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The Bats Name
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The Game
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Mcdonalds Nose
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I was showing my tutor my bat plushie and its progress when she pointed out that the nose looked like the Mcdonalds M. Now i can't unsee it.
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Short Tail Coats
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I used short tail coats as my inspiration for my bats vest, I thought it was fitting as he had been through some battles and was awarded for it. It shows his status and importance. Though I had to make some changes since my character doesn’t actually have arms, which is why it became the vest it is and while the character does have a lot more detail than the plush i still hd to simplify for the style that i wanted.
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Howls moving castle
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biblical angels
what we were taught was different
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Paranormal and Myths
bloody mary
charlie charlie
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Nightmare before Christmas
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What remains of Edith Finch
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Alice in wonderland
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Sally Face
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Sally Face is an Indie adventure game which follows the story of Sal Fisher, who more commonly goes by the name Sally Face. Sally Face is a boy with a prosthetic face who recently moved into an apartment. He makes friends in the apartment and they investigates local murders together. The game has five chapters which get weirder and weirder as they grow up and investigate more murders with the help of the paranormal ghosts and demons around them
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Little Misfortune
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Little Misfortune is an adventure game made in 2019 set in the same universe as Fran Bow. It follows the story of a little girl called 'Little Misfortune' who hears a voice in her head who she calls 'Mr Voice' who acts like a narrator and guides her through the game on a quest to get eternal happiness for her mother who is sad all the time and wears a mask all the time.
Little Misfortune has a friend who is a fox she calls Benjamin but Mr voice doesn't like him and tries to constantly convince her that he is evil and that "all fox's and tricksters", during her journey se adds sparkle to anything sad to make it happy. However by the end of her journey she discovers that Benjamin is on her side and Mr Voice is actually the evil one. She makes it back home after they defeat Mr Voice and tries to talk to her mother who crying to a policeman but she won't respond to her. As it would turn out she had died at the start of the game while crossing the road and Benjamin tries to lead her away. She wishes her mother happiness one last time before leaving. Little Misfortune then gets taken to a world very similar to where Fran Bow would go where a tree full of crystals would be and a crystal would appear for every time she bought happiness into the world. If she found all of them the tree would be emptied of its happiness crystals and there is a cutscene where her mother takes off her mask and because she no longer needs to pretend to be happy.
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Fran Bow
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Fran Bow is a horror adventure game set in 1944 where you play as a ten year old girl named Fran. She is found in the woods and is admitted to Oswald Asylum after witnessing the death of her parents and the loss of her beloved cat, Mr.Midnight.
Fran suffers with trauma-induced amnesia and she struggles to differentiate between fantasy and reality. She sees a doctor/ therapist frequently and is given a new pill at the start of the game that she doesn’t respond well to and passes out. The new medication is taken away from her but she is told by a strange voice that she needs them in order to find her cat. Each time she takes a pill she is able to see another reality, a dark, twisted and bloody reality where a demon is after her. She manages to get the pills back and ends up in the basement were the really sick patients who were lobotomized are. She soon escapes and falls into a well where she meets twins who are sewn together who are also witches with spells and potions. She goes on to escape and meets many other characters like Itward who a tall talking skeleton and a floating furry axolotl doctor who helps her when she gets turned into a tree and takes her to a bug ruled land. 
In the end she ‘dies’ at the hand of another doctor but is then saved by her new friends and is taken back to the bug land with her cat, she asks if she ca bring her therapist who had helped her but is told she can’t. So the likeliness that this could all be in her head is high, but what is interesting is that there is another game called Little Miss Fortune, which is about a girl who suffers a lot who also dies and ends up in the same place.
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