ablabberingmess · 2 years
BROOOO one of them is evil and it’s definitely not c!Sam 😭😭😭😭
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
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honestly they probably chose it for the lols but it could be because a lot of the older nokia phones are resilient as hell and if (for example) c!Tommy loses another canon life to an explosion or something his rose-pink star studded nokia flipphone will be the only thing that comes out unscathed LMAO 
c!Tommy the only character in the server with a nokia brick to receive sub notifications from confirmed?????!!!!1111
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
c!Tommy the only character in the server with a nokia brick to receive sub notifications from confirmed?????!!!!1111
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
i feel so normal about c! Tommy reminiscing how his life was “so simple” during the hotel arc 😭 😭 
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
as an Aussie/Filipino this is literally the best stream ever. Philza learning the various aspects of Aussie culture as chat relentlessly spam bin chicken and Jollibee is hella cursed but also the best thing i’ve ever experienced. 
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
hiii i made a uquiz!!!! have fun <3
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
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this stream is beyond my comprehension.
 My feeble human brain cannot even begin to grasp the complexity of GNF’s stream Quackity Wants Me To Milk Him.
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
c! cc! quackity (not to be confused with quackity from las nevadas) NOOOOOOO 
you will be missed and forever in our hearts 😔 😔 😔 
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
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tubbo and michael!! :D
i’ll probably draw the rest of the bench trio with michael… eventually, so for now have this!!
alternate and transparent versions available under the cut! <3 
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
“Alright, we have confirmed sighting of the two walking into a bakery in one of the more outlying districts. We’re contacting the owner of the establishment as we speak.”
Wilbur raises a brow, taken aback. “They’re using my emeralds to buy… sweets?”
“Presumably. They are children, Mr Soot.” They reply, a smirk on their face.
Chapter four of IWNYFBM is out! :D  (no i totally didn’t forget to post it here-)
fic summary:
Philza Craft was a soldier more ancient than the ground he walked upon; where he went pitch-black passerines followed, as did the scent of petrichor and ash. He trekked where no mortal being could, and slain the dragon that ruled over the Endermen’s homeland. He never had many personal possessions, and even fewer loved ones. He was in legends whispered among the elderly, both the good and the bad, and had held many well-deserved titles over the centuries. But even then, only two had ever sticked:
The stony Angel of Death, and the father of L’manberg’s first president Wilbur Soot, an ambitious, self-assured musician whose dreams of bigger things ultimately led him down the path of paranoiac madness.
But most importantly, Philza Craft was a man, and to local nuisance of the server Tommy “Theseus” Innit, that was all he ever was.
Tommy is a failed clone of Phil, and he finds himself in rather awkward situations because of it.
(Title excerpted from Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons)
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
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tested a procreate brush by painting a couple of dsmp characters on one layer! :D
happy (belated) l’manberg day <3
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
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Made a ref sheet of Tommy and Ranboo for my fic! c: Simply speaking it’s an AU (but not too canon divergent) where they’re both experiments. Tommy is a failed clone of Phil while Ranboo is… well, that’s kinda a spoiler lol.
You can read my fic here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/32600272/chapters/80867893
Additional notes:
Tommy and Ranboo are both around eight years old in this ref.
Ranboo, thankfully, does not need to unhinge his jaw when he needs to eat. He also has no eyelids. 
The ender particles floating around Ranboo are sentient, which he calls as a collective “Chat”. 
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
They’re already near the entrance when Tommy sees the pearl fly overhead. It wisps through the air in near silence, soaring high, high above the tallest building in the area, in the direction opposite the ocean. The blonde takes his chance.
He releases Ranboo’s hand and skews, feet pivoting until he’s facing him. He catches sight of the hybrid’s expression - a ghostly blend of fear, stupefaction and hesitance- along with the faces of all the angry people who were stomping right behind them, and stampedes towards him in full force.
“T-Tommy? Tommy??? What are you-“
Ranboo yelps as the boy collides with him, forcing the air out of his lungs. He digs his heels into the ground, gaze shooting down to see Tommy locking eyes with the very brunet they’ve stolen from. He watches in sprouting dread as he bares a wicked grin at the teen and promptly sticks out his tongue.
“Fuck you, bitch! See you all never!”
With one final exaggerated flip of the bird from Tommy, Ranboo feels the world beneath them disappear.
Chapter 3 is out!! :D
Not an eventful one this time, but we get to meet a new face and know a little bit more of what’s going on in Ranboo’s head.
Philza Minecraft was a soldier more ancient than the ground he walked upon; where he went pitch-black passerines followed, as did the scent of petrichor and ash. He trekked where no mortal being could, and slain the dragon that ruled over the Endermen’s homeland. He never had many personal possessions, and even fewer loved ones. He was in legends whispered among the elderly, both the good and the bad, and had held many well-deserved titles over the centuries. But even then, only two had ever sticked:
The stony Angel of Death, and the father of L’manberg’s first president Wilbur Soot, an ambitious, self-assured musician whose dreams of bigger things ultimately led him down the path of paranoiac madness.
But most importantly, Philza Minecraft was a man, and to local nuisance of the server Tommy “Theseus” Innit, that was all he ever was.
Tommy is a failed clone of Phil, and he finds himself in rather awkward situations because of it.
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
Chapter 3 WIP
Here's a quick WIP of chapter 3 of my fic! Progress is going smoothly but it may  take another day or two until I can upload it onto ao3. c:
The fic is basically a Labinnit & Labboo AU where Tommy is a clone of Phil! there is a lot of Allium Duo for the first few chapters but it eventually develops into bench trio and sbi. For the most part I’m not planning on it having too much angst, only hurt/comfort, but time will tell where I will go with this!
TWs for the fanfic so far: Swearing, because Tommy, and derealisation. 
For those who may be interested, here is the link to the fic! https://archiveofourown.org/works/32600272/chapters/80867893
Tommy has never felt this tired in his long, lengthy life of eight years.
He has not had a full meal in half a week and he’s somehow clutching a kitbag that was a lot heavier than it looked in one hand, practically dragging a five foot three enderman across a bustling train station in the other whilst also being hightailed by what seemed to be the worst person he could’ve stolen from.
Prime he was fast. He can hear his shouts (which were full of profanities and expletives that Tommy will make his life’s mission to use as much as possible once they safely get outta here) getting closer no matter how much he forced his legs to hurry the fuck up. Either that guy was made entirely of muscle or Tommy and in extension Ranboo were a lot more malnourished than he thought they were.
He spares a glance behind him, eyes widening further when he notices a large group of uniform-cladded humans had noticed the commotion, some staying to type on some sort of handheld device while the rest pursue them, but unlike the guy that may or may not be made entirely out of muscle they actually knew where they were going, and they definitely were going to snatch the both of them if they kept to their current pace.
To put it lightly, they were in a tricky situation. But good thing Tommy has the biggest brain in all of the Overworld. 
“Ranboob!” He yells through gritted teeth, zigzagging through the watching crowd. “There’s an ender pearl in the bag! Make yourself useful and get us the fuck out of here!”
Ranboo nods frantically despite knowing the other boy wouldn’t see, his free hand hovering over the bag. He struggles for a few seconds before reaching in, his claws shaking from either terror or from running at full throttle. 
(Hint: It’s both.) 
Almost straight away he feels and pulls out a twinkling green sphere - an ender pearl. Ranboo gasps and gapes at how it fits into his hand like a jigsaw puzzle finally completed, routed with an emotion he can’t quite place. It shimmers and catches the light the exact way his own emerald eye does, texture similar to glass yet less firm. 
(It calls to him and he sees Home for only a split moment, towers and citadels and a boundless Void he’s only seen in flickering dreams.)
 With a grunt, Ranboo throws it as far as he can.
They’re already near the entrance when Tommy sees the pearl fly overhead. It wisps through the air in near silence, soaring high, high above the tallest building in the area, in the direction opposite the ocean. The blonde takes his chance.
He abruptly releases Ranboo’s hand and skews, feet pivoting until he’s facing him. He catches sight of the hybrid’s expression - a ghostly blend of fear, stupefaction and hesitance- along with the faces of all the angry people who were stomping right behind them, and stampedes towards him in full force. 
“T-Tommy? Tommy??? What are you-“
Ranboo yelps as the boy collides into him, forcing the air out of his lungs. He digs his heels into the ground, gaze shooting down to see Tommy locking eyes with the very brunet they’ve stolen from. He watches in sprouting dread as he bares a wolffish grin at the teen, and promptly sticks out his tongue.
“Fuck you, bitch! See you all never!”
With one final exaggerated flip of the bird from Tommy, Ranboo feels the world beneath them disappear.
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
The second chapter of my fic is out!! c: if any of y’all are interested in a Labinnit & Labboo fic with the sbi and bench trio dynamics (with a bit of world building, just to spice it up) as it’s main focus then i have the fic for you! 
Philza Minecraft was a soldier more ancient than the ground he walked upon; where he went pitch-black passerines followed, as did the scent of petrichor and ash. He trekked where no mortal being could, and slain the dragon that ruled over the Endermen’s homeland. He never had many personal possessions, and even fewer loved ones. He was in legends whispered among the elderly, both the good and the bad, and had held many well-deserved titles over the centuries. But even then, only two had ever sticked:
The stony Angel of Death, and the father of L’manberg’s first president Wilbur Soot, an ambitious, self-assured musician whose dreams of bigger things ultimately led him down the path of paranoiac madness.
But most importantly, Philza Minecraft was a man, and to local nuisance of the server Tommy “Theseus” Innit, that was all he ever was.
A canon divergent AU where a throwaway line is taken seriously and expanded upon.
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ablabberingmess · 3 years
i may or may not have just written the first chapter of my own rendition of the Labinnit AU (and Labboo AU, if that’s a thing-)
The plot is not quite concrete yet, but i’m getting there. This is based on the (awesome) idea that Tommy is a failed clone of Phil, so if you’re interested in that type of canon divergent AU with sbi dynamics (though wilbur is phil’s only son here) and bench trio as it’s main focus, then i got the fic for you! :)
current triggers!!! Swearing & a tiny bit of Derealisation 
Philza Minecraft was a soldier more ancient than the ground he walked upon; where he went pitch-black passerines followed, as did the scent of petrichor and ash. He trekked where no mortal being could, and slain the dragon that ruled over the Endermen’s homeland. He never had many personal possessions, and even fewer loved ones. He was in legends whispered among the elderly, both the good and the bad, and had held many well-deserved titles over the centuries. But even then, only two had ever sticked:
The stony Angel of Death, and the father of L’manberg’s first president Wilbur Soot, an ambitious, self-assured musician whose dreams of bigger things ultimately led him down the path of paranoiac madness.
But most importantly, Philza Minecraft was a man, and to local nuisance of the server Tommy “Theseus” Innit, that was all he ever was.
A canon divergent AU where a throwaway line is taken seriously and expanded upon.
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