a-exists · 2 years
I don’t want to ‘piss off a terf’, I want to make sure other trans people in my life are safe
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a-exists · 2 years
Hey witches, are crystals a fucking scam?
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a-exists · 2 years
I love you overgrown gardens, i love you graffiti, i love you weeds growing through the cracks of the cement, i love you roof gardens, i love you vines climbing up walls, i love you nature and creativity overpowering governmental structures, i love you nature reclaiming abandoned buildings
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a-exists · 2 years
Faith is not a replacement for taking action.
You can get a boost by asking the right Deity, but, by Gods, do not replace actual work, taking care of yourself, getting medical care, or seeking psychological treatment by Gods alone.
This is absolutely a recipe for disaster.
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a-exists · 2 years
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This one goes out to every1 who was praised as a kid for reading so much but now looks at a book with dread;
You'll be fine–those stories aren't going anywhere. Have fun at your own pace 🫶
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a-exists · 2 years
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a-exists · 2 years
till deactivation do us part
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a-exists · 2 years
the “humans are inherently selfish” fanclub can genuinely and in all honesty go to hell. i once came back from a school yard where the kids had heaped piles of leaves and cut wildflowers on a narrow strip of grass bc a bee had died. i actually want to cry.
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a-exists · 2 years
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a-exists · 2 years
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a-exists · 2 years
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a-exists · 2 years
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"hey, bobby, ginger's kid came out to her as non-binerary! can you believe it?"
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"huh? wha? what'd i say?"
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"you said 'non-binerary.' the word is non-binary."
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"right. non-byrony."
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"oh my god"
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a-exists · 2 years
quick question:
do you guys prefer minimalist altars or over crowded ones?
i just saw a video on youtube from a witch who's altar was very minimal, tidy, expensive looking (they had around 3/4 of those statues of the Gods that cost like $80 each and also a huge deer skull), and overall aesthetically pleasing altar.
it made me kind of insecure about mine because i don't have the money for all those things, and also, my altar contains all the stuff i use the most, not only devotional / worship related things.
feel free to reblog this with pictures of your altars! i'd love to take a look ^^
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a-exists · 2 years
Four Servers, One Cult
WARNING: THIS POST IS LONG AND EXCEEDS THE IMAGE LIMIT TUMBLR HAS, THEREFORE THERE WILL BE MULTIPLE LABELED SECTIONS AND A REBLOG TO KEEP THE POST ORGANIZED TL;DR the staff members of the below servers have displayed a historic and present behavior of bullying, abusing power, making absurd claims of priesthood, seership, and godspousal that can be easily debunked, anti semitic behavior, and tone policing of BIPOC when they discuss serious issues such as blood quantum. They also permit art and content thieves to post in their servers. Some screenshots will be from Flowers of Hellenism, a server that was deleted due to its original owner recognizing the cesspool the staff had made it. However the behaviors in Flowers of Hellenism have shown to be continued. Server Names and Purposes: Olympus Peaks - a Hellenism focused witchcraft and religious server Keepers of Kemeticism - a Kemetic focused witchcraft and religious server
Godly Galaxies - a 17+ interfaith server focused on godspousal, priesthood, paganism, and witchcraft Comfort Hollows - a private access priesthood server only accessible by approved members of the above servers Server IDs: Olympus Peaks - 909719311306866689 Keepers of Kemeticism - 908441420686315540 Godly Galaxies - 937865249418256456 Comfort Hollows - 907187922686595085 Users Responsible for the Communities: Olympus Peaks Owners: LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), olliebutanxious#8258 (625853397899411496) Moderators: jaybird#7056 (758832979794722846), AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849), aspis#7638(315956449631141889), yairo#9699 (539123876765106178), Laramie#5655 (729109174079848519), Artiosun#9014 (731426325730164779), kafun#2376 (468272825455869952) Keepers of Kemeticism Owners: Huntress#5176 (292843897548439553), Artiosun#9014 (731426325730164779), dinosocks#1018 (848966473611345961), r/1#4534 (829133673529737246) Administrators: clowns.#3654 (750436259985489985), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), Confused Mia#2474 (580999971906650132), AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849) Moderators: bathtub#2222 (567628126717214720), BadBitch_Rehz#9340(507617058574434316), LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), bunny#0658 (196615634526666752) Godly Galaxies Owners: AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849), Laramie#5655 (729109174079848519) Moderators: LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), kafun#2376 (468272825455869952), aexists#1969 (553276015837839370) Comfort Hollows Owners: LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), yairo#9699 (539123876765106178) Moderators: AceitunaOscura#7810 (693267446597025854), AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849), Laramie#5655 (729109174079848519)
A Flowers of Hellenism Staff member who claims to be Jewish created a quiz entitled "What Jew Lizard Are You?" and encouraged other staff members to take the quiz, which they did, with no questioning from staff as a whole or the other Jewish person on the team despite the team having issues with antisemitism in the past with a former owner.
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When an Indigenous member of the server made a post in the appropriate channel (see below) with regard to their issues with blood quantum, a staff member discussed discomfort with their "anti-white rhetoric" with no major retribution and another complained that it sounded "venty". The members post was this:
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This message instigated a discussion where Native members brought up their issues with blood quantum and behind the scenes was met with this:
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While these comments did start an argument, nothing definitive was done discipline wise to the staff members who made these comments and they were allowed to dodge accountability and remain on staff with no issue.
When a member of Godly Galaxies who is a POC displayed interest in wanting to research/understand Voodou, the owner, AuroraNoctifier who is a white woman responded by gatekeeping and policing how Black a person had to be to partake in Voodou despite admitting she knows next to nothing about the practice.
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SEERSHIP, PRIESTHOOD, AND GODSPOUSAL CLAIMS While any of these titles hold general controversy within the pagan community due to difficulty verifying, scammers, and differing beliefs, the claims of these individuals are expansive, power-hungry, and break either their own rules or the rules of the communities they claim to be a part of. AuroraNoctifier, for example, claims to be a Norse Gothi of Tyr despite only working with Tyr for a short period and not greatly participating in the Norse Pagan or Heathen community. She deleted her own Flowers of Heathenry server shortly after Flowers of Hellenism was deleted and hasn't participated in the norse sections of the servers she is a part of very heavily.
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The majority of the staff in these servers make priesthood, seer, and godspouse claims to one or more gods.
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Even members who aren't beyond the pail when it comes to priesthood or godspousal claims ("particularly close with" is how they phrase godspousal as not to break their own rule on not discussing godspousal) will condescend to members about their interest in priesthood for research purposes or other reasons. If you aren't in the club, its unlikely you'll get verified as a priest or the like easily. The person in the below screenshot addressing a notable portion of a now-defunct offshoot server called Florum Campis as "kiddos" was only 14 or 15 when they made this message and they claim to be a priest of Zeus and have shown interest in godspousal as a minor.
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There is also a generalized ego problem when it comes to the idea of the group being priests:
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A current member of their priesthood chats and server discussed with us how easy it was to get into this portion of the community by lying:
I honestly can’t believe it was that simple. I am not a priest, never had a desire to be a priest, and never had a calling to be one. I am a solitary practitioner and have been so for years. It was very easy to waltz in and once I got them to respond to the ticket I opened. I asked about priesthood for a deity I worshipped briefly and one I’ve never interacted with at all. I got yes for both from their “verified diviners”, the majority of which were staff or “priests” themselves. I’ve been sitting in the community, even spouted some bullshit about what a modern priest of the pantheon I practice with would do and I haven’t been questioned, pushed, or been a concern at all. In reality, modern priests seldom exist in this pantheon and those that do have to go through an ordainment process with a group. You can’t just claim it. They’re not as well-rounded in their understanding of varying spiritual practices as they’d like to think. I ran into more issues with becoming a “verified diviner” where staff would ask me inane questions such as “what is the weather like where I am” to verify my divining abilities despite my saying that my divining skills lie with emotional matters and deity communication.
The next reblog will have screenshots and details regarding general favoritism, behind the scenes bullying, promoting creators that are known to have issues, art theft, and the general failure to uphold Xenia, which they have supposedly placed a huge emphasis on in their communities via their rules.
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a-exists · 2 years
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yuki-chan meets her plushie counterpart
(creds lassieazarashi on insta)
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a-exists · 2 years
Hey kids here's a piece of actual for real experienced adult advice: don't make songs you like your alarm. Ever. You're gonna Pavlov yourself into hating it or sleep through it and have weird dreams. Don't do that to yourself. Seriously.
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a-exists · 2 years
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There’s been a lot of misconception and mislabelled images around the internet in regards to kitti’s hog-nosed bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai, also known as the bumblebee bat; the smallest mammal in the world) and I figured I’d help educate and hopefully fix the algorithm a little by providing some actual images of them for you all to enjoy. They are just the cutest 💕
Below the break is some nerdier stuff about identification if that’s what you’re into!
Keep reading
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