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ppl: maleficent was a mediocre movie
me: maleficent showed a female trauma survivor healing through her affection and familial bond with another woman also a dragon was involved Fuck You
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Let's talk about Clint Barton in Civil War
We gonna zoom in to the part where he is breaking Wanda out 1. The Knife Wanda is in survival mode and she doesn’t know who the hell is after her. She sends a knife flying out toward whoever is behind her and stops when she sees it is Clint. Clint is 100% unfazed by having a knife thrown at him and just knows she is protecting herself and I believe Clint holds some pride in her for she can handle herself 2. “Disappointing my kids” STILL SALTY OVER AGE OF ULTRON but none the less Clint said that was his last mission. All the sudden he finds himself back into this mess. He could have been doing arts and crafts with the kids on the dinner table but he gets up and drops everything to help 3. Wanda I think he sees Wanda as a daughter. He doesn’t show up because of this big contract. He doesn’t show up to help out Bucky. He shows up because people are thinking Wanda needs to be locked away when he knows she doesn’t deserve that. He is HOLDING HER HAND as they walk out and if that doesn’t scream dad and daughter to you I don’t know what will. He watched her grow. He saw the sorrow she went through. He believes in her and wants to keep her safe
At the end of all this we have Clint Barton who wanted to keep Wanda safe. Who came out of retirement to get into a war. Who is fighting on the side of a guy (Bucky) he doesn’t know. He put his life on the line and ends up in an undersea prison. He could have just ignored the call and sat on his front porch but he gave up everything one more time and ends up in a situation where his family doesn’t know if he is ever coming back home. Clint Barton is so underrated and underappreciated it hurts my soul
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We try to save as many people as we can; sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody. But you don’t give up.
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thank the lord for my phone screen not cracking yet even though I’ve dropped my phone so many times
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shamelessly stolen from scrubs and this
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He’s so focused. (via saraboulos)
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It’s a fascinating thing because we’ve been watching these characters for six seasons, and this is the first scene they’ve had together.Two of the most important characters on the show and they’ve never been together on camera before. It just worked out beautifully. Game of Thrones Season 6: Inside the Episode #4
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Nate! Your brother is dead. Either come with me or join him.
Uncharted Challenge - 3/5 Heartbreaking Moments
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“hello yes wud u like to book ur next appoinmen”
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the tumblr mob mentality
I had a bad experience yesterday. 
I was discussing characters from a popular new fandom, and I happened to express a controversial opinion about one of them. When I had that discussion, it was with a set few people I’d been talking to, and it was part of a wider conversation. I didn’t tag it in the main tag, I explained my reasons, and the people I’d been talking to either agreed with me or said I had a valid point, even if they disagreed. 
Then, someone who doesn’t follow me and wasn’t part of the conversation reblogged one post, without its tags, and out of context. Anyone who doesn’t know me or my blog might therefore look at it and draw conclusions about me that are quick and unfair. It was actually reblogged with the addition of ‘I hope you die’. 
Interestingly, this person didn’t choose to reblog any of the in-depth and reasoned discussions I’d had about the character, or the replies where people were discussing the topic: they chose the most out-of-context, attention-grabbing post in order to incite hatred and drama. 
It was like tabloid media: they didn’t care about the truth, they cared about attention. 
Worse: people reblogged that post from this person, attacking me in it, and I suddenly got 60+ nasty anons on a range of social media platforms that ranged from, ‘lol shut up you fucking phobe’ and ‘I hope you kill yourself’. 
That went on for 9 hours. 
Not one of those people bothered to visit my blog and read the discussion. No one bothered to consider my profile or read my other posts to get a balanced view of the conversation. They all just cruelly mocked, insulted and attacked me, revelling in their perceived moral high-ground. 
As much as I hate to say it: this site is renowned for that. The ‘Tumblr Mob Mentality’, people call it. Up until now I’d never been a victim of it, but let me tell you how fucking awful it is. It’s horribly unfair that people still keep reblogging the posts mocking me without reading the full conversation, or considering the motives of the person who attacked me in the first place. 
So, before you reblog a call out post, make sure you have the full story. Don’t be reduced to a Tumblr Rent-a-Mob member - don’t let someone whip you into a hateful frenzy without making sure you know what’s really going on. 
There is never a reason to cruelly mock, attack or insult someone - it’s not ‘smart’, it’s not ‘witty’, you’re not ‘fighting the good fight’ - you’re just being awful, and you’re better than that. 
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me as a supermarket cashier
me *over store intercom*: to the owner of the beige toyota sienna, your window is open & your golden retriever smiled at me. please come to cash register 14 and tell me what his name is , because i love him 
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