a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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aaand Jasper’s blog is finally up. feel free to follow my additional D’Carina/Fiore sibling~
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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As with Hisui’s blog, I will shortly be archiving this sideblog and moving Jas to another of the same URL. He will not be going on the multi! 
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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Sam Smith & Normani, “Dancing With a Stranger”
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
Jasper is low-key the messier sibling, he's just a lot better at hiding it.
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
Wondering how he feels about a certain card mage getting close to Hisui~? 8)
          There was not much that got past Jasper.
As the King’s health deteriorated, the first heir to the throne had been trickle-fed his responsibilities to ensure an easy progression into the throne when his father passed. One such responsibility that Jasper had recently acquired was arranging the circumstances of his sister’s future marriage.
Unlike his father, there was some desire within Jasper to ensure that his sister was actually happy, and not married off to the first politically-suitable candidate without any consideration for her welfare. He’d already devoted a lot of his time scouting out potential suitors among allies, knights, advisors...anyone of any standing who might be suitable to take his sister’s hand. He’d even gone to the lengths of pulling threads from Hisui’s maids to find out what she herself liked in a partner.
Cana had come up in conversation quite a few times, but never in the romantic sense. They’d been described as close friends by quite a few of the Princess’ attendees, and until now, he had no reason to believe that this was not the case.
A red rose twirled between his gloved fingertips, as his opposite hand rising to clasp the tiny note tied to the stem. A profession of affection, he noted, addressed to Hisui and signed off with the letter C. Carefully, the item was returned to the exact location in which he had found it and, after straightening up and giving himself a moment to ponder, he set about completing his stroll of the palace gardens.
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       “ ...Interesting. Interesting indeed. ”
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
Behaviour: Amber!verse(s).
Jasper is not dissimilar from his sister in the fact that his mother’s influence, as a surviving parent, changes his character to some extent.
The D’Carina’s have never really been known for their modesty, or for their refrain from activities of a typically-scandalous nature. With less of a Fiore-family genetic inject (in verses where Toma is not his father) and his mother’s D’Carina influence, Jasper is a little less sensible when it comes to the lovers he takes on.
To be frank, Jasper has a lot more lovers in this verse, and I don’t think he feels anywhere near as much shame has he does when Toma is the surviving monarch. It’s just not as frowned-upon to be promiscuous on his mother’s side of the family; they are less prude and do not shy away from the topic like the Fiores do. I think it does benefit him in terms of stress relief, and not stressing over his sexual exploration in the first place, but reckless behaviour does come with its consequences.
It’s probable that Jasper may have some illegitimate heirs in these verses. I haven’t one-hundred-percent finalised this possibility yet, nor how he would react and proceed if he (knowingly) had a child out of monarchical wedlock. But it is a very real possibility, and one that will really test his character.
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
mismatched eyes rolled at the paranoia of the dhamphir, as the half-angel merely waved it off. “you say that like you alone do not have your own priorities.” everyone did, something vincent had learned early on in his quasi-immortal life. no one was truly selfless, everyone had secrets that dictated their desires. it wasn’t interesting to delve into such things at this point in time. “as for what brings me here, master lohr mentioned that you might be able to help me in my search for someone. my older brother.”
Tense shoulders fell along with a sigh from his lips, and Jasper’s amber hues were cast upwards as he graced the other man with an answer.  “ If that’s all you’re here for, then I don’t suppose it would harm me to help you. Your brother...remind me of his name? ”  Musing for a moment or two, his eyes finally aligned with those of the half-angel stood before him.  “ Even if I don’t recall knowing of his whereabouts, I might be able to suggest a few other people to ask. ”
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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“now now, relax, i’m not here as a nightray.” besides, he was a major factor in why the infamous family of vampire hunters had managed to make deals with certain vampire clans recently. “call me baskerville if that helps, though master lohr seems to night mind my presence.”
     “  Master Lohr’s name gives me little assurance - you must understand my caution. The man has his own agendas after all, and I’m sure you do, too. ”   Jasper had never really been capable of mimicking his younger sibling’s warm and inviting nature, but the look he offered the man stood before him made no attempt to be anything but cold. He could not afford to be vulnerable when he had too many things to accomplish before meeting his grave.  “ So, if you don’t mind my asking...what brings you here, Baskerville? ” 
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a-infusedwithamber · 5 years
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Hisame Lugis
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a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
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a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
i can’t pretend that it doesn’t plague me  /  i can’t pretend that it hasn’t changed me  /  i can’t pretend that i’m not afraid of the end
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a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
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41 notes · View notes
a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
i can’t pretend that it doesn’t plague me  /  i can’t pretend that it hasn’t changed me  /  i can’t pretend that i’m not afraid of the end
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a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
BODY LANGUAGE.                         bold what applies + tag mutuals to do the same in a new post !
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tagged by :  the dash! tagging : you!
arms crossed on chest /   crossing legs   /   fist-like gestures   /   pointing index finger  /    karate chops   /   stiffening of shoulders  /   tense posture   /   curling of lip   /   baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures   /   head tilted   /   stroking chin   /   peering over glasses   /   taking glasses off — cleaning   /   putting earpiece of glasses in mouth   /   pipe smoker gestures   /   putting hand to bridge of nose /   pursed lips, knitted brows
arms crossed   /   sideways glance   /   touching or rubbing nose   /   rubbing eyes   /  hands resting on weapon   /   brows raising   /   lips pressing into a thin line /   strict, unwavering eye contact /   wrinkling of nose
openness & cooperation.
open hands   /   upper body in sprinters position   /   sitting on edge of chair   /   hand-to-face gestures   /   unbuttoned coat  /   tilted head   /   slacked shoulders, droopy posture   /  feet pointed outward  /   palms flat and facing outward   /   chin up
hands behind back   /   hands on lapels of coat  /   steepled hands  /   baring teeth in a grin /   rolling shoulders  /   tipping head back but maintaining eye contact /   chest puffed up   /   shoulders back /   arms folded just above navel
insecurity & anxiety.
chewing pen or pencil  /   rubbing thumb over opposite thumb   /   biting fingernails  /  hands in pockets   /   elbow bent/closed gestures  /   clearing throat /   “whew” sound  /   picking or pinching flesh   /   fidgeting in chair   /   hand covering mouth whilst speaking   /  poor eye contact /   tugging at pants whilst seated   /   jingling money in pockets   /   tugging at ear   /   perspiring hands   /   playing with hair   /   swaying   /   playing with pointer/marker/cane   / smacking lips  /   sighing   /   rocking on balls of feet  /   flexing fingers sporadically
short breaths   /   “tsk” sounds  /   tightly-clenched hands  /   fist-like gestures  /   pointing index finger   /   rubbing hand through hair /   rubbing back of neck  /   snarling /  revealing teeth/grimacing   /   sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow   / shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing   /   clenching of jaw/grinding teeth   /  nostrils flaring   /   heavy exhales
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a-infusedwithamber · 6 years
jas’ main modern verse is definitely business-based but also i really…. want a singer/band verse.
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