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The Signs as Cats.
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only cried @ my first
When asked to describe my first practical experience
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if "pre-PT school" you saw a picture of "post-PT school" you
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Pro tip for PT school
Wear sunglasses inside. This gives you three different benefits:
1. No one knows you’re sleeping 2. No one knows you’re crying 3. No one knows you’re silently judging their gait pattern.
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Therapy jenga compete!
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TIP: if listening to ONLY ONE type of music while studying gets old, try NPR TINY DESK CONCERT playlist!
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Made me smile.  Reminds me of my favorite class in undergrad.
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What about in between? I found someone right in the middle.
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Artist / Salesman
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I made it past the first and second semesters.
Describe first semester in 1 word: Anguish Describe second semester in 1 word: Freewheel
How I think summer 1 is going to go: Hound
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When you open up the first page of an exam and you know you're about to be assaulted
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2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqUiwHTz5Hg&list=PLIPkjUW-piR2QuaJ7zaxA7X-A9netP0cK&index=7
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHyu8wtxUjQ&list=PLIPkjUW-piR2QuaJ7zaxA7X-A9netP0cK&index=9
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Week 1
What can I say.... It’s been a few weeks since submitting a post.  There is no reason except for the fact that I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the past few weeks.
Transporting to Maine:  We drove to Maine in 2 days, and stayed at a cheap hotel halfway through.  This was nice because it allowed us to have a set goal each day; and also time to relax instead of just speeding through until we were dead tired.  We also stayed in a hotel the first two nights in Maine until my bed was put together. I HIGHLY recommend booking the hotels at least 1 month in advance, because the prices shot up the night that we got to Maine.  You will save money by booking in advance.  It was definitely nice to get the bed put together. Which leads me to my next point:
Buying furniture:  If you have a small car, you’re in a time crunch, and you need your furniture FAST-- try renting an SUV.  We rented a GMC Terrain and purchased all of my bedroom furniture in 1 day, drove back, loaded the boxes into my apartment and then dropped off the car for $200.  IKEA charges about $300 to deliver, and because of the location that I was in, the next shipment was not until August 26th (my first day of orientation!)
Assembling furniture: WOW this got tedious.  The more people to help with this, the better.  My mom and I struggled by the end.  I started dreaming about screws.
Food:  Along the way, we would stop and buy ONE meal a day.  In the morning we would buy a coffee and eat a pre-packed granola bar.  I highly recommend doing this because not only will you save money, but time as well.  
Changing residency/license plates/insurance:  If you can avoid doing this, try to.  As a student, I technically did not need to switch over.  I regretted doing this because of all of the fees (over $200)  and trouble it put me through.  Look up if its worth it to switch, and how much it will cost you.
Fun time:  Make sure you get to do at least 1 thing in all the chaos.  For me, it was my birthday.  I spent a day whale watching, eating ice cream, shopping, and eventually drinking.  It is well deserved after all the work done moving, and a good relaxing thing to do before grad school starts.
Orientation:  I did a white water rafting trip with my class (pre-orientation) and it was a good thing to do before attending orientation because it eased the nerves.  Orientation day is a lot of “useless” information being thrown at you, so definitely try to take it with ease.  Don’t stress trying to introduce yourself/get to know EVERYONE-- the time will come where you meet everyone in this short period of time, and within a few weeks you will be acquainted with everyone.  I got annoyed with the ‘over eager to introduce themselves’ people... don’t be that person!
Class: Class is crazy.  I am a kinesthetic learner, so during undergrad I wrote EVERYTHING the professor was saying.  Grad school is extremely fast paced and while writing may be do-able, its not something i’d recommend.  I’m trying out using my iPad with a wireless Logitech keyboard and I've found it to be a great way to keep up with the professor and save all my notes in an organized way.  I also re-write my notes onto the printed PowerPoint. 
So it’s all very stressful but it will all be worth it in the end.  
P.s. people will want to hangout left and right, but just remember it is ok to decline!   
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Deep Water
Directors: Jerry Rothwell, Louise Osmond Year: 2006
I made it through the whole thing.  Some awesome perspective on what its like to be isolated from everyone.  Evoked some sad feels at times.  Lost my attention during slow parts.  Also, beautiful videography of open water.
It can be found on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP9wLxV41IE
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Life is either a daring adventure or nothing
Helen Keller
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Moving 900 Miles East
My parents drive their car, and I drive mine.  I bring everything except bed.  They drive home.
I drive my car, my parents rent a car.  I bring everything except bed.  They fly home.
We drive my car.  We buy almost everything.  They fly home.
My dad is freaking out about flying, and we are not sure why.  It would save them time and money.  
Portland hotels range around $80-150 for a mediocre room.  For my interview, I stayed in Motel 6 for two nights.  I witnessed the cops coming in at 3:00 am and they told the front desk that there was a homicidal man on the second floor.  Needless to stay, I wont pay $60 for a room ever again in Portland. Air B&B prices are over $100, and B&B prices are very expensive this time of year.  
I have been using Hotwire to look for rental cars and hotels.  I booked two flights with US Airways.
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