9999overlord · 10 years
BOLD all that applies to your muse!
Eyes: Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other (red) Hair: Blonde | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color | Other (blue) Body Type: Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular Skin: Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored  Gender: Male | Female | Trans | Cis | No Gender | Other Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other | ??? (anti love) Species: Human | Undead/Vampire | Shapeshifter (Weres) | Demon | Angel | Witch/Wizard/Sorcerer | Incubus/Succubus | Other (Summon Spirit) Education: High School | College | University | Higher Education (self taught, school is for plebs) Living Situation: Lives alone | Lives with parents/guardian | Lives with significant other | Lives with a friend | Drifter | Homeless  Parents/Guardian: Mom (dead) | Dad (dead) | Adoptive  | Foster | Grandparents | Family friend Relationship: Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated I’ve been: In Love | Hurt | Sick | Abused I have a(n): Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder | Mental Disorder  | Anxiety Disorder | Eating Disorder | Substance-related Disorder (who knows) Things I’ve done before: Drank alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Had a threesome | Gotten into a fist fight | Gone to the hospital | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Gone to a rave | Killed someone Positive Traits: Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless Negative Traits: Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Insecure | Irresponsible | Possessive | Self-conscious | Selfish | Unstable | Vengeful 
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9999overlord · 10 years
     Through his clever espionage, Laharl has learned Law is not entirely a bore to spy on. Ever since he started, the man seems to be more fidgety-- perhaps he's afraid of ghosts? What a loser. How long would he last in the Netherworld, filled with the souls of dead sinners in mascot-penguin form among other diseased undead and dead monsters. 
     He almost starts snickering at the thought of the seemingly always composed Law absolutely losing his shit over low level demons. Almost-- because he makes a sloppy mistake and his own eyes meet with the eyes of his target. Normally, a stalker-- no spy, he assures himself again-- would run away the moment they're caught, but Laharl isn't some wuss that backs down so easily. 
     He comes out from his cover behind a corner and presents himself with a wide and proud stance. "It's a type of tactic used in war, misternomer!" No, shit, that was really bad. "I mean, Trafalgar D Waterlaw!
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     "You're kind of useful in other situations, so I'm just seeing if you'll be useful to me at all or not. By the way, don't take that as praise or anything, because it wasn't." He takes a few steps closer to close the gap between them (though his voice is loud enough to be hear at least ten blocks away), but not too close so he didn't seem too short in front of the taller man. 
     "So, what I'm saying is this, fool: are you gonna become my vassal and be useful or are you gonna go against me?"
notice me law senpai || laharl & law
    It was a day like any other. The body count grew steadily as the month went on, trials proceeded successfully, and that ‘ghost’ haunting him persisted much to Law’s dismay. If whoever was following him planned to jump and attempt to murder him by now, why hadn’t they? They may very well have been a figment of Law’s imagination which in retrospect was about as vivid as a heavily used ashtray.
    Simply put, Law was almost sure he was losing his mind. Walking to the store, coming home from the infirmary, turning the corner, over and over he saw a gust of red in the corner of his eye and occasionally one of blue, here one moment, gone the next. Had the multitudes of dead pirates he’d stolen the literal hearts of come back to haunt him? Nah. A murderer was more likely than specters trying to invoke paranoia.
   He heaved a sigh as he glanced over his shoulder, the figment nowhere in sight. This was getting under his skin. It was time for a test.
  At the next corner, the one right before he’d reach the last stretch of sidewalk leading to his apartment, he went on as normal, pausing behind the cover the wall provided.
Wait for it…
   Wait for iiiiit…
    The pirate whipped back around the corner with his top grade glare, taking in a deep breath to shout down the street. The accusation of someone following him stuck dry to his throat and he nearly choked on it at the sight of the culprit peeking out of an alleyway. He was expecting someone- anyone but him.
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  “M-Midget-ya?! It was you?” He knew that pint-sized brat anywhere. “Why have you been following me? What’s your deal?”
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9999overlord · 10 years
     Laharl doesn't really respond to his vassal's words and instead lets them hang in the air. He lets his silence be a sort of agreement. However, he's seen the sort of effects being entirely control of your own destiny can create-- not entirely positive things either. 'Bad ends' always exist whether the player is aware of it or not (and, last time he checked, life doesn't have a reliable guide online).
     He waits for the door to be opened, only a slight struggle from the vassal with his hands full, and then enters when the entrance presents itself. He waits for the other to enter with the babies and then close the door behind them. 
     "So, unless you suspects there's some sort of spying equipment here-- which I doubt because everyone in this city is stupid, spill what you have to say," he pushes, crossing his arms and tapping his foot in a small display of impatience. "Again, you better not think of betraying or else I'll have to kill you. And it's way easier to do that now since you got the brat over there." With his head, he motions towards Naoya. 
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     "Your head will explode or something if that thing die, right?"
It seems quite clear that the Overlord is just as hasty about hearing the truth as he the bespectacled one is about revealing it as soon as is possible - he’s walking so fast that he’s slightly ahead! Though the fact he constantly looks back at the robot children the black-haired vassal carries does not escape said vassal’s notice. The vassal says nothing about the matter, though.
Instead, regarding the rhetorical question, the vassal’s eyes flicker in amusement, he saying: "I am fairly aware of that, yes. But you know - If you’re a bit strange in the world, it often means that fate itself can be thrown for a loop and you can make your own destiny."
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To get by in this world - any - sometimes it didn’t hurt to be a bit strange, essentially. Also to fight against a pre-ordained set of ‘rules’ and such was esentially what he did as his other self all the time. That said, it seemed the Overlord assumed this talk about secrets was to be about why he willingly joined him. Well, yes, actually, the bespectacled one had been meaning to bring that up at some point. Especially now since he felt their ‘goals’ were fairly the same. It would be a good idea to do it when they were out of listening ears.
A nod in confirmation to that statement from the Overlord, as Jack gave a few cackles of laughter, placing the stolen glasses on his head like a victorious person might gloat to a ‘good guy’. Naoya seemed quite intrigued by this, but the babies antics would be cut short- they were already at the apartment, and so the spectacled one had to carefully cradle Naoya a bit so he could unlock the door and open it for the other to go in first.
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9999overlord · 10 years
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     "Well it's a good thing you're already pretty damn useless! I'm sure even without your legs, you'd go about your life the same way: being a waste of oxygen!" 
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"Well you do realize if you do that you’ll just have a useless Vassal, right Master~? Besides, I’m pretty sure I’d still be taller than you even if you cut my legs off."
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9999overlord · 10 years
     "Don't try to sly dig me, fool! I'm your Overlord, and you'll threat me with respect!!" Minus 50 vassal points for the new guy. When he dies and becomes a prinny, he's never getting pay that's for sure!
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     "Go make yourself useful now!"
Arrogant brat. How he’d love to wipe that smug smirk off the boy’s face. Maybe hang him by that cape. 
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"Not that I want children, I’ve seen first hand what smarmy little shits they can be. But sure, I’ll follow your orders." 
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9999overlord · 10 years
    He nearly turns around and spits on the hero type's face, but decides against it. Hero types aren't worth he effort. Hero types are one of the weakest units in the game with shitty abilities to boot. So he remains with his back turned to the other, glaring holes into the beige concrete of the sidewalk. 
     "No shit, Sherlock! I've been betrayed by every goddamn demon in the Netherworld! They're oh so loyal to my old man, but as soon as he's dead, they try to kill me. 'Oh, I don't acknowledge you as Overlord' or 'you're a lesser Overlord than your father'! I'd like to see them try and be as good as him or me. I'd like to see them kill me while also 'honoring' my dad. Everyone is so goddamn irritating!
     "And I don't care if your love is genuine. How long do you emotions last, human? Do you still love the friends you had when you were two years old, but lost contact with years later? Or are you one of those sheltered types?" Laharl assumes the latter. Somehow, he can tell this guy hasn't gone more than five feet from his home for most of his life. 
     "And I'm not killing people for power! I'm suppressing those idiots who want to kill me for power. I work hard enough because of that. Try waking up after two years to find everything going to shit because your dad is dead suddenly and fix that. You can't, can't you? Try organizing that goddamn mess and dealing with an invasion by both the human world and Celestia and assassination attempts from your closest vassal and some stupid love freak angel and also a fake little angel sister."
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     With that, Laharl finally storms away. His hands fall from his chest and clench into tight fists by his sides. If he had his powers, he'd call in a meteor to crush this stupid guy-- no, completely obliterate this guy so that not even his atoms continued to exist, but that stupid bear still has him and his strength hostage in this city. Even then, would the guy even be worth the MP exerted? Healing fees at the hospital? No, because he'd just revive because hero types never actually truly die. Goddamn. 
❧ authority
Sorey shakes his head. There’s a part of him that does understand what the demon is saying, takes it in, and does partially accept it. However, speaking from his own experience he can’t say he really agrees with it either. Behind the contradicting and opposing opinions, Sorey can only guess at where this demon’s ideas are coming from.
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“ Perhaps you were betrayed by someone important to you? ” He suggests, throw the wild assumption out in the open. Maybe the question would have its consequences, but in Sorey’s mind that seems to be what the demon was at least partially hinting at. They certainly have different opinions, but some of what the other was saying bothered Sorey more than it should… really have.
“ A mess? I can’t say the same for you, but the love I have for my friends is genuine! You’re the one you doesn’t seem to understand, ” He retorts, face contorting to take on an even more serious expression. Friendship was a matter he’ll get worked up over, and this was certainly a good example of that zest.
“ Killing someone for power? You don’t need to destroy someone else’s life to gain power! Why don’t you work hard for that power instead? Perhaps that’s why you don’t understand friendship or kindness! ”
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9999overlord · 10 years
Select Area: MB Grocery
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Base Panel: Select units with the ✇ button.
► ✇
Chose Character to Dispatch 10 more people
► Laharl ► Etna ► Flonne ► Sicily ► Generic Unit #1
     Laharl has nothing against his victim. He was just walking past at the time, and he just so happen to know the victim (and his boyfriend) (his demon intuition is strong at times). Everyone just so happens to walk by the grocery store after dark sometime, and Laharl just so happened to be sitting up on a low rooftop nearby for a few nights. 
     A human grocery store is more deadly than any stupid human can imagine, really. 
     When the would be victim is passing by, or, rather, looking at some TV screens through a window, Laharl pounces, landing with inhuman accuracy on Mikleo's shoulders. He immediately plunges his stubby fingers into his eye sockets and gouges the flesh out. At this point, the white haired boy, now blinded, is screaming and struggling. To shut him up, Larhal sticks both mangled pieces into the shitty angel but not really quite a Celestian angel's mouth. One eye is swallowed, the other is spat into a pool of blood. 
     His victim now subdued and generally a mess, Laharl grabs Mikleo's arm with his bloodied hands and drags him into the grocery store, first making quick work of the lock. There's some struggling at first with Mikleo, oh, y'know, giving up in a pool of despair, but Laharl has some synthetic orangish brownish feathers on him that he uses to convince the poor, poor victim that his most precious one is at risk. It's disgusting, but it got Mikleo to willingly put himself into the freezer. Oh, the freezer thing is supposed to be ironic because he looks like the generic ice type user. It was a pretty cold move on Laharl's part.
     After shutting the door, Laharl seals the fridge with an entire roll of duct tape. He walks out of the store, still bloodied, but the night provides ample cover. In the sky, there's a new moon, complete blackness. All he has to do is avoid lamplight until he washes himself in some broken pipe's water (the pipe was broken when he got there, he swears), and he's more or less home free. 
     No one questions why a demon is out at night too, so that's a plus. 
     Of course he's jittery for a while; truthfully, the blood spooked him a little. He's killed before, sort of, drawn blood from his enemies, but this time there was a certain finality to it. It wasn't just a game over for the other party where the game could just be restarted at the last save. No, it was something more permanent. It was different somehow. 
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9999overlord · 10 years
Is it possible for me to request Laharl in palette 9? Thanks for doing this x)
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Thanks for the request! Drawing Laharl was really fun with this palette~
250 notes · View notes
9999overlord · 10 years
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"Hey! Stop imagining weird things!" - Gordon
382 notes · View notes
9999overlord · 10 years
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9999overlord · 10 years
notice me law senpai || laharl & law
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     Laharl intentionally seeks people out, perhaps not to recruit them as his reputation has him, but, rather, scope out the specs of them. Enemy or ally? No, nothing in relation to that old binary. Will this person benefit me (his inward voice adds, and my vassals) or will that be a large electrocuted fence standing in the way of his goal. 
     One such people he wants to understand is the man named after justice, yet seems to hold a very lax interpretation of it. Law. Or, as Laharl finally learned, Trafalgar D Waterlaw. His deductions and manipulation of facts proved their worth though their particular (first, just the first) trial ended in defeat. He broke that annoying bitch's nose (the bitch that's now dead and rotting in the ground) with a projectile in the middle of the trial and if that didn't garner some semblance of respect from Laharl, nothing would. 
     So Laharl purposely follows Law around for a little while. It's not stalking, he assures himself, it's espionage. He follows Law as he walks about the city and he makes sure to stick to high places or small alleys that have only the occupation of cats to worry about. Eventually, he would come out of hiding and grace Law with his presence... Eventually...
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9999overlord · 10 years
     Laharl, despite his very short legs compared to the rest of the decently sized population of the city, has no trouble keeping up with any pace. If anything, he's walking slightly ahead of his vassal, glancing at the path ahead and back at the babies' idle banter (he especially appreciates the glasses being snatched right off his vassal's face). 
     "You're a strange fellow, you know that?" A rhetorical question, but somehow, in his tone, it requires an answer. "I never really met a human so... willing to be under me. Actually, I don't think I've had any vassal besides you willingly go along with me." His two closest fri-- vassals don't count because they're very... Their entire stories warrant an entire game. 
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     "I'm kind of assuming that's what you wanna say when we get into a place with no eavesdroppers. I'm interested." His words aren't harsh or commanding; rather, they possess a certain earnestness one wouldn't think a demon would have. Actually, it's not surprising in Laharl's case because he does everything against expectations. 
"Yes, I understand. I plan on being a reliable vassal, so I intend on keeping no secrets from you. Also, I can’t exactly hurry as much as I may like: Jack and Naoya aren’t light. If I ran, that might lead to an accident, which would hardly do." A bit of that old warmth and concern, there, returned to his voice, but despite not being able to run, his strides were long, taking less time to head to the apartment.
(Despite his glasses being stolen by Jack at this point and Naoya staring at that.)
Though, he had to worry a bit if his boss could keep up alright - he was shorter. The apartment was in sight, though: and soon the time for the truth would come.
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9999overlord · 10 years
     His foot swings back again, gathering power, before swiftly moving forward and making contact with the human's other shin. If Laharl had his full power, he'd be sure that the human would have a broken leg, but he enjoys being able to cause this temporary suffering as well.
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     "It means you swear your life and loyalty forever! Wouldn't it be better to put your pathetic life to use? Obviously you can't be a contributing member of society, so I see no reason to object, you worthless fool." He ego rises above that of the police dick. That egocentric police dick.
Adachi winced. He was humiliated, getting his ass kicked by this shrimp in front of onlookers. The fact that he was called shitty didn’t really bother him. It was a fact, and it was how he liked to be. 
"What does that even mean?” He rolled his eyes in annoyance at the proclamation of the other male turning him into a vassal. Of all the shoes he could step on…
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Maybe he’d take the beating. He was growing accustomed to those.
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9999overlord · 10 years
     Though his new vassal obviously and vehemently objects to his new position, Laharl is use to such a reaction. 
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     "I'm glad you see it my way! If you don't follow my orders, by the way, I'll be sure to make all your potential children perish from this world and any other world." 
He does not want to listen to the runt’s crowing but in his state there’s not much he can do. 
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"Fine, fine, I’ll be your vassal, your highness.” He spits, seething with murderous intent. 
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9999overlord · 10 years
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     "Looks like a certain useless and disobedient vassal hasn't learned his lesson! You'll give me respect! I'm above you! I can cut off your legs and make you the shortest person in this damn city!" 
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"How about YOU try getting kicked in the shins by a midget? Oh wait, you ARE one. Guess you can’t kick yourself in the ass."
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9999overlord · 10 years
So on Laharl’s page from the Disgaea 10th Anniversary Memorial book, at the bottom, Harada made some comments on his design.
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My dear friend, Yinza says it translates to something like ”coming from images commonly found in tooth decay illustrations aimed at children”
And we were like… what??? What does Laharl have to do with tooth decay?
Then it was googled. And… well…
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And… well, here. Google image search!
…So. Yeah. Laharl’s design’s inspiration, folks.
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9999overlord · 10 years
     Again, it seems like the human is not one to listen to reason. He must be the protagonist type of character, one who so staunchly sticks to his broken human ideals despite being faced with a world of absolute shit. Their mindset makes absolutely no sense to Laharl. Those types didn't understand being betrayed at every corner, having leering gazes follow him around, have to deal with the constant threat of usurpation because, oh, his dad was such a great demon and this kid is just a brat. 
     "Oh yeah? What if their reason for betraying you was planned in the first place just to take your life? You just don't get it! You hero types always try to push your stupid mindset forward, and then you don't actually listen to those who suffer from it!" He huffs and turns his back to the human. 
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     "I don't think heroes have the slightest bit of empathy at least when it comes to things that directly go against what they believe. Your love and friendship is nothing but a hypocritical mess! Understanding? Understanding? What's there to understand about someone trying to kill you for power?"
     He, of course, never lets all those attempts on his life get to him. If he did, one of his closest vassal's banter would always rile him up, and half the Netherworld would be filled with corpses (more so than usual). He has power, and he knows that fact, and all he has to do is display that power and he sees demons of all types scurrying away. The only reason those main characters of other games won their battles is because his power was downgraded significantly! 
     "I don't want to understand some fool's want for money or control." 
❧ authority
Was this demon, and perhaps it was just a wild assumption, lonely? Not that he’d say it aloud, but Sorey was fairly convinced that this arrogant being, behind a harsh and authoritarian exterior, didn’t exactly have the proper skills for interacting. Whatever his role may be in his own world, it wouldn’t be surprising if friendship was an idea that was difficult for the demon to accept, or even consider it seems.
All just unspoken assumptions.
“ Back in my world, and perhaps even in this world, if I fight, ” He places a hand over his chest, fingers clutching at the Shepherd’s clock covering his torso. Wearing a surprisingly calm expression, he continues on. “ I have the possibility of becoming tainted. My kind aren’t supposed to be tainted. Yet I fight in ways that I can still protect my friends while remaining untainted. ”
At least, he hasn’t really felt the stains of darkness yet.
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“ I haven’t been betrayed by any of my friends. I trust them, and if they happen to betray me, then I’m sure they’ll have their reasons for doing so. We all walk our own paths, and I wouldn’t want to be the obstacle that stands in their way, ” He says, despite knowing all too well that he’d feel the bitter rush of having one of his friends turn their back on him. Understanding…
Sometimes he wasn’t sure if he was fully capable of understanding other’s meanings and goals in life.
“ Kindness can bring understanding though. If you try to understand the paths that others take, then maybe you’d be able to see the importance of friendship to humans. ”
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