a-writer-with-a-belly · 8 months
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pov you're a huge enabler for your morbidly obese history professor
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a-writer-with-a-belly · 8 months
Happy halloween!
GREETINGS LOVELY FAT FOLK AND FAT ADMIRERS! Specially for you lovely lovely people, this handsome prince is offering 15% off your first OR next months access to my OnlyFans for the next 10 people to follow this link and subscribe. Limited time only! I post daily at 12pm eastern, two to three pics or videos a day. Fans also get access to 250+ pics already up and to pics that aren't always posted to discord/Tumblr and they get them early I have a Ko-Fi too! Anyone who sends me 5 dollars will get two pictures of their choosing, short video or a gif~ I also offer bulk deals for my kofi!!!
I just finished working on my october photoshoot currently, the theme is Pumpkins and releases on october 31st! Those subscribed to my OnlyFans will have early access to all photoshoots!!(at least a month early!) but I will release thne photos little by little to other platforms like discord and tumblr~
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a-writer-with-a-belly · 11 months
Relationships should be a thing of mutual success, but also mutual struggle
For example
I'll struggle to pay your food bill, and you can struggle to breathe and move ♥️
ah, romance 🥰
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a-writer-with-a-belly · 11 months
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Specially for you lovely lovely people, this handsome prince is offering 15% off your first OR next months access to my OnlyFans for the next 10 people to follow this link and subscribe. Limited time only! I post daily at 12pm eastern, two to three pics or videos a day. Fans also get access to 200+ pics already up and to pics that aren't always posted to discord/Tumblr and they get them early I have a Ko-Fi too! Anyone who sends me 5 dollars will get two pictures of their choosing, short video or a gif~ I also offer bulk deals for my kofi!!!
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I'm working on my July photoshoot currently, the theme is Cosplay, those subscribed to my OnlyFans will have early access to all photoshoots!!(at least a month early!)
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Make sure you're subbed to my OnlyFans before Tuesday the 14th to get access to my valentine's stuffing special on top of daily nudes and belly pics/vids
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30% off your first month!
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So stuffed after recording my valentine's OF special
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jump off a bridge, cunt
see this is a perfect example of what not to do with a hate ask.
poorly matched to hate target: the suicide bait is a classic of anon hate, but it's a rookie mistake to deploy it against just anybody. any careful look at my blog would see that i am incredibly egotistic--using a hate tactic better suited to a blogger with low self esteem is just sloppy.
too generic to sting: this ask mentions no specific details about any problematic behaviour, annoying personality traits, or my personal life. since it feels like it could have been sent by anyone to anyone, it's difficult to take it personally.
cultural mismatch: 'cunt' probably comes across a lot harsher in your cultural context. however, i live in the UK, so i get called and call other people a cunt every day. as such, you're left with a lackluster ending for a very weak ask overall.
F. see me after class
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Daily posts including early access photos and pics/vids I don't share anywhere else! Check out my OF with a 30% discount for the first 10 people!
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Gods, i love my body. I love the indulgence...
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You know what?
You know what? I am tired of playing nice. I am going to fattin you up now. To make sure you blimp up, I got some rules for you. Number 1. You are going to be drinking soda 99% of the time. I expect a bottle, can, or cup of liquid sugar to be sliding down your throat every minute of the day. If you need help, I will be glad to keep a face mask filled strap on your bloated cheeks all day. Number 2. We are counting calories. I want you bigger, so I want to know what you are eating and how unhealthy it is. Number 3. Keep your mouth full piggy. That's going to be your most important rule. I don't want to hear you speak, unless its to say more. You can grunt, oink, and moan all you want, but keep your mouth cramed with food. Number 4. Do not move. I will give you a pass to go to the bathroom, bed, and the fridge. However, I want your lardass planted somewhere all day. Your only exercise will be lifting your spoon up to your double chined face. Number 5. You aren't full. I will tell you when you are full. Do not expect me to stop till that gut is rock hard. If you complain, I will only feed you more. I don't care if it hurts or you don't think you can eat more. Pigs don't think, they eat. Number 6. You will get new cloths at milestones. Since I am going to make sure calories are being forced in you all day, you are going to go through your wardrobe fast. You will get new ones if you reach my weight goals every few months. Sometimes it will be 50 pounds l, other times 100. Show me how bad you want a new shirt to destroy in a month. If you are desperate enough to follow all my rules, then maybe its time to introduce rule, number 7. I will be kidnapping you. While you have been reading this are getting off, I have been finding out where my future blob is. I will be there in 20 minutes. Don't bother bringing anything except your appetite.
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Someone turn me into an immobile blob for Christmas... 🥴🐽🥰
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For those who crave a bigger bod…
NewCom is proud to announce its one-of-a-kind body transformation service called ‘FlabTech.’ FlabTech is a new, groundbreaking service available to all who desire a fatter and rounder appearance. Patients will stop all intake of food for 24 hours before scheduled appointment. During their FlabTech appointment patients will be given the NewComFT5378, the revolutionary drug which enables this process to occur. Patients will take the drug orally and must be standing. Over the course of 10 minutes the patients body will develop fat, accumulating to obesity. The drug has different effects on every individual, most patients thus far have gained 420lbs in pure fat, whilst some gain far more and some gain far less. Generally those who starve themselves for longer than 24 hours before their appointment develop more fat, because the drug works best the more hungrier you are. One individual, patient No.9, starved himself for 3 whole days before his appointment, within 30 seconds his whole body had become undistinguishable from the thin skeleton it was, his legs were swamped in heaps of fat, his belly hung below his cock, covering the shrouds of fat layering his penis, the man’s nipples burst with so much fat, bigger than a woman’s own bosom, his arms entrenched with circles of fat flopped to his side and his fat ballooned with weight. Already he had become obese, at just 30 seconds with another 9 minutes to go. Once a patient has taken the drug there is nothing we can do to stop it, each patient has to wait the full 10 minutes until they stop putting on the pounds and the drug wears off. For patient No.9, this meant a weight gain of nearly 1,000lbs, we all looked horrified at the mass-gaining man in the cubicle i front of us, his body sized doubling every minute. After 4 minutes, the man collapsed into the heavy-duty wheelchair provided, under his enormous swelling body, but he kept on growing. After the full 10 minutes, his belly covered the floor as his face was lost in fat, all we could do was hand him over to his husband, apparently he took him straight to the Bari attic ward at the hospital. This drug is available to all. Some (almost all) patients like to wear there clothes during the appointment, it turns them on when they bulge unexpectedly out of them.
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Gifting my future fat gamer bf with this bad boy so he’ll be too distracted to notice the endless stream of meals and snacks i bring him while he’s gaming. He gets to relax and game til his heart’s content and I’ll get the fat, mindless, ever-expanding pig i’ve always wanted 🥰😈
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oh no it'd be such a shame if someone locked me in their basement and forced me to grow to epic portions.... 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
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Standing vs sitting, look at that bod~ can't wait to drown myself in lard...
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New video up on OF in just an hour~
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