question: would you be mad if there were still giant insects
no. i think that would whip ass actually
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Support an asian american enby in need of transition funds! 
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I...tried to make a meme and got carried away and made A Thing that is like partially unfinished because i spent like 3 hours on it and then got tired.
I think this is mostly scientifically accurate but truth be told, there seems to be relatively little research on succession in regards to lawns specifically (as opposed to like, pastures). I am not exaggerating how bad they are for biodiversity though—recent research has referred to them as "ecological deserts."
Feel free to repost, no need for credit
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stop calling the mishibijiw (mishipeshu) a cryptid. stop calling thunderbirds cryptids. stop calling popular native spirits and creatures cryptids for the love of fucking god. ESPECIALLY the ones I know you're thinking about when you read this post. you know the one. don't do it.
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The general public is always shocked when they find out there’s 20,000 species of bees and not just bumblebees and honeybees.
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inspired by that one tumblr post i saw that tagged a gif from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (1980) as #snowdin
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its cool how literally every electronic communications medium nowadays only gets like ten or twenty years tolerable lifespan these days because capitalists have to kill everything they touch.
the telephone completely revolutionizes worldwide communication and, for the first time, allows people to talk to each other long-distance IN REAL TIME. and then it gets ruined for everyone because capitalists discovered they can run scams and marketing campaigns with it.
then email is invented, and it allows people to transmit ANY type of information around the globe instantaneously. it completely changes the business world and allows for efficiency of corporate communication beyond what people previously thought was possible. and then capitalists find out they can harvest addresses and use that to run scams and marketing campaigns, and now nobody checks their email anymore.
then texting is invented, and it allows for unprecedented EASE of communication, allowing people to stay in touch with each other 24/7, without the constant attention that a phone call demands. smartphones go mainstream and it quickly becomes the #1 means of communication for pretty much everyone with a phone because of its simplicity and convenience. and then capitalists find out they can harvest phone numbers and run marketing and political campaigns via text, and now people are beginning to move to other messaging platforms to avoid it.
then social media is invented, and it completely changes the way people use the internet - now it’s possible to build and engage with communities of unprecedented size, of people you’ve never met, all across the world. it becomes easily the #1 means of social interaction in the western world, with large social media sites becoming the most-used internet services of all time. and then capitalists discovered that they can use algorithmic content feeds to drive marketing and political campaigns.
how long will this one last? what’s next?
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For those of you aren't aware and aren't involved in NDN circles, the Supreme Court just declared that tribal territories and reservations are part of states and are under state jurisdiction, including in regards to charging someone and putting them on trial in state courts for crimes related to the tribe (as opposed to this being left up to tribal courts), undoing decades of precedent for the separation of tribal and state governments.
In a few months, the Supreme Court is also going to be giving a verdict on whether or not the Indian Child Welfare Act, the only thing keeping indigenous children with their families and communities instead of being "adopted" (trafficked) to white Christian families at every chance, is unconstitutional. This act is also dependent on the belief that tribes are sovereign nations and that giving our children to people outside of our tribes is akin to the US government taking Canadian children in the Canadian foster system and trying to adopt them out to American families.
If the ICWA falls, we're going to see a modern Sixties Scoop, with Native children being stolen from their tribes and families and cultures and assimilated into white Christian society. This is not only traumatizing for the children and their families, it's also a form of cultural genocide that has been used against us before and has devastating effects.
There are family members I never knew because they disappeared into the foster system as children.
This is the beginning of what's going to be wave after wave of attacks on indigenous sovereignty and tribal governance. The Supreme Court, even with a Democratic majority, has historically decided against upholding indigenous sovereignty and tribal protection. We're seeing genocide and forced assimilation become federal policy again.
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“Sorry I don’t want to spend my precious free time reading a 400 page Russian novel about depression”
“Film bros when you tell them you like having fun instead of watching a 1923 Greek film about divorce”
Okay so like I’ve already talked extensively about people who say this shit are largely shadowboxing against their insecurities about not having what they perceive to be elevated tastes rather than addressing any meaningful “gatekeeping” in the broad realm of media consumption as a whole, so rather than that I’d like to ask why everyone who says shit like this feels a need to emphasize the foreignness of a particular work as another aspect of how undesirable it is to engage with.
Like obviously these people are not literally saying “lmao I’d NEVER read a Russian/Greek/whatever book” but once you start noticing this you start seeing it everywhere and idk man! Not a fan
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very painful to me personally that "film bro" is becoming synonymous with someone who watches movies that are not marvel or disney products or blockbusters. that "film bro" is becoming synonymous with someone who watches foreign film. tik tok is tik tok but this sentiment and refusal to interact with art outside of the popular, outside of your comfort zone, outside of what's english... it's just crazy...
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What's the difference between animal rights and animal welfare? /Genuine
animal rights: giving animals human rights and assuming they want and need what humans do; no regard for the diverse needs of each species to live fulfilled
animal welfare: striving for animals to have their unique needs met to ensure the best quality of life in captivity.
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A local site is being rewilded, including the use of conservation grazing with native cattle breeds, and of course selfish dog owners are petitioning against it because it means they’ll have to keep their untrained mutts on a lead 🙄🙄🙄
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And so, Muslim women in France can't even cover their bodies fully to swim in public if they want to now... atrocious beyond words.
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NO! NO! My country has been exploited by so many people for centuries! From fucking colonist to modern capitalist, these scumbags treating locals like slaves, barely pay us anything to work in a bad environment, took our natural resources and then ruined our environment, killing our local animals then have the audacity to sell their products which made from our natural resources, back to us with 10x freaking times the price... FUCK YOU
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The Gorilla Guardian Club was started in several local communities adjacent to the Ebo Forest–the club allows villagers to participate in monitoring endangered ape populations in the forest in exchange for payment. Training in animal husbandry and agriculture are also available to club members, which allows them to make a more stable living as farmers rather than poaching or hunting.
Many members of the club are former poachers, who are able to leave their illegal work behind in favor of using their skills for tracking and placing camera traps.
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