abramsjahki · 2 years
Critical Thinking Application Activity: Manor Park Neighborhood Develop
We think the money should be used for an equal amount of things like crime, education, youth development, senior care, affordable housing, and business investments. The reason why we think they should go into each of them equally is because they are all very important and they need action now. We think they should go towards long-term solutions because usually the long-term solutions are the most important, and they tend to have a better impact on society when done right. We also think the information that’s more relevant is them recognizing the problems in the area and the least relevant is probably them mentioning the stores like dollar general and the liquor store we would guess. We think they have could use more information about specific problems that are happening to theses businesses and what stores a being impacted heavily by these problems. We think that the money should go into multiple interventions and depending on which one it should go into more than others. They should equally distribute the money, so that it will be more fair on each other.
Group Members: Tyson Lowe, Jahki Abrams, Aaliyah Walker, and Autumn Brown
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abramsjahki · 2 years
Fieldwork Chapter 13
I interviewed an older lady, who for anonymity reasons will be referred to as Red. Red was born in the South American city Georgetown, Guyana, she lived there for many years with her 7 siblings, parents, and grandparents. She grew up in The Salvation Army, a very church going, and God devoted family. This allowed her to meet her husband to be and shortly after bare children, where she would them spawn them into the church also. Being on the countryside of Guyana wasn’t enough for Red and her family of 5; when asked about her pushes and pulls of migrating she said, “A pull needs a push… you don’t just up and just leave home without a reason to leave and another reason to come.” Red’s husband got a job at an insurance company and that was her pull; her mother passing was her push, Red felt as if she needed to start somewhere fresh because she was never going to heal staying at home. After being back and forth from America to Guyana trying to obtain citizenship, Red officially moved to New York City with her 3 kids and husband in 1974. When asked about any bridges and barriers that came along with moving to a new place Red emphasized that the biggest barrier was her being black with 3 black children. Racial divide in America was still very high at the time and she says she would feel it in the air, it felt thick and ominous every time she stepped out. Red believes that her bridge was much stronger than her barriers. Red was said to be the smartest person in the room no matter the room. This would take her far, with her getting jobs in both a private banking firm and the government. Red believes her immigration story is not one many can tell because it worked out for her family. Her 3 children all going to school and making very good lives for themselves, her career ending very successfully, and generational wealth built through property. 
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abramsjahki · 2 years
Fieldwork 10
Karl Marx seen the evolution of the social class as worker and boss. In which he called Bourgeoisie and Proletariat, believed that the capital class was in possession of everything needed to succeed such as factories, land, and tools. With everything being owned by the capital class this left the working class with nothing and the need to work for the capitalists. The Bourgeoisie would pay wages to the Proletariant in exchange for their labor. This article talks about how after getting their independence, farmers are barely making to stay up float. This unfortunately led to hundreds of thousands turning to taking their own life.
When I heard Max Weber ideology of prestige in social class, I instantly thought of the royal family. Weber believed the higher your reputation and influence, the higher you were in social class. The Monarch of England has been around fro hundreds of years, they are biggest in prestige and have access to resources easier than "ordinary people" do not have access to. This article talks more about how the royal family and what kind of pedestal they were held at.
Pierre Bourdieu believed that the education system did not push for equality amongst students in regards of their social class but instead recycled the same wealthy families within their institutions. We see it in movies where the dumb rich kid is in a pristine school due to their families wealth or prestige. This is not only seen in movies; the rich really do use their money to put their kids through college and other private schools. As any parent wants they want their kids to get the best education, but I'm not pointing the blame towards the families, the blame gets thrown to the schools that disregard equality and boundlessly take the rich's money to fill their pockets. The seat someone who really deserves it may be taken by the rich, or maybe the rich seats were already reserved.
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abramsjahki · 2 years
Chapter 9 Fieldwork 
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I don't find my lineage tree that I know with 100% accuracy any interesting. I know that sometime during my Mother's side her ancestors were slave owners, and other ancestors are from Puerto Rico. My mother side might be interesting to some because of the many unknowns that exist. I am not sure how many siblings she has because her father was not so much a monogamous kind of guy, however, I am confident to say she has over 8. Although my mother has 7 kids my father only has 2, me and my twin sister. My father is the oldest of 3 kids between my grandfather and grandmother, all born in the West Indian country Guyana. Just like my mother's side my father's father was also not so much of a monogamous person, so I'm not entirely sure how many other siblings he has and neither is he. My twin sister is more of the family person so if she were to do this I can bet she would have nearly 100 relationships In her tree; she would be the lineage recorder that connects my family together. With the combined 10+ siblings my parents have, and those siblings have children, then some of those children bearing children; family members in Guyana, Canada, US, and Europe my family map is extensive and hard to accurately record.
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abramsjahki · 2 years
Fieldwork Chapter 5
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I believe this picture demonstrates nativism. Nativism is he favoring of certain long-term inhabitants, namely whites, over new immigrants. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed for many reasons but one reason was to keep white purity. Banning a certain group from coming to a opportunity country because they wanted to work and send money back to their country was discriminatory and racist.
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This image is flat out racist. And it connects to individual racism that Is defined as personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminatory actions based on race. Thinking that black people are criminals and that they are the only race to commit crimes is sick. This is separating human groups into upstanding citizens and criminals. Black and non black.
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In the late 1600's a culture concept was constructed to establish who is white and who is not. This was named whiteness and as you can see in the above image, there is a boundary of who is white and who is not with different shades of skin tone. This is shows a bias classification because with the bi-racial people around they wanted to keep black folks out.
Hypodescent is the assignment of children of racially "mixed" unions to the subordinate group. Meaning that even if you had a single drop of "black blood" you're black. This tiktok connects to the term hypodescent because Dr.Umar makes a statement that there are no halves, you're either black or not. This is perfect because this is probably the thinking of the creators of this categorization.
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This sign is directing people to a segregated area that only colored folks can go. This was made possible by the Jim Crow Laws. Laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to enforce segregation legally, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery. This image clearly shows how time back then was and viewers can resonate and connect to that time period.
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Institutional racism is defined as patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems. This image gives an insight on the difficulty of life as your skin color variates. Just as racial inequalities is instilled in systems the darker you are the harder it is for you to succeed and be fluent in the world.
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abramsjahki · 2 years
FieldWork #2
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As I got a chance to reflect while completing this assignment, I realized that I have fallen into the culture pressure of buying numerous items. I have always thought of myself as a simple person, never really cared about the brand of clothes I wear. I never really cared about how people seen me, never cared about the "hype". But as I reflected and discern that I have LV belts, Balmain jeans, a MacBook, Burberry and Dior shirts, with Jordan's, Yeezy's, and Crocs. I now see I don't need these things. I could've gotten a regular $20 belt; I could've gotten a nice $300 laptop; but I subconsciously felt like I needed these to stay rather up-float in society. I feel like my PS5 is my most needed item because of the mental affects it has on me, it really can calm my nerve by jumping into another world, which also duals as a communication method to connect with my friends back home. On the other hand, I feel as if one of my pens are my least needed items I have due to me taking notes and doing all my work on my laptop.
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abramsjahki · 2 years
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Making Moisturizer Unfamiliar
Moisturizer may be one of the most common human item. You can go into anybody's house whether they are black, white, big, small, young, old. Moisturizer is basic skin care and surprisingly dates back centuries.
Moisturizer was introduced at different times in many different ways. In the 1100's Saint Hildegard cooked barley in hot water, strained it, and when placed in on the face it gave off a fresh steamed feeling. Early Australians in the 1500's would skin emus', to extract this oil they would hang the skin up on tree's and have the sun melt and liquefy. Ancient Greeks used local products such as berries, milk, honey, olive oil.
My item is from Bath and Body Works which is owned by a parent company in L Brands, producing most products in the United States. This item has a huge impact on my life. I am someone that likes to be around people, and people love when you look and smell good. It leaves my skin feeling soft and replenished.
The people that are directly involved with manufacturing this item have many things to say about their time working there. Some say it is a nice place to work and others may say it is very fast placed. For the most part the workers enjoyed their time there with an overall rating of 3.8/5 stars.
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abramsjahki · 2 years
Key Dynamics of Globalization 
Increase in Migration is people moving from one area to another due to different circumstances. May it be war, better opportunity, or cultural presences.
2. Uneven Development in the image above displays wealthier people that are focused on expanding and progressing technology while there is still world hunger.
3. Time Space Compression is the theory of as time moves on space gets smaller due to technology progressing. As the image above depicts, the time to travel across the world has decreased, making the world seem smaller than it is.
4. Flexible Accumulation is the practice of companies offshoring allowing them to maximize profits. Larger corporations are able to use other less developed country labor where they are able to pay them less.
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