abigailmoment · 2 days
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Some foresty D&D portraits, free for personal use (non-commercial, non-redistribution), just kick back some credit to me. :>
These are from 2020-02-03 and I’m like, dang, why haven’t I been able to stylise leaves as nicely ever since. XD
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abigailmoment · 6 days
Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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abigailmoment · 6 days
I found A Dream of Silence last night and stayed up til 2am playing... and I would have stayed up longer if there was more. thank you for the incredible experience and for all the FEELINGS, and for the immaculate characterization, too -- it wouldn't be real Astarion if I didn't get threatened at least once. :) I'll be thinking about your game for a long while.
Oh, I'm delighted it inspired late night engagement. It's been a few months since I've had a story capture me like that. It's always equal part enthralling and exhausting.
Is threatening people with knives a love language? It is now. #astarion
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abigailmoment · 6 days
Hello! I just finished act 1 of your game, dream of silence? It’s actually amazing? You are so cool and this game is so cool! Do you have any idea when act 2 is going to be released yet? I will be bouncing around my walls in the mean time
Thank you so much! I'm very glad you liked it. I have plans to work on Act 2 in May, and it should be out some time in June.
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abigailmoment · 6 days
I finished the gamey game, it’s amazing, (what system did you use to make it btw?)
I had my durge drow in mind, he was very good at killing the mouse
I used Twine! It's my instinctive medium of choice and when I'm very interested in something I almost always want to make a Twine game about it.
Oh, a Durge WOULD be very good at mouse killing. That makes sense. Perhaps I should add more Durge choices. There's a big one in Act 3, but only one.
Then again, maybe the game doesn't need more angst.
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abigailmoment · 6 days
Hey, just finished playing your game, and whoa!!!! it's so good!
Ambiance, gameplay, and the mystery! I've played about five rounds, before I even discovered the secret name and class feats existed!
I also saw the end message, about classes you don't have, and I main fighter in BG3 (4 playthrough with fighter)
Should I poke you on the discord if you want some feedback?
But anyway, banger of a game! Straight to my bookmarks!!!
(bounces happily) I really love hearing about people playing multiple times and discovering secret things.
Yes please poke me on discord. I would love that. I'll be getting into making Act two sometime in May.
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abigailmoment · 7 days
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Poetry? More like CROWETRY!
Read Crow Time // Read Namesake // Patreon // Store
Crow Time Plush is now up for sale!
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abigailmoment · 9 days
Ello! I just played A Dream of Silence and absolutely loved it!!! You did such a good job with it, I just adore the idea and the writing of the 1 Act. I saw that you needed some unigue interactions for a cleric and thought that you might like the idea: if the Touch or Speach are high enough level, maybe cleric can use healing touch or healing word on Astarion? Get him a couple of hps, depending on the trust level? Also, loved annoying Godey, made sure to push him and unlatch the door whenever I could, just to be an ass, lmao. Though it could be fun if it had some consequences in the future!
Allo! Thank you! That is a delight to hear.
That is a beautiful impulse that's a little too powerful for the game. It's important that the player's actions be slight, small things that are none-the-less deeply significant.
I'm also trying to avoid specific spells and abilities, to keep the player's identity ambiguous.
YES. Annoying Godey is an extremely worthwhile occupation! And I absolutely agree--how you engage with Godey will determine parts of how Act 3 goes.
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abigailmoment · 9 days
Hello! I just played a Dream of Silence, and it's such a well executed text game! I thought it was awesome!
You mentioned possibly wanting some assistance with certain class choices in this game, and as someone who often identifies as a barbarian, I'd love to help! I didn't know where else to go to mention it, so I thought I'd throw you an ask 😅. Is there a place to officially submit interest to help with the project?
Yes please. Give me all the barbarian opinions.
I think you already contacted on Discord, but just in case that was another rage-fueled-individual, I've noted down your tumblr username.
I'm going to start running people through Act 2 sometime next month.
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abigailmoment · 9 days
This dream of silence you made is absolutely fantastic I'm blown away
Thank you! It was very fun to make.
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abigailmoment · 13 days
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A monster has its teeth in your companions.
It builds nightmares out of their worst memories and drinks their pain.
One of your companions has a particularly bad worst memory.
Play Here
Art by @cymk8
Character Specific Achievements:
Aldiirn - Dusksong Be a bard. Use music to make first contact. belongs to @mistercrowbar
Andar - Poor Man's Dancing Lights Be an arcane caster. Try to cast magic. belongs to Tatsunara
Ember - Ghosts Need Sleep Explain why you're sometimes absent. belongs to @catsharky
Finch - Get Safe And Cared For Idiot Successfully hug Astarion. belongs to @everchased
Francys - Priorities Ignore everyone else in the campsite. belongs to @ineadhyn
Greygold - Psspsspsspss Be a ranger. Help Astarion calm down after being frightened. belongs to @jeeaark
Nawen - You're Unbreakable Be a rogue. Give your vampire a pep-talk after a particularly difficult day. belongs to @ineed-to-sleep
Ria - Music Box Be a bard. Play the theme. belongs to @ladyofrosefire
Staeve - Don't Forget Me Say something memorable. belongs to @velnna
Temiter - This Is All A Bit Much Abandon the dream using the silver cord. belongs to @not-poignant
Another link to the game.
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abigailmoment · 17 days
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Sex worker/Charity worker Halstarion AU --- More of this AU
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abigailmoment · 18 days
Number of Goblins, ranked
One Goblin - That's just a goblin. He's probably just getting his groceries or something. Leave him alone, you asshole.
Ten Goblins -- That's a fairly normal amount of goblins. There's generally around ten goblins in any given situations. They're just here for aesthetic, so you know it's a fantasy world. Remember to tip them when you leave.
One Hundred Goblins -- Ok this is too many goblins, but this is a reasonable amount of too many goblins. Like, this is maybe an army of goblins or something? My point is that they're probably here for a good reason. Best not to mess with them, they're likely load-bearing in some way.
One Thousand Goblins -- This is probably a goblin town, in which case this is really more a case of One Human, which is a completely different list only available on goblintube. If not, all these goblins are lost. Return them to the goblin town. The orcs are worried.
One Million Goblins -- A million goblins? I'm not sure I've even seen a million things in my life , and now there's a million goblins? That's, like, all the goblins. Why are you at a convention of all the goblins? Are you a goblin? Actually, no, that would make sense. Yeah, that's probably what's going on here. Sorry you had to find out this way.
One Billion Goblins -- Ok, look, at this point you have clearly been sent to a future time where humanity is extinct and goblins have inherited the earth. I can think of no other explanation for a billion goblins. This sadly means that you're the weirdo, and you have to go be a cryptid now. At least you can find a phone and read the goblin creepypastas about you.
One Trillion Goblins -- How? What is happening? This is more goblins then there are birds, and they'll all in your house? How is your house this big? Wait, forget the goblins, how is your house this big? Are the goblins here to guillotine you? Probably! Move out of your stupid mansion and let the goblins have it, you weird rich bird-hoarding freak.
One Quadrillion Goblins -- One quadrillion? I'm only like 80% sure that's even a real number! Luckily, you won't have to deal with a quadrillion goblins for long, because soon they'll collapse together under their gravity, forming a far more manageable single planet-sized goblin. Picard's not gonna be happy about this one!
More Goblins -- Fuck off, you do not have more then a quadrillion goblins. Why are you lying? Are you worried I won't like you if you don't claim to have an implausible number of goblins? Don't worry. Your worth is not dependent on your goblin numbers. Go back to the actual number of goblins secure in the fact I love you, no matter how few goblins you have <3
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abigailmoment · 23 days
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"...You wish to share?"
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abigailmoment · 24 days
"First," said Gale. "Do not kill any thinking creatures in Waterdeep unless you must to protect yourself or you have my express permission."
As Gale spoke, he could feel the weight of his words sinking into the person sitting across from him. It was like casting a spell, but took no effort. Astarion had been staring hollowly into his goblet of blood, but at this he made a faintly interested noise. As if the rule were novel and he was considering the shape of it.
"Second, you will obey me in all things," said Gale. There didn't feel like there was any honest way of softening that. Astarion didn't make any sound at all.
"Third, do not leave the tower without permission." Astarion made another speculative noise, considering this one too. But then his shoulders hunched and his eyes skittered down, as if he didn't want to look at what was about to happen.
"Fourth," Gale said, and paused. He started with some context: "There is a tressym upstairs."
Astarion's head twitched. He looked up at Gale, blinking, startled. He had the air of someone who had been bracing for a blow, and instead had just been handed a balloon animal.
"A what?" he asked.
Excerpt from The Last Will and Testament of Cazador Szarr, Chapter 4 on AO3
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abigailmoment · 25 days
As it is Passover again, it is time for the annual debate as to whether the frog plague, which thanks to a quirk in the Hebrew, is written as a plague of frog, singular, rather than the plural, plague of frogs, was in fact, as generally imagined, a plague of many frogs, or instead a singular giant Kaiju frog. This is an ancient and venerable argument that actually goes back to the Talmud because this is what the Jewish people are. If we can't argue for fun about this sort of thing, what are we even doing.
In that spirit, I would like to submit a third possibility, which is that in fact it was one perfectly normal sized frog, who was absolutely acing Untitled Frog Game: Ancient Egypt Edition. One particularly obnoxious frog, who through sheer hard work, managed to plague all of Egypt.
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abigailmoment · 27 days
i've been playing a dream of silence over and over again for like an hour LMAO im obsessed!!!!
Thank you! It was a delight and I tried to design it to be very replayable, so I'm glad that's working. <3
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