a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
And honestly, how hard is it to click on the little heart, even now and then? Especially when you know someone is passionate about what they do and might appreciate it? What happened to all that fucking KINDNESS this person seemed so fond of in the past? Don’t try to understand where I’m coming from in life. Just decide you know everything about me already.
Anyway, I’m done.
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
I’m really not sure if I want to handle Tumblr anymore. It’s just... left and right, people thinking they know better than you and presuming they know all about your life and what’s in your head just based on a post you make. “I don’t want to TRY to understand you! I’ll just do what I think you want and not try talking to you about it!” Or if they do talk to you about it, they have already made up their minds they KNOW what’s wrong with you and of course know what you should be doing INSTEAD.
Just, honestly... I’m going to cry. I am already. I just wanted to find a place where people accepted me and liked me and tried to be kind to me. I know I’m doing things wrong, but I’d take actual constructive criticism about how I could do things better.
I thought I came back to this blog because running away was a poor decision. But now I don’t know anymore. Maybe I was better off when I moved it to where nobody knew where I was.
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
I honestly consider my time spent in the lotro community to be one of my biggest missed opportunities.
Also, @ that person: Thanks for assuming you understand everything about me and why I do what I do, for somehow guessing I’m pretty much entirely socially isolated and have been ostracized my entire life and so crippled by social anxiety I can sometimes hardly even go outside or look at people.
When I lose people it upsets me. Because it’s all that’s ever happened to me.
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
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15 days old, often sleeping on its back and rolling over while sleeping. 
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
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Zodiac Archetypes Tarot Spreads
Aries the Ram (Pioneer) 1. Hindleg–What is holding you back 2. Horn–What to continue doing 3. Horn–What to start doing 4. Nose–Future
Taurus the Bull (Nature Spirit) 1. Head–Obstacle 2&3. Horns–Potential outcomes 4. Shoulder–How to proceed
Gemini the Twins (Oracle) 1&2. Hearts–2 conflicting desires 3. Head–Advice 4. Feet–Future/how to proceed
Cancer the Crab (Mother) 1. Shell–What you hide 2. Eyes–Environmental responses 3. Claw–Past 4. Claw–Future
Leo the Lion (King) 1. Mane–Pride 2. Teeth–Fierceness 3. Body–Your effect on others 4. Tail–Adaptibility
Virgo the Virgin (Healer) 1. Head–Logical path 2. Heart–Emotional obstruction 3&4. Hands–Potential futures
Libra the Scales (Peacemaker) 1. Base–Issues influencing you 2. Fulcrum–Advice for decision 3&4. Scales–2 choices
Scorpio the Scorpion (Witch) 1. Tail–Where your power lies 2. Head–How to confront issues 3. Pincer–Past 4. Pincer–Future
Sagittarius the Archer (Explorer) 1. Arrow–Destination 2. Bow–Discovery 3. Man–Where to find strength 4. Horse–How to stay grounded
Capricorn the Water Goat (Father) 1. Tail–Past influences 2. Body–Current issue 3. Head–Advice from the spirit 4. Horns–How to address the issue
Aquarius the Water Bearer (Rebel) 1. Vessel–What you hold back 2. Woman–How you are viewed 3. Water–What to express 4. Snake–Temptations
Pisces the Fish (Dreamer) 1. Head–First option for path following 2. Tail–Outcome if followed 3. Head–Second option for path following 4. Tail–Outcome if followed
(original tarot spreads by harvest-moon-mystic. Available on etsy!)
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
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Nature within Opal | Images1to7 | Image8
What is Opal? Opal is a hydrous silicon dioxide (SiO2.nH2O). It is amorphous, without a crystalline structure, and without a definite chemical composition. Therefore it is a “mineraloid” rather than a “mineral”.
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
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Just in case you thought I didn’t love her.
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 7 years
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Maki in his blanket fort
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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My cat hubert pretending to be a Christmas ornament
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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And my second emoticon face for @elfologist <3
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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who is she???
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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This is my child Cricket, and I would submit unflattering photos of her but she never lets me take a photo of her that’s less than perfect 😅
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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One of the expressions for @elfologist. I couldn’t resist the Foo one first. :3
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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1/3 Some posters I made for my portfolio of a few keywords associated with the majors! Feel free to use anywhere and anyway you’d like, but if you’re going to repost them please do credit me, or at least don’t claim as your own :) 
part 2
part 3
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a-bandon-e-d-blog · 8 years
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These are my lovelies, Mechthild (the red one) and Gisela (the grey one)!! They like snacks, sleeping in warm cozy places and exploring
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