8f09f6 · 4 years
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“Wheel on the Chimney”
Written by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrated by Tibor Gergely ,1954
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8f09f6 · 4 years
How to start growing food for free
Growing your own food is a great way to become more independent from capitalist infrastructure, but if you’re spending hundreds of dollars just to get started it can almost feel counterproductive. There are plenty of great tutorials for making your own pots, garden boxes, rainwater collectors, composters, etc. from reclaimed materials, which can bring the cost down significantly, but the cost of the plants alone can really start to add up if bought from a nursery or garden store. 
So I’ve compiled a few ideas for getting your garden started for free. If you know of any other tricks, please feel free to add them in reblogs!
From food
Set aside the seeds from your produce bought from the grocery store. Just make sure the brand you’re buying from doesn’t contain terminator genes first. Organic or non-GMO is preferred.
Almost all dry beans can simply be planted in the ground and will most often sprout. They’re easy to grow in warmer climates and very hardy.
You can grow many potato plants from a single potato with eyes. Cut the potato into chunks with each chunk having an eye sprout, and place the chunks in the ground.
Numerous varieties of onions, brassica oleracea vegetables, and celery can be regrown from the base, after re-sprouting the plant in a dish of water for days.
Many root vegetables can be regrown from their leafy tops (which are also edible and tasty in salad). Carrots, radishes, beets, rutabagas, and more can be regrown from tops.
Pineapples can be regrown from their tops, if you live in the right climate or have a greenhouse/cold frame.
If you can, shop at your local farmer’s market and support local farmers, instead of big-name grocery stores!
From the wild
Look up edible plants that grow wild in your area and how to replant them. You can take seeds from any plant, obviously, but some can also be regrown from cuttings, suckers, scraps, etc.
Transplanting is also an option, but not preferable since it removes a plant from the environment.
Native plants are guaranteed to be a good fit for your environment, so this is a great lesser-care option.
From neighbors
Of course, the same methods that work for food/wild plants (planting seeds, growing from scraps or cuttings, etc) will also work for food and plants from friends’ gardens. If you know anyone already into gardening, ask them to help you get started! If you see someone gardening in your neighborhood, say hi!
Many fruit trees can be cloned from cuttings. Cut off a branch at a 45-degree angle, then soak the cut end in water for ~5 minutes before applying rooting hormone and placing it into potting soil. Caring for the clone and other specifics can vary by species, so do a quick search beforehand.
Grafting fruit trees is a millenia-old technique, wherein a cutting from a fruit tree is inserted into a hardier rootstock tree and bonded with a special wax. The tissues intermingle to form a single tree. Look online for tutorials, and be sure to take the proper precautions.
Organize a seed swap or seed bank in your area.
Found or join a chapter of Food Not Lawns, or a similar organization.
Seed packets are small and easy to slip into your pocket when nobody is looking.
Some places (especially hardware stores) keep a lot of their gardening supplies outside, making it easy to liberate a few plants and even some soil or mulch. Wait at least 2 hours after close to make sure no employees are staying late, always mask up in case of cameras, and try to leave things relatively tidy (everything pulled to the front of the shelf) so there’s no suspicion in the morning.
Never steal from locally owned nurseries, farms, or your working-class neighbors!
(Thanks so much to @theradicalgardener for helping me with this list!)
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8f09f6 · 4 years
“Stand and Deliver” is a recurring title that I have such a history with.
First of all, I have a lifetime love affair with the album “Floored” by Sugar Ray (yes the one with the “IIIIIII just wanna fly” song) I am, after all, a Californian from California, I also love Sublime and RHCP, fucking sue me. So I first encountered the term “Stand and Deliver” as the title of my favorite song from that album. Floored is a hard rock album, definitive for the genre, almost generically so, except for the most popular song on the album (again, “Fly”) and Stand and Deliver, which would become the archetypal formula for Sugar Ray’s discography: light, fluffy, radio friendly pop sandwiched between aggressive, driving hard rock tracks about cars and being mad about… something. I didn’t know the context of the song, but I loved it, it’s a little silly sounding, a little surf-rockish.
Maybe not even a year after listening to Floored a hundred times with my mom in the car, usually on a road trip leading to our next camp site, I watched the movie “Stand and Deliver” in some class. I loved it, it’s still one of my favorite movies. Quickly the matching titles sparked questions concerning the context of the term. Both the lyrics of the song and the content of the movie shared a few themes that I could decipher: criminality, robbery, delinquency. So rather than look it up on the internet, I assumed that the song was about the movie and originally penned by Mark McGrath as an homage.
So of course, a few years later, once YouTube became an outlet for openly shared music and music videos, I stumbled on the original video for Stand and Deliver by Adam And The Ants. I felt a little dumb, but really I was just so transfixed by this terribly handsome man, the heroic and brazen “Dandy Highwayman”, who spends the song monologuing to some rich asshole about how he is about to rob his bougie old ass, and why. Why? Because he’s fucking rich and he knows that he has hoarded wealth and resources from his fellow countrymen. “Even though you’ve fooled your soul your conscience will remind” is to say “you know exactly why I’m robbing you asshole, you’re lucky I don’t send your ass to Hell where you belong”. The “dandy” in “Dandy Highwayman” suggesting that this bandit also has a flair for pomp and drama. He sarcastically adorns himself with the same fineries as his victims, possibly as a disquise, but most certainly as a way to add insult to injury. “Look at me you capitalist pig! I can wear this frilly shit too! I can role play as your fellow upperclassmen, I can move about through your gated world, waiting for my chance to strike you! I will redistribute your wealth in the most insulting manner!” Then he removes the skin of his oppressor and fades back into Sherwood Forest, never to be identified, the proletariat has taken back what is rightfully theirs, and the rich have not only had their material wealth taken from under their noses, but have been shaken to their core by the realization that their safety is a myth, a falsehood, a shield against the realization that the victims of their greed can and will relieve them of their burdeness golden trappings, and that the next highwayman may not be the type to leave them with their lives for dramatic effect.
When I was four I changed my name to “Robin Hood”. I demanded to be referred to only as such, and I would not answer to any other name. I am Robin of Locksley and you cannot tell me differently. This was all sparked by the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, the first piece of art or entertainment that I truly loved and adored, the first obsession, the original special interest. All of these things were the foundation for my political beliefs throughout my life. Even when I shifted through liberalism and even touching the edge of libertarianism, drifting through anarchism, and then landing somewhere closer to communism, there was one idea I knew to be true: steal from the rich because they stole it from you first.
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8f09f6 · 4 years
So I don’t even know where to start talking about the place I’m moving into. It’s in a collectively owned community, where we’ll be one of thirty five families that collectively own the whole area, which means that we can pretty much all do whatever we want, obviously barring any destructive or annoying behavior. It’s kinda plopped down at the end of an area of houses that were cut into the forest, so my backyard is just a seemingly endless expanse of trees, and yes I’m aloud to just walk out there in the night and lay under a fucking tree and look up at the visible milky way. It’s 26 driving miles from the main entrance to Yosemite, and we have a lifelong pass to all California state parks. Like I’ve always thought that I couldn’t live rural but for the first time I’m actually letting myself picture myself in that kind of setting. All I’m worried about is like my tethers to the urban/suburban landscape and the few people left whom I care about in the bay. It doesn’t matter anyways cuz capitalism has decided that I cannot live here anymore, and not only that but I just kinda need to accept that I hate The Bay, and that life generally sucks here, and it’s not what it was fifteen years ago. Like it’s fully gentrified at this point, and gentrification chases out any real culture or even just fun. I’m gonna be living in this awesome house that reminds me of my great aunt’s house from when I was a kid. We get to paint all the walls and refloor every room, so I actually get to have my dream bedroom and kitchen. The hoarding and clutter is a non issue, because there’s more storage space that we’ll ever need under the house. There’s this amazing patio that’s not visible from any angle except from the woods behind us. We’re gonna have a kiddie pool out there and a couch and other lounging options, there’s even a sink and ceiling fan and a huge awning over the whole thing. There’s a shed that’s set up like a workshop so I would actually be able to get into something that would allow me to create and repair and construct. There’s tons of room on every side of the house, including our own, like, basically a camping space, with electric and plumbing hookups for an RV or what have you, where I can set up my own tent or trailer or what have and have power running to it. There’s no restrictions on pets and it’s a great environment for dogs, so we’ll probably both end up getting a dog. (idk what yappy lil bitch she wants but having a pitbull is a dream of mine) It’s all almost too good to be true, and it’s also cheap as hell and I’ll actually own the house, the land, and not pay rent, only 700 in taxes a year. We just pay a couple meager utilities, and switch over to AT&T for internet, and we get to get rid of comcast and cable and be free from them too. I get to get my super gaming PC so I can bootleg everything for the rest of my life. Literally everything in my life is about to improve tenfold, I’ll just be further from my friends who never visit anyways.
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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8f09f6 · 5 years
Hi I'm Ren a trans neurodivergent woman who recently had her symptoms ramp up to where they couldn't work, so I need to raise money for next months bills since I'm going to be waiting to hear back about disability.
I need to raise 200$ for my phone bill and medication first and foremost
Venmo: eseal
Cashapp: $cmder
I also have PayPal, pm me for that
In addition I do programming, 2d and 3d art commissions if you need something like that
Please share and donate if possible
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/4577/
last modified 2003-08-04 05:13:33
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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The Corleck stone head from Co Cavan. This distinctive carving contains three separate faces and is thought to represent an ancient Irish deity
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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8f09f6 · 5 years
9/11 was an inside whoopsiedaisy
what if 9/11 was an accident :/ 
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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fat butches fat butches fAT BUTCHES FAT BUTCHES !!!!!!
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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christians need to be better
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8f09f6 · 5 years
most white collar jobs are absolutely bad for people physically and psychologically and it’s important to talk about that but i feel like it’s soooo ignorant to imply that “we”, humanity as a whole, are being repressed with office jobs rather than wholesome outdoor labor, like… you know agricultural workers still exist, right? and they’re put through grueling, thankless, oftentimes outright abusive work conditions? and most of the human population worldwide are still primarily farmers? like your coffee wasn’t photocopied into HEB
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8f09f6 · 5 years
phrase “grievous injury” is named after general grievous because of injuries led to him becoming a cyborg.
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8f09f6 · 5 years
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8f09f6 · 5 years
what the fuck
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8f09f6 · 5 years
They're weakened, now is the time to attack
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