aaliyahnav · 2 months
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GlimmerBrook 2.0 DooDoo style
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aaliyahnav · 2 months
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Thank you to (@coolpuppy12) Check out their page for updates on the save file. :)
I was one of the lucky few to got to play test this wonderful save file. Here are some of my fav screenshots. Today I was all over Willow Creek, so yk i had to go visit my fav household with Bella and Mortimer.
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how impactful it’ll be if a large majority of us stop using curseforge, creators make A LOT of money based on the number of total downloads in perpetuity. The only reason they use cf is for the money, so if they’re not making money off cf they’ll leave
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
Especially when she’s apart of a community that’s so diverse and loving to see her values align opposite…truly disappointed
This was shared with me by a follower. It comes from within the curseforge dev discord. This confirms this account has been discussed within the server. This is what popular mod creator Littlemssam had to say:
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This is the message she is replying to:
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I'm going to be more personal here. If all you can take away from this blog is that it is "pro Hamas" for caring about Palestinians, then you need to take a hard look at yourself. A genocide does not right the wrongs of Oct 7th.
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
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i’m not a new simblr, just giving myself a fresh start after a bit of inactivity! my dash is a bit dead, so if you’re an active simblr reblog this post and i’ll check out your blog (or just to help spread the post!!) i prefer sims 4 maxis match simblrs and mainly gameplay, but any type of simblr is welcome to reblog!
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
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"It's a boy! 💙🎉 Gavin and Mari's gender reveal was an unforgettable moment filled with joy and excitement."
Gavin: I can't believe we're finally having the gender reveal today! Are you excited?
Mari: I'm beyond excited! I barely slept last night. I kept wondering if it would be pink or blue.
Gavin: Me too. It's been driving me nuts trying to guess. Do you have a feeling one way or the other?
Mari: You know, I keep having dreams that it's a boy. What about you?
Gavin: Funny, I’ve been thinking the same. Maybe it’s our subconscious hinting at something.
Mari: Or just us getting our hopes up! Either way, I’m just happy the baby’s healthy.
Gavin: Absolutely. Health is all that matters. But I have to admit, seeing everyone’s reactions today will be priceless.
Mari: Totally! Our friends and family have been so supportive. I love how they've been guessing the gender too.
Gavin: Yeah, the bets have been hilarious. Your mom is convinced it’s a girl, though.
Mari: Oh, I know! She’s already started knitting pink booties. We’ll see how that turns out!
Gavin: Here comes the big moment. Ready to cut the cake?
Mari: As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s do this!
(They cut the cake together, revealing blue filling inside)
Gavin: It’s a boy! We’re having a boy!
Mari: Oh my gosh, a baby boy! This is amazing!
Gavin: I can’t wait to meet our little guy. This is the best day ever.
Mari: It really is. I love you, Gavin.
Gavin: I love you too, Mari. And…I have something special for you.
(Gavin pulls out a small box and hands it to Mari)
Mari: Gavin, what’s this?
Gavin: Open it and see.
(Mari opens the box to find a beautiful necklace with a tiny blue baby bootie charm)
Mari: Oh, Gavin, it’s beautiful! Thank you so much.
Gavin: I wanted you to have something special to remember this day and our little boy. May I?
Mari: Of course.
(Gavin gently places the necklace around Mari's neck and fastens it)
Mari: This is perfect. I’ll cherish it forever. Thank you, Gavin.
Gavin: Anything for you, Mari. And for our son. Here's to our new adventure together!
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
why you shouldn't use curseforge at all
simfileshare folders with reuploaded content below - hit [ctrl + f] and type the creator your looking for ↓
feel free to request stuff!
🍉 free palestine 🍉
↓ some important info below ↓ (updated may 5th)
about this account
this account is ran by only one person, i can't keep track of every single creator that is curse forge exclusive, that has shared new stuff or has updated a mod. always feel free to send me an ask about any of these things and i will update/add folders as soon as i can. it doesn't bother me i promise! do check the simfileshare links above first please
as a reminder, i am only sharing curseforge exclusive content. paywalled/early access content or stuff from thesimsresource are not being shared here. i recommend checking out ts4rebels or dollhouse mafia for those! and if a creator offers an alternative download (sfs, patreon, google drive, etc) please use those, no need to reupload them.
about downloading mods
mods (not cc) get updated often, especially after game updates. if you're looking for a mod please check the creator's socials first to see when was the last update. after that, check this date on simfileshare:
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if the mod was last updated before this, then the mod is up to date. if it was updated after that, then shoot me an ask reminding me to update it!!
beware of hidden curseforge links
some creators have been hiding curseforge downloads in their patreon posts. if you're getting something from patreon it should be a direct download in patreon itself, you can find the files at the bottom of each post with the file's name, like this:
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if a creator is not doing this but instead having a "download" link that quickly opens a new tab and closes immediately, this is most likely to be a curseforge redirect. to avoid this, you can right click the download link and click "copy link". then paste this somewhere, if you see either "curseforge" or "forgecdn", this means it is redirecting you to curseforge without any warning. you can let me know if you find something like this so i can reupload this content to sfs.
thank you for reading and for all your patience :)
remember your daily click! 🍉
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
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"Reunited and it feels so good! After six months apart, Mari is finally home from her trip, and today Gavin and Mari got to see their baby for the first time on the ultrasound. The joy of seeing their little one together was priceless."
Gavin: Mari, it feels so surreal to have you back home. Six months felt like an eternity.
Mari: I missed you so much, Gavin. Being apart was tough, but I’m so happy to be back now. And what a way to come home—going to our first ultrasound together!
Gavin: I’ve been counting down the days. I can’t believe we finally get to see our little one today. Are you nervous?
Mari: A little bit, but mostly just excited. I’ve been dreaming about this moment for months. How have you been holding up?
Gavin: It’s been hard without you, but I’ve been keeping busy, getting everything ready for the baby. My mom helped me set up the nursery.
Mari: That sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to see it. Thank you for taking care of everything while I was away. I felt so guilty about being gone.
Gavin: Don’t be. You’re here now. That’s all that matters. Ready to see our baby?
Mari: More than ready. I’m so excited I could burst.
(At the doctor's office, they hold hands as the ultrasound begins.)
Doctor: Alright, let’s take a look. There’s your baby!
Gavin: Wow, look at that. Hi, little one.
Mari: Oh my gosh, Gavin, look! I can’t believe that’s our baby. This is amazing.
Gavin: It’s incredible. I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl at the reveal. But right now, this is perfect.
Mari: Absolutely perfect. I love you, Gavin.
Gavin: I love you too, Mari. And I already love our baby so much.
Doctor: Everything looks great. You’ve got a healthy baby in there.
Mari: Thank you, Doctor. This is the best homecoming gift ever.
Gavin: Welcome home, Mari. Our adventure is just beginning.
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
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"Back home in Sulani, after a great reunion and making new memories."
(From left to right: Bridget, Alexander, Cassandra, Keaton, Janay, Bella, Francis, Mortimer, and Mari)
Bella: Well, Mortimer, Cassandra, Alexander, it's been wonderful being together again.
Mortimer: Thank you, Bella. Always a pleasure catching up.
Cassandra: Mom, thanks for everything. I'll miss you.
Alexander: Yeah, Mom, thanks for coming out here.
Bridget: Bye, Cassandra, Alexander. Safe travels!
Francis: Bye dad
Mari: I love you guys.
Janay: Farewell, Mortimer, Cassandra, Alexander. See you next time!
Alexander (pulls Bella and Janay aside): Hey, Mom, Janay… Can I talk to you both for a moment?
Bella: Of course, Alex. What's on your mind?
Alexander: Well, now that Cassandra and Dad have moved out… I was thinking about moving in with you.
Janay: (Surprised) Oh, Alex… Are you sure about this?
Alexander: Yeah, I miss being around family more. Plus, it's closer to my new job, also im getting sick of living in the snow, im ready to come back to civilization.
Bella: (Smiling warmly) Of course, Alex. You're always welcome to live with us.
Janay: (Nods) Absolutely, Alex. We'll make space for you.
Alexander: Thanks, Mom, Janay. It means a lot.
Bella: (Hugging Alexander) We'll figure everything out. It'll be nice to have you with us.
Janay: (thinking to herself, her smile slowly dropping): Alexander wants to move back in… But does Bella really need to keep coddling him like this?
Alexander: (Smiling gratefully) Thanks, Mom, Janay. I'm really looking forward to it.
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
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"Meanwhile the rest of the family engaged in various fun activities"
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aaliyahnav · 3 months
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"From the peaks of Mt. Komorebi, Mari musters the courage to share life-changing news with Gavin over the phone: she's expecting!"
Mari: Hey, Gavin, it's Mari. Guess where I'm calling you from?
Gavin: Hey, Mari! Let me guess, you're still in Mt. Komorebi, right?
Mari: Bingo! I'm here for another six months, can you believe it?
Gavin: Wow, that's quite the adventure! How's it going over there?
Mari: It's amazing, Gavin. The scenery, the people, everything is just so different from back home. But, you know what's even more exciting?
Gavin: What's that?
Mari: I found out something pretty life-changing. I'm pregnant.
Gavin: pauses, then his tone softens Mari, seriously? That's… that's huge news.
Mari: Yeah, it's a lot to take in, but strangely, I'm feeling really happy about it. I mean, it's unexpected, but I can't help but feel excited too.
Mari: Gavin, are you there?
Gavin: Yeah, yeah, I'm here. It's just… wow, Mari, I didn't see that coming.
Mari: I know, right? It's a bit of a shock for me too, but I can't help but feel this overwhelming sense of happiness about it.
Gavin: pauses, then chuckles Yeah, I guess we're both in for quite the adventure then, huh?
Mari: Definitely! And having you to share it with makes it all the more special.
Gavin: Thanks, Mari. I'm really glad you feel that way. We'll figure this out together, okay?
Mari: Absolutely, Gavin. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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aaliyahnav · 4 months
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"Sharing her pregnancy news with Bella, Mari navigates complex emotions, finding solace in Bella's unexpected support, while Janay grapples with her own feelings, revealing the intricate dynamics of family bonds."
### Conversation 1: Mari Telling Her Mom, Bella, She’s Pregnant
**Mari:** Mom, can we talk for a second?
**Bella:** Of course, sweetie. What's on your mind?
**Mari:** I'm pregnant.
**Bella:** Oh, Mari… I didn't expect this. I'm upset and worried about how this will affect your future, but I want you to know I'll support you no matter what.
**Mari:** I understand you're upset, but it hurts to hear that. I was hoping you'd be happier for me.
**Bella:** I'm sorry if my reaction hurt you. It's just a lot to take in, but I love you and I'm here for you.
**Mari:** Thanks, Mom. That means a lot to me.
### Conversation 2: Mari Telling Her Stepmom, Janay, She’s Pregnant
**Mari:** Janay, I need to tell you something.
**Janay:** Sure, Mari. What is it?
**Mari:** I'm pregnant.
**Janay:** What? Are you serious? How could you let this happen? Don’t expect me to help!
**Mari:** Look, I knew you wouldn't be supportive. That's why I don't really care about your opinion. You're not my real mom anyway.
**Janay:** This isn't about being your "real mom." It's about making responsible choices.
**Mari:** Whatever, Janay.
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aaliyahnav · 4 months
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"Testing fate: Mari holds her breath as she takes the pregnancy test, her future hanging on the result.”
### Mari Talking to Herself After Seeing a Positive Pregnancy Test
**Mari (sitting on the toilet, holding the positive pregnancy test):**
"Oh my God, it's positive. I'm really pregnant. I can't believe this is happening. I've always wanted a baby, but now that it's real, it feels so overwhelming. Can I really do this? Am I ready? What will Mom say? What will everyone say?
But then again, I've wanted this for so long. I can picture myself holding my baby, taking care of them, watching them grow. I want this. I really do. I know it won't be easy, but I've got to trust that I can handle it.
Okay, Mari, deep breaths. You can do this. You're going to be a mom."
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aaliyahnav · 4 months
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one of my mutals (@jeanbeansims) decided to post their simself which then inspired me to post mines!!!
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aaliyahnav · 4 months
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"Step into the glamorous world of Janay's newest culinary endeavor, where the renowned 5-star celebrity chef unveils her latest masterpiece. Join Janay as she sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience."
**Janay Closing the Restaurant for the Night:**
*As the last customers finish their meals and bid farewell, Janay moves gracefully around the restaurant, dimming the lights and tidying up tables. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingers in the air, mingling with the soft hum of conversation.*
**Janay:** (smiling warmly) Thank you all for dining with us tonight. We hope to see you again soon.
*With a flick of a switch, Janay turns off the "Open" sign, signaling that the restaurant is now closed for the night. She takes a moment to appreciate the cozy atmosphere, the familiar sounds of the kitchen winding down, and the comforting sense of accomplishment that comes with another successful day.*
**Janay:** (to herself) Another day done. It's been busy, but worth it.
*With a satisfied sigh, Janay locks the front door and flips the "Closed" sign, ready to unwind and recharge before another day of culinary delights and hospitality awaits.*
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aaliyahnav · 4 months
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"Janay and Bella tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by love and joy. Here's to their forever!"
**Bella and Janay's Wedding Dance:**
*Soft music plays as Bella and Janay take the dance floor, surrounded by their friends and family. They share a tender smile as they begin to sway to the rhythm of the music.*
**Bella:** You look stunning tonight, Janay.
**Janay:** And you, my love, are absolutely radiant. I'm so grateful to be here with you, sharing this moment.
**Bella:** Me too. Our journey together has been filled with so much love and joy. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life by your side.
*They continue to dance, their movements graceful and synchronized. Their love is palpable, filling the room with warmth and happiness.*
**Janay:** I never knew love could feel like this until I met you, Bella.
**Bella:** Likewise, Janay. You've brought so much light into my life. I'm grateful for every moment we've shared and every moment yet to come.
*As they dance, they steal glances at each other, their eyes sparkling with affection. In this simple, beautiful moment, surrounded by their loved ones, Bella and Janay are bound together by love, commitment, and the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities.*
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aaliyahnav · 4 months
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"Love's Embrace: Bella and Janay Unite, Leading Both Families to Sulani's Shores"
**Janay:** Bella, I love you.
**Bella:** I love you too, Janay.
**Janay:** *Janay holds Bella's waist gently, her heart racing with relief and happiness.*
**Bella:** *Bella reaches for Janay's face to hold it tenderly.* I’ve always wanted to run away to Sulani with the love of my life. *Bella looks Janay in the eyes, slyly smirking*
**Janay:** *Janay nods, a soft smile spreading across her face.* I can't wait.
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