89stephi · 6 days
well fuck me
pornstar!rafe hate fucking you during your first collab (based off my moodboard)
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pairing: pornstar!rafe x pornstar!reader warnings: fingering, spit kink, bondage, gagging, oral (m receiving), degrading, creampie, 18+ word count: 1.1k (this was supposed to be a short concept but i got carried away)
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After moving from Kildare, you started working in the porn industry and have been in the industry for a little over a year. You have been trying to make your name more known, and you’ve been successful in doing so. About a week ago, your agent informed you about collaborating with another fan favorite, but you never expected to see Rafe Cameron walking into the room alongside his agent. 
The pair of you immediately said no to working with each other, after all, this was the same Rafe Cameron who made your life a living hell when you lived in Kildare, it was safe to say that the two of you hated each other for years. 
Although you and Rafe said no, you both knew your agents were right, this was an opportunity that the two of you couldn’t pass up. Especially after hearing how much you’ll be paid just to collaborate. 
Grudgingly, you and Rafe agreed and signed the contract, which is what led to the two of you in a hotel room, camera in one of his hands while two of his thick digits are thrusting in and out of your slick cunt, “You know, it’s a bit pathetic how wet you are f’me”. You bite back a moan when he curls his fingers, “Don’t flatter yourself”. 
“Keep it up and I’ll put that mouth of yours to better use” he spat, which only makes you spur him on, making him withdraw his fingers. “After all these years, you still like pissin’ me off, huh?” he scoffs, pushing you onto your knees. You gasp when he harshly tugs on your hair and he doesn’t hesitate for a second as he roughly shoves his length into your mouth, making you gag when he hits the back of your throat. 
He’s gripping your hair, harshly thrusting into your warm, wet mouth as he watches through the screen of the camera, “Always wondered what that bratty little mouth could do”. Your saliva is pooling out the side of your mouth, dripping onto your bare tits and you look up into the camera, batting your lashes up at him with mascara smudged under your eyes. 
He pushes your head down further, holding your head still. Your nose nudges against his pelvis, causing you to gag more, “Shit, that’s right, choke on my fuckin’ dick”. 
You gasp for air when he pulls you back, his cock slipping out of your mouth with a wet pop. Your throat burns and you barely have time to recover as he’s pulling you up off the floor, spinning you around before shoving you onto the plush bed with your ass in the air. 
Rafe is pulling your wrists behind your back, wrapping his belt around them, binding them together tightly. His hand finds the back of your neck, pushing your face further into the mattress. You yelp when his large hand comes down on your ass, “Gonna fuckin’ ruin this pretty little cunt, it’s just beggin’ to be used”. He gathers his saliva in his mouth, fingers spreading you open before spitting onto your aching cunt, watching the way it runs down your folds. 
You whine when he teasingly rubs the head of his cock up and down your slit, “Quit whining or I’ll give you somethin’ to whine about” he warns. “I’ll quit when you stop teasing me” you bite back, “God, I still can’t fuckin’ stand you” he snorts. Your response was cut short by a sharp gasp when he pushes into you in one harsh thrust, slamming his hips into yours. He leans back, one hand grabbing your bound wrists, using it as leverage to hold you still as he pounds into you at a relentless pace, his other hand holding the camera, making sure to film every second. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good” he grits his teeth, his eyes landing on the ‘Heaven Sent’ chain jewelry around your waist, watching it bounce with each thrust, “Shit, you may be right about one thing, think your sweet little pussy is heaven sent”. His eyes are drifting down to watch the way your cunt swallows him, “Goddamn, pussy is just as needy as you are, huh? She’s suckin’ me in so well”.
His thrusts are brutal and all you can do is lay there, writhing and taking what he’s giving you. “R-Rafe” you moan out, “R-Rafe” he mimics, “Use your words”. You try to respond but you’re too focused on how good he’s making you feel, “Fuckin’ you so well that you turned into a brainless little slut, huh?” he chuckles. “Uh huh,” you moan, the squelching noises from the way his cock pistons into you fill the room.
Rafe leans forward, his chest flush against your back, allowing him to plunder deeper into you. He reaches around, practically pushing the camera in your face as he shoves his thick fingers in your mouth, muffling your moans. He slides his fingers further down your throat, making you gag, “You like that shit? Gagging on my fingers while takin’ my cock like the little cockslut you are?”. 
“Keep your eyes on the camera, gotta show them how much you love my big cock stretchin’ your tight cunt out” he grunts in your ear. He removes his spit-coated fingers from your mouth, trailing them down your body to between your legs, finding your clit and rubbing circles. “You’re nothing but a tight, warm hole for me to use, yeah?” he taunts, making you clench around him. “Go on, tell ‘em or I won’t let you cum” he commands, referring to the camera that he has shoved in your face.
His tip repeatedly hits your g-spot, and your legs start to tremble as you feel your orgasm approaching, “I-I’m nothing but a tight, warm hole for you to use” you sob out. “Atta girl, gonna cum f’me? Show the camera how fuckin’ pretty you look when you’re creaming all over my cock and I’ll fill this pretty pussy up so fuckin’ good”.
Your walls flutter around him, eyes rolling back, crying out his name as you cum around his cock. Rafe pulls himself off your back, his large, calloused hand pressing down on the small of your back as he continues pumping into you, knocking the air out of your lungs. His cock twitches inside of you, moaning as he paints your walls with his hot, thick cum. 
He slowly pulls out, grabbing the camera as he spreads your folds further apart to capture his cum spilling out of your pussy, “Look how pretty your little hole looks stuffed with my cum” he murmurs, his finger moving up your slit, collecting his cum before pushing it back into your cunt. 
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tagging: @oceandriveab @babygorewhore @xxbimbobunnyxx @bimbotrashcan @ihe4rttwd @rafesthroatbaby @rafescurtainbangz @starkeyisthelastname @slumnit @chimindity @sturnioloshacker @heartsforvin @strawberrydolly333 @bunnyrafe @hallecarey1 @redhead1180 @eddieslut69 @usergeta @kisses4angel @hyperfixationgirl @emilysuperswag @flvredcas @rafeinterlude @starkeysheart @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @fae-of-prey @amandabbbbb @rafecameroninterlude @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @spid6y @starkeysbebe @spacexdrago @honeybunniesoobin @zyafics @drudyslut @juniebugg @nemesyaaa
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89stephi · 2 months
holy shit i can't i believe i was late for THIS 🥵
need someone to bend me over and fuck me (that someone HAS to be rafe 100%)
— 𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐤𝐞 ᯓ★
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ᡣ𐭩 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, exhibitionism, spit kink (rafe spits in readers mouth), unprotected p in v sex.
ᡣ𐭩 𝐀/𝐍: my brain has literally been plagued with this concept. it will not leave me alone.
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“takin’ it like such a good girl, aren’t you?” rafe grunts, his hands roughly gripping your hips as he pounds into you from behind. your hands grip whatever they can to hold you steady as rafe’s thrusts get harder.
“answer me,” rafe growls out, landing a hard smack to your exposed ass cheek. you moan at the sting, biting your lip in attempt to keep quiet.
“yes daddy,” you whimper, feeling rafe hit that spot over and over. the spot that makes your eyes roll back as you claw his bike seat.
“you look so fucking sexy bent over my bike, princess,” rafe’s hands sneak up your back and grab a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back until you’re looking up at him.
“look at your face. look so beautiful when you’re fucked out and full of my cock,” rafe smirks, taking in your features. your pink, flushed cheeks, the way your glossy eyes stare into his with need.
“open your mouth,” rafe commands as he taps your cheek. you smile before opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out. rafe smiles and lets out a laugh, loving how obedient you are to his every command. he spits in your mouth, watching intensely as you close your mouth and swallow.
“such a good fuckin’ girl for me, yeah?” rafe moans, letting your hair go. you head leans forward, resting your face in the bike seat as rafe’s thrusts get faster and sloppier.
“rafe, m’gonna cum,” you whimper as you feel that familiar knot building in your stomach. rafe’s hand travels down your abdomen, to your soaking cunt as it swallows his cock over and over again.
hand finding your clit, rafe rubs in circles, your body shuddering as you get closer to your orgasm. you and rafe weren’t too worried about anyone seeing you. his bike was parked inside the gated walls of tannyhill and he made sure no one was home. but that didn’t mean bystanders outside the privacy of tannyhill couldn’t hear your moans. and that just fueled your excitement.
“fuck, rafe!” you cry out, looking down and watching his hand rub quick circles around your clit, your eyes squeezing shut as your legs tense up.
“cum for me, baby,” rafe’s rasps, “‘m right behind you,” he speeds up for a moment, his hips making your ass jiggle everytime his thrusts meet your skin.
tipping over your orgasm, you cry out rafe’s name over and over again. rafe’s hips stutter as he lets out a low moan, spilling into your cunt.
the two of you stay still for a moment, catching your breaths as rafe’s large hands soothe over the red handprints on your ass, smiling to himself. you had this man wrapped around your finger and he couldn’t even complain.
“we need to do that more often,” you pant, referring to rafe bending you over his bike and fucking you like that. rafe chuckles as he pulls out, admiring as he watches his cum slowly leak out.
“fuck yeah we do,” rafe responds with a smile, smacking your ass again before pressing a kiss to your bare back.
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a big thank u to my bestie for beta reading for me 💞💞💞 @anqeliclust
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89stephi · 3 months
I am Yusuf, I had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at a tender age, a condition that demanded a delicate balance of insulin, a commodity scarce in Gaza war-ravaged homeland.
As conflict raged around me, have struggled to find the insulin I desperately needed to survive. With medical supplies scarce and hospitals overwhelmed, obtaining medication became a daily battle fraught with danger.
One day, as the bombs fell closer to my house,my insulin supply ran out completely. With no pharmacies open and no aid reaching my area, I faced a life-threatening dilemma. Without insulin, my blood sugar levels soared, threatening to send me into a coma.I I'm here begging for your support to help me get insulin
My goal is $198/$365
Click here to donate and share
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89stephi · 3 months
mack KNOWS what she's doing omg (lili's so adorable too like look at her!!!!!!!!)
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Drew Starkey wtf!!!
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89stephi · 4 months
i miss him it's crazy
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He’s so funny wtf!
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89stephi · 4 months
"i can fix him" well i can take him as he is. unhinged and dangerous.
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89stephi · 4 months
everyone and everything is testing me these days sometimes i just wanna
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.. sometimes ... most of the time
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89stephi · 4 months
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good day to be a bisexual !! LOOK AT THEM. blurry but still FIINE as fuck.
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89stephi · 4 months
looking so FINE. i need him. i really need him, it's so unhealthy.
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New of DREW !!
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89stephi · 4 months
woke up to this and now the bed's a mess FUCK this is too good!! where's rafe to claim responsibility and fuck me in the back of his truck???
car sex quickie with rafe !
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oh my god, sign me tf up.
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“we have to be quick,” you breathed out, tearing your shirt off over your head as you waited for rafe to do the same.
“yeah, no shit,” he groans, quickly undoing his button and zipper, lifting his butt off the seat to hurriedly pull down his pants down, his cock springing free as he shoves the pants to his thighs. immediately, his hands are cupping your face, your lips clashing together as he quickly helps you out of your jeans.
you straddle him again, pushing your panties to the side as ragged breaths escape the both of you, anticipation pooling deep in your abdomen as you slowly sink down onto rafe’s cock.
“fuck,” he groans, his fingers digging into your hips harshly as his face trains on yours. your mouth parts, looking at rafe through glossy eyes.
he doesn’t bother giving you any time to adjust, he starts picking up your hips, slamming you back down onto him. loud moans fill the car as you hold onto the back of the seat behind you, and rafe’s shoulder for support.
“fuck,” you moan out, squeezing your eyes shut as you develop your own rhythm along with the help of rafe’s hands guiding your hips up and down.
the car quickly steams up, fog covering the windows as the car gently shakes from you bouncing on rafe’s lap. the air becomes stuffy but you two are too indulged in each other to care.
“fuck, baby, just like that,” rafe grunts, his eyes falling and training on where the two of you are connected, watching as your walls swallow his cock when you sit back down. mesmerized by the sight, his hands trails up from your hips to grip your breasts, grabbing the flesh roughly with his large hands.
“oh God, rafe,” you whimper, throwing your head back as your orgasm is building up rather quickly. you were too consumed by each other to care about the possibility of people seeing you in the back of his truck.
rafe lets out another groan, gripping your tits even tighter in his hands as he continues to guide you up and down on his cock, his mouth parted as he watches in awe.
you and rafe had car sex plenty of times before. sometimes in your car, but mainly in his truck since the backseat was a bit bigger. but there something about this one time… how quick it had to be. how absolutely hot you two were for each other in the party that you made it a mission to come out to his truck. it made it all more erotic.
“rafe,” you panted, “i’m coming,” you continued to work on his cock, chasing after your own high as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling and earning deep groans from him.
“come for me, baby. that’s my girl,” he encourages, leaning forward and planting open mouthed kisses along your neck. you sighed into the thick air surrounding the two of you, your orgasm reaching its peak as it rips through you. loud moans and rafe’s name leave your lips as your walls clench around him, riding out your high.
rafe follows right after you, growling deeply into your ear as his fingers grip your hips in a bone crushing hold. his hips sputter up into your as he shoots his cum inside you, coating your walls.
“i love you,” he breathes, looking up at you and brushing a few strands of hair out of your face, smiling as he sees your fucked out expression staring back at him. he always felt a sense of pride knowing only he could bring out this side of you.
“i love you,” you whine, crashing your lips onto his as he holds you tightly against him, the two of you comforting each other as you come down from your highs.
best car sex ever.
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this sucks 😭
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89stephi · 4 months
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Boyfriend reveal (real)
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89stephi · 4 months
i'd still take him (love my good share of toxic bad boys)
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Let’s be honest he wouldn’t be a good bf!
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89stephi · 4 months
RIIIIGHT?!! i was on the floor when i found out it was drake. i haven't watched the series yet to know exactly what the charges were but i do have an idea on how severe they were based on the clips I've seen. 😭 they really did sacrifice their childhood for ours (especially amanda)
btww, been wanting to watch quiet on set since its release but i'm scared bc aside from disney, nickelodeon's my childhood 😭 although i am aware dan schneider's a poor excuse of a human being, it just HURTS knowing what's actually happening behind the scenes !!
NOOO FRR! i was so fucking hesitant to watch it for this exact reason. i grew up with nick and disney and i knew 100% going into this docuseries that i would be ruining my favorite childhood shows. i knew a long time ago about what a POS dan was but this series opened up a whole new can of worms you couldn’t expect. my heart breaks for all those kids involved 🥺😭
it really does hurt especially because i never knew what happened with drake… he kept that burden with him all this time until now 😭😭
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89stephi · 4 months
yes siiiiiiir 😵‍💫 101% a need
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how i imagine dealer!rafe 🤑🤑🤑
he loves to flaunt his wealth, is a total asshole most of the time and gives off major big dick energy. he listens to future, lil durk and g-herbo. he is only about making money and getting a nut and never wanting anything serious. that was until you walked in to that party, the prettiest thing he ever saw wanting some weed and willing to ride his dick for it at that. for the first time he wants to make someone his and that’s exactly what he does. he spoils you rotten, handing you a stack of cash to go spend however you’d like. Definitely treats you like his princess, surprising you with boxes that read Hermès and Chanel. Wine and dining you at fancy restaurants and taking you out of the country on tropical getaways, all while he traps it out.
not to mention the dick he gives you. it’s a monster. he talks you through it. tells you how pretty you look while he drills your shit in. loves it nasty and rough. not afraid to fold you in half or stick it in your ass when he feels like it. he loves dirty talk, his voice never failing to make you cum.
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89stephi · 4 months
something's trickling and it's not tears THIS IS SO GOOD
rafe talking you through it?
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“shhh, you’re doing so well baby,” his thumb brushes across the apple of your cheek, swiping away a stray tear as he slowly pushes his cock further into your soaked pussy.
a gasp leaves your swollen lips as rafe lets out a quiet groan, his eyes locking on the place where you two connect as he focuses on pushing all the way in.
it wasn’t your first time with rafe, but you were never used to his size and it often hurt, specifically in the beginning. sometimes you thought he might split you open.
“good girl. i’m going to pull out okay? i’ll do it slow, princess,” he warns patiently, looking into your eyes for permission. you nod, your breathing ragged as you grip his shoulders harshly.
“you feel so good, princess,” rafe moans softly, leaning down to kiss your lips just as he begins to pull his length out. you gasp, closing your eyes as the pain slowly dissipates.
“c’mon, baby, you can take it,” rafe assures, kissing your nose softly as he then begins pushing his cock back inside, letting out a long exhale as he fills you back up again.
he pulls out again, pushing back in as you let out a moan, your nails digging into his back as his eyes trail down to watch where your bodies are connected.
“just remember, you’re mine.” rafe whispers before rolling you both over quickly, replacing you on top now. you smile down at him, biting your lip as you begin rolling your hips against his.
“fuck, baby, j-just like that,” rafe groans, hands gripping your hips tightly as he helps you guide your hips and gather a rhythm. “don’t stop,” he whispers breathlessly, watching you in awe as you rock your hips against him.
“rafe,” you moan out, using his chest for support as he begins guiding your hips faster making you both call out each others names. you close your eyes, your mouth parting in pure bliss.
“eyes on me, baby. keep looking at me,” he encourages through a moan of his own, your bright eyes opening and looking right at him again. you looked so beautiful like this. all desperate on his cock, listening to his every command. you were his girl. his fucking girl.
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yes. just… fucking… yes
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89stephi · 4 months
if perfection is in the form of a drabble, this is it.
rafe & spanking?
fuck, i need him to spank me
“hold fucking still,” rafe grumbles, his hands firmly on your hips as he pins you down on his lap.
you were currently bent over rafe’s lap as he had the last straw. all day you had been actin’ like a brat, giving him attitude. he warned you to stop but you wouldn’t. you couldn’t. and now, he had had enough and it was time to brat tame you.
“rafe, please! i said i was sorry!” you pleaded, your head hung upside down as you peered through the space between the couch and rafe’s knees, where you got perfect view of his hand rubbing the back of your thigh.
“sorry doesn’t cut it, princess. you wanna act like a brat? i’ll treat you like one,” rafe says coolly, rubbing your ass cheek with his large hand. seconds later, a loud smack! erupts in the air and you suddenly feel a stinging sensation on your left ass cheek.
“fuck!” you cry out, your body going limp as rafe gently rubs the red hand print, soothing the burning pain.
just when you think you’re in the clear, another smack! fills the living room followed by stinging pain on your right ass cheek this time. you let out a whimper as rafe begins soothing that ass cheek, rubbing the reddened area gently.
“just a couple more, princess. think you can handle that for me?” rafe asks, looking at you. you pick your head up, looking at him.
“rafe,” you whine “it hurts,”
“i know, baby. but this what happens when you act like a little brat. don’t worry, baby, i’ll give you a reward if you can handle a few more. how’s that sound?” rafe smiles, brushing strands of your hair out of your face. with a grumble, you nod and allow him to continue. you couldn’t lie, as much as it hurt, you were so fucking turned on.
“good girl,” rafe praises smugly, landing another slap your left ass cheek, admiring the way it jiggles for him. you let out a squeal and he’s quick to softly shush you, rubbing and soothing the flesh.
let’s just say, by the end of that, there were several layered, red, puffy handprints branded in your ass cheeks and it hurt to sit for a while.
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89stephi · 4 months
hi yes
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