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was originally gonna color and post this for pride month but i lost the original file
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Best T4T Ship Round 5
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They’re all canonically trans!
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if you don't do anything else today,
Please have a moment of silence for the people who were killed instead of freed when news of emancipation finally reached the furthest corners of the american south.
have another moment for the ledgers, catalogs, and records that were burned and the homes that were destroyed to hide the presence of very much alive and still enslaved people on dozens of plantations and homesteads across the south for decades after emancipation.
and have a third moment for those who were hunted and killed while fleeing the south to find safety across the border, overseas, in the north and to the west.
black people. light a candle, write a note to those who have passed telling them what you have achieved in spite of the racist and intolerant conditions of this world, feel the warmth of the flame under your hand, say a prayer of rememberance if you are religious, place the note under the candle, and then blow it out.
if you have children, sit them down and tell them anything you know about the life of oldest black person you've ever met. it doesn't have to be your own family. tell them what you know about what life was like for us in the days, years, decades after emancipation. if you don't know much, look it up and learn about it together.
This is Juneteenth.
white people CAN interact with this post. share it, spread it.
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Plush can be you, a sona, some mix, whatever I just wanna know what makes you marketable
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I'm gonna be real the two things I hate most in life are 1. Ace attorney fans and 2. People who don't examine their kneejerk resistance to change so I will be calling them Eddie and Eustace and Verity will my WHOLE chest
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Having comfort characters is so funny because you hear or see something that vaguely reminds you of them and it's like
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yesterday i was watching a video and the person who made it used the explosion from deltarune and i actually gasped at it
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big fan of liars. big fan of characters whose entire existence is a facade. love it when everything's stripped away from them and the lie is the only thing left of their identity. love it when the lines between an act and the truth are blurring. are they even them without the lie? the lie doesn't become the truth per se, but it's now such an intricate part of them it might as well be.
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Above image is a pride flag with every color band represented by a NASA image. White is Earth clouds, pink is aurora, blue is the Sun in a specific wavelength, brown is Jupiter clouds, black is the Hubble deep field, red is the top of sprites, orange is a Mars crater, yellow is the surface of Io, green is a lake with algae, blue is Neptune, and purple is the Crab Nebula in a specific wavelength.
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okay so I’ve seen a lot of artists,including myself, make this common mistake of coloring the palm of  a hand(and the sole of a foot) as the same color as the person’s skin tone.
but in fact ,palms and soles are a different color compare to our skin
this is due to the lack of Melanin on them
hope this helps!
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I was originally planning on holding off sharing this until June, but then decided to hell with that; why wait?
Intersections: Indigenous and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Identities – this booklet from the Native Women’s Association of Canada is more intended towards 2S folks, but is still a great read for anyone.
Two Spirits, One Voice – This video from Egale is a great, no more comments needed.
A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder – This book by Ma-Nee Chacaby can be a difficult and emotional read, but very much worth it.
Becoming Two-spirit: Gay Identity and Social Acceptance in Indian Country – I have yet to read this book by Brian Joseph Gilley myself, but heard positive things about it.
Please feel free to reblog with more suggestions, if you have them!
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She took the pages.
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You can always come home.
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I hope black girls with depression have a good day today.
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