a-sun-path · 5 months
I am no stranger to this feeling
I will feel it many years to come
I do not want to feel it, but what can I do
Life goes on
And so should I
Just like the blossoms of a cherry tree
Life is too short to worry about the small things
Look up
Move on with your head held high
And do not apologize for who you are
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a-sun-path · 5 months
Erst Verwirrung
Dann ein unwohl sein
Anschließend das Zweifeln an seiner selbst
Dann die Selbstvorwürfe
Rasende Gedanken
Alles zittert
Der ganze Körper
Und ohne irgendwas kontrollieren zu können
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a-sun-path · 7 months
The lake was glistening and reflecting the sun. It looked like hundreds or even thousand of little diamonds were imbedded in the water. Its deep blue tint mesmerized me. I walked closer and sat myself into the soft grass in front of the lake. Soft ripples caressed the surface. The tiny blades tickled my legs. I leaned over the clear water and saw my reflection slowly moving with it.
The trees around only gave a soft sound when the leaves followed the direction which the wind commanded. Upon looking closer, the Image of myself shifted and warped. I still saw myself, but the background did not match my current location. The lake pictured a nighttime, though my stroll found place during the brightest of days. My face showed pure terror. A few drops of blood dripped down my face. It seemed like I had fallen and hit my head.
I looked around. Panicked.
My gaze roaming around in search of something. Then I screamed out of the lake. I tried to say something, but no sound reached my ears.
My head cocks around.
The terror filled eyes getting wider.
I jumped up and sprinted away.
A shadow closely following me. Not a human looking one. But one looking like a beast. Something lusting after the same blood I had just shed.
The water cleared itself and the only thing on display was my confused gaze. I looked around but found nothing out of the ordinary. The forest was still quiet apart from the leafs rustling. The water was softly moving. I got up and continued my way. That gory picture of myself still stuck in my head. What was I trying to say? Deep in thought, I walked between the trees. A twig snapped as well as me out of my thoughts. I looked around but nothing.
Another twig. Another turn around myself.
And then there it was again. This time a shadow in sight.
The words formed in my head and I finally understood what I tried to tell myself.
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a-sun-path · 7 months
Worüber dieser Blog ist / What this blog is about
In diesem Blog werde ich hauptsächlich schreiben. Kurzgeschichten, Paragrafen, einzelne Sätze. Je nachdem, wonach mir der Sinn steht. Je nachdem wie ich mich fühle auf Deutsch oder Englisch. Vielleicht auch in anderen Sprachen, wenn ich versuche, diese zu üben.
This blog is mostly about writing. Short stories, paragraphs, single sentences. Whatever I'm in the mood for. I will write in German and English. Maybe also other languages for practice.
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