She hooked up with guys that didn't matter, to forget the one who did.
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Merry Christmas Eve Everyone. Fuck being safe, turn the fuck up tonight.
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*everything I tell you is real, but to respect others privacy, the names are made up.*
Well, theres this place behind the stage in my auditorium at my school. It is loaded with alcohol, weed pens, a couch, pillow and blankets. Pretty much thats where all my friends and I chill during classes. We usually just smoke and get high, normally not drink but on occasions. So, Ive been hooking up with this guy for the past 4 months. Let’s name him Jason.  We've been fooling around even when he was cuffed with a girl. His girlfriend, or should I say ex-girlfriend, attends a different school. Lets call her Eve. Obviously, she had never found out about us. Do I feel guilty? Absolutely not. Look, no offense Eve, but I mean if you're dating a guy, who you have been going off - and - on with, and he's cheated on you multiple times, its not my problem. You know this guy has been a player, and has been fucking other girls. So I don't really care if you find out about it, but just know your ex boyfriend is really good at fucking. 
Anyway, back to the story.  A friend of me and Jason took us to this secret place. Although I knew about it, Jason didn't. He's the type of guy that would literally be mad at you for hiding something like this from him. Of course I lied about not knowing where all the hidden fuck sessions in the school are. We sit on the couch, and I just start making the fuck out with him. We are literally getting suuuuuper handsy, just touching every inch of each other. We just start fooling around and one thing leads to the next and were just fucking. Now I aint going into full detail, because y'all are some sickos. But you can go masturbate to something else, have fun. Anyway, he leaves this huge hickey on my neck and I had nothing to cover it up with. I still have it now and it happened like 3 days ago. 
But, good news is, he knows what the fuck he's doing. And now, were going back tomorrow and doing the same thing. Even though I shouldn't be fucking with a huge, serious knee injury, thanks to the best sport ever. It hurts like a bitch but I mean so does him stretching me out. 
I told my best guy friend Charlie, about this whole affair thing. Listen, Charlie is probably the besets guy friend I have ever had. He lives in a town 20 minutes away, but we FaceTime every night. I would never fuck or hookup with Charlie, because he is the BIGGEST prude in the world. But would I date him? Absolutely. He's tall, and funny, and cute, and cuddly. He has the darkest brown eyes ever but I still get lost in them. He makes fun of me, but I know it comes from a good place. Charlie doesn't drink or smoke, or fuck girls for that matter. Even his lips are virgins- AND HES 17!! Were complete opposites. But I feel like that theory with the atoms or whatever it is that states “ opposites attract” is so unbelievably true. Were like star- crossed lovers if you will. He brings out the good in me. Maybe Ill bring out the bad in him too ;). I feel like this would never happen. He knows about me slutting around too much, how I drown myself in alcohol, and smoking pot 24/7. He would want a smart, pure, and innocent girl. Not a rebellious whore who's always looking for trouble- like me.  If we did date, I would drop Jason in a heartbeat. Id do anything to be with Charlie.
But Im bored, 16, and horny. I just wanna have fun. 
Bye loves talk to you next wednesday !! <3
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Start of it All
Alrighty.... lets start from the beginning. 
Im 16 a junior in high school. School was never really my thing. At the age of 6, in a horrid elementary school located in one of the most ghetto-est part of my town, I started first grade. I met my two best friends, twins in fact on the first day. We clicked so easily and started to take over the halls that smelled of elmers glue, and crayons. I was never shy, and a very outgoing, crazy, first grader. I always tried to do the right thing, share my toys, and just be mommy and daddy’s little precious angel. Believe it or not, my first grade teacher thought of me as out of the ordinary-- not that I was like stupid or anything. I was the total opposite. My teacher wanted me to skip second grade and head right into third. I honestly wish I did, because the boys in the 2018 graduating class are hot as fuck. Anyways, my parents wanted me to stay with the rest of the nose-picking, ass-scratching first graders.
Middle school comes along and I had many friends. My two twinsies standing right by my side, followed up with a girl who was average height (well anyone is average height compared to me, I'm 5′11 but i lie and say I'm 5′10 and a half) and absolutely flawless for being 12. All of my friends got along but decided to leave me out. There were nights where I would see on snapchat, my friends and her friends hanging out and leaving me in the dust. It hurt, but thats how girls are. They are sneaky bitches who just wanna be admired by everyone. I wasn't like that at all.This is where I learned to keep my circle small. I then started to become friends with boys. I would go to my best guy friends house and ill be the only girl there along with many other 13 year old boys. This is where the trouble began. 
By eighth grade, I had probably 3 girl friends, and I couldn't even count how many guy friends I had. And I learned, that having more dudes than dudettes was probably the best choice Ive ever made. You see, guys are very protective. They care about who you're talking to, if they treat you right, and if theres any bullshit they clear it all up with a punch. I learned how to fight from my guy friends (no they did not beat me if thats what you're thinking. They just taught me some simple moves and helpful tips, like always tie your hair in a bun when you fight another girl. Those motherfuckers are hair pullers). And best part about it, NO DRAMA. Or at least thats what I thought. 
Igh ya girl is signing out, bye!!xx
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