abearstateofmind · 1 year
Hey, your intrusive thoughts don’t manifest even if/when they feel very, very real to you. Deities aren’t making your impulsivity into reality, you’re not manipulating the universe by having an urge, thoughts induced by mental illness lack intent because you didn’t consciously control their appearance. You’re okay.
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
People talk about how urban witchcraft can be hard because you have no access to nature, which I don't agree with. There are animals and plants everywhere, even though people tend to scorn the ones that thrive in an urban environment. Like yeah it would be nice to have easy access to some woods, but you've got weeds, you've got rats and raccoons -- you can make do.
The real problem with urban witchcraft is the lack of damn privacy. I can't even get ecstatic around a bonfire because my neighbors are ten feet away and I still have to face them every day.
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
Dealing with religious or spiritual trauma is one of the loneliest things is the world
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
Today's gender: Bear. Eating salmon, taking naps, stealing snacks. 🐻
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
I've got a sea shell that whispers strange things into my ear
I've got a heart of sponge that swells with sadness
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
"i’m a plant that grows on rocks and lives off insects that die inside of me"
hbo’s succession is an insane fucking show because remember when they said “he never saw anything he loved that he didn’t wanna kick just to see if it would still come back” and when they said “life’s not knights on horseback. it’s a number on a piece of paper; it’s a fight for a knife in the mud” and when they said “you know this is just fun, right? there’s no god, there’s no anything. there’s just people in rooms trying to be happy” and when they said “what could you possibly kill, that you loved so much, it would make the sun rise again?” and when they said “i love you. i can’t forgive you” and when they said “i wonder if the sad i’d be without you would be less than the sad i get from being with you” and when they said “the good thing about a family that doesn’t love you is that you learn to live without it. you’re needy love sponges and i’m a plant that grows on rocks and lives off insects that die inside of me” and when they said “we think these grand horror things, at times like these, these ice shelves are gonna come at us in the night and take our heads off. its not true. he was an old bastard. and he loved you” and when they said-
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
Shout out to people who have complicated/complex genders
Shout out to people who are genderless
Shout out to people who don't use/have labels to describe their gender
Shout out to people who are still questioning their gender
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
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Whoof. Well THAT'S giving me food for thought, because OF COURSE but I have to reexamine everything I ever learned. You know?
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
And this is usually so tough to explain that hopefully Good Omens S2 will start sparking some conversations
I love how Good Omens show two different sides of how religious trauma can appear. On the one side you have the cast out / apostate, being being forcibly kicked out or leaving voluntarily because how you viewed faith changed. And then the other side of having one foot out and one foot in, wanting to stick to what feels safe and familiar despite the feeling of doubt and wanting to do what feels right to you without disappointing others/god in that faith
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abearstateofmind · 1 year
☽Portuguese Folk Witchcraft Terms☾
Note: This is a working list, will be adding terms with time and link to any related posts I make First, portuguese folk witchcraft shares a lot of practices with Italian, Greek, and Spanish practices - due to them having the same origin/influence from the classical period. It's pretty much divided into healing, curses, prayers and fae - which is how I will divide this list. This knowledge comes from my own folk experience as a portuguese person, academic and spiritual books, and folk books. I will call portuguese witchcraft Bruxaria (pronounced the same as Brujeria but with a shh sound) to make it easier and more identifiable.
☽ In terms of Healing ☾
Mau-olhado: Evil-eye or Evil-Looking.
When someone looks at you with bad intent, thinks of you with bad intent or seeking that you fail, speaks ill of you or with you. This may be accidental or on purpose. People with Mau-Olhado are the ones inflicted by it, not the ones who inflict - and tend to feel "off", like there is a negative cloud around them or like they have a streak of bad luck. It is more common to speak of Mau-Olhado as a disease (like having a cold) than as a curse, and most healing Bruxaria centers around healing Mau-Olhado.
Pronounced Mau as in Mouse, O as Ovid, lha as in Lamma, do as in Doing.
Quebranto: Breakage.
A state of being associated with being full of Mau-Olhado - meaning the same person has been thinking ill of you many times or many people think ill of you. Comes with feelings of being pulled down, sighing, coughing, yawning, falling asleep suddenly, not having energy to move, falling down many times (note: if you are feeling this way, refer to a medical professional before taking a spiritual approach). Also refers to the very act of healing Quebranto - Doing Quebranto.
Pronounced Queb like Quebec, ran like Ranger, to like Today.
Benzer: Bless.
The act of healing someone through spiritual action, prayer or both. Prayers used for this act are called Benzeduras (look further down). When healing trough spiritual means, you are always doing the act of Benzer.
Pronounced Ben as in Benedict, Z as in Zebra, er as in Earth.
Mesinha: Little Table (literal), Table Healing (meaning)
Little recipes that aid in small ailments physical, mental and spiritual, such as colds, sore throats, balding, infections, anxiety, broken heart etc. (note: again, check a doctor before spiritual solutions). Usually done with ingredients found in the common kitchen.
Pronounced Me as in Medic, si as in Zit, nh as in Doing, a as in Atone.
☽ In terms of Curses ☾
Praga: Plague/Hex
The act of manifesting that something bad happens to someone, through spiritual action or saying. Saying out loud "I hope X breaks a leg" is an example of a Praga. They can go from small inconveniences to very violent or even fatal, and can be returned to the sender. Pronounced Pra as in Prague, ga as in Gabrielle.
Agoiro: Misfortune/Prediction
The act of saying something bad will happen before it does and belief that if you say bad things will happen, the universe places said bad things in your path. May also be a divination of a terrible event that must not be said out loud so it does not happen. Some people may use Agoiros against others to see them suffer, even if they do too.
Pronounced Ag as in Hag, Oi as in Toy, ro as in Rose.
Amarração: Tying
The act of forcing two people to be together, idependently from their real feelings. Even in older generations, it is frowned upon, even though it is one of the most common forms of portuguese cursing you will find. Can be broken, but leaves lasting effects.
Pronounced Ama as in Alabama, rra as in Rabbit, ção as in Saul.
☽ In terms of Prayers ☾
Benzedura: Blessing
The prayer you say when healing someone spiritually when together with a spiritual act. This prayer usually calls on Saints/Holy Beings that are patrons of the specific ailment and urges it to leave the persons body.
Pronounced Ben as in Benedict, Ze as in Case, Du as in Dune, Ra as in Zebra.
Reza: Prayer
The folk word for Prayer. Refers to any prayer done without a spiritual act to go with it, meaning, just said out loud. Is used even more to refer to prayers that manifest positive things.
Pronounced Re as in Respond, Za as in Pizza.
☽ In terms of Fae ☾
Fada: Faery
Just the word for Fae. Spirits that are not Divine and not completely human. Also used to refer to witches, but thats a post on it's own.
Pronounced F as in Fae, a as in Grampa, da as in Danielle
Fadário: Fate
The punishment or quest a Fada must acomplish to pass on/become human again. Usually applied to Fadas that were once human.
Pronounced Fad as in Fad, á as in Grampa, ri as in Rihanna, o as in Ovid
Alma-Penada: Punished Soul
Any Fada that is the soul of a dead person that now atones for it's actions while alive or must accomplish a Fadário. Not usually called a Fada in folk conversation, even though it technically is one.
Pronounced Al as in Alabama, ma as in Math, Pen as in Peninsula, ada as in Nevada
Duende: Usually translated to Gnome
Any Fada that helps with the house work. Usually a representation of the house spirit itself. May also cause issues around the house and needs frequent communication.
Pronounced Du as in Dune, end as in End, e as in Fade.
Moura: No translation, maybe Dead Woman
Any Fada that has a feminine look, usually seducing, with a broken heart or murderous intent and great treasures or knowledge.
Pronounced Mou as in Morning, ra as in Rabbit.
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abearstateofmind · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's day
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abearstateofmind · 2 years
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The only good super bowl is a superb owl :)
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abearstateofmind · 2 years
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Eurovision 2023 | Spain 🇪🇸 | Blanca Paloma | Eaea
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abearstateofmind · 2 years
The basic sanity of one's existence can be realized by having some notion of sacredness. Usually in life, when we act, when we exist, we tend to have a very wretched and small notion of what we are doing. Sometimes, we try to be good boys and girls. We struggle, taking our journey stitch by stitch. We go to sleep at night, we get up the next day, and we struggle to lead our life. The ordinary approach to that is undignified and very small, like flat Coca Cola. Sometimes we feel better, we try to cheer up, and it feels pretty good. But then, behind that, there is the same familiar "me" haunting us all the time. We don't have to be that way, at all. We actually could see our world as a big world and see ourselves as open and vast. We can see our world as sacred. Seeing our world as sacred is the key to bringing together the sun of wisdom with the moon of wakefulness.
~Trungpa Rinpoche, Talk Five of "Warriorship in the Three Yanas," August 1978, Rocky Mountain Dharma Center
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abearstateofmind · 2 years
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abearstateofmind · 2 years
I honestly thought the second event was the finale of "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!". But if Saarländischer Rundfunk chose this Sunday to air their only "Tatort" episode of the year, that was bold and I appreciate them for that
#ibes #ichbineinstar #tatort #esc #Eurovision
europeans get 2 nights a year to be absolutely unacceptably annoying: eurovision final, and tatort saarbrücken new episode night
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