a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
What would be an example of your pride month inbox challenge?
<Great question, anon! I'll be using Panic (my main muse) for example.>
Pansexual ~ Pansexuality is the sexual attraction to people regardless of their sex or gender! This is encapsulates a wide range of attraction. [Panic has a small preference towards masculinity.]
Polyamorous ~ This isn't a specific orientation but rather the preference of a person to have multiple partners at once! Not to be confused with polygamy.
Cisgender Male ~ Cisgender means you associate with what you were assigned at birth, and usually comes in binary form of male or female. This doesn't determine the pronouns you use.
Panic's Pronouns ~ He/Him, They/Them, It/Its. (Fair warning, Panic doesn't know much about gender as a whole, and may identify as something else in the future, but this is his current orientation.)
The pansexual and polyamorous pride flags
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
Send in a muse's name, and mun will respond with the character's sexual/romantic orientation and/or gender orientation, depending on which is specified! Bonus points if mun includes the Pride Flag (if any is available) and a description of the orientation listed!
<This can help educate and spread awareness about the diversity within our characters and community, as well as being a fun activity for others to get to know your headcanons/characters!>
Have fun and happy Pride Month! πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
Whaddya do in your spare time?
"A variety of things. I do love a good book, as I'm sure you've noticed- the sharpest minds are the minds who read. If I have company, I'm more apt to make my presence... hospitable, depending on who I have over."
- There are a variety of factors to consider when Panic indulges in company. The biggest variable is whether or not said company was actually invited. Assuming they're someone he's acquainted with, he'll spend considerable time with them- that is, of course, how a gentleman is. -
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
- The Frenchman is visibly agitated. Having his features pointed out, that's one thing. There's only implications of what he is when you look at him. But for this- how rude! Although it's not entirely false, he doesn't appreciate being alienated from the general population. Though, fortunately, he doesn't seem to have noticed Seinfeld's mutterings. -
- Panic looks bored. He feels bored- and hungry, wandering around. Unexpectedly, he bumps into one of the BLUs, hissing in surprise. -
~ [ @a-spy-and-his-snake ]
Hm? Oh... You're zhat guy zhat Dan mentioned to me. Hallo. Zhe name is Seinfeld Herrmann. Vhat are you doing roaming zhe area?
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
Does Marie shed constantly? Is it hard to take care of that?
"Snakes don't shed constantly, not like humans- they have three layers of skin, and only shed the outer layer when it's too small. Females will, of course, go through a series of sheds when they're gravid - that is, producing eggs - but Marie isn't for breeding. Who knows what kind of stress that would put on her.."
- Panic sighs, thinking of his dear snake. Poor man doesn't know the state that his dwelling is in; he's more concerned about her running out of food before he gets home. In reality, things are much worse... -
"I don't mind cleaning up after her. Besides, snakes shed in one piece, typically. It's like picking up discarded clothes."
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
pocket sized ~πŸ–Œ
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
"You think we'd visit without finding out who you are?" - Dove giggles, a coo-like sound very befitting of his nickname. Right, they haven't revealed where they're from, nor who they work for, if they're even working for anyone right now. There are no team-colored emblems on either of them. -
"I'd give you the snake, but I'm worried it'd die. Not that I care for this animal- I just know someone who does. We're very fortunate that he's absent right now."
Uh... Hallo? I heard somezhing I need is around here. I need your best poison so I can make anozher attempt at zhe candy.
"You're here!" - Dove rushes forward to meet the Candyman, his scarf trailing behind him. -
"Indeed. We've been waiting, Zindel." - And of course, Vulture. Even though he's the same as both Zindel and Dove, he seems about ten times scarier due to his size alone. He brings out a barrel, reaching in and pulling out a snake. -
"Boomslang venom is an incredibly potent component. It prevents blood from clotting- within days of injection, a man could be bleeding out of every pore on his body."
- Dove winces at the description, instead leading Zindel a safe distance away as Vulture clutches Marie, who can't seem to bite him through his heavy coat and thick gloves. -
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
Uh... Hallo? I heard somezhing I need is around here. I need your best poison so I can make anozher attempt at zhe candy.
"You're here!" - Dove rushes forward to meet the Candyman, his scarf trailing behind him. -
"Indeed. We've been waiting, Zindel." - And of course, Vulture. Even though he's the same as both Zindel and Dove, he seems about ten times scarier due to his size alone. He brings out a barrel, reaching in and pulling out a snake. -
"Boomslang venom is an incredibly potent component. It prevents blood from clotting- within days of injection, a man could be bleeding out of every pore on his body."
- Dove winces at the description, instead leading Zindel a safe distance away as Vulture clutches Marie, who can't seem to bite him through his heavy coat and thick gloves. -
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
"It's my eyes, I suppose? It isn't important, doctor, I can assure you I'm no wizard or apothecary. I do know a few, but they're much less human than I."
- He chuckles in a restrained sort of manner, as if taken aback by the sudden, yet relatively straightforward, accusation. It's not everyday that he's asked "what are you", but it makes sense that a Medic would be curious. -
- Panic looks bored. He feels bored- and hungry, wandering around. Unexpectedly, he bumps into one of the BLUs, hissing in surprise. -
~ [ @a-spy-and-his-snake ]
Hm? Oh... You're zhat guy zhat Dan mentioned to me. Hallo. Zhe name is Seinfeld Herrmann. Vhat are you doing roaming zhe area?
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
"Ah, my apologies, Doctor. Yes, I would be 'that guy,' staying in the Sniper's room for a bit. Very nice base you have here, I must sssay."
- He tips his hat, taking a couple of wary steps backwards as his forked tongue snakes from between his fangs. He seems nervous- hoping that doesn't entice the Medic to investigate him, as interesting of a specimen he might be. -
- Panic looks bored. He feels bored- and hungry, wandering around. Unexpectedly, he bumps into one of the BLUs, hissing in surprise. -
~ [ @a-spy-and-his-snake ]
Hm? Oh... You're zhat guy zhat Dan mentioned to me. Hallo. Zhe name is Seinfeld Herrmann. Vhat are you doing roaming zhe area?
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
what are, you two breaking into someone's house?! what is going on!?
"Whose house is it? I don't see anyone." - The one called Dove smiles coyly, blue eyes twinkling with a hint of curiosity. He definitely seems more innocent in comparison to his oversized companion, but it's highly unlikely that he's completely guilt-free. -
"What we are doing here doesn't concern you. If you wish to know, it's a scientific pursuit, to some degree." - And of course, the Vulture responds from where he is, in the back of some hallway. -
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
ayo calm down sis, πŸ–ŒοΈ's just trying to do a new character reveal (~mod jitter)/lh /🏳️
There is an experiment going on involving the Candyman, and two others.
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
lmao ur welcome but it's actually two of my fictionals it's not me
There is an experiment going on involving the Candyman, and two others.
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
"What is this?"
"It seems to be an abandoned estate. Not too abandoned, though- there's hardly a speck of dust."
"There's a snake here! Ach, Vul, was coming here really necessary?"
"If we want to get our hands on that subject, yes. Absolutely."
"Yes, Dove?"
"There's someone here."
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
"You must not go to fight much, huh? I can't blame you. All that gunfire gives me a headache, especially that blasted minigun." - He seems to perk up much more at the mention of animal books, or maybe it's books in general. -
"Mythology, hm? I can't say it's ever been an interest of mine, but I do enjoy new books. If I'm stuck here for that long, I'll give them a read." - Panic falters, slowing his pace a tad, a frown appearing on his face. - "...if I'm stuck here for that long..."
@wonderchaos-blu-team : <POST LINK>
Yeh. Marcel's a bitch... Never loiked him... Why did you ask about him?
"Just recognized the name, is all. It doesn't matter." - Panic takes another drag of smoke, flicking the cigarette away and watching the ash scatter. Mmm, floral. What a spicy scent. In one motion, he closes and pockets the lighter, straightening up and giving his suit a light dusting, frowning at the water on his front. -
"Anyways, I'm sure you'd like to be on your way as soon as possible. Could you show me to your room now?" - Straight to the point. Admittedly, he'd gotten a little too loose in his conversation. Not where he needed to be, especially not around strangers. He's yet to meet a single familiar face in this whole adventure, and the cigarettes aren't helping his nerves as much as he thought they would. -
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
Maybe you can mail that someone the book
"I would if I could. However, I sincerely doubt that this BLU base has a French encyclopedia of animals. Even if they can afford spare beds for guests, I don't think anybody would show interest in such exotic creatures."
- Of course, Panic has no access to his wide selection of random animal books, nor his assortment of magazines. Nor his snake, who is especially due to feed- he's glad he absolutely splurged on her enclosure, even placing some assorted lizards and such for her to eat. -
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a-spy-and-his-snake Β· 2 years
On the topic of birds... Someone got a Violet-Backed Starling and named it Heinrich.
"Is that so? Exotic animals are an interest of mine, in case you can't tell. Boomslangs and this species of bird are both native to Africa- quite amazing what you can find on one continent alone, isn't it?"
- He chuckles, visualizing all of the beautiful serpents he'd seen. So many colors, many potent toxins. He isn't just in it for snakes, though- Panic also loves the variety of birds, reptiles, and mammals. -
"If they'd like to learn more about the birds of the world, I know an excellent handbook for them- Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux!"
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