a-story-told · 2 years
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Edit 2th Dec: Just updated the picture, and I might actually add a page on the blog which will keep on having an updated count of the amount of asks characters have! I just can’t be bothered doing so-… Right now.
[ Mod ]: Yo, mod here!
Thought to say but remember that you can send asks anytime you like, and they’re always appreciated! Some characters have yet to have an update because I’m uncertain how I wish to go about it but sending some asks their way could help me out!
But any asks are appreciated nonetheless!
Just some pointers:
Remember to specify WHO you are asking! I much prefer that you actually let me know who the ask is aimed at, rather than not specifying!
Try to give me something to work with. Completely random non-sensical asks, or asks that just give an item, gives a hug, says hello- I’m likely to delete those because I don’t know what to do with them. This isn’t a super dead serious blog, but it isn’t a very silly, super random blog either. I do try to tell a story, even if it is a long and slow one.
What to ask? Ask personal questions, ask about their family, their livelihoods, hobbies, stuff they might have experienced, read into old updates with the characters and see if you can catch anything there. I love to try to hide hints in old updates. Some might be like story hooks, others are very hidden. Up to you to find them!
Just because some characters don’t have asks, it doesn’t mean you MUST ask them something! But remember that you won’t see certain characters unless they receive asks. So, if your favourite character has no asks, then sadly they won’t be around for some time!
••• Character Profiles •••  Askbox Link! •••
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ It took Safe Haven a moment to realize what it was she was looking at. There, in the window, was a miniature bridge. One she hadn't seen before. Surely this was not something her mother would have bought and brought home, even less put in some random window.]
[ Likely not her sister or father either. This just didn't seem like something anybody in her family would have brought home. Well, aside from her. ]
[ But she can't recall having seen it before now... Odd. ]
[ Ask ]:
@painttasticpony  gives safe haven a bridge
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a-story-told · 2 years
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Edit 2th Dec: Just updated the picture, and I might actually add a page on the blog which will keep on having an updated count of the amount of asks characters have! I just can’t be bothered doing so-... Right now.
[ Mod ]: Yo, mod here!
Thought to say but remember that you can send asks anytime you like, and they’re always appreciated! Some characters have yet to have an update because I’m uncertain how I wish to go about it but sending some asks their way could help me out!
But any asks are appreciated nonetheless!
Just some pointers:
Remember to specify WHO you are asking! I much prefer that you actually let me know who the ask is aimed at, rather than not specifying!
Try to give me something to work with. Completely random non-sensical asks, or asks that just give an item, gives a hug, says hello- I’m likely to delete those because I don’t know what to do with them. This isn’t a super dead serious blog, but it isn’t a very silly, super random blog either. I do try to tell a story, even if it is a long and slow one.
What to ask? Ask personal questions, ask about their family, their livelihoods, hobbies, stuff they might have experienced, read into old updates with the characters and see if you can catch anything there. I love to try to hide hints in old updates. Some might be like story hooks, others are very hidden. Up to you to find them!
Just because some characters don’t have asks, it doesn’t mean you MUST ask them something! But remember that you won’t see certain characters unless they receive asks. So, if your favourite character has no asks, then sadly they won’t be around for some time!
••• Character Profiles •••  Askbox Link! •••
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Teddy ]: “Father was eager to teach me everything he knew. Thankfully, I loved every second of it, granted that I don’t think he expected me to take that big of an interest.”
[ He lets out a soft chuckle.]
“He actually had to forcefully drag me away from here to get me to visit other cities, the few times we did. Home was just always better to me.”
[ Ask ]:
@theblindfoldedprince​ [Sherbert] The selective mute looks to Teddy with a interest in his eyes; his gaze looking to Teddy's workmanship as he'd mumble out a small question from under his breath. "...How long- have you made these for?"
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Secret Possession ]: “Most of the time, I prefer to use different accessories, such as these I currently have on ♥ So my preferred way of dressing up is cute accessories that don’t restrict movement~”
“Once in a while something bigger is quite nice as well, but I won’t lie. I take greater joy in looking at dresses and other clothing than wearing them~”
[ Asks ]
@jesron To Secret: Greetings! I was just curious, what do you do for a living? You seem very fancy in your appearance, are you a noble of some sorts?
@ask-summer-epos secret possession, what is your favourites clothes to wear?
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[Teddy]: “And my goal... I guess I always strove to inherit and run the family business someday, which is exactly what I’m doing. So yes, I’d say I’ve achieved my goal!”
[ Ask ]:
@ask-summer-epos “teddy gave you your name? what's you goal or have you achieved it? “
@jesron “To Teddy: Greeting there my good unicorn! Say, how did you come across your name? I like it :3 ”
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a-story-told · 2 years
To Lothair: Hello! I noticed your name is a German name that means "Famous in Battle" and the fact that within your name it has the German word Von it suggest you, or your family are important in the place known as Vox am I correct?
[ Mod ]: Alrighty, so I'll just quickly respond to this like this instead because-... I don't know how I'd go about it otherwise lol.
Lothaire was chosen as a name because I thought it sounded nice, and from what I saw it was the French form of the name Lothar, that is german.
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Taken from “Behind The Name”
von Vox on the other hand was chosen because 'von' was often used, yes, to state where you're from. Due to the german word 'of', but from what I saw that wasn't always the case, tho I might be wrong. However, in this case Lothaire is not from a place called Vox, but that is just his last name.
Vox is taken from Latin, which means 'voice' and 'sound'.
A thing to remember however, is that in this world the countries of the real world doesn't exist. So don't ask Lothaire about France or Germany.
I do try to have some meaning for names at times- But that doesn't mean there always is. Which is confusing, I know lol. But I don't mind if you ever ask about the names, just be aware of that the answer might sometimes just be "I just think it sounds neat" xD
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a-story-told · 2 years
Can people's OCs interact with your OCs?
[ Mod ]: Ooo, exciting, didn't think I'd get this qustion so quickly, but I love it! Anyways, to answer you.
Yes! I love interacting with others. Just a few things if you'd want to interact, just to make it easier for the both of us!
Please remember to specify what character you are asking as. Even if you have only 2 characters on your blog.
Make sure your reference is easily accessible.
Please don't send an ask just saying "Hello, my name is XYZ." or *Gives XYZ item*.
Remember to specify what blog it is said character is from so I can find them! Example below:
[ Lea ]: Hi, I'm sorry to bother you mister, but are you okay? Unless the bandages are just, well- Fashion of some sort. I may be a tad behind on that. ( @the-endless-archive )
Of course, feel free to structure the ask differently, that isn't so important. I hope this answers your question!
ABOUT RESPONDING. So you are aware! The way I respond is that I reblog your post and THEN post my response. So if possible, I'd prefer if you didn't reblog and add your response to the reblog. But rather reblog the post and then post your response separately! I just don't like long reblog chains, that's it really. It's like having to re-read an entire comic every time a new chapter is out.
Some Extra Tidbits: If it is a longer, more in-depth character interaction you're looking for I'd prefer to discuss it a bit beforehand so that we're on the same page.
What these are can vary, but let me know if I should go more in-depth to explain what it is I mean.
I hope this long response didn't scare you! Really, not my intention. if anything is confusing, please just send me a message either via Tumblr messenger or via Discord!
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a-story-told · 2 years
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••• Askbox Open! •••
A Story Told is a blog about various characters, all with their own stories. Ask them questions to get to know them, get to know their stories and help them on their journeys. But keep in mind that not all journeys will be easy. Some of them will deal with heavy subjects, all of which will be tagged with their appropriate warnings.
About connections. Just because all the characters will show up on the same blog, it does not mean they have a connection to one another. Some of them may be friends, some of them may have heard of another. Or they may be complete strangers. That is up to you to discover.
Specify WHO it is you are asking! When you send an ask, specify who it is you are asking. And know that asks to ALL characters will NOT be responded to by ALL characters.
In the future, the cast of characters is likely to increase. So be at the ready, more stories to discover may appear who-knows-when.
••• The Current Askable Cast.  •••
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••• More in-depth profiles found on Toyhouse •••
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Mod ]: @askbananapie nice try, but submissions ain’t gonna work either. Moreover, I can and will just disable that for the time being as well.
Your eagerness is appreciated, however.
Let me get the Intro out first.
Alright, that’s it. Back to working on the intro, toooodles ♥
Also to clarify: Im finding this amusing, this is all just a joke lol.
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Mod ]: Alrighty, chief.
Askbox is now closed until I actually get the intro done. Since to begin with, I only opened it so I could check what it’d look like on the blog since it has a feature where you can add a FAQ to the same page.
Plus usually I don’t immediately get asks when I have nothing to show for it-
Because sure I had a pinned post but god, it didn’t even have any character names lmao.
Askers: @reversal-mushroom @askbananapie @theblackcubeofdarkness
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Mod ]: Finally, I got these portraits done!
I intend on making an intro soon, have some ideas I just need to actually draw those out. In the meantime, here’s the characters that will be askable on this blog to start off with. In the future, the number of characters is likely to increase!
Stellar Vis ••• Profile - Tag
Safe Haven ••• Profile - Reference - Tag
Teddy ••• Profile - Tag
Lothaire von Vox ••• Profile - Reference - Tag
Secret Possession ••• Profile - Tag
Note: All of these links are also included in the pinned post! Not all characters have proper references yet either. For now, my focus will be to at least make fullbodies of them. Also, Secret Possession DOES have a reference in the gallery on Toyhouse. However, said reference is outdated!
Feel free to send in asks that I will get to once the intro is out, unless I decide to sneakily start with character stuff and then do a proper intro- We’ll see how I feel!
All of these characters are Askable.
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Mod ]: I call sus, BP. Very sus
I’m watching you
Feel free to bother the characters on this blog once it starts tho. However, lol, let me prepare beforehand so I can make a good intro.
I won’t be responding to more for now, until I can get the intro of this blog done.
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a-story-told · 2 years
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[ Mod ]: I-... I haven’t even started the blog. I’m still doing preparations.
I haven’t even introduced any of the characters, I’m still in the progress of trying to figure out how to start the blog and introduce them all, not to mention draw them in my style.
How did you even find this blog to begin with?? I haven’t released it to my main blog or anything, and only sent the link in a closed server and that’s it.
What is this sorcery??
I will never understand how you manage to do it, BP.
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a-story-told · 2 years
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Welcome to “A Story Told”, a MLP Ask Blog for an ever-growing group of characters.
The cast of characters will over time expand, but please be aware of that they do not necessarily have any connection to one another. While there is a possibility that the characters are acquainted, there is also a chance that they do not know one another whatsoever as well.
Warning: The stories of the characters may contain darker/heavier subjects such as drama, trauma, abuse, bad mental health and violence.
All of these subjects will be tagged appropriately, and if you ever miss any certain tags, don’t hesitate to ask for said tag to be added. I will also try to warn beforehand if upcoming updates contains any certain subjects.
Note: You are allowed to berate the characters, argue with them or give them tough love. You are also allowed to play the devil’s advocate; I will not take it personally. However, remember that there is such a thing as going too far.
••• The Cast •••
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Stellar Vis ••• Profile - Tag
Safe Haven ••• Profile - Reference - Tag
Teddy ••• Profile - Tag
Lothaire von Vox ••• Profile - Reference - Tag
Secret Possession ••• Profile - Tag
Extra Note:  No, the blog’s name is not a reference to the Monte Cristo Musical. The name just felt fitting for what the blog will be. I do still recommend the song though; it is a really good one!
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