And another apocalypse caused by a bad case of "oops, I didn't think this through "
You are an immortal, having to deal with the rather troublesome rumour that your blood grants immortal life. However, what those after your blood don’t know is that since you can’t die, you are an excellent host to several deadly bacteria and viruses-all existing peacefully in your blood.
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Yeah of course I love Athena, who doesn't ? But also. I recently learned that Ares was one of the only male God to get revenge on his daughter's rapist. Athena can't say the same I guess.
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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Zombies shouldn't growl or snarl, they should babble a mixture of incomplete word sounds and whole words or sentence fragments. Every zombie should sound almost but not quite like it's trying to tell you something.
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the first, and the last hug.
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Oh, I do get you <3
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i may have overexaggerated a height difference but like. big strong lady bodyguard do you get me
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@pxriss___ on X
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My full piece for the Sprout’s Rebirth zine! I wanted to highlight the brother/sister relationship between them with a special holiday from my culture.
Raksha Bandhan is an annual ceremony between sisters and brothers. A sister will tie a rakhi, a sort of amulet or talisman, around their brother’s wrist as a symbol of protection. Likewise, it is a promise between brothers and sisters to protect and care for one another. Very fitting for how Scara and Nahida’s relationship played out hmm??
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Among my acquaintances, I am one of the better bakers. Therefore I am “the one who bakes”. Gathering of the Dutch-Indo elders? I will produce a spekkoek with no less than twenty layers. Nephew’s special day? I will make his favorite; macarons filled with chocolate ganache. Teen wistfully wishes for a Minecraft cake? I gotchu fam.
No one ever said “she’s already baked a dessert once and we loved it, so obviously we won’t ask her to bake again; tell her to make spaghetti this time”.
Write that trope again.
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Hello and have a good day to my favourite artist!! 🥳
I just had a thought. What if Rizzly became a patron of a dog shelter completely by accident? He already takes care of one lil doggo, and his factory is churning profit like mad, what's one lil shelter full of fluffy lil doggos more?
They could even come up with an alternate reward system in Meropide, where a Meropide citizen becomes a patron of a dog and gives up a part of their earnings for the dog's benefit. This way, ex-criminals would have a reason to wait for their return to freedom because there's someone waiting for them above the sea!
That's such a cute thought ;-;
Therapy visit days when the fortress opens the doors to let the doggos visit their humans and Wriothesley is just happy to see that he is not just helping people get a new life, but he is helping others to help others ;-;
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ppl who are like “there’s no way sokka’s art skills would improve, he’s ontologically bad at art” ummmm. dude. you realize that this is the mary sue of hobbies, right? this guy could out-westley westley. he would develop an immunity to iocane powder in less than a week because he’s just that prodigious. he became a kyoshi warrior who could best their leader in a matter of hours, and this was the first time he had ever trained in his life with an actual teacher and opponent. he mastered the sword in one day, if we’re to take piandao’s word for it (and considering his name is literally sword, he is clearly an expert). sokka looked at the rough schematics for hot air balloons after the eminent inventor in the world had spent who knows how long not able to get his idea to actually work like “uhhh…. this may sound obvious, but have you tried a lid???” he has borderline supernatural aim with a boomerang. he was dropped into a haiku battle knowing nothing about the form, and not only beat the leader of ba sing se’s premier haiku club, but also chose, completely unnecessarily, to make each verse rhyme. if he actually sat down and practiced drawing, maybe with some instruction from a trained artist, or easier beginner’s materials than ink and a brush (you’ve all seen my art, and I still cannot paint with ink and a brush), I think sokka would easily be able to produce a work on par with (if not superior to) the mona lisa by the following morning.
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I saw someone post about how they hope the writers got rid of Sokkas “stupid humor” for the live action show and like damn I don’t think someone had fundamentally misunderstood a character more.
Sokkas humor is a huge part of his character and shows a major aspect of his growth. At the beginning of the show Sokka is NOT the funny guy. In fact, he’s the most serious dude in his village. In the pilot, Aang and Katara are off playing with penguins while Sokka is literally putting on war paint and preparing to defend the rest of the village from a Fire Nation war ship. He has been the only man in his village for like four years. And he’s only fourteen. Sokka doesn’t make jokes at first, and when he does they’re usually sexist because his whole thing is about how much of a man he is. Sokka developing humor signifies his growth is a thousand ways. How he learns to respect others. How he starts to make friends. And more importantly, how he turns from a man back into a boy.
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It's probably canon
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Transcribed: ["So, Your Grace. Could you explain to me how it happened that Sigewinne is adept at wielding a gun?" "Well ummm
There was one time I had to go above for a whole so I asked Clorinde to oversee some of my personal matters... Including entertaining Sigewinne..." "So... Wanna learn how to shoot a gun?" "Yay!"]
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I laughed.
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Boom pow fireworks
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I'm looking for some Elinor & Ferguson figurines for gift, but if that doesn't exist, maybe I should commission a poster or smth
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Brave - Concept Art (source)
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