9091xd · 18 hours
Reblog if you roleplay birth
Let me know who you are! :)
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9091xd · 2 days
I need a big head stuck between my legs as I struggle for hours trying to push out a huge baby.
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9091xd · 8 days
Do you have a labor and/0r birth kink as a carrier?
If so, reblog so I can find you.
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9091xd · 11 days
boy in labor shrieking and thrashing in agony, told for hours that he's overreacting, being hysterical, panicking for no reason, that birth is SUPPOSED to hurt, until finally the doctors look inside his hole and see all three of his triplets trying to crown at once <3
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9091xd · 11 days
Reblogif you LOVE huge baby births - 12 pounds and over - and hard long pushing sessions
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9091xd · 12 days
A big burly man in denial, his "beer gut" is actually huge twins. I can see him driving a semi crowning into his jeans.
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9091xd · 12 days
Would you be ok with a male birth attendant?
of course
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9091xd · 26 days
You jerking off
Before sending me a proposition to roleplay, please make sure that you will keep answering AFTER jerking off. I am done with men starting a good roleplay and then never answering again once they are done. Thanks
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9091xd · 1 month
The Olympics but it’s for birth. Events include who can be in labor the longest, who can make the least noise and who can complete certain tasks the quickest while crowning, with different categories for different divisions of course. People carrying babies over 11 pounds, people carrying twins, even triplets. All competing to win the gold. Every contestant gives birth on live international television, cameras trained on each and every heavy baby bump.
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9091xd · 1 month
When you say "they," would you have multiples? How many?
yes, 2 or 3
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9091xd · 1 month
Would you like to try to RP together again?
of course
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9091xd · 1 month
6.) Induced or overdue? Or right on time? 13.) Pushing positions? 14.) How big is the baby (or babies)?
6) overdue
13) layed in the bed and standing
14) they are big, around 5-6kg
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9091xd · 2 months
9 and 10?
9) I would like to push for at least two hours
10) I would like to be crownig between half an hour to an hour
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9091xd · 2 months
Hi, I’m a 25f who would like to do rp with you. Are u interested?
of course
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9091xd · 2 months
4, 5, 13
4) Natural
5) standing
13) At the start of the labor a lot of water comes out of me
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9091xd · 2 months
I want to make something clear, I don't like when people flirt with me. especially men.
I am a lesbian and I have a girlfriend (future wife if all goes well) with whom I have a serious relationship for 4 years. We are monogamous and very happy with our sexual and romantic life.
So please, STOP
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9091xd · 2 months
7.) Sex during labor?
10.) How long are you crowning for?
7) just if is with a woman
10) between 30 min and 1 hour (with a very big head)
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