a-r-i-l · 2 hours
hey jumblr, this is from me to all of you:
Because we need it right now.
Yes, that's who you think it is. No, it's not AI; this is from a video game he recorded for.
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a-r-i-l · 2 hours
I'm in the middle of a Downton Abbey rewatch and I forgot how absolutely wild the juxtaposed plotlines are. Every episode is like: Daisy accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the scones; Lady Mary has ruined Edith's life again; a small village boy is suspected of scrumping apples and Carson is determined to catch him in the act; Mr Bates is implicated in yet another murder trial and has been charged with 15 to Life; the Dowager Countess hates Matthew Crawley's new tie; Barrow is a hair's breadth from being fired for being gay; Mr Molesley can't find his left shoe. Scene-by-scene whiplash. Incredible.
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a-r-i-l · 2 hours
what is it about being a leftist that makes people think they suddenly have a degree in international law
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a-r-i-l · 2 hours
Just because your church was a cult it doesn’t mean my synagogue is one
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a-r-i-l · 2 hours
Stuff like this is why I get so pissed off at accusations of genocide and apartheid.
Why would a genocidal country pause a war to vaccinate at least 90% of Gaza kids against polio as soon as the first case of a two year old paralyzed by type 2 poliovirus is confirmed? If they wanted gazans wiped off the earth they would keep the war going and vaccinate Israeli kids and citizens. If they wanted them dead they would never vaccinate “the enemy.” Russia wouldn’t do that.
I see you dickheads in the comments, “it’s for optics! Plus they must be worried about Jews getting it from them! That’s the only reason they want to vaccinate anyone. Plus vaccines are poison even checked by the WHO! They probably have autism in them!”
If it’s an apartheid why would Palestinians have access to the same places and bodies of water as Israelis? And if they don’t why would Israel vaccinate. The Regan administration didn’t respond to the HIV outbreak in the 80s because they hated gays and drug users and wanted them sick, spreading it, and most importantly dead. During peace time to their own citizens.
All Israel would have to do is ignore the outbreak.
Vaccines work. Polio is one of the most devastating diseases a kid can get. There’s no medication that can stop the damage once you get the virus. Lil kids die from diarrhea, are paralyzed for life and if they’re immune system doesn’t stop the paralysis at their legs it climbs up their bodies and once it hits their diaphragm (the muscle that lets you breath right under your rip cage) kids as young as a few months old to their teens will die from lack of air. Both are the absolute worst and most painful ways a person can die. Waking nightmare delusions from dehydration and low oxygen on top of the physical pain.
Nazis infected Jews with this shit intentionally to study how polio affects children. Israel is stopping in the middle of a war to end the polio outbreak when they are still trying to rescue kids so young they have spent the majority of their lives on earth in Hamas captivity. And after only one kid was confirmed with polio type 2, the one that causes paralysis.
How can it be a genocide or an apartheid when they are literally helping safeguard Palestines next generation of kids?
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a-r-i-l · 2 hours
People seem to have a misconception that Jews are a majority or part of the mainstream? Or just not an oppressed ethnic minority? I think this is due to Jewish over representation in media (which comes from the fact Jews were forbidden to have jobs in... Most any other industries for much of history)
But like y'all....
There are 15.7ish million Jews GLOBALLY. That's .2 of the world population. Just for some context Christians makes up 31.5%
Muslims make up 23.2%
Hinduism make up 15%
The secular world is 16.3%
Jews are .2% of the world population
Anyone who thinks they're a powerful majority is clearly deeply misinformed by antisemitism.
Jews are an ethnic and religious minority.
Without the Holocaust alone there would be roughly 35+ million Jews. And that's not to mention all the Jewish genocides and mass killings and exiles that occured prior to the Holocaust.
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a-r-i-l · 2 hours
So I keep thinking back to that post by an anti-zionist Jew who basically got secret-police interrogated by their friend who suspected them of secretly harbouring impure I mean Zionist thoughts.
and my first reaction was what a horrible and terrifying ordeal that must have been, and that I know exactly what it feels like to be betrayed like this by a friend. Because that experience happened to all of us - not just antizionist Jews. Everyone of us who had any connection at all to leftist space after 7/10 experienced varying shades of that exact same experience.
A year ago, I used to define myself as a pro-Palestinian leftist. I always criticised the occupation and supported Palestinian self determination. But like many others, I could no longer participate in leftist spaces after they openly displayed the vile antisemitism that they had been harbouring just under the surface. And they didn’t waste a moment - on October 8th people were already cheering on the massacre and praising Hamas.
which brings us back to the aforementioned antizionist Jew. Because while I feel a deep sympathy for their suffering, there’s another thought in the back of my mind: you were ok with this until now? Until they came for you personally?
and to me that thought was also in the back of the mind of those who replied in the vein of “what did you expect?”. Because to still be so deeply embedded in the antizionist movement, almost a full year after the massacre, implies having completely ignored the very obvious and violent antisemitism displayed by those organisations. It implies having ignored the cries of fellow Jews who have spent months denouncing them for the Jew hating bullies that they are.
And it implies that maybe, just maybe, deep inside and without fully admitting it, you thought that those other Jews deserved it for being Zionist.
whatever the case, their antisemitism only bothered you when you were the target. And so we can’t help but say, “what did you expect?”.
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a-r-i-l · 3 hours
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a-r-i-l · 3 hours
killing you and your whole family but calling it clean cause I didn’t destroy a whole city block 😊
You can't give me an example of a whole family being taken out by this attack because it does not exist. I watched the videos of these explosions. Dude standing right next to the Hezbollah operative was completely unharmed and walked away. I said the attack was clean because the attack was clean. Anyone holding a Hezbollah pager or walkie talkie was injured. The way not to be injured was to not in posession of a Hezbollah pager. Some 4500 devices and Hezbollah operatives injured with a few dozen of those dead and among that count there were 3 non-operatives including one daughter of an operative (which is tragic that her father chose to put her life in danger by painting a target on his head as a member of a genocidal terrorist organization actively launching thousands of bombs at your stronger neighbor killing children playing soccer and displacing hundreds of thousands from their homes)
Which makes this the most targeted operation of this size I can think of. In modern war the usual civilian to militant casualty ratio is 9:1. This was 1:1500. This is war. There exists no way anybody has conceived of to attack the folks trying to kill you and involve as few civilians as this attack. This is as close to a literal targeted thanos snap as it gets.
Here is the real issue: Nothing Israel does to defend its civilians will ever meet your standards, because what you actually want is for Israeli civilians and children to just roll over and be genocided as is Nasrallah's unequivocally stated wish (specifically he has said he wants all the world's Jews to move to Israel so that he can genocide them more easily).
But Israel will not roll over and die, so fucking deal with it and stop being childish. Hezbollah has been bombing Israel indiscriminately for decades and nonstop for the past year and hundreds of thousands of civilians are displaced. A soccer field of playing Druze children was bombed killing a dozen of them.
Now thousands of those responsible for these genocidal actione have had their hands and/or dicks blown off over 2 days.
Such is war.
The usual way to go about this sort of thing is to bomb a city block, but it seems you're upset they came up with a way to harm 1500 enemy militants to one civilian instead of the 1:1 ratio they have going in Gaza (which is still far better than the 9:1 average of modern wars in cases where the bad guys AREN'T using their civilians as human shields en masse)
There is no war where 0 civilians are harmed, there never has been and never will be, but you're giving shit to the folks that just invented a new never before done way to hurt people you want and not the people you don't want to hurt, and defending the folks just straight up intentionally carpet bombing Israel's civilian regions making it's northern region uninhabitable and killing kids playing soccer.
And you are just making shit up to do it. Again, you cannot name for me 1 family that perished. Just one child who was too close to Daddy's pager that he uses to conduct large-scale war crimes in the name of genociding the Yahud, from the River To the Sea.
Which makes me strongly believe that civilian life is not your concern. Your concern is Israel doing anything at all to fight back against a terrorist group who wants to slaughter all of Israel's civilians. Which is shameful and pathetic bigotry. You can be better than that.
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a-r-i-l · 6 hours
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Witchy Wooper
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a-r-i-l · 7 hours
researching 17th century piracy tonight. came across this:
One popular pastime amongst pirates was the mock trial.  Each man played a part be it jailer, lawyer, judge, juror, or hangman.  This sham court arrested, tried, convicted, and “carried out” the sentence to the amusement of all. (x)
how widespread could this have really been? how would it have gotten passed from ship to ship? can you imagine a pirate crew at a tavern, bragging to another pirate crew about how good they are at playing pretend? why was their go-to game “legal system”? were they performing incisive satire? is this some sort of pirates-only inside joke that’s been lost to the ages?
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a-r-i-l · 7 hours
also there's no one stopping you from loving a badly written woman. in fact sometimes a badly written woman will crawl inside your brain and live there forever.
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a-r-i-l · 7 hours
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a-r-i-l · 7 hours
me: And these illusions, they look and sound human, almost exactly like real people, but they are off in very small details, if you pay attention, like- medieval peasant ancestor: Too many teeth in their smiling mouths, too many joints in their fingers, limbs jointed in ways that make no sense. Aye I'm familiar with the fae, what's so special with these ones? me: These machine fae... They're not real. ancestor: So you've been wasting my time telling me stories this whole time? me: No, I meant that they're not alive. They're like puppets. Illusion puppets, controlled by human beings. That's the worrying part I was getting at. ancestor: By human beings? What for? me: Mostly by the rich to scam and rob the poor. ancestor: [takes out crossbow] Aye, that's it, you convinced me. Let's go. me: ...Are you even legally allowed to have that? ancestor: Don't be stupid, of course not. Now I said let's go. My machine has work to do.
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a-r-i-l · 7 hours
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this particular lie becoming so pernicious and accepted is bizarre.
the Middle East, like every place on earth, has a violent history: wars, conquests, colonization, forced conversion, eradication of indigenous peoples and languages and culture, subjugation of minorities, you name it. it stretches back thousands of years.
dhimmitude wasn’t “peaceful.” the many pogroms against MENA Jewish communities weren’t “peaceful.” the desire to wipe out the Jews of the region was very present during the Holocaust. saying it wasn’t a problem until 1948 is detached from reality.
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a-r-i-l · 7 hours
before anything, please let me mention, though lebanon, same as israel, is the size of a peanut, hezbollah rules very defined regions and the attack was not ALL over lebanon, as the media likes to overdramatize. next- israel planted that in very outdated, new (pre distribution) communication devices specifically requested by nasrallah to be used by hezbollah terrorists, when israel confirmed it had breached hezbollah’s communication network months ago.
sympathizers are not worried that so many pagers purchased solely for communication purposes between people affiliated with a designated terror organization had be distributed and found a trusty owner?
a 9 year old girl was allowed near a pager used for terror purposes.
how fucking common it is to be affiliated and rank high enough to get a fucking encrypted communication device for a terror organization.
never in the history of the war against terror has there been a more precise in such a large scale attack on a terror organization, yet the antisemites still be antisemitizing.
if so many doctors got hurt, this begs the question, why did public medical personal had communication devices purchased by a terror organization in a country with a functioning government?
and most importantly: how fucking easy it is to activate the west’s white savior complex and get its pity, even when it’s absolutely ridiculous.
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a-r-i-l · 1 day
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