abbysfreckles · 3 years
But I Knew I Was (Not) Out Of Luck – Yelena Belova x Reader
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Morocco, 2016. Reader and Oksana are protecting the Red Dust, while Yelena and other Widows are on a mission to kill the two traitors and recover the mysterious substance. Oksana does not die. Neither does Yelena or Reader.
Word count: over 3,200
Warnings: canon typical violence; mentions of blood, guns and knives; swearing; angst; fluff and angst; angst with a happy ending.
A/N: this is an alternative ending for the But I Knew I Was Out Of Luck fic (to the anon who requested a part 2: hope this fits your request!!). same as before, no beta readers, so there might be mistakes (i did fix the mistakes i found in the previous fic tho). i think i took some liberties while talking about the Red Room’s mind control and similar stuff. i tried to revisit what was established in the movie but i gotta admit i didn’t fact check everything i wrote. is this what the kids call poetic license? sorry for taking so long, btw! i kept rereading this and didn’t know if i liked it, but decided to post anyway. if i made any mistakes or you have any suggestions, feel free to message me/ leave an inbox! but, if you do, please be nice. still g/n reader, i think? that’s it, i hope you have a good time reading this!
– They’re here! – Oksana informs. She takes the package, grabs my arm and tows me towards the exit.
In the corridor, where there are no windows and the Widows can’t see what we’re doing, I stop her.
– What are you doing? We have to go now! – She’s trying to conceal it, but I can tell she’s scared. So am I.
– No, you have to go. I have to buy you some extra time. – I free my arm from her grip and walk past her, taking my gun from its holster. I take a look around the corner: the hallway is empty.
– Have you lost your mind? They’re going to kill you!
– Oof, do you really think that little of me? I can put on a good fight. – I smirk, but she doesn’t seem to find it very funny.
She takes a step forward and touches my shoulder, serious expression forcing me to look her in the eyes.
– We need to complete the mission. You and I. – She lifts the package and pointedly looks at it. – This is the only thing that matters. It’s our responsibility to free them. She chose us because she knew we could do it.
– No, Oksana. She chose you. I just tagged along.
– Because I chose you to come with me and help me complete the mission! I need your help.
I smile and place my hand over hers.      
– You don’t. You really don’t, Oksana. You’re more than capable of doing this on your own. She knew this, that’s why she chose you. I know it too, and I believe in you. – She looks sad. It doesn’t seem like she wants to do it on her own. – I am very honored to have been chosen by you, though. Thank you for trusting me.
– Y/N... – She opens her mouth, but no words come out of it. I smile reassuringly and take her hand off of my shoulder.
– Goodbye, Oksana. Take care. – I turn around the corner and run down the stairs. Silently praying for whoever’s listening to watch over her, protect her.
When I reach the street, I slow down my pace and try to blend in. Wouldn’t want to draw unwanted attention. I look back, to check if I’m being followed. Out of nowhere, something hits me and pushes me into the street. And because I’m the luckiest person ever, a car is passing by at the same fucking time. The impact throws me on the ground and I wince in pain. The car speeds away, almost running me over.
– For fuck’s sake. – I say, getting up. Where the fuck is my gun?
– I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. – Someone says, not sounding sorry at all.
I freeze. I knew Dreykov was a fucking asshole, which is a very generous understatement, but I never thought he had sense of humour. Yet, sending the person I love the most to kill me seems very fitting.
– Yelena. – I say, voice shaking, unable to mask all the feelings running through my head.
Before I can say anything else, she launches forward, knife in hand. Acting on pure reflex, I punch her in the face. Unshaken and now maybe a little angry, she moves her arm swiftly, leaving an ugly cut on my thigh. This isn’t going well. I try to put some distance between us, but she is quick to follow me. She tries to stab me, but the move is too broad. Almost careless and sloppy. It allows me to grab her arm and push her down, subjugating her. She cries out and looks up at me, eyes big. I hesitate. What the fuck am I doing?
Taking advantage of my hesitation, Yelena acts. She drops her knife, catching it with her other hand, and slits my arm. I let go of her and step back, trying to ignore my feelings and focus. I can’t let her mess with me like that, I have a mission to complete. I have to win Oksana as much time as possible. Just then, I see my gun where it must have fallen when the car hit me. Unfortunately, Yelena follows my gaze and sees it too. We both make a run for it. Desperately, I throw myself on the ground, reaching for the gun, hoping I don’t have to pull the trigger. Yelena does the same and we wrestle on the ground.
Here’s the thing about the mind control the Red Room has over the Widows: it makes them ruthless. Removes all doubts and distractions, leaving only heartless strategy and lethal training. It doesn’t matter how hard I’m fighting: I don’t want to harm Yelena. She, on the other hand, doesn’t have much of a choice. I manage to grab the gun and she hits my nose, hard. It’s definitely bleeding. She then climbs on top of me, keeping me down effortlessly, and tries to reach for the gun. As a last resource, and more desperate than I’d like to admit, I point the gun at her.
Her expression changes and she stops. She leans back, sitting on my stomach, and attently watches me. My hands are shaking, my finger on the trigger. Then, she laughs. But it doesn’t really sound like her. It’s cold and mean, a look of disdain on her face.
– C’mon now, love. We both know you would never hurt me. – She moves, knife hovering just above my chest, but without actually touching me. – You don’t have the guts to do it.
I look at her. I wonder how much of this is the mind control and how much is actually her. I think for a moment and toss the gun away, as far as I can. There really isn’t anything left to do but accept my fate. After all, she is right: I would never hurt her.
– Go ahead. – I gently put my hand over her’s, bringing it forward, placing the tip of the knife right above my heart.
Her eyes go big and she frowns. Behind them, I can see the shadow of doubt. Maybe she expected me to try and resist her? To fight back? Well, I can’t. I really can’t. She narrows her eyes and leans a little bit closer.
– I’ll rip your heart out, then. What do you think of that?
She says it with conviction, but it seems a little fake. Or I’m just seeing things my own way, trying to convince myself she wouldn’t hurt me either.
I stare into her eyes, thinking a hundred thoughts and feeling a thousand emotions. Fuck it. If this is the day that I die, if this is the moment when it all ends, then at least I’ll be honest. I’ll die anyway, sure, but at least I’ll stay true to myself.
– My heart is yours. It’s always been yours to do as you please. – Her eyes widen again. She definitely wasn’t expecting me to say that.
It feels weird to say these things now, especially considering she probably won’t even care. It is the absolute truth, though. I’d willingly give it to her, if she asked. I huff out a little chuckle and smile sadly.
– And honestly? I’d rather die by your hands than anyone else’s. I’d rather your green eyes be the last thing I’ll ever see. That is, if you’d allow me that luxury.
Her eyes are hard to read. I can’t tell if she was touched by what I said or if she’s still trying to process my lack of resistance. But at least I can tell she doesn’t seem to be pleased.
I raise my hand tentatively towards her face, but stop midway.
– Can I? – I ask for her consent. It seems to be more important than ever now.
She doesn’t say anything, but I’m pretty sure I could see tears starting to pool her eyes. Or I was just imagining them, trying to make myself feel better about being murdered by the mind controled version of the love of my life.
I start to bring my hand closer to her face, slow enough so she could stop me if she didn’t want me to touch her. Again, she doesn’t say anything. She just looks at me. When my touch finally reaches her skin, she closes her eyes and her expression seems to relax ever so slightly.
I gently cup her face, running my thumb over her cheek. My other hand still over hers, over her knife above my heart. I try to memorize all the little details of her. The tip of her nose, the curve of her lashes, the arch of her brows, the color of her lips. Her mouth agape, the same way she’s always done it when anticipating something. Her hair was in her classical hairdo, pretty blonde hair carefully tucked in pretty Dutch braids. I’ve always loved the way she braided her hair. Mindlessly, I tuck in behind her ear a little rebel strand, something that was more muscle memory than conscient action. My fingers brush past the piercing at the top of her ear. A stupid smile dances on my lips. She’s still using the jewelry I gave her. When I look back at her face, her eyes are open and she’s carefully watching me. I’ve always loved her eyes. Before meeting her, I wasn’t that big of a fan of green. But now it was my favorite color. Not just any green though, no, the specific shade of green of her irises. It’s so fucking beautiful. I sigh and smile, looking at her like she’s the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen my entire life. And it does feel like I’m out of breath. I don’t know if it’s because of the tears I’m trying so hard to hold back, the terrifying realization that I’m probably about to die or the overwhelming love I feel for her, but it feels really hard to breathe. I take one last look at her face.
– Yelena. – I say her name with all the softness and adoration I have in me. – I love you. More than anything in the entire world. And if there are other worlds, other universes after this one, I will love you there too.
Her breath hitches and for a fraction of second she seems vulnerable. Then, something breaks the moment. She looks up, as if someone had called out her name. She covers her ear with her hand and looks around, searching. Then she looks at me.
– I have one of the targets. The other one got away. – Oh, so that’s what she heard. She listens very closely to whatever she’s being told and then nods. – I’ll neutralize this target and meet you there.
Yeah, this will definitely be the day that I die.
She looks down and I feel the tip of the knife digging into my chest, a light sting on my skin. But it doesn’t go any deeper. She looks back up at me. Unsure and maybe even unwilling. I know that if she tries to resist the mind control she’s probably going to be eliminated. I can’t let her die too.
– It’s okay. – I say, trying to sound reassuring. – Just let me take one last look at you, yeah?
As much as I’d love to just forget the world and let this moment drag on forever, it would be a very selfish thing to do. So I take a deep breath, bracing myself for what’s about to happen, and nod, giving her permission to finish it.
She sniffs softly and starts to press the knife down. Just then, I see Oksana creeping up behind her. Before I can even say anything, she sprays Yelena with the Red Dust. It takes her completely off guard. She shakes her head and grimaces, bringing her hands to her face. Fingers over her eyelids, like she’s trying to brush the Dust away. When she opens her eyes again, they shide red for a second, quickly returning to their usual green. I watch her every move, absolutely still. Anticipation burns me from the inside out. Please come back to me, the silent prayer echoes my mind. Please, please come back to me.
Then, she looks down. She seems confused and disoriented, but lucid. I think it worked.
– Y/N. – Yelena breathes.
She drops her knife and cups my face with both hands. I smile, incredulous. It worked. It really worked. Yelena smiles back and pulls me up, hugging me tight. I wrap my arms around her, holding her as close as I can. No mind control or crazy science could get her out of my embrace, not even Dreykov or the Taskmaster. She pulls back and holds my face in her hands again, looking soft and content. Then, she frowns.
– What happened to your nose? – She inquires, worried. Her frown deepens and she starts checking me for other bruises. She grabs my arm and sees the cut. – Was it me?
I shake my head and try to hide my arm behind my back, but she holds my hand, keeping my arm where it is.
– It doesn’t matter. – I answer. She opens her mouth to protest, but I’m faster. – It wasn’t your fault. You were being mind controlled and I was hurting you. You had no choice.
Judging by her expression, she’s not convinced.
– Hey, this is nothing compared to the injuries I get from training with you. I’ll survive. – I joke, trying to make her smile. She smirks, but still looks upset. – Please, Lena. I’m okay, really. You’re free to make your own choices now and that makes it all worth it. I’d have laid down my life for you, if that’s what it’d have taken.
She smiles, eyes watery.
– I’m glad that wasn’t necessary.
We both laugh.
– Yeah, me too.
She leans in to kiss me, but stops a mere inch away, letting me decide if I want to close the distance or not. I chuckle and press my lips on hers, ever so softly.
– I don’t mean to ruin the mood, but we should go look for the others. – Oksana throws an empty little vial to us. – I’m pretty sure we’ve got enough Red Dust for everyone.
Yelena looks up at her.
– And I happen to know exactly where they are.
She gets up and offers me her hand. I take it and she pulls me up. The three of us jog down the street, to where Yelena was supposed to meet the others. Yelena is still holding my hand.
We stop at an alley, a block away from the building.
– They’re supposed to be at the rooftop, waiting for me. – She says, focused.
Yelena and Oksana quickly put together a mission plan, but I just stay there, quietly listening.
– Wait. – I say, squeezing Yelena’s hand to get her attention. – Before we do this, I... I need to talk to you. It’s important.
– I’ll check our surroundings, see if it’s all clear. – Oksana says, giving us some privacy.
We watch her walk away. Then, Yelena turns to me, apprehensive.
– Is everything okay? – She asks. Her thumb is making small circles in the back of my hand.
– I’m sorry. – I blurt out. I avert my eyes, ashamed. – I’m sorry for leaving you behind. I should have brought you with us. I should have taken you out of that...
– Stop, stop. – Yelena says. She brings her hand to my chin, tilting it up slightly, making me look at her. – It would have been risky and could have backfired. And if it did, Dreykov would have the Red Dust and you and Oksana would be dead. You did what you had to do. And it all worked out in the end.
– What if it didn’t? What if something happened to you? I’d never forgive myself.
– But nothing happened, Y/N. I’m okay. – She brings our linked hands to her lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of my hand.
She looks into my eyes, lips still pressed on my skin. I can’t help but wonder what if something did happen to her. What if they had tortured her to try and discover where Oksana and I could have gone? What if they had made her pay for what the two of us did? This train of thought reaches its inevitable conclusion: what if they had killed her?
My eyes teared up for what felt like the hundredth time and I slowly opened my mouth to speak.
– What if they did something to you?
Yelena’s expression changed slightly and she let go of my hand. I didn’t even have time to miss the warmth of her touch though, ‘cause she immediately pulled me closer and held me tight. We stayed like this, in silence, for a little while. Dwelling on each other’s presence, lost in our own thoughts.
– If I’m being honest... – Yelena stopped speaking and took a deep breath.
I stayed still, anxiously waiting. I didn’t know what she was about to say, but her tone made my stomach drop.
– I was angry at first. Very angry. I couldn’t fight the feeling that you had abandoned me. That you had decided I wasn’t worth the trouble and just left. – She scoffs and shakes her head slightly. – I know that sounds stupid. You left because you had a mission. And even if there was no mission, you would’ve left because you wanted a better life. You know, not to be mind controlled most of the time. But I just couldn’t help the bitter feeling that you had abandoned me.
I wanted to say something, but I kept quiet. Instead, I hid my face on the crook of her neck and closed my eyes. If feelings could kill, the guilt I was feeling right now would’ve gotten me dead in her arms in no time. I wanted to be able to go back in time, find a different way to have dealt with this. Maybe I could have left her a note, a sign, anything that showed her how much I loved her, made her know that I would be coming back for her and, in the meantime, would be thinking of her at every step of the way. I did this for Oksana and the others, of course, but I also did it for her. It’s always for her.
Yelena moves back just far enough for her to look me in the eyes.
– The only thing that matters now is that we’re both here, alive. Whatever it was that made it all work, fate, luck, the power of love... – She smirks. It brings a little smile to my face. – What matters is that everything worked out. Things could have gone wrong, but they didn’t. We’re together now and I’m sure we can handle pretty much anything life throws our way.
I nod, slowly. She’s right. Countless things could have gone wrong. She could have killed me, had Oksana taken a second longer to find us. But it all worked out. We’re together now.
– I’ll never leave your side again. Ever. Wherever you go, I’ll follow.
She smirks again, goofy expression on her face.
– Oh, yeah?
– Yeah. You’re stuck with me, Belova.
She smiles and leans in, pressing our foreheads together.
– Sounds good to me.
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abbysfreckles · 3 years
Pt 2 of yelena fic, yelenas reaction? Or something pls
i could definitely write something! i don't feel very confident writing just her reaction, i gotta admit. but i could write a pt 2 in which yelena tries to find solace in a good memory of them (of when they were together, maybe?) with her reaction at the end of the fic or an alternative ending to the original fic in which reader doesn't die. what do think? what would you prefer? feel free to add as many details to your request as possible, if you want! helps me understand better what you'd like and visualize the fic better.
thank you for reading my fic by the way 🥺💞
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abbysfreckles · 3 years
But I Knew I Was Out Of Luck - Yelena Belova X Reader
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Morocco, 2016. Reader and Oksana are protecting the Red Dust, while Yelena and other Widows are on a mission to kill the two traitors and recover the mysterious substance. Oksana does not die.
Word count: over 1,900
Warnings: canon typical violence; mentions of blood, guns and knives; swearing; character death; no happy ending; angst.
A/N: i’ve been trying to gather up enough courage to post a fic for ages and now here it is! i haven’t written anything in a while, so i’m still kind of rusty. plus i had never posted any of my fics (until now) and i don’t have any beta readers, so this might be incredibly bad lol. if i made any mistakes or you have any suggestions, please message me/ leave an ask! but, if you do, please be nice. it’s written in the first person cause it comes easier to me, but it’s a “x reader” fic! also, i don’t think i’ve used any pronouns or gendered descriptions for reader, so g/n reader, i guess? i hope you enjoy it!
– They’re here! – Oksana informs. She takes the package, grabs my arm and tows me towards the exit.
In the corridor, where there are no windows and the Widows can’t see what we’re doing, I stop her.
– What are you doing? We have to go now! – She’s trying to conceal it, but I can tell she’s scared. So am I.
– No, you have to go. I have to buy you some extra time. – I free my arm from her grip and walk past her, taking my gun from its holster. I take a look around the corner: the hallway is empty.
– Have you lost your mind? They’re going to kill you!
– Oof, do you really think that little of me? I can put on a good fight. – I smirk, but she doesn’t seem to find it very funny.
She takes a step forward and touches my shoulder, serious expression forcing me to look her in the eyes.
– We need to complete the mission. You and I. – She lifts the package and pointedly looks at it. – This is the only thing that matters. It’s our responsibility to free them. She chose us because she knew we could do it.
– No, Oksana. She chose you. I just tagged along.
– Because I chose you to come with me and help me complete the mission! I need your help.
I smile and place my hand over hers.
– You don’t. You really don’t, Oksana. You’re more than capable of doing this on your own. She knew this, that’s why she chose you. I know it too, and I believe in you. – She looks sad. It doesn’t seem like she wants to do it on her own. – I am very honored to. Thank you for trusting me.
– Y/N... – She opens her mouth, but no words come out of it. I smile reassuringly and take her hand off of my shoulder.
– Goodbye, Oksana. Take care. – I turn around the corner and run down the stairs. Silently praying for whoever’s listening to watch over her, protect her.
When I reach the street, I slow down my pace and try to blend in. Wouldn’t want to draw unwanted attention. I look back, to check if I’m being followed. Out of nowhere, something hits me and pushes me into the street. And because I’m the luckiest person ever, a car is passing by at the same fucking time. The impact throws me on the ground and I wince in pain. The car speeds away, almost running me over.
– For fuck’s sake. – I say, getting up. Where the fuck is my gun?
– I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. – Someone says, not sounding sorry at all.
I freeze. I knew Dreykov was a fucking asshole, which is a very generous understatement, but I never thought he had sense of humour. Yet, sending the person I love the most to kill me seems very fitting.
– Yelena. – I say, voice shaking, unable to mask all the feelings running through my head.
Before I could say anything else, she launches forward, knife in hand. Acting on pure reflex, I punch her in the face. Unshaken and now maybe a little angry, she moves her arm swiftly, leaving an ugly cut on my thigh. This isn’t going well. I try to put some distance between us, but she is quick to follow me. She tries to stab me, but the move is too broad. Almost careless and sloppy. It allows me to grab her arm and push her down, subjugating her. She cries out and looks up at me, eyes big. I hesitate. What the fuck am I doing?
Taking advantage of my hesitation, Yelena acts. She drops her knife, catching it with her other hand, and slits my arm. I let go of her and step back, trying to ignore my feelings and focus. I can’t let her mess with me like that, I have a mission to complete. I have to win Oksana as much time as possible. Just then, I see my gun where it must have fallen when the car hit me. Unfortunately, Yelena follows my gaze and sees it too. We both make a run for it. Desperately, I throw myself on the ground, reaching for the gun, hoping I don’t have to pull the trigger. Yelena does the same and we wrestle on the ground.
Here’s the thing about the mind control the Red Room has over the Widows: it makes them ruthless. Removes all doubts and distractions, leaving only heartless strategy and lethal training. It doesn’t matter how hard I’m fighting: I don’t want to harm Yelena. She, on the other hand, doesn’t have much of a choice. I manage to grab the gun and she hits my nose, hard. It’s definitely bleeding. She then climbs on top of me, keeping me down effortlessly, and tries to reach for the gun. As a last resource, and more desperate than I’d like to admit, I point the gun at her.
Her expression changes and she stops. She leans back, sitting on my stomach, and attently watches me. My hands are shaking, my finger on the trigger. Then, she laughs. But it doesn’t really sound like her. It’s cold and mean, a look of disdain on her face.
– C’mon now, love. We both know you would never hurt me. – She moves, knife hovering just above my chest, but without actually touching me. – You don’t have the guts to do it.
I look at her. I wonder how much of this is the mind control and how much is actually her. I think for a moment and toss the gun away, as far as I can. There really isn’t anything left to do but accept my fate. After all, she is right: I would never hurt her.
– Go ahead. – I gently put my hand over her’s, bringing it forward, placing the tip of the knife right above my heart.
Her eyes go big and she frowns. Behind them, I can see the shadow of doubt. Maybe she expected me to try and resist her? To fight back? Well, I can’t. I really can’t. She narrows her eyes and leans a little bit closer.
– I’ll rip your heart out, then. What do you think of that?
She says it with conviction, but it seems a little fake. Or I’m just seeing things my own way, trying to convince myself she wouldn’t hurt me either.
I stare into her eyes, thinking a hundred thoughts and feeling a thousand emotions. Fuck it. If this is the day that I die, if this is the moment when it all ends, then at least I’ll be honest. I’ll die anyway, sure, but at least I’ll stay true to myself.
– My heart is yours. It’s always been yours to do as you please. – Her eyes widen again. She definitely wasn’t expecting me to say that.
It feels weird to say these things now, especially considering she probably won’t even care. ?. And it is the absolute truth. I’d willingly give it to her, if she asked. I huff out a little chuckle and smile sadly.
– And honestly? I’d rather die by your hands than anyone else’s. I’d rather your green eyes be the last thing I’ll ever see. That is, if you’d allow me that luxury.
Her eyes are hard to read. I can’t tell if she was touched by what I said or if she’s still trying to process my lack of resistance. But at least I can tell she doesn’t seem to be pleased.
I raise my hand tentatively towards her face, but stop midway.
– Can I? – I ask for her consent. It seems to be more important than ever now.
She doesn’t say anything, but I’m pretty sure I could see tears starting to pool her eyes. Or I was just imagining them, trying to make myself feel better about being murdered by the mind controled version of the love of my life.
I start to bring my hand closer to her face, slow enough so she could stop me if she didn’t want me to touch her. Again, she doesn’t say anything. She just looks at me. When my touch finally reaches her skin, she closes her eyes and her expression seems to relax ever so slightly.
I gently cup her face, running my thumb over her cheek. My other hand still over hers, over her knife above my heart. I try to memorize all the little details of her. The tip of her nose, the curve of her lashes, the arch of her brows, the color of her lips. Her mouth agape, the same way she’s always done it when anticipating something. Her hair was in her classical hairdo, pretty blonde hair carefully tucked in pretty Dutch braids. I’ve always loved the way she braided her hair. Mindlessly, I tuck in behind her ear a little rebel strand, something that was more muscle memory than conscient action. My fingers brush past the piercing at the top of her ear. A stupid smile dances on my lips. She’s still using the jewelry I gave her. When I look back at her face, her eyes are open and she’s carefully watching me. I’ve always loved her eyes. Before meeting her, I wasn’t that big of a fan of green. But now it was my favorite color. Not just any green though, no, the specific shade of green of her irises. It’s so fucking beautiful. I sigh and smile, looking at her like she’s the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen my entire life. And it does feel like I’m out of breath. I don’t know if it’s because of the tears I’m trying so hard to hold back, the terrifying realization that I’m probably about to die or the overwhelming love I feel for her, but it feels really hard to breathe. I take one last look at her face.
– Yelena. – I say her name with all the softness and adoration I have in me. – I love you. More than anything in the entire world. And if there are other worlds, other universes after this one, I will love you there too.
Her breath hitches and for a fraction of second she seems vulnerable. Then, something breaks the moment. She looks up, as if someone had called out her name. She covers her ear with her hand and looks around, searching. Then she looks at me.
– I have one of the targets. The other one got away. – Oh, so that’s what she heard. She listens very closely to whatever she’s being told and then nods. – I’ll neutralize this target and meet you there.
Yeah, this will definitely be the day that I die.
She looks down and I feel the tip of the knife digging into my chest, a light sting on my skin. But it doesn’t go any deeper. She looks back up at me. Unsure and maybe even unwilling. I know that if she tries to resist the mind control she’s probably going to be eliminated. I can’t let her die too.
– It’s okay. – I say, trying to sound reassuring. I nod, tightening my grip on her hand, helping her dig the knife in.
As she sinks the knife into my heart, I see Oksana creeping up behind her.
She sprays Yelena with the Red Dust.
The last thing I see are Yelena’s eyes. Confused and disoriented, but lucid. And sad. Just before it all disappears, I swear I can see her crying.
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abbysfreckles · 3 years
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like or reblog if you save
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