acidcrab · 2 years
You wrapped yourself
In the camouflage
Of the innocent victim
Mastering the lost
Puppy look
The perfectly crafted words
To pull on heartstrings
But it was all an illusion
Like a carnivorous plant
Drawing in its pray
With misleading sweet scents
Every word that spilled
From your lips
Shined like sugar
But coated the tongue with salt
Slipping like sandpaper
Down the throat
Of the unsuspecting
I should have seen
Your true colors sooner
Like a poisonous snake
Colors flashing in your scales
I missed the warning
Too entranced by the beauty
Until it was too late
And your fangs sank in
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acidcrab · 2 years
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she sees spirits
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acidcrab · 2 years
We gotta make a poetry group where a different member shares a piece of theirs every week for constructive criticism and feedback. If anyone would be interested pm me and we will try to make something happen.
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acidcrab · 2 years
A wonderfully dark short story, in the style of an /r/relationship post.
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acidcrab · 2 years
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acidcrab · 2 years
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Untitled Poem - AcidCrab
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acidcrab · 2 years
The Stare: A poem
My name is AcidCrab and I’m a writer and a poet. I’ve been continuing to hone my craft and write things that feel important or challenging. I hope to continue sharing my work, and hope to develop a small community that enjoys my work. Not looking to make money or anything like that. I really enjoy your posts and poems, I often relate well to them, and I love your style. I wanted to share one of my works, in hopes it will bring you an ounce of the same joy yours bring me every time.
The Stare: A Poem
What is it, That watches me from the dark depths of space? Could it be God? I doubt it; He’s ignored me up til now.
Why does it Stare into my soul during my nightmares. I try to sleep but he watches so intensely I weep.
I don’t ask Why the smoke and drink obscure his vision. I only take the relief, and shove my life into Hell.
So I smoke, and do anything else that helps me cope. My life is pain; I’d do horrible things to close his gaze.
That’s the plan. Tonight, as I’m out of weed and desperate We Will Battle One of our entrails left strewn across Time
I’m aware That the odds are not good that I’ll survive Death while fighting is better life than I’ve deserved for years.
Please don’t Cry, When I don’t return and you can’t find me, Just take Solace; I’ll never feel those eyes on me again.
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acidcrab · 2 years
Crime Stoppers drove by twice today.
No crime was stopped.
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acidcrab · 2 years
It's 3 A.M. and I'm listening to you sleep. Accompanied by music, it almost makes me wain. But I know you'll wake soon, and I don't want you to be alone when you do. So, I do my best to focus, set my eyes, and free my hands from my shadow's throat. It's odd. To be in such an internal battle, when I know you're just there- loving me. I still can't wrench my mind from its seemingly constant fray. For a moment I pray for you to wake. I know I'll find absolution in your eyes. But I can't pluck you from your interlude. You've earned it, and so much more. This savage world has tried to turn us both. Tearing at our souls and doing its best to make a mockery of what we hold dear. But sweetheart, you are whole. Whether you feel it now, or not. You are vast. You are ocean, and flame. You keep our little world upright. And there are no words. Even for this Poet- to thank you for all the magic you hold. -James Kelley 2022
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acidcrab · 2 years
How quickly does the blood begin to thaw 
Though long been frozen 
These butterflies begin to spread their wings 
As if they haven’t slumbered 
The heart begins to beat once more 
As if it never seemed to pause 
How quickly everything falls back into its proper places 
Though it’s been years 
© 5.17.2019 -MyPoeticSoulNy (-mps)
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acidcrab · 2 years
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The Stone - The Stone: A Short Story (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1295433985-the-stone-a-short-story?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AcidCrab&wp_originator=R3a2kPRViN9o3nqv%2BSfpu%2Bqk2fROfTR8IFV3R133L56SACD22ZKIAH3rVQB5SVQSiky56dMFYcm37Zz1%2FE7fGOH2f29sfLdGftNcQ8haBky8z8QeEGfFlckwy9dajJyI A suspenseful horror short story
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acidcrab · 2 years
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Really nice comment I got on The Stare. Don't worry about me! I write through a different lens than I live. But this comment was very kind and I wanted to share it.
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acidcrab · 2 years
It’s time to sleep but I don’t want 
Another day is soon to start 
And all I want is to stay here 
With you beside me, always near 
I feel my heart breaking in two 
A smile is ready, though I feel blue 
Within my soul an aching hole 
Long time ago a troll had stole 
And ever since I roam this world 
Always needy, always cold 
Searching for that I don’t know 
Perhaps these tea leaves one day will show 
© 12.11.2019 -MyPoeticSoulNy (-mps)
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acidcrab · 2 years
“I would like to explode, flow, crumble into dust, and my disintegration would be my masterpiece.”
—Emil Cioran, On the Heights of Despair
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acidcrab · 2 years
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The Stare: A poem
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acidcrab · 2 years
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Sinister Shapes - A poem by Acid Crab
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acidcrab · 2 years
The Stone - A short story by Acid Crab
As I continue scraping the dirt away on this dark island bayou night, I can’t help but to think about what brought me here. Though I’ve done worse and will do worse again if need be. You see, I have a problem, and that problem requires money if I want to continue having it. And I definitely want to keep having it.
Work hasn't been going well for me. I knew I would soon be unemployed, but continued showing up until I was told otherwise, not out of some sort of loyalty or gratitude, but for the coin it paid.
I gave up on the spot I was at and moved forward another 5 yards or so deeper into the woods. I grabbed my shovel and stabbed at the earth. The satisfying Crunch it made relieved a small part of my frustration, but I’ve been searching for hours.
I pulled out my pipe and took a puff from it. I barely get a hit, which is upsetting to me. I had already smoked almost a 5th of what this job will pay, and at this point I’m not even convinced I’ll find the bloody thing. I return to digging.
No! It can’t be! I don’t believe it to be true. I drop the shovel and pull my pipe back out. My hands tremble as I pack my pipe frantically and hit it. I hope it will calm me. I reach back for the shovel and hit the spot again, still shaking.
As I scrape more dirt away I can see, beneath the grass and dirt, a stone structure revealing itself . I continue digging around, scraping dirt away from it and looking for the borders of the stone. I notice the chill in the air, and it feels almost otherworldly.
I hear a noise behind me from the wooded swamp. A twig snaps, an owl in the darkness lets out a call. I glance in the direction. The swamp is chilly and wet in the air. I’m in a wooded area of the island, and the trees cast shadows across my entire view, as if muting my lantern to irrelevance. The ground here is dry, though you’re always within a short walk from the waters of the swamp.
I move the last of the dirt off the door. It is huge, maybe 4 feet by 7 feet, with the door lying parallel to the ground, like a set of cellar steps. The frame of the doorway is stone, and the door itself has carvings and illegible text carved into it. I was told it was a warning, perhaps a curse, but I don’t believe in such things. I have too many real concerns to waste thought on such rubbish.
The man who hired me for this job had promised a lot of money to me. Far more than I typically make. I also didn’t have to pay the fee for the fisherman and his boat that brought me to the island. They will be waiting for me soon, I don’t have much time. I need to finish this job.
A loud crack rings out as I pry the door open with the shovel. No creak, just the sounds of bits of stone, dirt, and leaves hitting the floor below. I could see steps beginning to form below me. The door slides to the dirt, and I grab my lantern and attempt to peer inside. The darkness steals the light from my lantern, and I can’t see anything until I take a couple steps down the stairs.
When I do, I see it’s mostly stone inside, though one wall appears to have been made with pieces of the ship. Much has rotten and fallen to the floor at this point. I ignore most of the room as I look forward towards the ship wall. Moss is growing, connecting both the wood and the stone that makes up the ceiling.
“He’ll be wearing it.” the man had told me. “It’ll be there, and anything else you find is yours.” His words echoed in my mind, but all I could see with the gold that glittered my lanterns light back at me with a sharp hue.
I ran down the rest of the steps, smashing the shovel through the boards again and again, splinters raining down like hail until I could gain access to the gold. I scooped handfuls of gold coins into every pocket I had and, once pleased with my supply, I set out to finish what I came here for. I set my backpack down by the broken boards and walked towards the middle of the room. There lies a great stone sarcophagus. Engravings adorned it with pictures of boats, swords, and an unmistakable symbol of a skull and crossbones. This was him alright, now to find the watch.
With great effort, and some strength from another hit from my pipe, I was able to slide the lid of the stone coffin to the floor. It revealed a skeleton, though with rotting chunks of flesh, maggots feasting, and a lone rat who seemed to be playing the part of his brain, sitting inside the skull the way he was. His left eye was missing, and it appeared that was the entrance the rat had originally used. The other eye dangled from the socket like the head of a morning star.
I became stricken with the watch immediately upon seeing it. A lovely gold watch with silver inlays, and emerald hands. A true work of art, and I could understand how my accomplice could be so enamored by the piece as to fund this entire project. The craftsmanship is astounding, and I’m sure it keeps time better than any watch I’ve ever owned.
I undo the strap and slide the watch into my pocket. My uneasiness continues to worsen as I walk back towards the former wooden wall to get my bag. A gust of wind enters the chamber from outside, extinguishing my lantern and soaking me in darkness. I run back to the lantern and frantically try to light it. The roaring wind is pouring into the chamber, and just as I think my lantern has failed it finally ignited, revealing the room again. There is a strange air in the room, as I realize something is different. Something is missing from the sarcophagus.
The sound of the stone door being replaced on top of the stairs stabs at my ears. I can’t tell what’s happening, and my lantern, though lit, keeps flickering wildly. I turn towards the place where the entrance was mere moments ago. It holds a sickening darkness now, and as I walk forward to face my attacker I hear the sound of a sword being pulled from its scabbard.
As the figure comes down the stairs, the light comes closer and closer to revealing them, until they fully enter the chamber and my lantern stops flickering long enough for me to see who it is. What I see I can’t even begin to believe.
It is the corpse of Captain Moonscar, and I’m going to die here I realize. I pack the last of my incense into my pipe, spilling it all over the stone floor as I tremble with understanding and fear. I smoke it as quickly as I can and take a massive hit, as the figure grows closer, sword in hand and revenge in its heart. I see the rat poking its face and head through the left eye, his own eyes glowing red as if to burn my soul as it leaves my body. I finish the bowl of incense and allow the pipe to fall to the cold floor, the glass shattering on the cold stone below.
“I’ve lived a pretty good life.” I said to myself, tears running down my face as acceptance hits.
Then silence and total eternal darkness envelope me.
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