea. “I hope not.” She whispered to Tammy but loud enough to make sure i heard it. As me and Jason walked up to the park, two kids ran up to us and asked “Do you want to play tag with us?” It was two twins that looked identical to the ones from the Shinning movie. “Sure!” I said to them. I was just trying to make Jason tired for later. I can’t wait, I’m so excited. “Why are you smiling so big?” Jason asked. I just looked at him then ran over to the kids playing tag, he followed behind me. “Hey Chelsea,” Tammy said, “Do you see that guy over their, he looks kind of hot.” “Eww he definitely is not” Chelsea said in disgust. “Well, I’m going to go talk to him.” Tammy said excitedly. “Whatever, you whore.” Chelsea said in a jealous voice. Tammy walked towards the guy. Chelsea watched as they flirted up a storm. Tammy came back running towards Chelsea all happy like as if she had won the lottery. “He wants to meet up by the lake later.” Tammy said while do a little happy dance. “Good for you, I hope you get an STD.” Chelsea said furiously and walked away. Chelsea walked inside the giant lodge and ran to the bathroom as she started crying. Tammy trying not to be ugly for when she meets up with the new guy named David she just talked to went to go prepare at the cabin. I saw Chelsea run into the lodge crying, so i ran in after to see if she was okay, completely forgetting about Jason. As I walked into the women's bathroom, i could hear Chelsea crying loudly, “Are you okay?” I asked her. “Why are you in the women's bathroom Mike, your such a pervert.” She said why trying to hold in tears. “I saw you fight with Tammy, what was that about, a guy?” I asked “NO, I’M CRYING BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WAS INTO ME!” she yelled and started crying even louder. Damn, I do not want to get mixed into this and ruin my plans with Jason. I walked out of the bathroom hearing behind me, “YOUR SUCH A DICK MIKE!” As it got dark, me and Jason started to head back to the cabin, we saw Tammy all dressed up, heading towards the small lake a few minutes away from the cabin. We didn’t bother to ask what she was doing, so we just ignored each other. We walked to the cabin and we heard moaning coming from it, “Stay out here,” i whispered. I’m gonna sneak in and grab my bag.” “Why?” Jason asked. “Because were gonna go to the lake and watch Tammy.” I smiled. I sneaked inside and heard the moaning coming from the parents room. “Gross.” I said to myself. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. We started heading into the direction that Tammy was walking in before. As we got farther and farther into the woods i turned around and told Jason to take a break for a minute. “ I’m gonna go pee.” Jason said “Alright, don’t get lost.” I said back. Jason started walking off the path, I put on gloves and tore a couple holes in the garbage bag so i would get my clothes stained from the mud and stuff, then I grabbed out my hatchet,tied my rope around two trees to see if he would end up tripping over it for later, picked up a small rock, and followed Jason. Once he stopped i waited behind a bush for the perfect moment to scare him. As he zipped his shorts up he turned around and started to walk back to where we stopped. i threw the rock i grabbed to scare Jason a little. It hit a tree making a little dink! sound. “Who’s there!” Jason turned at yelled towards where i through the rock. I leaped out of the bush with my hatchet “BOO!” i yelled as loud as i can. He started bolting towards where we were before, and just as i predicted, he tripped over the rope and sprained his ankle. “This isn’t funny!” Jason yelled. “I ran at him with a murderous grin to scare him more. I jumped over the rope, took my hatchet and swung as hard as i can into Jason's chest. I put my foot on his chest and pulled the hatchet out. He touched his wound and put his hands to his face. “HELP, SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!”  As he struggled to move, i grabbed my pocket knife out of my bag, then turned around to see Jason crawling down the path leaving a trail of blood behind him. I walked up to him, stomped on his back, then grabbed his hair up to show his now vulnerable neck. “Time to die piggy!” I said in a gruesome excited voice. I stabbed him in the jugular and then slice all the way across his neck. I dropped his head, Jason put his hands across his next to hold in the blood. I grabbed the shovel out of the bag and started to dig a hole. I was to tired to make it deep, so just dragged his body and threw everything i used in the hole i dug then covered it with twigs. As I started walking down the path i remembered that Tammy was going by the lake with a guy. I started running towards the lake to see some action. As i got there i saw them all ready putting their clothes on, but someone else was watching them. He started running towards the guy with an ax? Then really fast swung the ax chopping half way through his head then swung it again, but this time it went right through cutting the whole head off. Blood sprayed all over Tammy’s face she started running to the woods screaming. The guy with the ax chased after her. I chased after them trying to make sure the ax guy doesn’t see me. All of a sudden i heard a “CLAMPING” sound and more screaming of pain coming from Tammy. I finally caught up to them when i saw Tammy on the ground trying to pull open what seems to be a bear trap biting at her right leg. I heard the person with the ax say to Tammy  “ If you wanted it off so badly then why didn’t you ask?” His voice sounded familiar but i couldn’t tell. The person with the ax swung at Tammy's leg until it fully came off. Tammy turned on to her chest and started pulling herself away but the person with the ax started swing it at her back. Each time it hit her back her screaming would get louder then she would go back to crying for help. Once she stopped crying, the person mocked her, then walked casually away as if nothing had just happened. Once the person was out of sight. I walked up to Tammy’s body one last time before i started back to the cabin. I got there as the same time as Chelsea did. “Where have you been?” I asked Chelsea, as if she was the one who killed that guy and Tammy out of jealousy. “I’ve been in that bathroom at the lodge since you left it why?” I looked at her in disbelief. “Whatever.” I said to mock her. We walked into the cabin and i noticed that the moaning hadn’t stopped. I went up stairs and knocked real loud on the door “Mom, Dad can you stop!” I yelled. “It’s disgusting.” But nothing happened. i tried again even louder but nothing. I opened the door and saw Mom’s half naked body and the bed covered in blood. There was a tape playing on repeat. I walked over and turned it off. “Dad just got...back...” Chelsea's speech started to slow down as she saw Mom covered in blood laying there lifeless. I looked at  Chelsea, her face in shock. Then all of a sudden an ax swung at the top of her head cutting her face off. She walked backwards and fell off the edge of the railing with a big thud as her body hit the floor of the cabin. The guy with the ax moved in-front of the door way. Still in shock, I heard the person say “Hey Mike, like father like son am i right?” He asked, making me fall into a deeper state of shock only to be broken as he charged at me and hit me on the side of my head making me fall unconscious. I woke up in a hospital next to my dad waiting for me to finally wake up. “Oh my gosh you are okay!” He yelled and ran over to give me a hug. “What happened?” I asked. “ I was picking up dinner when i got a call saying you were in the hospital.” Dad said. “Do you remember anything?” “No I replied.”That’s good. That’s very good.” He whispered to himself. “Why am i handcuffed to the bed?” I asked dad. “And why are there cops outside my room?” A lady came in answering the question “You have been charged with killing your mother,sister, Tammy Daryl, David Honester, and Jason McNeil. “NOOOO!” I screamed and started crying as everything from that night filled my head.
Hope you liked my story. This is my first one and i plan on writing more. Have a nice day :D
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83serk · 3 years
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