a-little-bit-allie · 8 months
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
Why being present matters
We all can grasp the concept of moving forward from the past; not looking back. We try to learn from the past but we don’t want to live there. Finally, we decide to move on and we begin to plan a new future for ourselves. However, sometimes we can be just as detrimental to our progress if we focus solely on the future self and plans; forgetting that we just aren’t there yet! We are in the present!
What about right now? The present moment. Where ever we are shouldn’t we actually BE THERE? If we go from one end of the spectrum to the opposite end we miss out on all the moments in the middle; the good stuff, the meat and potatoes
..the moments that make up our lives here on Earth.đŸŒș✌💜
Have you noticed out in public how many humans have their face in a phone or other electronic device? Entire families can eat a meal together, at the same table, say less than 10 words to anyone, pay and leave; only to go home and do the same thing. Our society seems to scroll until something exciting happens. When did we decide we couldn’t be the ones making exciting things happen? When did conversation with other humans become a thing of the past?
Someday can’t always be a future date that we continue to imagine and day dream about! If we truly want to make progress in the direction of our goals, endeavors and a prosperous future, at some point, we have to decide that SOMEDAY IS TODAY!!
Try to be present in the present. It’s possible you’re missing out on a real gift. I have heard that’s why it’s called the present. 🎁
Where ever you are, BE there.
Love you bunches,
Karyn Dee
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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evening lights
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
“Allow cookies to cool for 10-15 minutes”
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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Artifact Uprising | Donner Lake
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a-little-bit-allie · 1 year
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a-little-bit-allie · 3 years
4 Invaluable Lessons My Grandpa Taught Me Before He Died
Last month would’ve been your 85th birthday. It is crazy to think that you’ve been gone for well over 3 years. When I received the heart wrenching message on my phone that you were gone, my life was forever altered. Unfortunately I didn’t grow up spending a lot of time with you, but I did spend the majority of my time visiting you at home and the hospitals during your last years of life, and those memories will always be among some of my favorite.
I was one year from graduating college and making more of my dreams come true when you passed, and that year was one of the most challenging for me, but despite that, some of your last words to me were, “I’m proud of you.” You were one of my biggest role models and my number one fan. I saw how hard you worked to give such an amazing life to grandma and your kids, including my dad. You had so many admirable traits, especially your unwavering loyalty and support. I was lucky enough to know you for 21 years, and in that time, you taught me so many valuable lessons, including:
Always work hard for what you want
One of my favorite things about you was the fact that you did not give anyone handouts: you worked hard for everything you’d ever had, and you taught me to do the same. I never saw you sitting down to rest because you wanted to make sure grandma had an amazing life, even if that meant you worked harder to provide it for her. Even on weekends, you kept going; however, no matter how busy you were, you were never too busy for church. I will always remember you as one of the hardest working men I’ve ever met, and I admired that most about you.
“If something doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you”
You were a constant believer that I should always challenge myself because challenges always came with the best rewards. I don’t remember a time when you weren’t reminding or teaching me that nothing truly worth it in life comes easy or free.
Never be afraid to say no
I know you could see that I had more potential than I ever saw in myself, but then again, that’s what grandparents are for. You taught me the importance of being able to say “no.” You taught me that I didn’t have to do things I didn’t want to do just to try to exceed everyone’s expectations. You taught me it’s perfectly fine to defy others’ expectations and dare to be different.
Above all else, never be anyone but yourself
You always told me how great of a person I was, how proud you were, and “to keep being you.” You saw me for who I really was, and even though you had a lot of grandchildren, you never acted like you were ever too busy for any of us. It became easier for me to relate to you as I grew up and matured, but unfortunately that wasn’t soon enough. Nonetheless, you never stopped reminding me to keep being myself, and to not let the sometimes ugly world change who I was.
There are days when your death still hits me like a train, especially when I look down at the calendar and realize it’s the anniversary of, as I like to think of it, your heavenly birthday. It’s almost as if your soul is right in the room overpowering mine on those days. However, the best part of you being in Heaven is the fact that I know I have the best guardian angel up there. One day I’ll see you again, and when that day comes, I can’t wait to hear about what you’ve been up to. Until then, I’ll just keep doing everything I promised you I’d do.
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a-little-bit-allie · 3 years
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a-little-bit-allie · 4 years
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a-little-bit-allie · 5 years
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a-little-bit-allie · 5 years
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Telluride Colorado USA
© J. Scudney
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a-little-bit-allie · 5 years
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