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Question and Answers
There may be some questions that our supporters would like to ask us. Do not worry, because we got the solution. We believe that community is a great thing to have in our project, because by having a community more people will join us in the future. This is the place where our supporters can ask us questions about anything related to the campaign. Our communication platform is through a whatsapp group.
We will have a Whatsapp group that consist of the members of our campaigns. In this group members can easily ask questions to admins that are available during the time. How can you enter this group ? It is so simple, you can join the group the first time you donate. Inside that group we will provide donators with the receipt of where their money will go.
Why will we do that ? We believe that many of our supporters will be sceptical about where their donations will go. That’s why the solution for that is everytime anyone donate their money to us, we will give them the receipts of what we do with the money. This is one of the example of questions that are frequently asked by our supporters.
In this organizations we are just trying to be as transparent as possible, because our ambition is to help those who are in need and by doing that we need to gain trust from our supportters. That is why we arrange the group for our community so that it is easier for everyone who have donated to us to track where they money went.
#CharityStartsFromUs mission is to provide our supporters with the best service that we can give. By doing this we believe that there will be more people who will join our community, and if that is achieved we can all help more and more people together.
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Advertising through social media platforms
Advertising a products can be in many different platform, some of the examples are in television, billboards, and many more source. In our project we focuses on social media campaign. Why did we choose this method of advertising ? Our reason of why we choose this method is because nowadays everyone uses social media in their daily basis. Looking at this opportunity we realize that the easiest way to let people know about our project is through social media platforms.
As we know advertising a product can be very expensive for a non-profit organization. That is one of the reason why we choose to use social media for our advertisement. We are a non-profit organization where all of our profit will be used for the goals of our campaign that is to help the poor students that needed help for their online studies.
Some examples of a social media platforms are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. These platforms are where we are going to advertise our campaign which is #CharityStartsFromUs.
The platforms that we’re going to choose is Facebook and Instagram only. Based on research the data show that this 2 platforms are the most used in Malaysia. With more viewer of our project, there will be more people that will be attracted by our campaign, and by doing so more students will be helped by this action.
By having this 2 platforms as our social media platforms for our campaign, users who are curious about what we’re doing can also ask us about things they don’t understand. By using Facebook they can message us through our messenger, in the other hand if people discover us from Instagram they can just message us through direct message and we will reply to them in no time.
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Some reasons why you should help the poor students
Some students are overwhelmed of what this pandemic can affect their studies as well. These are some reasons why you should help the poor students :
1. Many students in Malaysia still lacks electronic devices for e-learning
Based on the research by Malaysian education ministry they stated that as much as 36.9% of Malaysian students don’t own any electronic device to study at home. Because of this some students are still going to school and universities to attend their class. If things like this are still going on there will be chances that more people will get infected by the virus and it will take longer to solve it.
2. Students are our future
Students are our future because someday those students will rule our country and that’s why students need to be provided with the best equipment for their studies. We may not be aware of it but students are tomorrow’s leaders, doctors, scientists, investors, and many other.
3. Escape poverty
in 2015 UNESCO released a booklet that examine poverty. The booklet shows that good education can solve poverty issues in a country. That’s why if this pandemic keep going on any longer and students still does not get the best facility for their studies, it will be hard for a country to make a major development in the future.
Students are a long term investments for a country. Why ? Because students as we know will one day shape and rule the country, and without the best education maybe they will lead to a deviated act in the future that will bring loss to a country.
Now that we know how valuable are students for the future, they need our help now more than ever. Some students still don’t own any electronic devices to study from their homes. This is the reason why we as a team from #CharityStartsFromUs invite everyone who is more fortunate to help us on completing this mission. We did this because we care about what is happening in the world right now. Corona virus have destroy many lives, let’s stop it from also destroying our future. If we’re not the one to start who else will.
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1.     Campaign transparency and understanding the campaign
As people supporting the campaign, there is a need of proper understanding of the campaign on why and how. So there is a need of proper explanation on everything to keep people supporting the campaign and get them to pull more people into the campaign. To get this going there is a need of people to explain it to them.
But how ?
a)Create a short video of it
b)Create a flyer for the campaign
c)Run a seminar for this campaign
d)Run a booth day for the campaign  
e) Create a webpage for the campaign
Create a short video
By creating a short video of it, to explain how this campaign is going to work and what is the purpose of this campaign. Once people get to understand the purpose of this campaign, they will actually willing to support and help to run the campaign as well. As our motive is to help the poor children, together with this video in explaining, and promote this campaign, and get people to fund this campaign. It will be the fastest way to promote the campaign, with the proper thumbnail and title for the video, to get people to watch the video.
Create a flyer for the campaign
By creating flyer for the campaign, it was proved that with the help of flyer it helps to promote the campaign as well. With all the important information on the flyer it will help to spread the campaign, such as tagline, and colourful design on flyer. People tend to look and read at colourful design flyer based on the research.
Run a seminar for this campaign
Run a seminar for this campaign, we could promote the campaign easily as they get to understand and have questioned and answering section with the organiser which is us. We could answer all their question directly to them and solve all their doubt in supporting this campaign. People will not join the campaign that they do not understand and unsure what the campaign is about. So once all this uncertainty in them being solved, it will get them to support the campaign. In this seminar, we could get influencer to join us in the seminar as well, as some people will come because of the influencers, at the same time would could promote them the campaign. With the proper venue and time being set, people will drop by and join the seminar.
Run a booth day for the campaign  
Run a booth in different places to promote the campaign. It does not has to be in specific location to set up a booth. This would be easier for us to promote our campaign as we can choose where to set up the booth, either in the hypermarket, mall or housing area. Flyer could be given out, poster and banting could be set up and being seen by people.
Create a webpage for the campaign
Creating a webpage specifically to explain everything regarding this event and post all the pictures, videos and posters in this webpage. People could access to the webpage and have clear view of what we did to help the children. Everything would be transparent, so people could have clearer view of this event, people could even donate through this website to help the poor children. Anything that being donated or given will be updated, pictures and videos will be uploaded on this webpage so everyone could view. The link for the webpage will be printed on the flyer, and promote during the seminar or at the booth either by the influencer or by us.
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They could also get proper designer to design their poster and banting, but they would need extra funding for this platform as it would not be cheap to get someone to design for them. Which include printing job and advertise it, it would be another extra funding. As they are the one who knows and understand the needs and how to create attractive design. This would be a long term invest to the campaign, as the design could last for years and there is no need for them to get different design every year.
With the influencer, they could get them for a photoshoot section of them promoting the campaign “charity starts from us”. As influencer tend to attract more people attention, with their ability to promote and push the event, it will be easier for people to notice our campaign. Influencers are individuals that have audiences you're interested in marketing to. Most often, they're on different social media, working with these influencers to promote the campaign, that's called influencer marketing.
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1.     Creating banting or poster to promote the campaign
To promote the campaign in an effective way, there is a need to have someone to create a poster or banting to advertise the campaign. Attractive design and with the help of influencers, it will be more effective to promote the campaign. Their posts could be seen through every social media platform such as facebook, Instagram, and tweeter. Other than that, we could promote the campaign in cooperate with some company.
They could create a poster or banting with the help of others, with
a)     Organise a competition
b)    Get designer to create attractive design, or
c)     Get influencer for photoshoot section to promote the campaign
They could get children to participate in the competition. This actually benefit the campaign as this could cut down the cost that would need to be spent on creating a attractive poster or banting. With the help of children creativity, they could get all sort of design from the children. In return they could give out vouchers and prices for the winner for the competitions. With the chosen poster they could share it on social media and website to get people attention to help the poor student. They could get those social influencer to push this design competition to get people to join. They would only need to set up a website for this and certain amount of prices and people to run the website, which is actually cost saving.
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   Donation to the campaign
With the funding that being donated, we will use it to purchase all the necessity that are needed by students such as workbook, storybook, stationery, and smart dictionary. It would be great if our supporter are able to donate some fund to our campaign to help the poor students in proceeding their studies during movement control order.
1.     This fundraising campaign should be spread from ear to ears
Inform everyone about this campaign with the help of influencers, youtubers through any media platform such as Instagram, facebook, tweeter etc. At the same time, they could create a hashtag “#CharityStartFromUs” to spread out the campaign. As more people get to know this campaign, with positive view, there will be higher chances for people to donate to support our campaign.
2.     Create a page whereby everyone could access
Create a webpage where everyone could access and be able to view every details of our campaign and the total amount of fund that being donated to this campaign. People are able to choose what they wanted to donate and how much they wanted to donate. With everything being purchase, they are able to view the process of this campaign and the pictures and video would be posted in this webpage.
3.     Record every process of this campaign
The members of this campaign will record videos and take pictures of every delivery process on items being delivered to children to create a meaningful moment of this campaign. As this is to earn everyone trust on this campaign, as every fund that being donated are spend on the right places and everything would be transparent.
4.     Special recognition to the donator
With every single donate that being made, they will receive a certificate with their name on it as a token of appreciation for the effort that being made by them to help and support our campaign to support the children in their education during the pandemic.
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A corporate sponsorship is a form of marketing in which a company pays for the right to be associated with a project or program. A common type of corporate sponsorship is either collaboration between a nonprofit organization or a sponsor corporation, in which the latter funds a project or program managed by the former in exchange for recognition.
Corporations have logos and brand names displayed alongside of the organization undertaking the project or program, with specific mention that the corporation has provided funding. This benefits our company reputation and also helps to build a better brand image. Therefore, corporations may gain more audience throughout this campaign.
Venue partner is a type of sponsorship by allowing us to display our booth or mobile truck in the venue. This is one of the key factors for our campaign to be successful, if we are able to get a free venue sponsored by the mall as we selected. It benefits us by getting higher awareness and archive the criteria of our strategic locations.
In this case, the global agency will be seeking for just a parking spot in order to get the sponsorship easily. It is also able to gain a testimonial profile for the malls as well as they will be benefited same like corporate sponsorship, the malls may contain their logos and brand names in our marketing tools.
Media sponsors are financial sponsors that secure advertising for our campaign. This can mean purchasing advertising space on local television or in a local newspaper or publishing content about the event on their own channels, like creating a blog post about the event or cause.
For example, a media sponsor might pay for an advertisement in a local paper or cover the cost of filming a TV commercial. In some cases, they may also publicize our campaign through their social media channels, write an article in a publication, or even publish a blog post about our campaign and organization on their blog/website. This is all done in an exchange for sponsorship benefits.
We have categorized the level of sponsorship, different types of sponsors and value of sponsors will be categorized in different levels and receive different return on investment.
Sponsor value worth RM8000
-       Sponsor name will be part of the official campaign name
-       Most prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to event (i.e. Invitation, Donation card)
-       Prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to event (i.e. Invitation, Donation card)
-       Logo placement on banners, which serve as backdrop in all press photo opportunities
-       Prominent Sponsor name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Logo placement on our web site and campaign page
Sponsor value worth RM6000
-       Prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to event (i.e. Invitation, Donation card)
-       Logo placement on banners, which serve as backdrop in all press photo opportunities
-       Prominent Sponsor name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Logo placement on our web site and campaign Page
Sponsor value worth RM4000
-       Prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to event (i.e. Invitation, Donation card)
-       Logo placement on banners, which serve as backdrop in all press photo opportunities
-       Prominent Sponsor name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Logo placement on our web site and campaign Page
Sponsor value worth RM2000
-       Prominent Sponsor name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Name recognition in all press releases related to campaign
-       Logo placement on our web site and campaign page.
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Update Website Frequently To Meet Our Objective
As the pandemic has influenced human behaviour spending more time on mobile phone as well as the internet website, social media and video content. First of all, we built an online website to allow people easier access to us and donate electronic devices to us. It will also help to increase the trustable level between us and the donator.
Websites also help optimize for conversions. This function of the website is to help us to trace every user who visited the site and the conversion rate of how many users have taken actions to donate the items we needed. Website contains navigation and layout to simplify the user interface of the journey and help to improve the conversions. Another important aspect of having a website is to help people to easily use a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, and etc. It allows the audience to be able to find us on the search engine and access to our website easily. The main purpose of our website is also to optimize for mobile. So it can also target people who barely use their desktop or laptop and donate it to us.
Use Social Media
For NGOs, social media is an excellent tool. Social media channels help us to reach out to a wider audience. Twitter or Facebook is a great place to start and to build followers. You can start conversations with other like-minded groups, organizations, and influencers. We provide value content to social media while staying true to our mission. Be sure to read our blog posts on using Twitter to attract followers and improve engagement and how to create a social media strategy.
Besides building serious content all the time, we also try to create content to post a mixture of serious, interesting, engaging or fun facts to keep our fans interacting with us all the time. However we also have a content plan to make sure we don't miss out important dates or international events to attract more audience.
Create Shareable Content
Video marketing is a powerful way to evoke emotions and create empathy. Storytelling through video helps establish a powerful connection with our audience and can move them to support us.
Video statistics:
●     “Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day.”
●     “The average person watches more than an hour and a half of online video content per day, with around 15% averaging more than three hours.”
●     “Video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rates.”
●     “Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.” Source
YouTube Social Impact is the YouTube for Non-Profit Program, which provides free tools for charitable organizations to connect with a vast, engaged audience of supporters, volunteers, and donors.
Email Newsletter
Whenever we find that visitors are interacting with the content we are creating/posting, We will begin to start collecting email addresses for a newsletter. Add a box on your website that encourages visitors to sign-up for monthly insights into our organization’s mission/goals and, ultimately, will provide them value. However, we will not just be sending one type of email, we will be considering different journeys and the messaging that is suitable for each of every visitor. This can include welcome emails for those who have just signed up for our email list or for those who have started donating. Emails can nurture people toward making donations or thank them for already doing so. We can also use them to keep visitors up to date of what we’re doing and to continue sending newsletters.
Other Platforms
Google Ad Grants for Non-profit Organisations
This works just like Google Ads online advertising, by displaying our message to people who are searching for nonprofits like us. We're a qualified non profit organization, we will receive $10,000 USD worth of Google Ads advertising in-kind every month to Attract donors, raise awareness for our organization and recruit volunteers on Google Search. Google Ads search ads appear next to Google search results when people search for nonprofits and it includes powerful tools to help us create, target and optimize our campaigns.
AmazonSmile for Charities
The world’s biggest retailer offers a way for shoppers to donate 0.5% of their eligible purchases to almost any charity they desire. There are almost one million to choose from.
This service is entirely free for charities that sign up to the scheme. Joining the AmazonSmile program gives us free access to a global network of potential supporters and the chance to increase our awareness across a diverse audience of consumers.
Facebook Social Good
To make it easier for us and our community to raise money on Facebook, it offers free tools to help us collect donations and enable supporters to fundraise for our charity. Some of these include the page fundraisers and the “Donate” button. Our charity can now raise money directly from our Facebook Page with the donate button and Page fundraisers.
Charities using Facebook’s payment platform to process donations pay no fee – 100 per cent of the donations go to the charity.
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Charity Roadshow For Our Campaign
Venue and Date
Due to this pandemic, we have planned to organise a charity roadshow in order to provide social and community support to the poverty’s, and families so they are able to stay in a sustainable life and to enable them to access in a formal education. In this charity roadshow campaign, it will be held on 1st Sep 2020 to 1st Dec 2020. There will be a total of 15 destinations on going for this roadshow. There will be a 4 months travel trip around Malaysia which consist of different state gatherings at different malls such as Midvalley, City Square, Sunway Pyramid and etc. Whereas, there will be a mobile scrolling advertising truck located at every destination of the mall to show audiences that this roadshow is to collect electronic devices to help out the poverty’s.
Geographical Area
The strategic location we have selected is based on the demographic point of view. It has to be achievable to our target which is on the age range of 25-55, whereby this age is able to have sustainable income and additional income to purchase additional devices.
Targeted Audience
However, selecting malls with the correct target audience is important to raise awareness to the right malaysian target audience. The malls we have selected contain high human traffic flow which represent  more audience in the mall. Besides that, the education level of the targeted audience is middle range to high range education level. Next, we will invite volunteer social influencers to join and advertise this roadshow and also influence the visitors to post stories with our hashtag and tagline to social media in order to engage more audience to search up for our events. Furthermore, high living standard is necessary in that geographical area which means that the target audience is well economics and politically stable to support in donating the electronics devices. In this case, the geographical area is in a high unemployment rate whereby the audience have a high income level to donate the devices.
Targeted Amount of Donations
The Global Agency has targeted the donation amount of RM100,000 and 500 electronic devices to help out the poverty’s.
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Award and Recognition
Every month, we present awards to the top-performing donors and volunteers who contribute the most to our charity event. We revised the award system in order to better fit with the priorities of our campaign. Award winners are chosen and introduced at our Campaign Celebration every month by our Campaign Chairs and Campaign Committee. Three of the top performing donors of our campaign will be awarded the gold, silver and bronze award. For donors who ranked 4th to 10th will receive excellence awards. On the other hand, three of the top performing volunteers will receive the gold, silver and bronze award as well. Every donor and volunteer who participated in our charity event will receive the certification of appreciation to show our immense gratitude for their contribution in the support of our event.
Appreciation is a basic human need. Participants express their appreciation by recognizing their outstanding work as it can affirm that their work is being valued by others. When our participants and their work are valued, their satisfaction and productivity will increase, and they will maintain or improve their motivation for good work. We strongly believe award and recognition is a key factor affecting engagement of the participant and performance of the events. The performance of our campaign has a direct relationship with how much we can help the poor student. More poor students are able to conduct e-learning if we are able to improve the performance of our campaign.
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Testimonials are convincing forms of social proof, since they represent a narrative aspect that creates trust and reputation. Our brains are believed to imitate things we see, hear, or learn about internally, so personal examples will help our donors picture themselves in the same situation and build a meaningful connexion with the message of the storyteller. We collect personal testimonials from loyal supporters and volunteer and invite potential donors to gain the same valuable experience.
Donor and volunteer testimonials are generally about their attributable quote describing their experience with our charity event and campaign. The contents of the testimonial can range from a blurb about their donation, to why they decided to donate, to how they got deeper into our event after donating. Every testimony contains the name of the writer and other relevant information, such as job title, age or length of time the person has been in contact with our organization.
We added our testimonial collected on the donation landing page, home page of our website and project landing page. It helps to inspire our donors and other supporters to keep donating, remain active and make them feel like they're part of a wider network of dedicated donors. We also posted shortened testimonials on our social media platforms such as twitter and facebook. Testimonials are also distributed in the email and direct mail newsletters to highlight perspectives of donor involvement.
So why is the testimonial helpful ? We believe that the donors genuinely appreciate these testimonials as well as other supporters and employees of our organisations will also enjoy hearing about the influence of their money, as well as time and experience towards the community. It takes hard work and a team effort to make a change in the world and we like to feel like we are part of a large community of people who are dedicated to rectify the situation of the poor students in our country.
Testimonials are a effective way to make our marketing message readers, social media followers, and email/direct mail subscribers feel important and connect more closely with our campaign. By Learning from some of our most engaged current supporter about the benefits of donation, future donors will have sufficient reasons to donate and remain involved. We believe the use of testimonials is able to encourage the donor base to expand and improve retention of current donor
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Email fundraising campaign
We also create an email fundraising campaign to help poor students who struggle to conduct e learning during pandemics. Using this platform, we send regular emails to educate and motivate our email receiver instead of just sending one or two public donation requests.
It consist of four major part:
An email to receiver before launch
A sign-on email to start
Updates regularly by email during the campaign
A further weekly email to donors to keep them involved
However it is not an easy task. We need our receivers to open the email and then we need them to respond to our message. Thus, we focus on the following aspects to ensure the email fundraising campaign generates high response rates so that more poor students are able to solve their problem.
Send it at the appropriate time
WE have to find out the best time to sample them for our receiver. We compare the open rates for two classes of receiver receiving emails using A / B testing at different times, and whichever time results a higher conversion should be used in the future.
We have come out with a conclusion 7-8 PM is the ideal time to send out our email.
2.             Ace The Heading
Email receivers determine whether they want to open an email according to the heading. And if what they see did not satisfy them, they would not continue to read the email then our campaign most likely will fail. Building a strong heading requires strategy and creativity, We keep our heading short and power to develop their interest towards our email marketing strategy. For example, “save the education rate in Malaysia STARTED from YOU “.
3.             Storytelling
We depend on storytelling to inspire potential donors to contribute. Our goal is to  evoke emotion in our email receivers. We want our receiver to empathise and interact with our characters and respond to your messages. Sharing a great story is among the most critical aspects for email campaigns as people want to donate to be part of something that makes this world a better place. For instance, we share a story about how a student who has lower income was affected by Covid 19 and why donors play a big role to rectify their plight.
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3 easy steps that everyone can take to help the poor student
In order to get more people to participate in our campaign, we encourage our supporters to take these 3 easy steps to help the poor student during the pandemic.
Step 1: Asking your family and friends to donate. Your personal connection with them is what will drive them to give !
Step 2: Widen your network to people and organisations who care about your advocacy.
Step 3 Ask your supporters to share the idea with their connection too. Make sure to keep all your supporters in the loop by providing more information and updates about the campaign.
Connecting with friends and family is one of the best ways to get support for our important cause! Starting by asking the "inner circle" of  your close friends and family will help build motivation to achieve our fundraising goals to help poor students who are unable to conduct e learning during the pandemic.
Remember, even if it is a single cent, it helps! Whether your family and friends can donate $1 or $1,000, We can use these funds to help more students to overcome their hardship during this difficult timing. You are creating a movement, and your friends and family are the best people to promote our work.
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About Us “Charity Start From Us”
According to Cheema (2020), the Malaysia Education Ministry found that more than 40 percent of understudies lack devices for e-learning, there are only 6 percent of understudies who can access. It causes understudies with poverty backgrounds unable to afford devices for education, leads them to have difficulty in e-learning, and hard to catch up with the learning process. 
Due to this issue, We Global Agency started the campaign “CharityStartFromUs” to return back to the community in helping out the students who are unable to conduct e-learning during pandemics. We are, Jeremy, Leong Tze Hen, Rachel and Gilbert who are the members of the agency. 
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