abecamacho · 5 years
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Have you ever heard a song that just takes you back? I mean takes you back to a specific time, place, car, parking lot, with a particular person…or maybe a song that takes you waaaay back… to the bell ringing for nutrition break…remember those? Running to get a snack and a break before having to go to class. I’ve always been fascinated with the power of music and how it hi jacks your life and immediately transports you to another time, another place, another YOU.
There was this particular song by the reverend DRAKE himself, “in my feelings” Do you remember it? It was a huge viral phenomenon because of a dance that went with it. In case you don’t remember how it goes… allow me to refresh your memory:
Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me
'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
This song absolutely would take over you the moment it came on! But actually, it’s not that the song has taken over you, but that song made you feel some kind of way and now that feeling has take over you!
It’s great to have feelings, its just not great when the feelings have you! 
To live a life of freedom I don’t mean leaving your job and your home and moving to the countryside! I mean a real freedom, a soul level freedom. Your soul is made up of 3 parts: your mind, your will and your emotions! Today I want to five you 3 very simple yet powerful things that can help you be on top of things as it pertains to feelings. To have them and for them not to have you!
 1. GROW UP 
Aging is inevitable, growth is optional. The sun will rise tomorrow but it doesn’t mean its a new day if you are the same person. It’s not a NEW DAY if it’s still the OLD YOU! The old bitterness, the old grudge. A lot of people don’t want to grow up, but want to be treated  like they’re grown. My daughter Lux sometimes puts on my wife’s shoes and pretends she’s grown, that’s how some of us look… grown on the inside but childish on the inside.  Some people are Spiritual Giants but Emotional babies. 
I’m not saying that God’s trying to get rid of your emotions, he created you in His image, He has emotions. The difference between His feelings and ours, is that his feelings don’t drive him to destructive behavior. Your emotions are meant to be your source of passion. Have you aver seen a fire? It attracts multitudes, passion is that fire that attracts multitudes, but how you handle your emotions you will either inspire people with your passionate life or burn people with your petty life. I want my emotions to inspire people.
 2. STAY PUT (Stop  being a slave to your feelings)
Don’t let your now moment dictate your next move.  God wants us to get to a point where we say “even though I feel it, im not going to be moved by it”
Some of us need to just CHILL OUT. We make drama at night over small things and next morning we’re like… whaaa? i didn’t say that. And before we know it we make a mess of our future for not being mature in our present. 
Feelings come and feelings go. I’m not building my life on what’s temporary, though I might feel that way now, I must wait and see if thats the truth or just my emotional perception of the truth. We must lear to slow down before we break down. What do I mean by that? Let’s not reach but let’s respond. Im not sayin to stay in relationships that are abusive, or to settle in something that’s not at your standard, what I do mean is that sometimes we run away from circumstances because it simply doesn’t feel good, but not everything that feels good brings life, and not everything that feels bad brings death. Maybe you are supposed to exit, but they way you do it matters too!
 3. DO WORK (I’ts going to take work to be free from your feelings)
A lot of people have the excuse is that you were just dealt the wrong cares… maybe have nothing to build with… but its not about having beautiful materials but seeing the beauty in the materials you do have. How? If you want to change what you see, you gotta change what you say. Remember when you were happy with the car you had, until your friend rolled up with their car? What happened? You were happy, but no you fell in the trap of comparison! It tajes work to be grateful, it takes work to respond. Here’s my advice to make emotional stability a reality in your life, stop hating, start celebrating! Trust me, it will change your life!
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abecamacho · 5 years
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Have you ever felt invisible? I don’t mean like having the mutant power of invisibility at will,  because that would be awesome. I mean invisible as in unseen, unheard, unappreciated, underestimated, undervalued. I’ll never forget those moments where i would be in a room filled with people and felt like i was the only one with no one to talk to. I used to waste hours a day scrolling the infinite social media feed only to convince myself that I didn’t have anything going on nearly as cool enough as apparently every other single person i followed. I had become obsessed with others lives, or at least the life they projected to have…
The truth is that there’s a lot of weight to the known cliche about social media: People post their best and hide the rest and this can sometimes make you feel like you are not worth getting a second look from anyone. And even know you know that you’re life isn’t worth any less than others, you can still feel lost, irrelevant,  invisible. This is something that I have learned to overcome and choose continue to overcome in my daily life! To see me, to love me and to fight the comparisons. Here’s a few thoughts that i hope will help anyone who feels invisible today.
You got FOMO.
If you don’t know by now, fomo stands for Fear Of Missing Out: Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often caused by posts seen on a social media. This is a very real thing that produces social anxiety that you might be missing out… on what? On an opportunity to be seen! When you become so impressed with someone else’s life you can become embarrassed of your own. You are so unique, so special, and so needed. Culture needs you! Stop playing the supporting character role in your own life movie! If you don’t learn to bet on yourself, why should others! I aim to remind myself of all the blessings God has given me, how good life is, how i may not be where i want to be but at least i’m not where i deserve to be. People may think that’s selfish, overly confident, but i have never seen anyone make an impact of value in someone else’s life when they didn’t value their own. Make where you are the big leagues, bet on yourself, love yourself, learn about who you are, you are more fun, exciting and unique that you give yourself credit. You are not missing out, you are warming up.
You got planted.
Everyone wants to be platformed, not everyone wants to be planted. But here’s the harsh reality… you will not be platformed unless you are planted. Why? Because God does not have a small call on your life, he has such an incredible call, influence, blessing, life planned for you, but it’s to much for you to carry without the proper foundation. The reason why you feel unseen is because you are planted, and you will remain planted as long as it takes for you to build up the strong enough roots necessary to be able to hold up the weight of the fruit God has planned for you to bear. The only way to sabotage the process is to fight the anxiety of feeling unseen. You are not invisible, you are planted, the one who planted you knows you are there, and he knows one they you will break through the dirt, and everyone will see you and the strength you need to fight the battles of being seen will be in you, developed in the time you felt unseen.
You got time.
Small platforms take small processes, but you’re not called to step on to small platforms. Nothing about what God wants you to accomplish ends in a small way, it might start small but it will eventually increase. If you feel unseen, maybe its just not your time, and if it’s not your time, who’s is it? Who in your world have you been cheating out of your support because everything has to always be about you! If you’re not about them when its theirs, they won’t be about you when its yours! you reap what you sow, if you make others feel seen, they will return the favor! IF you want to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, start by celebrating,  honoring and acknowledging the great things those around you are accomplishing… an honorable person always attract honor. Those who see others are seen. Remember when you felt like the world was about to end because of a mistake you made… and it didn’t? Don’t forget that. You got time. Take your shot, if you get rejected, try again. If you fail, tray again. If you get hurt, try again. You haven’t gotten your best idea, you haven’t lived your best day, keep trying and growing, learning and sharpening your skill now in the midst of obscurity, so when It is your time to be seen, you will be someone worth keeping an eye on.  Live in the moment, appreciate life and know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that YOU ARE SEEN!
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abecamacho · 5 years
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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “How to Impact Culture when You Are Not in Charge” PODCAST out now.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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I change my mind a lot… am I the only one? Im ok with changing my mind as long as it’s because my mind is learning, growing, expanding from what may have been a smaller view to a greater view of my life or others. I recently re-read this verse where it talks about the renewal of the mind… and it made me… think, why is it that in order to be transformed must I change my mind?
I thought the whole point of christianity was that the moment I accepted Jesus everything would change! I would want to be better, live better, think better… I was wrong. God loves us so much he wants us to choose Him, and this free will he gives us is so much more than just a way for us to strengthen our faith in Him, it is the avenue in which we are able to partner with God in order to make incredible things happen here in our world. So, I changed my mind, I decided to make statements which reflected not only what God has done in me but what God wants to do with me, and throughout me… Heres a few of those thoughts, hope you can connect with them.
I can only make a difference when I own what makes me different.
Society will only accept you if you’re the same but will only respect you if you’re different, thats a fact. Everyone wants to fit in, and the majority can, but you can’t , have you ever wondered why? It’s because God has given you the gift of leadership. God does not design leaders in a way that they fit with the followers, so why would you fit in with the crowd? The way to lead the multitudes its not by trying to be like them, because the moment you try to be like them they are leading you. God has called us to be in this world but not of it, so what does that mean? Own what makes you different! Your call, your purpose, your destiny, Jesus within you! God is looking for leaders who will not check in the coat of greatness at the door in order to not stand out, but that will look at the world, knowing it will speak up and criticize them for wearing the coat that makes them stand out… but whenever you feel like that… wear your coat anyway.
I don’t play hard to get, I am hard to get.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that you won’t value a thing when you don’t know its worth. Same with your self, so many play themselves down or accept unfair or out right abusive treatment from others and it begins with them not knowing how much they are worth. When you don’t know what you are worth every temptation will be your downfall, every person will be enough to settle for and every offer will be taken. But, let me tell you something, YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH! You are so valuable, valuable enough for God to send His Son to die for you. He has paid it all for YOU, you have a call, a destiny, a purpose and as long as there’s a heartbeat inside of you there is greatness inside of you. There’s no one else like you and there never will be. Stop settling for the world’s happy meal when God has reserved a 5 star meal for you.
I don’t have anything to prove, but I do have proof.
Getting ahead in life does not mean being better than those around you, but being better than the person you were yesterday. The greatness God has placed within you was never meant to breed arrogance but to breathe humility. There are a million reasons why we should choose to be humble, and if we don’t pick one privately God will pick one publicly. That’s just the truth I have experienced. The greatest people I have ever met don’t carry themselves in flashy manners because Greatness will never let you know it’s growing within you, a true sign of greatness is not you telling the world you can beat any obstacle, but its knowing that in those moments when those giants that used to break you down come to fight you, you are able to stand up against them and tell yourself, “not anymore”.
Romans 12:2 NLT
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “Advice for Frustrated Leaders” PODCAST out now.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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Have you ever wondered why you keep attracting the wrong type of people to your life? I used too ask myself that questions and this one bitter leader told me “ you attract what you are “ and I made that my mantra for years. The issue with this statement is that if not filtered properly it is a hopeless diagnosis, it becomes a condition without a remedy because if thats who I am, then what hope do I have, right? This statement became a source of condemnation, but not conviction.
So, I decided to do something about it. I get it, I attract those people because they are a reflection of who I am, but I don’t like that version of me.. so how do I change that? IFG read once that you are the sum result of the people closest to you. Then, it hit me, if I wanted to improve who I am, I would have to improve the people closest to me.  It’s not like we can create this invisible wall that keeps the wrong people out, but we do have the power to determine who we give access to, into our lives.
Once you build the right foundation of people in your life, they will be a great starting point to be able to help you filter the right people in your world, and why do I say the “right” people, because these 3 people are the 3 people who will help you become the person who is continually growing and becoming the leader you have been called to become.
Person #1 : Someone you’re learning from. We all need someone that we look up to, and learn from. Having someone ahead of you shows you that it is possible to become more, achieve more. You get to be continually inspired not just from books or podcasts but from a living, breathing person who has faced the challenges you’ve faced and gives you a confident assurance that it is possible. Having someone you’re learning from doesn’t save you pain, but it saves you time! You will still have to endure your own trials and challenges but you will know that if they were able to do it, you can do it too!
Person # 2 : Someone you’re building with. Life is better when we do it together! This is a fact. There’s nothing worse than the feeling of being in a room full of people but still feeling alone. This is one of the toughest impacts that social media has on us, it has wired us to become people who attract fans, but not friends. You Need Friends. People you build with are people that are “at your level”. Students, workers, people who are growing and sharpen you not because they know better, but because they believe in you. When you have people who are with you in the journey, building alongside you, it makes you realize you are not the only one playing by the rules, that why you are a part of is greater than the part you play and it’s the right person to filter with without having to wonder it will affect their view of you because they are probably facing similar challenges since they are working at the same level that you are. Friends are not a luxury, but a necessity.
Person # 3 : Someone you’re raising up. Greatness isn’t achieved by what you build but who you build. This one might be a tough one for leaders to grasp, specially if you're just getting started, but its never too early to start building up the next generation. How well we develop the next generation determines the exponential growth of our mission. Nothing validates the future of an organization like someone who is eager to learn the ropes and keep it going. People need what you have, what you carry, what you know, who you are. It is a false sense of humility to think that we have nothing of value to pass down. Every battle, scar, victory, defeat, is a nugget of wisdom that someone out there can benefit from, be open and engage the next generation!
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abecamacho · 5 years
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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “I'm Tired, Now What?” PODCAST out now.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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Be the same person privately, publicly and personally. @Judah Smith
If you can’t lead yourself you can’t lead others. Leadership is proven in personal, family and ministry example. @BrianHouston
When our souls are healthy we change the environment, the environment doesn’t change us. @carllentz 
Success is attached to purpose and passion more than stage and fame. @ChadVeach
To create a work of art the artist does not need beautiful material but to see beauty in the material. @ErwinMcManus
If you want to change the direction of your life change the declaration of your lips. @StevenFurtick
A leader without hope has no where to take people. @RichWilkersonJr
Platforms done elevate, they expose. @ChrisDurso
Don’t look for a significant ministry, make you’re ministry significant.” @DavidChrzan
Assume the best or bring out the best… either way the best is yet to come!” @PeterToggs
You may be a product of your past, but you don’t have to be a prisoner of your past” @JoelOsteen
God wants you to love real people, not ideal people.” @RickWarren
I don’t want to become the best version of me, i want to become the best version of Him.” @ChristineCaine
Dont let a moment change the message. @SergioDeLaMora
You can’t expect someone to give what they don’t posses in their heart. @RichardDeLaMora
The truth may hurt you but don’t let a lie comfort you @TJAnglin
What feels like our worst interruptions may actually be God’s greatest invitations. @CraigGroeschel
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abecamacho · 5 years
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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “How to Not Make the Same Mistakes” PODCAST out now.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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Hi there, this is a very simple yet deadly post to help you better listen to God’s voice this season, enjoy!
1 Drop the “Cant tell me nothing”
God will often speak through the people we expect the least. Don’t let your pride and insecurity keep you from receiving His direction.
2 Watch your mouth,
It’s a conversation, it is way easier to listen when you stop talking for a minute and let him say something. Trust me, a word of his carries more than a speech of ours.
3 Just do it #nike
God’s language is obedience. (“If you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15) It’s not that he has nothing else to say, its usually that you haven’t followed through with what he told you last.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “Dealing with self doubt” PODCAST out now.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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We’ve all seen the pictures… Essentials! And we all have them, the few key items that we must have in our style arsenal to make sure we look and feel great. Here is a list of Essentials that we all must try to have in our lives!
1 . A clear conscience
“Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith,” 1 Timothy 1:15
If you don’t feel good about yourself, people will sense the vibe. Christianity is meant to be enjoyed, not endured! I encourage you to every day make sure all debts are paid, that you forgive people, ask for forgiveness, let go of grudges and come clean with God about your personal life, it will revolutionize the way you connect with people and the way you see yourself!
2 . Humility
“and be clothed with humility” 1 Peter 5:5
Jesus personified humility, an attitude of servitude. As we’ve been called to be like Jesus, its on us to choose to put on the garment of humility. Humility is the unexpected key that opens doors that not even talent can open.
3 . Daily purpose.
“without vision the people perish” Proverbs 29:18
We’ve all heard it, “boredom is the devil’s playground” If we don’t receive directions from God daily, we will follow directions from others. It might seem like busy is good, but so many christians walk a long way but still is the wrong way ( J cole bars) because they woke up and life happened to them instead of making life happen for themselves. Get to your word, God is speaking to us,
4 . Smile.
“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,” Proverbs 15:13
Smiles lift the atmosphere, it gives security to people, encouragement and not only does it bless others but it will affect your mood and it’s a gift from God to remind us that everything is going to be better.
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abecamacho · 5 years
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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN “Becoming a Better Decision Maker” PODCAST out now.
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