#despairing muses
My headspace is a tedium of confusion and despair lately. I hate being alone with my own thoughts. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy, mostly because my worst enemy is myself.
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thinwhitedoc · 2 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 3 months
Me: Thinking about goodbye despair
My brain: the reason Nekomaru lost his cool and knocked out Komaeda after his big dog little dog speech is because it directly clashes with his backstory and is a deep insult to the person who inspired Nekomaru, who had died from his chronic illness to overwork, to not give up and that even if Nekomaru can't play that doesn't mean he can't still help, and thus to insinuate people are simply born good or theyre not is a direct insult to what a team manager does, his own personal growth as a person, AND to Daisuke's legacy that Nekomaru inherited, you couldn't get a more direct insult to his history then Komaeda's speech before they knocked him out and tied him up
Me: oh shit real?
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
i love how we talk about natsumi as fuyuhiko's little sister but like.
they're twins. she's a younger twin. they're the same year in school.
but she's always gonna be bratty little sister energy.
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corallapis · 1 year
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sunriseindigo · 3 months
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happy birthday min 💜
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wheels-of-despair · 2 years
Wake-Up Call Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie doesn't want to get up. Sucks to be him. Contains: Sleepy Eddie, snuggling under false pretenses, drastic measures, a hasty getaway. Word Count: 400ish
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Eddie Munson is not a morning person.
He would stay in bed all day if you let him.
Normally, you're happy to indulge him. You love spending a lazy day in bed just as much as he does. But today's schedule is packed, so Not Today, Munson.
You'd already hit snooze on your alarm once, and he'd grumbled and burrowed further into your warmth. You figured you could afford five more minutes. Five more minutes never hurt anybody.
And then the alarm went off again. Reaching over and turning it off this time, you begin the process of trying to wake Eddie up.
"Eds. It's time to get up." You know he hates getting up early, but he'll hate missing out on today's plans even more.
He responds with a muffled something that sounds a lot like a "no."
"C'mon, babe," you say softly as you rock against him.
A groan.
"Places to go. People to see. Up and at 'em."
He whines.
"At least let me up?"
"No." He grips you tighter, and you wiggle in retaliation. He's not moving, and neither are you.
You scoff and begin to contemplate more drastic measures, and a wicked thought enters your twisted brain.
"Okay," you exhale in apparent defeat. Pretending to give in, you turn to face him and snake an arm around his back. He's awake enough to smirk like he's won. He really should know better by now. Your hand rubs his back for a moment, making him sigh happily… and then your fingers find the edge of the blanket.
In one firm jerk, the covers are on the floor and the cold air rushes in around you. He squeaks and instinctively curls into a ball.
"Mornin', sunshine," you say cheekily, giving him a peck and rolling out of bed with a smirk.
He's still in shock as you begin grabbing clothes to change into… and once he realizes what you've just done to him, he kicks his feet.
He kicks his feet like an overgrown toddler throwing a tantrum.
It's adorable. And it's also fucking hilarious.
You start laughing, and you can't stop. You laugh so hard, you have to catch yourself on a dresser before you collapse. Tears stream down your face. By the time you've caught your breath and dried your eyes, he's sitting up in bed, seething in your direction with eyes narrowed to the point they're barely slits.
You grab your clothes and make a break for the bathroom before he can get up and get even, cackling the whole way.
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originally inspired by gif #3 in this work of art by josephchocolatebuttoneyesquinn (and then I let it sit in my drafts for far too long and remembered it existed when I saw this beauty by userquinn)
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the-ultimate-muses · 1 month
@despairs-memorial liked for a starter uwu (X)
Despite being exactly who he was looking for, Kazuichi looked startled by the sight of the breeder, with him having rounded a corner so fast he'd all but slammed into Gundham's chest. "Fuck!" Stumbling back, the poor mechanic tripped over his own feet, sending himself to the floor.
"Hey! Watch where you're-" Words stop short upon the realization of who he had bumped into, Kaz scrambling back to his feet, a grab being made for Gundham's hand to first pull himself up, and then to inistantly tug his classmate along. "You! You gotta fix this! There's a cat- It's- I-I don't know how it got in there! I tried to get it out, but I can't reach!" Half rambles as he tried to get Gundham to follow him, assumedly towards his garage. "Hurry up!!"
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caramialunaestelle · 4 months
@despairs-memorial || Liked for a Starter (Aoi & Sayaka)
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"Ah, Maizono-chan! Can I ask you a question?" Aoi asked, having stumbled into the idol in the courtyard of their school. She sat down next to her with no hesitation at all, as if she was buddy-buddy with the celeb for years now.
"Is dancing and singing at the same time really hard? I mean I doubt I got a good singing voice so I wouldn't even attempt it, but I figure dancing's like... totally all about coordination and stuff, right? So like... Maybe I'd be good at that considering I'm pretty good at other sporty activities."
She leaned back and kicked her feet back and forth like a child. "I was just curious cause I know you practice a lot. Maybe you'd wanna teach me how to dance sometime. I've always wanted to try it."
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st-just · 2 years
Apropos of listening to a bunch of A More Civilized Age as background noise, the Stars Wars AU I actually wanna see is one where Sidious' plot is uncovered late in the war without any actual fixing of the structural rot in the Jedi order, so you just end up with a purged Senate and a pseudo-theocratic deep state where where the mystic warrior-cult/literally entire officer corps take it upon themselves to keep a close watch on the political class for any further signs of Sith corruption.
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jareicanon · 5 months
I am once again here to promote joining our server The Archive Of Muse please we have all the good things you could ask for;; deep conversations, clever theories, writers and artists support, cool people, book recommendations, music, frantic fanfic chaos, and uh. umm. uhhh. xantimetres.
you know normal things
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 3 months
Okay I have started down a rabbit whole that is kodaka's blue sky and m'xcuse me?
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
you know in undertale, how there are the two mirrors, and when the player character looks in the first mirror, it says, it's you! and then what is said in the second mirror depends on which route you take?
i need ryoko looking into a mirror all happy with it's you! and then a second picture beneath that with jumpscare spooky junko and it's me.
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relicsongmel · 4 months
I've seen a lot of people compare Sans to Beanix which is understandable (and extremely hilarious) but the REAL truth is that Sans is extremely Raymond Shields coded and that is the hill I will die on
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Alfred Guillou (1844-1926) "Adieu!" (1892) Oil on canvas Located in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Quimper, Quimper, Brittany, France
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wheels-of-despair · 2 years
Classy Girl and the Scruffy Boy Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie's girl invites him over for a romantic dinner and a movie. It's... not exactly what he expected. Contains: Dinner and a movie? Word Count: 1.2k-ish
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"Hi," you whisper, easing yourself onto Eddie's lap in the school library.
"Hi?" he responds, a little surprised to see you.
You wrap an arm around his shoulders, and his circle around your waist. He tilts his chin up for a kiss, which you gladly give him.
"So I just found out that Mom has a meeting this evening," you tell him quietly, "and she won't be home 'til late. I'll have the house allll to myself."
"Oh yeah?" he asks, instantly perking up.
"What are you gonna do with that big empty house all to yourself?"
"Hmmm…" you wonder aloud, tapping your chin thoughtfully with your free hand. "I thought maybe I could invite this really cute guy over… and I could make him a romantic dinner… and we could watch one of the best love stories ever told."
"Is it a chick flick?"
"It's not a chick flick."
"It's a chick flick."
"It's about a classy girl who falls for a scruffy boy. I think it's technically a love story, but there's some pretty scary stuff in it too. I might need you to hold me."
He looks like he's considering it.
"If you're a good boy, maybe we could even re-enact one of my favorite love scenes."
His eyes widen.
"It might get a little messy, though," you tease with a whisper.
"That's what I thought," you give him a kiss on the forehead and rake your fingers through his hair.
"I've gotta get back to class. Meet you at the van after school?"
He nods, breathing a little harder, his pupils blown. You lean down for another kiss and get off his lap. He gives your ass a smack as you walk away, and you turn to shoot him a fake glare before spinning back around and heading toward the exit with a grin on your face.
He'll never know what hit him.
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He was already by the van when you arrived at 3:03. His last class of the day was farther away than yours; he must've run all the way there.
You had him stop by Bradley's Big Buy on the way home to get a few extra ingredients. He didn't mind. It was for him, after all.
When you got home, you put your groceries away, sat at the table, and started pulling homework out of your backpack.
"What are you doing?"
"Eddie, it's not even 4 yet. Are you seriously ready for dinner already?"
He pouts.
"Go get your damn books, I know you've got work to do."
His jaw drops indignantly.
But he listens.
Two hours and several completed assignments he'd been putting off later, he's happily watching you move around the kitchen, making the romantic dinner he was promised. He wasn't thrilled about being tricked into doing work, but you'd helped him get enough done to keep his teachers off his back for a few days, so that was nice. Now, he got to relax, and see what kind of surprise you had planned.
Oh, Eddie. If only you knew who you were dealing with.
Some time later, you bring two steaming bowls of spaghetti into the living room and place them on the coffee table next to your glasses of soda and a plate of bread, buttered and toasted to perfection.
"Do you want me to put the movie in?"
"It's already in," you answer, picking up the remote and turning the TV on, trying to contain your glee. You'd put the tape in while he was taking a bathroom break, not wanting to risk him seeing the box and ruining the surprise.
The VCR clunks to life, and you fast-forward through the previews. You press play and watch him from the corner of your eye.
He's confused. He's so confused.
"This is a cartoon."
You say nothing, struggling to keep your face blank.
Once he realizes he's been had, he grabs the remote and presses stop, then turns to you with a hard look in his eyes.
"What the fuck?"
"What?" you ask innocently.
He gestures to the TV.
"You were promised a romantic dinner and a love story, were you not?"
"You didn't say it was Lady and the Fucking Tramp!"
"I said it was a love story about a classy girl and a scruffy boy."
His jaw clenches.
"You said it was scary."
"Have you SEEN the size of that freakin' rat? That's trying to EAT THE BABY?"
He fumes. He fumes at you for tricking him, and at himself for falling for something like this AGAIN.
"You purposely got me all worked up over a CARTOON!"
"It's not my fault you're a pervert!" You bite back your laughter.
"I had to go to the BATHROOM during ENGLISH and rub one out!"
You lose it.
"THAT'S IT!" he yells and lunges at you, howling with laughter at his expense. Next thing you know, you're on your back and he's on top of you, nipping at your neck and grinding against you.
"Oh yeah, you got me good Munson, please stop this unbearable torture!" you choke out between cackles.
He goes limp, dropping all his weight on top of you. He may look little, but it knocks the wind out of you with an "oof!"
You wiggle, trying to shake him off. He moans. Nevermind.
He lifts his head and cocks an eyebrow. "Wait, what were we supposed to be re-enacting from the DOG movie?"
"The spaghetti scene, duh."
"The what?"
"Have you not seen it?"
"Not… all of it?"
"Get up. This is unacceptable."
"So we're not going to do anything? After all that?"
"I mean, if you don't mind cold bread and reheated spag--"
And suddenly his mouth is on yours, your romantic dinner growing cold just a few feet away.
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Your mother returns from her meeting a few hours later, eyes narrowing when she sees Eddie's van in the driveway. She's still wary about you two being alone together. She debates between loudly announcing herself so she doesn't see anything gross, or quietly coming in and catching you in the act, which would secure free, complaint-free labor for the deep cleaning she'd been putting off.
The house is silent when she enters. There's a big pot of spaghetti on the stove, and the kitchen table is covered with books and what appears to be finished homework. Curiosity getting the better of her, she creeps toward the living room, still a little afraid of what she might find.
But it's a blue screen on the TV, a pile of dirty dishes on the coffee table, and two fully clothed teenagers sleeping on the couch. She turns off the TV and goes to get herself a bowl of spaghetti.
You later told her how you Lady and the Tramped him with the promise of a romantic dinner and a love story about a classy girl and a scruffy boy, and she'd laughed almost as hard as you had. (You'd also told her how Eddie had teared up when he saw all the sad dogs at the pound, but she was forbidden from ever repeating that.) That was the day she decided that maybe you could be trusted together. You two definitely weren't like other teenagers.
What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
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