Still alive. Something something something cake and lies. 13 hour drive from Houston to Ruidoso. Started at 5 am. I haven't taken my meds in about two weeks. Bad idea. On the one hand, vivid dreams and frequent deja vu. On the other, suicidal and obsessive thoughts. I'll need to either get a job or die soon. That sounds extreme, but honestly I'm tired. It would be so much easier to just put a .357 round in my head than struggling on. I'm alone here. I'm at the point of my life where I will effect the minimal number of people with my death. Maybe making it through here will improve things later but the amount of effort is extreme. I think I might also be going a bit more mad. I want to bite and shred you, but not hurt you. I think you know what I mean? The scratches and teeth marks that were signs of affection and pleasure. Good memories. I'm really tired. If you see this, say hi? It'd be nice.
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Just saw Last Jedi, I recommend it to ya. No triggers, adorable love interest, great music, epic fights and twists. See it if ya can!
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Yep, even after a year and a half, Aelara Fole is still best gw2 character. I was slightly surprised she wasn't deleted, but looks like the account has been abandoned for a while. I may start playing it some since flamethrowers are awesome, but I doubt I'll be able to do much in the way of socializing. It's kinda sad, playing mmos solo, but oh well. I may send you gold on occasion (unless ya blocked me?) Consider it a thanks for not deleting Ael.
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Tried to log into my gwars 1 account and realized I forgot everything. I tried logging into gwars 2 to get my account stuff from the link, but it requires sms from you, so I'm probably going to contact anet and get that removed temporarily so I can play my necro monk. Of course, you probably won't see this (unless you're the creepy evil stalker ex now) but figured I'd say something.
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Sometimes you read stories and you get characters with edgy or cool names. A lot of times you get normal names. This mc's name is Naginata Kitsune. Since Japan does last name first name, it's Fox Polearm. That sounds awesome.
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So, I've been playing wow again (big surprise). I got the Mage aellektra to cap then started working on my lock. First off, lock is fun. I feel like a raid boss in pvp, just sending armies of imps and demon puppies to murder the alliance while B's nearly unkillable in pve. Dps is a bit low as a demo lock in dungeons, but at least I don't fail fight mechanics. I made a terrible mistake though. I joined an rp guild on B. Now I need to do basic backstory and such so I can join in on events. I'll probably post it here when I finish it. But socializing is terrifying. Seriously. I haven't spoken much to anyone in 8 months. I guess I'll see what happens. /gquit is an option if I mess up too badly at least.
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Just realized I haven't posted in like 2 weeks. I'm not dead. Not yet. Been sick and down which is a terrible combination, so suicide was definitely a consideration. That doesn't matter much though. Basically, I'm alive and feeling better now. I kinda deleted everything I had for Akem's story, so arc 2 is on delay. Hope you're well though, peace!
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The fact the panda is named Eevee made my day.
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Tiny. Fox. Pirates.
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Apparently wow has/is going to have tiny pirate fox people called Vulpera.
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Wow forums are amazing. Alli and horde are arguing over a cinematic event that happened when legion dropped a year ago. The dedication people have to faction is ridiculous and I love it.
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Wow wasn't just spaghetti code. It was rabbit spaghetti code.
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lucario can hear you being a furry and it gives him depression
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So, unrelated to wow classic, there's an expansion announced as well. No new classes, but six subraces. You have: High Mountain Tauren - Moose Cows (horde) Lightforged Draenei - Shiny Goats (alliance) Night borne - Edgelord elves (horde) Void Elves - Emo elves? (Alliance) Dark iron dwarves - Edgelord dwarves (alliance) Zandalari Trolls - Those dudes that helped in vanilla, tried to murder everyone in mists, and then got forgotten about a little. (horde) Related to wow classic: There's supposed to be a toggle so you can use the new or old character models. Also, trolls and orcs will have an option to stand up straight in possibly both classic and retail. Weighing horde vs alliance in classic, you get elves and Paladins if you play ally, buuuut you get sylvanas if you're horde. Sylvanas is kinda awesome, so on these merits alone I'm kinda leaning horde. Also, Anduin shouting, "For the Alliance!" is so much less badass than Sylvanas murdering ten dudes and then shouting, "For the Horde!" (Battle for Azeroth cinematic). If classic wow is free (which I doubt) I recommend getting into it. It's much more rpg than later expansions. I mean, it actually tells you what stats are increasing when you level. Also, classes are wildly unbalanced, just like 3.5! :D I'm a little psyched, but for now, I think I'll hop back into hots and overwatch. Alexstraza was just released and handsoap is coming next (in hots) and I still haven't gotten to play murderbot orisa.
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Hunters have to feed pets or they'll run away! XD
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So, classic wow is gonna be a thing. I'm not sure if it'll be good or not, but it might be fun for a while. Leveling might take a while and no mount until 40... But old plague lands! Shamans will be horde only! Hunters will have ammo again, but Melee hunters will be a thing (everything is a hunter weapon). I wonder if I should do undead warrior? That was the first thing I ever played on a wow free server. No belfs, Draenei, worgen, goblins, or pandaren. Human - Orc Gnome - Tauren Dwarf - Troll Night Elf - Undead That's it. No dk or demon hunters either, which is goodish. No garrosh either! That dude was a dick. Yeah, I'll play it again.
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Haircut. Not sure how I feel about it.
It looks like I have an antenna XD
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