abluemarama · 4 years
Accidentally Attached (p1)
A Senators daughter who just wants to show the world her worth. When her father and the First Order start an alliance, she finds the perfect opportunity to wriggle her way in. Doesn’t take long for a certain Knight to figure out secrets even she didn’t know about herself... ((new writer, feedback would be great. enjoy!)) CHAPTER 1 Flames danced around the pair, heat embracing their bodies that were drenched in the blood red light. But the flames could not compare to the fury that was in the man’s eyes. As his lover poured out her heart, he was being blinded by delusion. Something was going to happen, you could feel it as your throat constricted. “Anakin,” the woman spoke as if she was in great pain, “you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path I cannot follow”. At these words, the man seemed to burn brighter than all the flames around him, his love for her forgotten in a blink of an eye. You could see the change, even though she carried his child, even though he had seemed to follow this road because of his love for her, she was no longer safe from him. As if the poor lover’s luck had not already worn thin enough, out stepped another man from the ship. Shock was evident on the woman’s face, but the man next to her had little care as betrayal cut through his heart. He lifted his hand, and the woman begun to float, chocking. “Anakin…” she struggled “Are you alright, my lady?” Illiya called your name, snapping you out of the nightmarish vision. “I’m sorry?” You saw her eyes wonder down to your neck where… oh, your hand was clasped around it. You removed it immediately, snapping around to the mirror to make sure you hadn’t left a mark- how your mother would kill you if you dared show up to a council meeting with such ‘sin’. A single tear rolled down your cheek. Turning, you saw Illiya offering a handkerchief to you, which you accepted gratefully. What a pain it’d be to have to redo all this makeup over a single tear. “Was it another… vision, my lady?” she asked hesitanty. You met her eyes in the reflection of the mirror, she had only recently joined as your handmaiden and even after all your attempts at making her a friend- she seemed to be frightened of you. You could see it now, the doubt in her wide eyes. It made her look like a child, though you were sure she was the same age as you. You scanned of her face, it was heavily chiseled, with pale skin dotted with freckles and chocolate brown locks. If only she’d let me play dress up with her, you frowned. “Yes.” You responded, pulling your dress up. She seemed to notice the struggle and quickly came to your aid. “Should I tell your mother you‘re una-“ she begun. “No, no, Illiya. Knowing her, she’d have my head for this evenings feast” you joked, inwardly grimacing as no reaction came from the girl. “Alright then, my lady” she said, looking down shyly after finishing the task, “you best be off, the meeting is starting shortly”.You turned the mirror once more, behind your reflection you saw the woman from the vision stand behind you, gazing at you distantly. And then you were out the door in an instant, hand rubbing your neck. The meeting had been as boring as all the hundreds before it. Sure, you wanted to be involved with your city and making sure it was prosperous- but this was just so tedious. As a girl, you had always imagined be much more… hands on. Getting involved with the politics, speaking with leaders and dazzling them over with your charisma, perhaps win a negotiation here and there. You liked to believe you were cunning, though no situation had arisen to prove this theories. “The crop is failing,” said an elderly man with a comically droopy face. Perhaps that is what I will look like… it has to be from sitting through these mind numbing meetings for so many years. “Your word, my lady?” said the man, who after much consideration you decided to creatively name Droopy. Perhaps you would have more time to decide on a more interesting name if you weren’t scrambling for an answer to a question you most definitely were not listening to. “Uh, yes, sir” you glanced over to meet your mothers eyes only to be met with a graceful glare built on probably years of practice. Before you could really figure out the details, you began speaking, “We swap the crop to where we intended to build the new residential area just below the mountains. There, the crop will be on more fertile land.” Wow, you really hoped that was the correct answer because that sounds very smart. “We… well, that’s brilliant, my lady. My apologies, we should’ve thought that before wasting time here.” Droopy replied, definitely shocked at your answer (honestly you were too). You met your mother with a smug look, but you were met with a deadpanned one. You were sure you could see a glint of proudness. The rest of the day went as per usual. After finally being given leave, you not-so-gracefully speed to your chambers. As soon as you stepped foot in your room, you immediately slipped down the back of the door and sighed, closing your eyes. You had a long day, you at least deserved to be a bit dramatic. Time to kick back, relax and take your hair out of this ridiculously hard hairstyle. But as you opened your eyes, you’re met with a room which definitely doesn’t belong to you, or anywhere in this city based of the architecture. Standing slowly, you scanned the area- high grey walls, steel beams, polished black floors, dimmed lights and minimalist furniture. Stunning, you thought, in a creepy modern prison cell sort of way. Each step you made echoed throughout the dead silent bedroom. You couldn’t imagine sleeping here though, the room itself made you feel isolated and lonely. Your train of thought was disturbed by an ominous door in the wall. Slowly, approached it, and whatever was waiting in the other side had dread building in your stomach. This can’t be a vision… that feeling of detachment isn’t there. As you hovered you hand over the doorpad, but you hesitated, somethings off. Before you could decided you next cause of action, you were interrupted. A loud crackling buzz filled the room as you felt a scandaling heat rest at the back of your neck. Definitely not a vision, you thought bitterly. Slowly, your turned, hands raised in truce and you were met with a man. A man that loomed over you, an air of danger clinging to him, a black mask adorned on his face. Kylo Ren. Oh boy, were you in trouble
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