abonotabba · 3 years
Concentration camps are opening in Russia.
Do not let us die again, we where left once before because of a part of ourselves we can’t control.
Don’t let is die, don’t ignore our cries.
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abonotabba · 3 years
A/B/O Presenting Headcanons
What age do they start presenting?:
Male Alpha: 13-15
Male Beta: 13-15
Male Omega: 15-17
Male Gamma: 13-15
Male Delta: 12-14
Male Sigma: 14-16
Female Alpha: 15-17
Female Beta: 13-15
Female Omega: 13-15
Female Gamma: 15-17
Female Delta: 12-14
Female Sigma: 14-16
Male Alphas usually present earlier than male Omegas because their anatomy takes less time to develop fully. The same is true for female Omegas and female Alphas.
Deltas are the earliest dynamic to present because their strong scent markings and sense of smell gives them away.
Alphas and Gammas present at equal rates for both genders.
Male Omegas, female Alphas, and female Gammas are the latest to present.
How do they present?:
Alphas and Gammas present at their first rut. The first one usually lasts about a day, and over time it will even out at about three days. Ruts occur about once a month, but it can be more than that if they are in constant contact with an Omega or Sigma in heat.
Betas and Deltas don't have any special event. But over time, they begin to give off faint smells that are unique to their dynamic. Betas tend to be saltier, like sea air, while Deltas have a scent similar to pine.
Omegas and Sigmas present at their first heat. Their first heat can last a week at the most, but it will eventually decrease to 4-5 days. Heats happen once every month. Once the length of a person's heat becomes consistent, they can start blockers or dampeners if they wish.
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abonotabba · 3 years
A/B/O Roles Headcanons
Alphas: Protect and provide for the pack. In modern times, this translates to getting a job and making sure all of the pack mates are okay. Alphas are very territorial, and it's in their instincts to make sure the home is secure and safe. They alternate between working and taking care of the pups with the Omegas.
Betas: Provide balance between the Alphas and Omegas. Since they don't have as strong instincts as the other dynamics, betas are the ones who keep the modern world functioning. If a pack doesn't have enough money to get by financially, a Beta might take a job outside the home, although most do this of their own free will. At home, they keep order among the pack mates, especially during heats. They're usually the default pupsitters when an Alpha or Beta isn't available. Betas are also known for taking care of finances and helping the Omegas with other menial tasks.
Omegas: Raise pups and care for pack mates. It's a common stereotype that all Omegas love and want pups of their own. While this simply isn't true for all of them, Omegas have the role of caregivers for the rest of the pack. Most stay at home, although some seek jobs outside the house. They care for their mates and pups, as well as the house.
Gammas: Do what is necessary to protect the pack. Some Gammas like to be in charge and actively lead their packs. However, they aren't afraid to give up control to another person if they aren't adequate for the job, no matter their dynamic. Besides leading, Gammas usually take jobs and care for their packs. They also reason with Alphas when they let their aggression go to their head.
Deltas: Prevent conflict and keep the pack balanced. Since their unique sense of smell lets them detect emotions easily, Deltas keeps order in the pack. Some work at jobs, while others devote themselves to housework. They act as a middle ground between the Alphas and Omegas and keep the raging instincts in their place. They also take care of tasks that need special concentration and care for pups.
Sigmas: Protect the pack mates and raise pups. Though they are expected to stay at home and act obedient, Sigmas don't like being told what to do. Most have jobs and will fight aggressively for what they want. They take care of pack mates who need comforting and raise and protect pups with all their might. Between working and housekeeping, they protect their pack with a fury that could rival any Alpha.
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abonotabba · 3 years
I have an idea for how the dynamics came to be that’s pretty common among A/B/O blogs: blood types. However, I also have an idea for how + and - Rhesus symbols fit in. The answer is Gammas, Sigmas, and Deltas, and I’ll get into that in this post. Here’s where they all stack up:
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A+ blood belongs to Alphas. Alphas with A+ are usually dominant in personality, and have very strong mating and protective instincts. The + Rhesus symbol means that they have an extremely small, almost 0% chance of being a Gamma. Most Alphas are born with A+ blood (which is true in real life, too).
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B+ blood belongs to Betas. All Betas are good at adapting to new situations and usually keep a level head. However, Betas with a + Rhesus symbol don't have much in the way of instincts, and have generally higher intelligence because of this. There are almost zero known cases of B+ betas developing into Deltas. Nearly all betas are born with B+ blood.
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O+ blood belongs to Omegas. Omegas with a + Rhesus symbol tend to have great nursing and protective instincts, but not in the same way as Alphas. While Alphas use brute strength to break up disputes, Omegas use words and sympathy. Omegas with O+ blood practically never show Sigma-like behavior. O+ Omegas make up a little over half of the Omega population.
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A person with AB+ blood can grow up to present as an Alpha or Beta. Since this blood type is very rare, not much is known about what influences it to swing one way or the other. Preference towards presenting as an Alpha or Beta sometimes runs in AB families, but this isn't very common. All people with this blood will develop into an A+ Alpha or B+ Beta. AB blood is almost always almost +.
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A- blood belongs to Gammas. Gammas are a subtype of Alphas due to their small population, and the only difference between them is behavior. Gammas are more submissive and emotionally intelligent than most Alphas. However, they still share the same instincts and mating capabilities. A Gamma with A- can never develop into an Alpha.
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B- belongs to Deltas. Deltas are a subtype of Betas, though they share the same instincts. But while Betas have very faint scent markings, Deltas have scent markings that are comparable to an Alpha's. Deltas also have a much stronger sense of smell, like Omegas. Because of their rarity and usefulness, Deltas are one of the most highly desired dynamics for jobs and mating. A B- Delta can never develop into a B+ Beta.
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O- blood belongs to Sigmas. Sigmas make up a minority of Omegas, although they still consist of approximately 40% of the Omega population. Sigmas are very rebellious and strong-willed, while Omegas tend to be more submissive. Besides Alphas and Gammas, Sigmas are one of the dynamics most likely to lead a pack. An O- Sigma can never grow to present as an O+ Omega.
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A person with AB- can grow up to present as either a Gamma or a Delta. Like Rhesus + ABs, there is no clear correlation as to which individuals present as which dynamic. No people with AB- blood can develop into Alphas or Betas.
Later, I'll be back with another post explaining this concept, and instincts, better.
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